04x28 - Good Looks and Super Power!? No Blind Spot on No. 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x28 - Good Looks and Super Power!? No Blind Spot on No. 18

Post by bunniefuu »

"Super Power with a Lovely Face!?

No Blind Spot for Android 18" You should have kept your place.

Very well.

I'll do it.

Let me warn you now, I won't be pulling any punches just because you're a woman.

Then again, you're an Artificial Human.

You aren't a woman, are you?

Here! Surprising.

He's got a much greater strength than in the information Doctor Gero provided us.

Vegeta, huh?

Not too bad.

Looks like No.

18 is starting to play with him.

Hey, stackin' this way's awful rough on me, ain't it?

Please, just hang in there for a little while longer, Yajirobe-san.

Enough! Can't you do anything but complain?

How can you ask a question like that?

My belly's so empty! I gotta put away some chow! Incredible.

You have no class.

Yeah, he's such a poor example for you-huh?

Hey! This ain't funny! Which one of us ain't got class now?

Please, stop shifting around there, Yajirobe-san! You hush! I'm gettin' off! Take us down! Take us down! Whoa! You're not getting away! What am I supposed to do now?

I sure hope the Artificial Humans haven't overtaken Gohan and Bulma-san.

Dad What's that?

What's the matter?

Have you stopped running from me?

You guys are just fooling, right?

What the-?

They've come back.

There's no way I can tell if you wind-up mannequins suffer damage or not.

As such, I'll just have to blow you to pieces.

Enough so that you'll never smile again.

Hey, you numbskulls! What do you think you're doing in the middle of the road?

Blithering halfwits! If you don't get out of the way, I'll run right over on top of you! Just keep smiling, while you're still able to.

Hey, didn't you hear me! Go ahead, try it.

Hey! It looks as though you're faster than I thought.

Yoo-hoo! Hello! Hey there! Hey there! So bouncy, bouncy! So jiggly, jiggly! Oh, for a camera! It's been so long! Hi! Turtle-chan! Hi! No, not you, old man! Turtle-chan! Turtle-chan! Turtle-chan?

How cute! Why, you You haven't been giving me your all, have you?

Of course not.

If I gave it my all, it would destroy the earth.

I haven't been giving it my all, either.

Could you tell?

In that case, don't hold back.

You'd better give me your best while you can, or you'll regret it later.

Well then, I will.

Are you all right, Vegeta-san!?

Vegeta-san! Unbelievable.

You're such a bunch of pests! You guys think you're any help against an opponent like this?

My goodness.

Could it be time to lend a hand?

Not even No.

18 would be able to take them all on.

Nothing left for me but to get in there.

Unless, No.

16, you want to go?

No, I'm not going.

Not going, huh?

You really are slipshod.

Just what were you built for, anyhow?

I thought I told you.

To k*ll Son Goku.

My, my, how nice for you to be so carefree.

Hey, No.

17 is headed this way.

Let's get out of here, Vegeta-san.

If you get k*lled, your pride won't be worth crap.

P- Please! You want another beating?

You're in our way! Get lost, now! If you want to run, you're free to do so.

We don't have any interest in that which flees.

Don't be ridiculous.

Why should I find it necessary to run when I'm about to obliterate you?

Get this straight-lf it comes down to fighting alongside Earthlings, or Nameksei-jins.

or Kakarotto, for that matter I'd rather fight by myself and die! Very nice commentary.

Coupled with your fighting style, you're every bit worthy to be prince of the Saiyajins.

It's not up to you wind-up dolls to say so.

Particularly a kid like you.

However, in the hopes that each of you hold the code of Bushido dear, I'm putting you on notice.

I don't think anyone here would interfere in Vegeta and No.

18's one-on-one fight, but if you do, I will have to join in as well.

These guys are cowardly pacifists.

You don't have to trouble yourself for them to stay out of it.

Fine, then.

Shall we keep going?

Of course we will! That's my boy! You're getting me irritated, pretending like nothing's happened.

You surprise me.

Even being an alien, I didn't think any man could push me this far.

Is the man Son Goku even stronger?

Don't be absurd.

He may have pulled ahead for a while, but now, as it should be I'm stronger than he is.

You don't say.

Then you're not all that great, either one of you.

W- What was that! Go! Go get her! Incredible.

I hadn't realized that Dad was so incredible.

He's actually holding his own against one of those terrible Artificial Humans.

He's going to get k*lled.

Vegeta, I mean.

Watch! It's just a little bit each time, but the Artificial Human is starting to get the upper hand.

His opponent hardly loses any power, but for every move Vegeta makes, his stamina drops proportionately.

sh**t! Goku, what should we do!?

Dad!! No, you fool! Vegeta is in trouble.

Without thinking, Trunks leaps to his aid.

However, how should they do battle against the Artificial Humans and their unmeasurable power?
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