02x30 - Incredible Force!! Did You See Goku's Full Power?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x30 - Incredible Force!! Did You See Goku's Full Power?

Post by bunniefuu »

Vegeta! Your guard is down! He got him! Yow Damn that Vegeta I see now, you're a lot better than I expected.

And having Vegeta run off on you like that must have hurt too.

l have to end this quickly.

Otherwise, what little hope we have will be lost.

This is a nice development.

From what I saw, Kakarrot and Ginyu both have about the same level of ability.

If I'm lucky, the two of them might just take care of each other.

If that happens, I can't fail! As soon as I get the password to have my wish granted out of those runts, I'll take care of them, too.

Then, once I make myself immortally young, I'll have a chance of beating even Freeza in battle! Gohan, no matter what it takes, we have to borrow the Dragon Radar from Bulma-san, and find the Dragon Balls before Freeza gets the password from Grand Elder-san.

Right! You certainly have impressive speed for a Saiyan.

Ginyu Special Corps Commander, Ginyu Super Fighting Pose!! Like this? F- fool! Your feet are reversed! Your feet! Oh, really? You know, you guys all pose in the strangest ways, huh? I've never seen anything like it.

W- what!? Can't you grasp the splendor of the Ultra Fighting Pose!? It doesn't matter to me either way, I'm running out of time.

Sorry to interrupt your big entrance, but I have to end this right now.

Oh, aren't you the confident one? This is the first time that I, Ginyu-sama, have heard such insolence.

If you had dared to come off to me like that while we were sizing each other up earlier, I would not have hesitated to knock you off your perch.

You see, like yourself, I'm the type of fighter who can change his level of battle power at will.

That's the Commander Ginyu I know so well.

He's not at all agitated.

That's no surprise, I guess.

Even if that guy's battle power really is around 60,000, then Commander Ginyu's maximum fighting power is much higher.

Yikes! Geez! What could everyone else possibly be up to while I'm here, struggling by myself like this? How do I know they haven't all forgotten about me, and are just goofing around now? Good grief, first my spaceship gets all broken, and I can't go back to Earth.

Then my transmitter gets all broken.

Nothing is going right.

All right, it's fixed! That certainly did take up a lot of time and effort.

W- what was that just now? A- all seven of them are in the same place, aren't they? I- I'll just bet they were going to leave me behind, while they went and made their wish to Shen Long! All right! But suppose the person who has gathered the Dragon Balls is Vegeta, instead? Not again! W- what is it with this planet anyway? I know! Even if it is Vegeta, I can just say, " Send me back to Earth" first! Hey, that's simple enough, isn't it? With that settled, I'm off to the Dragon Balls! Let's go! All right He's fast! He might have the edge on speed! Oh, crap! I managed to bottle you up there pretty good! Dammit! Commander! He's all ours now! Damn he's got incredible power! I can't get free! Commander! You can shatter his bones any time now, and finish him off! l- l'm out of options! At this point, l'll have to use Kaio-ken Wha-? C- Commander! Who asked you to help, Jheese? C- Commander! If you pull anything uncalled-for like that again, consider yourself dead! Yes, sir.

And as for you! You're still hiding your true power level, even now! Did you really think I wouldn't be able to tell? Perhaps you were planning on saving that energy for a battle with Freeza-sama.

Don't you dare take me so lightly! I'm itching for a good fight, the kind I don't get to enjoy every day, so cut out your silly charade! Okay, you got it.

I'll show you my true power.

Very good.

I doubt you'll be able to rest in peace if you're k*lled without using all of your power.

Use that device of yours that reads your opponent's power, and take a good look at my rating! I won't even need to look at my Scouter.

Your rating should only rise to around 85,000.

Kaio-ken! I- impossible! I- it's still going up! lncredible, Goku! His power continues to rise, not knowing where to stop Just what is Goku's true power? Exactly how much is it? And what is Ginyu's true power?
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