02x24 - d*ck and the Single Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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02x24 - d*ck and the Single Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

[Testing emergency
broadcast system]


What happened? What did you do?

d*ck, he touched it!

I didn't! What's happening?



What the heck is going on here?

You almost made me spill my joe!

That noise, don, what is it?

[Test tone stops]

All right, everyone,

There's no need to panic.

This has been a test

Of the emergency
broadcast system.

Why, is there an emergency?

No. This has only been a test.

Had this been an
actual emergency,

You would've been instructed on
where to go in your area for shelter.

Shelter from what?


Whoa! Aah!

To interrupt a
program of this quality

Under the guise of
national security

Is preposterous!

Oh, look. It's back on.


Hmm. X-files.

Never really got it.

I know. It's so inaccurate.

Say, sally,

How's about tomorrow night

I buy you the biggest
steak in town?

How's about you
throw in a baked potato?

How's about you
wear that red dress?

How's about you
pick me up at 8:00?

How's about I come
a little earlier?

How's about you let
us watch our show?

Oh, look at that.

I bet they break
the genetic code

And realize scully's
been implanted

By the smoking guy.

Oh, look at that.

The alien just put a
probe in that guy's ear.

Everybody knows you
can't get a brain scan

Through the ear.

You got to go through the butt.

You know, I bet I could
write a k*ller x-files.

I could write one in my sleep.

I could write one
hanging upside down.

I could write one with a crayon.

I could write one if I lost both my
arms and had to type with my feet.

I could write one...

I want to watch one!

Why don't you shut
up and go write one?

Fine then. We will.

Come on, harry.

Yeah. Come on.


And when it's on tv,

I'll talk all through
the damn thing.

See how you like it!

Someone should take the probe

Out of his butt.

It's so sad when a
colleague leaves, you know.

You really feel as
though a part of yourself...

So, sonja,

It's a shame we didn't have time

To get to know
each other better.

[European accent] uh, yes.

15 Years goes by rather quickly.


So, uh...

Why'd you decide to
take that job at columbia?

Uh, well,

My mind was made
up once I found out

That they had the only
unpublished collection

Of the early geometry
writings of nikolai lobachevsky.

That would be my major
reason for relocating.

Can you take more than one?

Oh, take as much as you want.

Nobody's going to
show up to this thing.

You two should be
ashamed of yourselves.

Poor sonja umdahl has
wasted years of her life

In this stuffy, mildewed
book mausoleum.

The least you could
do is wish her well.

Yeah. Shame on you.

Uh, oh, bye-bye, sonja.

Oh. She doesn't have
many friends, does she?


She's just shy.

And introverted.


Go introduce yourself.

Oh, no way, mary.

Some of the students said

That she has
spiders in her hair.

Get over there!


Morgan's physical
basis of heredity.

Uh, a quick read,

Although I did find the
footnotes intrusive.

Me, too.

Uh, d*ck solomon.
Physics department.

Sonja umdahl.

I knew you two would get along.


Thanks for coming.

And staying.

So, uh, let's go.

No, no, no, no.

I got an idea.
Let's do this right.

Sonja, why don't you come
over to my house tonight,

Say, uh, 7:00?

And we'll fix a
going-away dinner for you.

I'll bring dessert.


Sonja: well, uh... I'll...

Hi, excuse me.

I'm looking for somebody.

A big, strapping
guy, handsome...

He's a cop.

Hi. Here I am.

Good for you. I'm
looking for somebody.


It's me.



Did you shave your mustache?

I never had a mustache.

Are you wearing contacts?

No, sally.

I'm wearing my glasses.

Are they new?

Not since eighth grade.

In strictly quantum terms.

Oh, of course.

And just like you can have
quarks and antiquarks...

And neutrinos
and antineutrinos...

Now, wait a minute,

Isn't a neutrino
a breakfast bar?

You were saying?

You can actually have a particle

That doesn't have
a counterpart...

But is an entity all to itself

Which exists simultaneously
as its own opposite.


The photon! The photon!

You're right!

Yes! Yes!

Es ist ganz wie...

Das ist ja wie... Yeah, right!

Oh, dr. Solomon...

You are a fountain of knowledge.

And you...

Are a puddle of smartness.

Ok, that's it. The party's over.

Drive her home.

But mary, it's so early.

I wanted to hear sonja's
thoughts on refraction.

Oh, I'm sure

It wouldn't be very interesting.

Oh, sonja, I'm sure
it's fascinating,

But I'd rather go to bed.

So have a nice flight,

Drive, life...


I'm so glad we met.

And I'm so glad

You don't have
spiders in your hair.

Ok, harry,

The first scene is critical.

We have to hook the viewers

With something exciting.

How about a picnic?

Picnics aren't exciting.

I've been to some
exciting picnics.

We need something

To get the juices flowing.

Maybe we should
start with a fight.

Hmm! I bet that might just work.


"And mulder...

At a picnic."


Good morning.


Isn't it?

The air is crisp. Dew is on...

Where the hell have you been?

Well, I took sonja home,

And we were having so much fun

That I spent the night.

Did you have sex with her?


I only do that with you.

And sometimes farrah
fawcett, in my head...

Mary, all we wanted
to do was talk.

Oh, come on, d*ck.

A man and a woman cannot
connect intellectually

Without eventually connecting...

With their connectors.

Are you saying that just because

Sonja and I share the
same intellectual interests,

We're destined to
share the same bed?


Well, that's ridiculous.

Sonja's far too intelligent

To have sex with me.

Here you go.

Thank you. Nina,

Do you have many men friends?

Oh, yeah. Lots.

And they're just
friends? You don't...

You know.

Oh. Ha ha!

Then, no.

I think sonja umdahl likes d*ck.

So? A man would
have to be a lunatic

To be attracted to that woman.


Oh, no, nina, i... I trust d*ck.

I really do, but...

There's something about
that woman that bothers me.

Want to know what I heard?

Sometimes, if you peek
through the library window

When she doesn't
know you're looking...


You can catch her with
snakes moving all over her head,

Just moving all over
her head, snakes...

Oh, and then I rinse

And then I repeat...

And then I rinse,
and then I'm done.

Oh, hello, sonja. I
thought you moved.

Um, soon. Soon.

I'm just tying up dead ends.


I, uh, understand you and d*ck

Had an interesting
conversation last night.

Oh! He told you?

d*ck tells me everything.

What she needs to know

Is are you after d*ck
solomon, yes or no?

Oh, my god! Is that
what you think,

That I want your boyfriend?



Oh, I'm so sorry.

I never should
have kept talking,

Boring him with my thoughts.

Please forgive me.

You're the only friend I have.

I'm sorry.

It's ok.

I'm still your friend.

So is d*ck.


You want to go
get a cup of coffee?

No. I'll just stay
here for a moment.

I have to get myself together

Before I go back out there.

Oh, ok, honey.

I hope you're happy.
You made her cry!

I didn't! Yes, you did!

[Sexily] hello, professor.

Sonja, I thought you left.

I couldn't leave, dr. Solomon.

I couldn't leave you.

Oh. I'll be all right.

You can pretend all
you want, professor,

But sonee sees through
your little charade.

Take me!

Uh, sonja, i... I can't
do this with you.

This is what mary is for.

Aw, come on!

Do you mean to tell me

You always talk calculus

With women you're
not attracted to?

Now sonja is itchy.

Scratch her.


I just want you to know
I spoke with sonja today.

You did? I didn't.

She considers us to
be just good friends.

That's all she wants.

Then why did she try to do

Unspeakable things to me?


Right here on this desk!

Things that only you do

And not nearly often enough.

I can't believe it.

Believe it, mary, she wants me.

And not just my mind.

She wants my body.

My beautiful body!

I can't believe that
woman stood in my office

And lied to me!

Oh, but I resisted her, mary.

I told her I wasn't
interested in her that way.

I should hope so!

I told her to get
right out of our office.

Good for you!

And I promised to
see her tonight.


It's the only way I
could get rid of her!

The only way? Did
you try a fire hose?

Uh... No,

But I did tell her

To put her blouse back on.

That was quick thinking, right?

You know...

I am beginning to wonder

If you are as committed
to this relationship

As I am.

Oh, look, tonight
I'm going to tell her

I can't see her anymore.


Because it's either me...

Or the spider woman.


I'm the devil's candy!



I've been thinking

About what happened last night.

Well, here's what I'm thinking.

I'm thinking I'm a
starving woman,

And you're the
blue plate special

At the beef and griddle.

You had me worried.

I thought we took the
midnight train to splitsville.


We may have crossed
signals at the last junction,

But now we're back on track.

All aboard...

[Imitating train whistle]


They run down the hall.

A government agent is waiting.

He sh**t.

He hits the agent...

But he's wearing a
bulletproof vest.

Mulder runs. The agent follows.

He traps mulder in the hallway!

Both: he kills mulder!

You're brilliant.

Oh, thank you.
And you're a genius.

True, but you're the best.

Back at you. And you are super.

Both: we're both great!

All right.

Let's get that down.

Ok, buddy.


What did we say?

I don't remember.

[Doorbell chimes]

Dr. Solomon, I know you'd come.

Uh, sonja, i... I...

I have something to tell you.

You are a... A...

A brilliant, beautiful,
fascinating woman...

Let's go to bed.

All right.

No, no, no!

What I mean is, uh,

I'm sorry if I've
misled you in any way,

But my heart, my mind,

And mr. Wiggly

All belong to mary albright.

Oh, really?

Then I have something
to tell you, my darling.

But my words would be hollow

Unless sung.

Please sit.

[Arpeggios play]

[Cabaret style] ♪ first
there was newton ♪

♪ Who could tell
how things fell ♪

♪ But I never have
fallen that way ♪

♪ Then there was hawking ♪

♪ Who told of black holes ♪

♪ But I've never
been sucked in ♪

♪ Per se ♪

♪ And no one, not einstein ♪

♪ Has made me feel as fine ♪

♪ As solomon's made me ♪

♪ Today ♪

I got to go.

♪ You've awakened my passion ♪

♪ d*ck solomon ♪

♪ You've made physics
a physical thing ♪

I did?

♪ Our electronic's magnetic ♪

♪ Our energy's kinetic ♪

♪ My harmonic is oscillating ♪

Oh, boy.

♪ You've awakened my passion ♪

♪ d*ck solomon ♪

Please stop.

♪ You've made my
life turn on a dime ♪


♪ I know this sounds crass ♪


♪ But your energy ♪

♪ Times my mass ♪


♪ Would create an expl*si*n ♪

♪ Through time ♪

Oh, my hemorrhoids!

Sonja, don't!

My god, we're skipping!

Oh, my god...

Can't you see it's
bigger than both of us?


Thank you, but i...

I have to go. Excuse me.


I love walking in the rain.

It's fun.


I found it tedious.

Maybe that's because
I was with you.

Oh, don, this isn't working.

Yeah, I kind of got that vibe.

I'm sorry, don.

I'm sorry, too.

Oh, look.

The sun came out.

Yeah, but not for us.


Good-bye, sally.

It was... Nice...

While it lasted.

Good-bye, don.

Hold on there!

Maybe I've been a little hasty.


I may not have officially
made detective yet,

But I think I've figured out

What's going on here.

You're not in love with me.

You're in love with the uniform.

Could you be right?

Could my attraction to you

Be completely superficial?


I'm afraid so.

What does this mean for us, don?

I'll tell you what it means.

It means you'll never see me

Out of uniform again.

Hot dog!

And you know...

I've got a hat, too.

Wear it.

[Guitar playing,
castanets clicking]

[Doorbell chimes]

[Music stops]

Oh, it's you.

Hello, sonja.

I just spoke to d*ck.

I believe we have a problem.

I don't see

Your boyfriend wanting me

As a problem.

Let's get down to
business, shall we?


d*ck, I told you
to wait in the car!

I can't allow women
to fight over me!

Not even if they're
wearing bikinis

In a big tub of mud!


We're not going to fight.

Let's just settle this

Once and for all, shall we?

d*ck, are you interested
in sonja romantically?

Uh, well,

She's very smart
and very attractive...


Uh, but, no. Mary, I love you!

There you have it.

Game over.

The game's not over
till I say it's over.

Is the game over?


Sonja, stay away from my man.

He'll be mine soon.

Not while I'm still breathing.

Then I'll just have to
stop you from breathing,

Won't i?

Wait, wait, hold it!

Can't we please just be friends?

Someone use a fist!

[Nasally] oh, no!

I give!

I give!

Game over.

Let's go.


Oh, my god!


I am so turned on!


My little tigress.

Once again I must tell you

How magnificent you were.

I was pretty terrific, wasn't i?


Did sonja have
something I don't have?

Oh, yes.

A gargoyle door knocker.

I mean,

Do I stimulate you
enough intellectually?

Oh, mary...



No one does.

But that's not what I
want from you, mary.

I want to hear about your day,

What you had for lunch,

Why you got so mad
at the dry cleaners.

Your charmingly misguided
theories on evolution.

Your voice, mary.

I want to hear
your beautiful voice.

Thank you.



You're hurting my hand.

Well, that's it.

2 1/2 Pounds of x-files gold.

Let's send it off.

Pleasure working
with you, my man.

Effortless. Seamless.

You know, it's times like these

That makes me
proud to be an alien

Posing as a human being writer.

Times like these

I wish I'd numbered the pages.
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