04x18 - License Mastery? Goku's Newest Trial

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x18 - License Mastery? Goku's Newest Trial

Post by bunniefuu »

"License Mastery?

Goku's Newest Trial" Cut it out! I ain't all that tasty! Stop! That cloud looks like Old Man Turtle Hermit.

Father, look! Oh, you caught us a huge one there, Gohan.

Chichi's sure to be happy.

Taking these breaks from training is useless! That's the couple from the next mountain over.

Mother, we're home! I have a present for you.

Welcome home, Gohan-chan.

We sure worked up quite a sweat today.

Gohan, wanna hop in the tub with me?

Okay, Father.

Piccolo-san, will you join us?

Hey, Chichi, we'll be in the tub.

I've had enough already! This ain't even funny! You don't make Gohan-chan study, and spend all day doin' nothin' but trainin' with Piccolo! As for me, I was just chased by a wild boar, and had a real terrible time of it! Yet with you, Goku-sa, you play all ya want without any fuss! You know, sometimes I see the husband from the next mountain over, an' how they have a nice Air Car they use for fetchin' their shoppin' in! But we don't have that kind of car, and even so, I ain't got a license.

So, you can just get one! These days I bet you're the only one who don't have a single license, Goku-sa! Piccolo ain't got one.

You expect I would have such a thing!?

So then, starting tomorrow, you both are goin' to the driving institute in town and learnin'! It'll be a good chance for you two to expand your knowledge of the world.

W- what!?

H- hold on, Chichi, this is so sudden! No more discussin' it! Startin' tomorrow, you two are takin' a break from trainin', and you're gonna start goin' to the institute! If you don't, neither of you get anythin' to eat! You got that!?

So this is the institute that Chichi was talking about?

I don't see why you had to bring me into this.

Sorry, sorry.

The truth just kind of slipped out.

Let's just get our licenses quick and go back to training.

Well, I suppose that's the only way.

You know, the power of that earthling, silencing the strongest man in the universe, is formidable.

Which one of you is Goku-san, then?

That's me.

You will be under my supervision.

I hope you will treat me well Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you okay, old timer?

I'm fine, I'm fine! This happens all the time, after all.

Then you must be Piccolo-san, whom I will be supervising, right?

So now, I will first demonstrate what it is to drive, so please watch carefully.

I'm supposed to learn driving from this chatterbox?

Don't forget your seatbelt.

Dammit What?

! Here we go! Open your eyes wide and watch closely! W- what is the deal with this woman!?

What incredible speed Well, why don't we get going too Forgive me, but Son-san, wasn't it?

Could I get you to open my door?

Vegeta-chan hasn't shown himself around here lately.

Mama misses him.

For some reason, he seems to be staying overnight inside the spaceship.

You know, those Saiyans have such wonderfully tough bodies.

Lately, he's been training under a gravity of 400g.

He can do that because he's a deviant maniac for battle.


You just watch this, Kakarrot! I wonder how Father and Piccolo-san are doing.

Gohan-chan! How admirable, Gohan-chan! You've been studyin' hard all along, right?

Thanks to Goku-sa and Piccolo, you've gotten so far behind, you know?

While those nuisances are out of our way, study up as much as ya can! You're tickling me, Haiya Dragon! I've got an idea! Nicely done, Piccolo-san.

Okay, try pulling out again.

Why don't you hurry and get going?

I've forgotten how to make it go.

Not again! You know, in my you're the only one to have a memory this poor.

Sorry, old timer.

Try stepping on the accelerator.


No,I took a bath before I came.

No, not Asekusai(smells of sweat), the accelerator! There's a pedal under your right foot, see?

That's the accelerator.

Next to it is the brake.

How long before you finally remember this?

So that's it.

W- what!?

I made a mistake! What are you doing?

Right now we're supposed to be backing! Backing! That's what I meant to do! The brake! Step on the brake! Let's see, the brake is on the left, so Cut in the steering handle! Cut in the handle! A- are you sure?

Of course I am! Hurry up! I cut it! It's going to take you about three years to get your license.

But I ain't got that much time! See, if I don't train, then the Artificial Humans will Idiot.

Over there, Haiya Dragon! Ready?

Go forward.


Right! Leave it to me! All right, now press it down little by little Yahoo! I actually made it move forward! Didn't I tell you just a little bit?

Goku! Are you trying to compete against me!?

Fine! I'm not losing to the likes of you! That's the way, Piccolo-san! Father! You have quite a talent for this, Piccolo-san.


Hang on These Air Cars sure are dangerous.

Very well, today we'll start teaching you on public roads.

If you start driving recklessly like you were earlier, we will immediately expel you.

You can't possibly get your license, and I'm going to treat you as such.

See here! Don't take your hands off the steering handle! Minus one point.

Just a second now You mustn't look to the side! Looking sideways is minus two points.

You're kidding! You can't stop suddenly like that! What about the people following after you?

That's minus ten points! I'm leaving this to you, Piccolo! Thank you, mister! Goodbye! See ya! Sorry, old timer! We didn't mean to slip out in the middle of our practice like this.


Looks like I just can't manage whatever it takes for driving.

Maybe I don't have the talent.

How can you say that?

So, you mean you'll let us continue our practice?

You were marvelous! Marvelous! I am so impressed by what you did! Really?

Well, let's get our practice going again right away, old timer! Out of the question.

There's nothing we can teach to you! What?

S- so, our licenses?

What are you joking about?

With the power you two have, you don't need licenses, do you?

It's the truth! What did you say!?

You didn't get your license?

N- no.

Mother! Chichi! Are you okay?

And so, in no time at all, three years had passed.

Gohan-chan, Goku-sa, Piccolo-san, you all be careful! You're sure you don't wanna take lunch with you?

N- no, thank you.

Thanks anyway.

Well, let's go.

Because of the Artificial Humans, the future I live in is a hellish world.

Too strong They're too strong! Finally, the time for battle had come.

We're counting on you, Goku! We're counting on you, Super Warriors!
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