02x21 - Charge!! The Kaio-ken and Kamehame-Ha of an Indomitable Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x21 - Charge!! The Kaio-ken and Kamehame-Ha of an Indomitable Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »

Let me go! Please, let me go! I don't even know Vegeta! Even if you take me to Freeza, there's nothing I can tell him! Which would mean I'm done for.

Thinking back, my life has been a series of hardships No! No, no, no! I don't want to die here! Let me go! Hey, calm down! For crying out loud, what a handful she is.

There are still some things we have to ask you.

We can't let you die so easily.

How many times do I have to tell you before you get it!? I don't have anything besides that Dragon Ball! We'll see.

I wonder how well you'll be able to feign ignorance like this in front of Freeza-sama.

So, why is it that Freeza-sama started collecting these Balls, anyhow? Beats me.

It's probably something lower-rank soldiers like us don't need to know.

Don't you guys have the slightest idea what the Dragon Balls are? Let's go.

Y- you dummies.

When you get the Dragon Balls together, something fantastic happens.

You don't say.

It's true! The Dragon Balls are amazing things that can grant any wish! Stop talking nonsense! It isn't nonsense! If you bring the seven Dragon Balls together, you could have power beyond even Freeza's! What? I- it's true.

That's why everyone is so desperate for them, you know.

Hey, Buleberry, we don't have time to listen to her hogwash.

So, wouldn't it be better if you guys left me alone, and went off to gather the Dragon Balls? H- hey! I- if you make a wish about wanting to make the universe your own, it could come true! Let's go, Buleberry! Sounds interesting.

Hey! Now, hold on.

Freeza-sama would be thrilled if we brought all seven Dragon Balls to him.

Besides, if what she says is true, then we could become rulers of the universe! T- that's right! That would be the best thing to do.

Come on, let's go where the other Dragon Balls are.

I- I don't know where they are! Y- you guys go look for them on your own! I see.

You're saying you want to meet a painful fate here, do you? No! Help! Now, where are they? T- the sea! They're submerged beneath the sea! Is that right? That's where they are, huh? Let's go, Raasberry.

What choice do I have? Kaio-ken!! All right! Here goes! Ka me hame-Ha!! Yikes! Whoo, that was close, that was close! But it looks like my body is pretty much able to take it now.

Yow! Hey J- just a minute, here! Hey, what are you planning to do!? We're going to have you lead us to where the Dragon Balls are.

Y- you've got to be kidding me! I can't accompany you guys into that sea! Just come along.

Listen, I won't run away! I can't breathe underwater! Honest! You knew? Once they realize there aren't any Dragon Balls anywhere, they'll k*ll me for sure.

Get going! I know-! I'm going! I'm going, okay!? I don't have anything like a w*apon installed.

The most that I have are flares.

Where are the Balls!? At this point, it's time to get desperate.

I remember! It's a little bit farther that way.

ls this where? That's it.

If I can lure those guys in there In there! In there! Go on in there! In there, okay? J- just a minute! What are you doing!? This is certain to be the place where I die.

J- just just a minute! See? Over there! See? They're over there! Over there! Are those? That's them! That's them! They're over there, aren't they? You should hurry along, too.

He's going to have them all to himself.

Go on! The more the better, you know! Hurry up and take them.

Nice! I'm blinded! You take it from here, if you please, Monster-san.

What kind of guys are these!? I'm done for now! I've had it! Good grief, you've got to be kidding me, making me work this hard! No way! Wah! Kuririn! Hurry up and come back! It's been nearly four days.

Is it still far? Yeah, a little farther.

Dammit, Grand Elder-san is going to be dead.

All right How about we try drastically raising our pace? As far away as we've come, there's no way Vegeta will know.

Y- you're right.

Besides, Father will be here really soon.

That settles it, that settles it.

Let's fly at full speed! Right.

Go! If we fly at this speed, we'll arrive in an hour.

Right! I've found you at last! There are two presences- Kakarrot's son, and the runt who was with him.

Though I thought they would be coming here, after my Dragon Balls, but they're somewhere pretty far away.

I don't know what they're planning, but if I let this opportunity pass, I probably won't have another chance to force the location of the last remaining Dragon Ball that they have out of them.

If I take this one with me, then even if that woman does seek this place out with her unusual little device, she won't be able to get all seven.

All right! You're going to pay this time for sure! Brace yourselves! Freeza-sama! We just received a message from the Ginyu Special Corps.

They said that they are currently passing through the area near 9035-XY, and that they would be arriving shortly.

Very well.

They are finally arriving, are they? Seeing as how, fortunately, nothing has happened, it would appear that Vegeta has been unable to get all seven Dragon Balls together.

Remember this well: Once I get the Scouters the Ginyu Special Corps will be bringing, I will be able to find you, no matter where you are.

Exactly what sort of men are in this Ginyu Special Corps, who would be arriving shortly? And with Vegeta having finally discovered Kuririn and Gohan, is there any way for them to get out of this crisis?
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