04x26 - And the Terror Becomes Reality... No. 17 and No. 18 Awaken!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x26 - And the Terror Becomes Reality... No. 17 and No. 18 Awaken!!

Post by bunniefuu »

"And the Fear Became Reality Number 17 and Number 18 Awaken!" What an utterly self-centered know-nothing! I get you.

All we have to do then is get there first, and then destroy No.

17 and No.

18 before Doctor Gero has a chance to activate them.

I wouldn't do such a cowardly thing.

I just want to be first in line to put the others away with my own two hands! The Artificial Humans we just took on gave us such a poor fight, after all.

You must not.

You underestimate the Artificial Humans.

As Piccolo-san said, we should destroy them before they are started up.

What foolishness! I have to find a way to stop this.

Until Goku-san returns to us I am the Prince of the Saiyans! I will not be placed on the same level as that lower-class warrior Kakarrot! It is I who am the Super Saiyan among Super Saiyans! Be they No.

17, No.

18, or anything else, I'll turn them to scrap quickly! It's already too late! You will all be k*lled! T- This is my first time against anyone like this- against anyone this strange! Goku-sa! Goku-sa! Goku-sa! Goku-sa! Goku! Hang on, Goku! Goku-sa, are you all right?

Get a hold of yourself, Goku-sa! He must be havin' a pretty terrifyin' dream.

Goku, I beg you, please get better soon! Goku-sa! How much farther is this Metro North?

We should nearly be there.

I see it! What about Vegeta?

If we don't find the laboratory before Vegeta does, things are going to get really bad.

How long were you planning on watching over me?

Get lost! You're annoying me.

I can't do that.

You want to fight with the Artificial Humans, don't you?

What do you think you're going to do once we get to the laboratory?

Are you planning on destroying the Artificial Humans, even if you have to fight me to do so?

That's probably what it will come to.

How many times must I tell you?

You underestimate how terrible No.

17 and No.

18 really are.

Being told such a thing only makes a pure Saiyan want to fight even more.

So then, where is this laboratory of Doctor Gero's?

You don't understand any of this! Gohan, ain't we at yer place yet?

I'm gettin' worn out.

What are you talking about?

That huge bulk of yours is just being carried along.

You've got some nerve.

Think about what Gohan-kun must be going through.

I don't really mind.

Yajirobe, did you hear that?

How big of you! Trunks, you be sure to grow up like big brother Gohan here! He'll be fine.

Didn't we just see how sharp Trunks-san was?

You're right, he was pretty sharp, wasn't he?

You sure you can believe that 'bout him?

I beg your pardon!?

How dare you speak so rudely of my son! Bulma-san! Sorry, but Yajirobe's- There's no mistakin' he was your kid, Bulma, but ya hafta consider he's also Vegeta's kid.

What's that!?

Let's tell Vegeta he said that.

F- Forget I said that, 'kay, Bulma-sama?

Trunks-san is a good man.

He came back through time just to warn us about the upcoming danger.

That's right! Leave it to Gohan to come up with that.

He still has a mean look about him, though.

And that's just what we'll relay to your father, Trunks! please stop kiddin' 'round, Bulma-sama! If Trunks-san hadn't warned us ahead of time, we wouldnt have known about Father's illness or about the Artificial Humans, or any of this.

On top of that, he prepared that medicine.

He really is a bright, considerate young man.

I sure hope Father is taking his medicine and getting better.

Of course he's getting better! Yeah, you're right.

I'm going to speed up some! W- W- Waitaminnit! She said Doctor Gero's laboratory was in a cave around here somewhere, right?

It sure is cold here in the north.

You think we can find it?

There are nothing but mountains all around us.

What's more, he may be able to sense our Ki, but there's no way we can feel out his Ki.

We'll have to split up and search.

Whichever one of us finds it first will signal the others.

So, what kind of signal should we use?

Suddenly raise your Ki.

We'll know what you mean.


It's so cold! We should have dressed warmer! Live with it! I'm cold too, you know.

How inconvenient for you earthlings.

If we don't act fast, No.

17 and No.

18 will be started up! All right.

Let's split up and find it.

Our future as earthlings depends on it.

Hold on! What, so you can tell us how cold you are again?

T- That's not it! I was just thinking of dividing up the remaining Senzu among us.

That's right! They'll be helpful.

There are six of them left, here.

There are three of us, and since three times two is six, we each get two.

I sure would like to take care of all this without having to use these.

So, they're here, all right.

But they won't find my laboratory so easily! Just keep prowling around! I'll k*ll you all soon enough! I mistook ya fer some game! You okay?

Good golly! What's the matter?

There was this nutty old man That's Doctor Gero! Which way did he go?


All right! Hey! Don't leave me here like this! I thought this was supposed to be a "No Trespassing" area.

This way! Kuririn! This is terrible This must have been done by Doctor Gero.

That way! Meddlesome insect! Your level of energy will be of absolutely no use to me.

Dammit! Mock me, will you! I'll crush you once and for all! Piccolo?

There's no need for me to dirty my hands at this point.

You get to live a little while longer.

Consider yourself fortunate.

It's just a matter of time now.

I- I have to let the others know But first, I have to locate the laboratory! Here it is! I finally made it back! I- I found it! I found it! Now to inform the others! He intends to call his friends, does he?

Well he's too late.

Time is on my side now.

I have to hurry and call everyone.

Everyone, come quick! He found it?

What's with this Ki?

If there were another way, I wouldn't think of activating these two.

But at this point, I have no choice.

I hope they're back in order So, have you awakened, No.


Good morning, Doctor Gero-sama.

Cordiality towards me?

Of course.

You are my creator, after all.

Looks like he's in good working order all right.

Now, for No.

18 Good Morning, Doctor Gero-sama.

Oh! Even you greet me so cordially.

It is only natural.

Apparently they're both working properly.

I see you have also become an Artificial Human.

I wanted eternal life as well, you know.

Frankly, I'm a bit relieved.

What with most of your parts being hooked in to an eternal energy source, and having so much power at your disposal, it was hard for you to keep control, and you would not accept any of my commands until now.

From now on, I will have you do as I command.

Now, I have to put you to work right away.

Very soon, some friends of Son Goku will arrive.

Deal with them all, and spare no one.



We understand.

That's Doctor Gero's laboratory.

Kuririn, nice work finding it! I guess so.

We've done it.

We can take care of them before he comes back.

Great! Yeah, well, about that What's wrong, Kuririn?

Doctor Gero already has returned.

What! S- Sorry.

You should have said so sooner! What can we do if we're too late!?

They're here! Those fearless, contemptible fools! So, you guys are on.

This door is awfully strong.

Stand aside.

I'll destroy it.

Nice of you to find this! Beat them all to a pulp! No.

17! What's this! This is your Controller, used to execute an emergency interrupt on us, isn't it?

Just in case anything were to happen.

I have no use for such a thing.

Why you-- what do you think you're doing! Is this a joke?

You think we're going to let you put us to sleep again, you old geezer?

Destroy the Artificial Humans, and you'll pay for it! That cannot be allowed! You do not understand how terrifying these Artificial Humans really are! You shut up! No.

17! Stop kidding around and destroy our enemies on the other side of that door! T- The Artificial Humans have already been activated! Out of the way, you jackasses! You must not! We should get out of here right now! Please, wait until Son Goku-san is back on his feet! After that- That won't be necessary! A scarf around the neck of a young man with long black hair.

That's No.



18 is a cute female type.

Trunks, they're just as you described, unmistakably so, right?

R- Right.

At last, the Artificial Humans No.

17 and No.

18 are awakened.

At first look, they do not appear to be too imposing.

Can they really be the mighty foes that Trunks says they are?
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