02x16 - A d*ck on One Knee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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02x16 - A d*ck on One Knee

Post by bunniefuu »

"44 Across, men are from
mars, women are from..."

Let's see.

5 Letters, starting with "v."



d*ck! d*ck, look who
I met outside. Michel.

Michel? You're a girl?

No, he's from france.


Michel asked me to
take a picture of him

Standing next to that statue
of general rufus putnam.

Oh, did you make him put his
finger in the general's nose?



That means yes.


Le general a un nez
grand, n'est-ce pas?

Mais bien sur, et
froid aussi, non?

Oh ha ha ha. Oh ha ha ha.


And nina, this is sally's
delightful new french guy michel.

Marie and neenah.

Your names could be french.

[Both giggling]

Yeah. Yeah.

I took 3 years of
french in high school

And I can't remember a thing.

No, I am in america.

I am the one who needs to learn.


Michel, how do you say
"nice to meet you" in french?



Ok. How do you say 555-0189?


Ok. You might want
me to write that down.


Michel, uh, we should be going.

It was fantastic
to meet you all.

He's so charming.


On my foot I have a big,
painful, oozing blister.

[Imitating michel's
french accent] a blister!

So, michel, what time is
it in france right now?

Uh, 4 a.m.

Wow. It's so early.

You have been so
wonderful to me, cherie.

I never meet a woman like you.

And you never will again.

You are not only
beautiful, you are kind.

But more beautiful, right?


So, um, how long are you
planning on staying in rutherford?

Sally, I love this place.

I would like to stay very much,

But your government is...

Not so nice.

Except for abraham lincoln.

Yes. Nice man.
Very... Very nice man.

But... Your country is not
safe for someone like me.

There is only one safe way
for me to stay here, kind girl.

I need to get married.

Sally, would you marry me?

Yeow! Damn!

Hot-diggity-dog! Oh,
man, oh, man, oh, man!


It's just that nobody's
ever asked me that before.



You're what?! You're
what?! You're what?!

I'm getting married.

Why are you doing this?

2 Reasons... I'm a
woman, and he asked me.

Lieutenant, aren't you
forgetting something?

You're right. The
wedding announcements.

No! The mission!

d*ck, this is my mission.

It's what women
are supposed to do...

Get married, have babies,

Hire total strangers
to raise them,

And then wonder
where they went wrong.

It happened so quickly.

How did he know
it was time to ask?

He's a man. Men
know these things.

But I'm a man.

Am I missing something?

You? Never.

No flies on you.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Besides, I've dated
more than any of you.

But by no stretch
of the imagination

Have you been the
most promiscuous.

Oh, trust me, high commander.

Michel's a great guy,
plus he's loaded. Look.

He's giving me $5,000, he
wants to marry me so badly.

2,000 Up front and the
rest when the deal's done.

As a gift?

No, no, tommy.

This is what's known as a dowry.

It's an old-world
marriage custom,

And michel is from there.

Maybe if we hold out,

He'll throw in a goat or two.

The best part of everything

Is I get to have a
wedding, you know?

Big white dress, long veil,

Crappy band.

Ahh. It'll be a day
I'll always remember.

Ok! There's work to be done!

Harry, I want you to find me
something old, something new,

Something borrowed,
something blue. Go!

Tommy, get me a deal on flowers.

d*ck, your job is to sit back

And just get overwhelmed
by the whole process.

Hi. Can I help you
with something?

Yeah. My sister's getting
married. She needs flowers.

Anything in mind?


You know what?

I have a sample bouquet

From a wedding we did yesterday.

Something like this maybe?

Yeah. Yeah, that's nice,
but it doesn't really, uh...


I was thinking something
maybe a little more like this

And maybe a spray of these.

Oh, these are great.

Could you hand me
the ribbon back there?

No, the ivory.

Now, this rocks.

Young man, you have
quite a knack for this.

Flowers, huh?


She's getting married.

Oh, that's so romantic.

She just met him!

I wish I'd have met him first.

d*ck, do you have a
problem with this?

No, why should i?

Sally's fulfilling her
purpose as a woman.

Oh, please, d*ck.

Not every woman feels her life
is incomplete until she got a man.

Well, hasn't your life been
better since you met me?

Yes, but we've taken the time
to learn about each other.

We've learned a lot.

We've been together over a year.

We're not getting married.

Certainly not.

We've never even discussed it.

You've never even brought it up.

Neither have you.

Well, we're talking
about it now.

I have a phone call to make.

Me, too.

Whoa. Beautiful flowers.

Oh, thanks. I arranged them.

Really? You did a great job.

Uh-uh. Don't touch.

You don't want to
overbunch the vase.

Each flower has to be
allowed to have its own moment.

Oh, yeah, moment.

My uncle wally owns a
flower shop in florida.

His roommate jasper
helps him run it.

So, you think he'll
pass it down to his kids?

No, I think the legacy stopped
right there in south beach.


See, this is the third set of
little people you've sent me,

And once again they
bear no resemblance

To me or my future husband.

Get it right.

Sally, I got it.
Everything you asked for.

Oh, what a relief.

Something old.

A radial, courtesy of the alley.

Something new!

A tub of vaseline
with an unbroken seal.


Something borrowed.

A cup of sea salt
from miss dubcek.

And finally, the
piece de resistenance.

Something blue. A lifesaver!


It's perfect, harry.

Ooh, those are beautiful!

Oh, thanks. I was tempted
to use willow branches,

But they seemed a bit stark.

You're very artistic.

Yeah, sure. That's the word.

Hello, sally. I heard the news.

Wow! Happened so suddenly.

Cut to the chase, mary.

Sally, she thinks you're crazy.


No, I didn't say that.

It's just that I'm concerned.

I want the best for you,

And this all
happened so quickly.

Mary, you are so transparent.

You're jealous.


You are. You are.

You want to get married, too.

You do!

Well, sure, when I'm ready.

You don't think I'm ready?

Well, I just think
you should wait.

Until when?

I'm middle-aged and I have to walk
out of the bedroom backwards

So my husband won't
see my rippley butt?

Oh, stop.


That's what you do.


I guess this was
none of my business.

Well, you're doing it again.

I'm sorry I even tried!

No, no, no. Dr. Albright,
wait, wait, wait.

Look, look, just
sit down here, ok?

It's just that I got so...

Damn arrogant, you know,

That I got proposed to.

It's like I finally
got something

I can lord over other
women, and that's not right.


I want you to be
happy for me, mary.

I'd like you to
be in my wedding.



I want you to be
my maid of honor.

My bitter old maid of honor.

Gentlemen, how do you know

When it's time to get married?

Right when that little
stick thing turns blue.

I mean, do you get married

When the relationship
stops being about sex

And starts becoming deeper?

Deeper than sex?

I just don't know if I'm ready.

Dr. Albright's tightening the old
matrimonial choke hold, isn't she?

I wish. Unfortunately,
she wants to get married.

I guess I'm just going
to have to ask her.

Why don't you buy
yourself some time

By giving her an
engagement ring?

A ring?

Sure. Something big
and showy, you know?

Proves how much
you care for her,

And that way, you can
drag it out for years.

So I just tag her,
put her on the shelf

So I can pick her
up whenever I want,

Like... Like human lay-away?

I like it.

I like that one.

Mm, it's very you.

Sally, I've been an
insensitive clod.

Yeah. I'm used to that by now.

No, no, not to you.
To dr. Albright.

Which is why I've decided
to ask her to marry me.

Good for you.

Thank you. And as
high commander,

My wedding is more
important than yours,

So I get to go first.


You horrible, horrible man!

Why do you want
to rain on my parade?

The one chance I
get to feel special

And you want to
take it away from me!

I want to be the
bride! Me, bride!


I-i-i'm sorry.

Forgive me.

I'm being selfish. You're right.

You should go first.

You've already
ordered your cake,

And I haven't even
popped the question yet.

Oh, stop crying.

There's my girl.

And what a big girl you are.

And soon I'll have to give
you away to another man.

And what a pretty
bride you'll make.

♪ Where are you going ♪

♪ My little one, little one? ♪

♪ Where are you going ♪

♪ My baby, my own? ♪

♪ Turn around and you're tiny ♪

♪ Turn around and you're grown ♪

♪ Turn around and
you're a young wife ♪

♪ With babes of her own ♪

To you, dr. Solomon.

[Imitates french accent] to me.

You are a great american.

In france, it would be
very hard to find a man

That would accept
money for his sister.

And it was impossible
in wisconsin.

Hmm. Well, she's all yours now.

I'll bet you can't
wait to sleep with her.


You know, the big
night, la nuit grande.

No, no, no, professor solomon.

This is a legal
arrangement only.

I will not touch your sister.

No! You have to! She's dying to!

What? Are you positive?

Of course. It's like
those sneaker ads say.

"Just do her."

You are a very strange family.

But strange in a
way I can accept, huh?


A votre santé.

Take care.

Ho ho.

Oh, don't push.

I'll buzz you in.



Wait to push.

I'll buzz, then you push.




All right, listen to me!

Wait for the buzzer to stop!




I give up!

And they wonder why old
downtown rutherford is dead.

You can't get into the stores!

Good morning, sir. Lovely day.

Yes. Is there something
I can show you?

Engagement rings for women.

Oh, excellent, excellent.

Diamond engagements
are right over here.


We'll start small.

Oh, this one looks nice.

How much is it?

Ah, that one is $3,000.

For a diamond?

Where I come from, we use
the big ones for doorstops.

Sir, you mustn't
think in terms of price.

The ring is a symbol.


Yes. The circular shape

Represents never-ending love.

Circular shape.


I'll give her my watch.


They're crushed velvet.

Do you... Like them?

I made them.

Tommy... Kiss me.

Uh, do you want to
go out to the rambler?

There's a few minutes
before this little procession.

No, I was just
checking something.

Hey! Hey, don't start the motor

Unless you're ready
to cut the grass!

Oh, sally!

You look so beautiful!

So exquisite.



You, my lucky lady, are
I charge of that train.

Hey, har...


Who's that?

Sally, meet blind joe slocum.

He's old,

I borrowed him
from the tip top club,

And he plays the blues.

Ok, so what do you
have that's new?

He's my new friend.

So are you with
the bride's family

Or the groom's?

Neither. I'm with the immigration
and naturalization service.

We have reason to believe there's
an illegal alien in the wedding party.


Mary, there's something
I've got to ask you

Before this whole thing starts.

Oh, d*ck, not again.

You're on sally's left,

And remember, no
skipping down the aisle.

[Knock on door]

Can I borrow a toothbrush?

There's the most adorable man

Out there with the government.

He's looking for aliens.


Thank you, miss dubcek.

Now, go out there

And hypnotize him with
your feminine wiles.

No problem.


Family meeting, family meeting.

Aah! Oh! Aah!


Are you sure?

I've got to see michel!

No, wait a minute!
Wait, wait, wait!

No, wait, wait,
wait! Wait, wait, wait!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

What's going on?

They're white.

Mary: wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, michel,

But I can't marry you.

What?! I'm sorry.

But I need to get married.

They'll send me
back. I'm an alien.


I'm an alien.

Wow. Ok.

See, this is never going to work

Because I'm an alien, too.

Then... Then what
is the point of this?

I don't know.

Then give me back my money.

I can't. I spent
it on the dress.

Wh... We...

Pull yourself together, man!

Somebody's here looking for you.

Now, come with us
and we'll protect you.

No! No, no, no, no, no!

I am sick of you and
your crazy people!

Crazy people! You're crazy!

Come on, albright.

Oh! Oh!


Oh, mary!

We're leaving town.

No particular reason, you know.

Call of the road.

Oh, d*ck, you shouldn't
be embarrassed.

Michel's the one
who got arrested.

They got michel!

Oh! Oh!

Yeah, that guy from immigration.

It was an ugly fight.

The french tend to kick
a lot when frightened.


Yeah. They said they'll be sending
him back to france in the morning.

Of course!

He's from another country!

That's why he's an alien.

Alien from france!

Not a quivering purple
tube from a distant galaxy

Sent to study humankind.

What? I said "not."

I'm sorry, sally.

That's all right, you know.

I got the cake. I got the dress.

I got almost all
the way to the altar.

But you didn't get married.

I know, but what the heck?

Hey, as long as
we're all dressed up,

Who wants to go bowling?

Tommy, harry, grab my train.

She made a beautiful bride.

She'll make a beautiful bowler.


There's something I've
been wanting to ask you

For several days now.

I've thought about
it long and hard,

And I know it's the
right thing to do.


Will you wear my watch?

I can't wear this.

Oh, I see.

I thought it's what you wanted.

It's just too big.

I know it's a big step,

But don't you think that maybe
someday you might want to wear it?

Well, maybe, if...

If I gain a lot of weight.



Captioning made possible by
carsey-warner productions,

National broadcasting
company and coca-cola classic

Some white irises,
gerber daisies,

And a sprig of eucalyptus
for balance and scent.

Cool. What you doing?

I'm making a centerpiece
for the football team.



It'll go great on
their training table.

I can't wait to see their
faces when they see this baby.
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