04x23 - No. 20's Defiant Smile... The Secret of Doctor Gero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x23 - No. 20's Defiant Smile... The Secret of Doctor Gero

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Invincible Laugh of #20, Dr.

Gero's Secret" Yeah, I guess that's about the level you'd be.

I failed to mention something When we become Super Saiyans, our ferocity increases somewhat.

We become lightly over-excited.

You guys don't feel pain, do you?

How lucky for you.

So strong! What's wrong?

Have your rummage sale puppet calculations gone awry?

Well, weren't you put together well?

Is that blood there?

Or is it oil?

I've got you! I won't let go until I've absorbed all of your energy! Oh, no! Kicking won't do any good.

I absolutely will not let go.

Absolutely, you say?

Don't you let go! Goku, it's okay.

Everyone else will take care of those guys.

We will change history.

Sure enough.

You guys really do suck energy out through your hands.

Then you take that energy and add it to your own.

You expect me to let go?

You absolutely will not let go of me.

Absolutely not! So then, this is the area on your palms that you used to absorb your energy, is it?

I've had quite a bit drawn out of me, but I figure you won't be doing that any more.

You feel fear, do you, even though you're an Artificial Human?

Why, you Not so fast! After I'm finished with him, then I can take all the time I need against you! What is it!?

Take this! It's Super Vegeta's Big Bang Attack! Huh?

What's that smoke there?

I know! That island must be where everyone is fighting the Artifical Humans! Hey! Don' tell me yer fixin' to take us down to that island?

Naturally, of course I am.

You idiot! Don' you dare! What do you think you're doing?

Cut that out! With all this shouting, you've made him cry! When that baby gets in a bad mood, he tends to wet himself, so watch out! Fool! I'm tellin' ya to turn back! We certainly appear to have miscalculated.

But, as before, there is no possibility of you coming out victorious.

I've been considerably drained of energy by that other one.

If you're going to beat me, now is your chance.

Bring it on.

Does he have some sort of strategy here?

You were ranting so yourself just now, weren't you?

About how we have absolutely no chance for victory?

I can't say I feel the same way.

What did you mean by that?

I meant that no matter how unimaginably strong you may have become, it still is not enough to defeat the Artificial Humans.

So it's nothing more than you being a poor loser then, is it?

He- he's running away! He's planning on hiding himself in those rocks! Hey, Kuririn! Give me one of those Senzu! But Hurry it up! Do you want him to got away?

Give it to him, Kuririn.

All right.

Here! Could you have made that any less snappy?

You stupid idiot! All right! You guys go on home and have yourselves a relaxing glass of milk or whatever.

Just stay out of my way! Damn him! Where does he get off telling us to go drink milk!?

He actually allowed himself to lose quite a bit of his power.

He purposely let the fight go on long enough to confirm that the Artificial Humans draw in energy through their palms.

If he had fought with that No.

20 guy just now, he likely would have lost.

Instead, he came across like he had something more up his sleeve.

Vegeta really does have a gift for battle.

He might have even surpassed Goku.

Regardless, I'm going after them! Even if it's just to confirm with my own eyes that the Artificial Humans are finished.

Me too! I'm going too! If we stop now, then I won't understand why I went through all that training! All right then.

But do not attempt to fight.

That guy is more than any of you can handle! He will be using the rocks to conceal himself.

Since he's an Artificial Human, you can't count on being able to sense him, either.

If you find him, let Vegeta or myself know immediately.

And be extremely cautious over there.

Let's go! Where are you!?

Come on out! You Coward! Show yourself! Dammit.

He's using this topography to his advantage, all right.

In that case, I'll just have to drive him out.

I'll just blow all of these rocks away! Stop! The rest of us are down here too! Take this! I accept your energy! sh**t! Damn you! Dammit.

He's a lot faster than I thought.

Looks like he's gotten too used to using an opponent's Ki to follow their moves.

I am able to follow your movements quite well, but I doubt you'll ever find me.

On the other hand, who would have thought Vegeta could be so strong?

What am I going to do?

I don't have a chance against him.

Looks like I have no choice but to return to the laboratory.

I wanted to avoid the laboratory, if at all possible Is he here too?

There's plenty of targets creeping around that I can steal energy from.

I'll drain all of their energy, and add it to my own! Then I can beat Vegeta! The cunning Artificial Human No.

20 If left unchecked, something terrible is bound to happen.

And what is happening at Doctor Gero's laboratory?
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