02x27 - Uncommon Strength!! Son Goku, the Legendary Super Saiyan

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x27 - Uncommon Strength!! Son Goku, the Legendary Super Saiyan

Post by bunniefuu »

No doubt about it.

Goku has landed on Planet Namek.

Son Touchdown.

Touchdown on Planet Namek.

Disembarkation okay.

Disembarkation okay.

Opening door.

Opening door.

What's this? Whose spaceship is that? It's Goku! Goku has finally arrived! I have to find those three quickly.

Be alive, Kuririn, Gohan, and Bulma.

There's one over this way and one over that way What is this? This place is packed with guys that have ridiculously enormous Ki.

Gohan! Kuririn is in bad shape, too! Both of them are near death! They're close, where those three other huge Ki are gathered.

I'll be right there.

Just hang in there.

Now's the time when I show off the results of the 100-times gravity training I went through.

Gohan K- Kakarrot, you bastard are you finally here? Goku Kuririn, I'll give you a senzu bean right away too, okay? Okay, Gohan, here's a senzu.

Eat it.

Gohan! Hey, Gohan! It's no good.

Your neck is broken, and you're barely breathing.

All right, that's okay, Daddy will feed it to you.

H- hey! Who are you!? One of those kids' friends? I'm going to force it down, okay? He just up and shows up in front of us.

Who is this guy? He was pretty fast.

That bastard might be even faster than you, huh? Ha! Stop joking around.

Don't count me alongside that guy with the trash-level battle power.

Yo! Can you stand? F- Father! D- did you come for us? Hey, that kid who was nearly dead is now! H- how did he do that? Are you okay, Gohan? Father, be careful! Those guys are Hold on, Gohan.

I have to go give Kuririn a senzu, too.

O- okay You had a real rough time of it, didn't you, Gohan? Yes, I was helpless.

Why has Vegeta taken such heavy damage, too? He was beaten up by that pineapple-headed one.

That guy has incredible strength.

Goku Kuririn, sorry to keep you waiting.

Here's a senzu.

I'm sort of happy, and yet sort of unhappy Unhappy? Again!? He's recovered, as well.

W- what is going on here? What the hell did they? Goku, you must know how strong those guys are, right? The senzu may have restored us, but we're just going to get done in again.

As disappointing as it is to say, this is too much for even you to handle, Goku.

Those guys' strength is in a whole other league.

Even Vegeta is absolutely no match for them.

Oh, right, right Now that you mention it, why was Vegeta beaten up by them? Ain't they on the same side? Yeah, apparently, they used to be on the same side You don't have to talk.

Let me probe you.

P- probe? F- Father? I see I understand a lot now.

Like how you two have raised your powers so much, and how Bulma is safe.

The way the Dragon Balls were taken from you, this Freeza guy, and those guys over there, as well.

Y- you're kidding, right!? How could you know that!? I don't know.

I just had a feeling that if I did that, I would know.

Apparently, Vegeta is the same nasty guy as ever, but whatever the reasons, it looks like he saved your lives during this fight, huh? W- when did you gain this ability? There's only one senzu left, huh? Vegeta! Eat that! That was the last one, right? Why? Father What is this? My body is! T- that was stupid! Were you planning to heal him and have the four of us fight? That won't do any good! That ain't why.

I want to settle the score with him later on Earth.

S- settle the score with him later? You mean? Yeah.

H- hey! I'm going to take care of these guys alone! Take care of them alone!? Father! You're going to take care of us alone, you say? You're a strange bastard.

What is he thinking? He hasn't gone crazy, has he? Whatever he does, there's no way he can beat them.

W- what's wrong with you, Father? At least make this a little bit entertaining.

Hey, how much battle power does this trash bug have? He really is a trash bug! His battle power is only about 5000! Oh, that's disappointing.

He's just a big grandstander, huh? This is strange, all right.

Why is he so unusually calm? Doesn't he know what his opponent's capabilities are? That can't be right.

But I don't sense even a trace of bloodlust from him.

D- don't tell me! That bastard Hey, hey, hey, are you all right? What are you trying to do with a battle power as puny as that? J- just a minute, I say! M- my Gohan-chan is in trouble! I can't just sit around! This is it, right? Go on, hurry and call Gohan-chan! I- I don't know what sort of intuition or whatever you've felt, but there's no need to panic.

Hurry it up! O- okay Hey, Bulma, do you read me? Hey, I say! Hey! I- it's from Dad.

Hello? Dad? ls that you, Bulma? What's happened to Son-kun!? When is he going to arrive? It's been six days already! What, hasn't he arrived yet? That's strange.

Maybe I messed up my calculations.

What about Gohan-chan!? How is Gohan-chan doin!? Chichi-san ls he safe? Tell me he's safe! I- I don't know if he is! l'm the one who wants to know what's going on here.

Huh? This guy is crazy, all right.

He's about to be k*lled, and here he is, smiling.

You can't beat me.

I can tell without even fighting you.

Of all the things he might have said! Hey! Did you hear that? This trash bug is talking outrageously big! H- he's funny in the head, all right.

He was never the sort to talk big, either.

Father, you don't, by any chance, not realize your opponent's power, do you? D- don't tell me! No, that can't be possible! There's no way that lower-class fighter Kakarrot could ever become a legendary Super Saiyan! I can't take any more jokes from such a deeply stupid bastard as you.

I'll shut you up forever in no time flat.

T- they say that Super Saiyans appear only once in a millennium.

A Super Saiyan, who can surpass barriers that even the most gifted warriors cannot It couldn't be that's just a ridiculous fable! E- even if the legend is true, l'm the only one who has the potential to become a Super Saiyan! Okay, are you ready? Ginyu Special Corps, ReaCoom Mach Punch!! Whoop-oop-oop-oop-oop He vanished! Huh? This can't be He's nowhere.

W- what the? H- hey, what the hell is this? What!? W- why, you! When did you manage to? What!? He's over there!? Looks like Vegeta is the only one who caught where Goku was.

W- was he able to see him move just now? You guys are in league with that bad guy Freeza too, aren't you? You can get away now without getting hurt.

You'd better get out of here.

W- what the? W- why, you bastard! Looks like you're pretty sure of your speed, at least.

But no matter how long this lasts, you can't win if all you ever do is run away.

All right, if that's how you want it, let me show you my best move.

I'll warn you, though, no matter how fast you run away, it won't do you any good.

After all, ReaCoom-sama is going to blow away anything within a fairly widespread area.

We'll find out what Kakarrot's true worth is this time.

Have you made your peace? I'm going to send all four of you into the next world! ReaCoom Y- y- yikes! Ultra Fighting Miracle Sorry about that.

You just left yourself so wide open, I couldn't help it.

Sorry, sorry.

Y- y- you b- bastard D- did Father defeat him? H- he couldn't have They're kidding, right? However much that attack took him by surprise, he took the guy that Vegeta and we couldn't do anything against, no matter how hard we att*cked him with with just one blow W- what's going on? ReaCoom is That attack should have been nothing.

D- damn it all! T- that was no ordinary attack! You can't fool my eyes! That was an incredibly heavy strike! H- he's clearly beyond a Saiyan combat level.

But exactly why is he? What the hell kind of special training did he do? ls the legend true? ls he is he a Super Saiyan!? The Super Saiyan Had Goku now become the legendary warrior that even Vegeta held in awe?
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