03x02 - Fun with d*ck and Janet: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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03x02 - Fun with d*ck and Janet: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

We returned from
the home planet,

But forgot to clean
up the landing site.

Aliens, huh?

Harry: meanwhile,
the big giant head

Made us bring back a
little present for d*ck.

I'd like you to meet...

Your new wife!

My wife?!

Sally: we've been
calling her janet.

Harry: too bad he was already
engaged to dr. Albright.

You crazy lug.

Harry: so d*ck came up with the
idea to send his new wife packing.

Watch as I become the most
obnoxious, repulsive creep

Any woman has ever met.




You didn't eat your mini pizza!


You call that a pizza?

I wouldn't feed that to a dog!

A dog wouldn't feed it to a dog!

Not even a dog he hated!

Ok, then.

Damn right you're sorry!

Sorry as hell!


Now bring me another beer.

Because I drink!

And I drink a lot! I'm
a booze hound, I am.

And what's worse,

When I drink, I get
a head of steam.

I get all punchy,
and I like to lash out!

Oh, you're not so bad.

Ahh... God!

Why can't you dress nice?

Look at you!

You look like
someone who... Who...

Isn't dressed all that nice.

Well, I could change for you.

And look at that apron.

I like that apron.

It's pretty.

With all the hearts
and... And the words

And... And the hearts...

Oh, that's ok, baby.

You can wear the apron.

Oh, god, I'm sorry!

You're a nice person,

And it's not your fault
that the big giant fathead

Made you come here and live
with people you don't even know!

I've always depended on
the kindness of strangers.

Mama make it all better!

I'm all messed up inside, mama.

Good morning, lover.

Oh, my god! What have I done?

Well, not much. But, hey,
there's always tonight.

Oh, what time is it?
I-i've got to get to work.

No, don't worry about
it. I already called nina,

And I told her you
were gonna be late.

You called nina?

Yes. I... I told her everything.

You told her everything?!

Well, where's my kiss?!

"Speaking off the record,

Officer don orville
told the bugle,

"I believe aliens are among us,

And it's up to me to nab 'em."


Don, front page.

And it's all because my
eyes were opened to a world

I never knew existed.
Thanks, harry.

You can't listen to
him. It doesn't exist.

Oh, yes. It does.

Look what I found
in the wheat field.

It's the fusion chamber!

The what?

The fusion chamber... Lain.

The fusion chamberlain show.

With your host,

Fusion chamberlain!

Whoo! Whoo...

I've never seen it.

Sally, what I have in my hand

Is a piece of a terrifying
alien spacecraft.

Undeniable proof
that they've landed.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I have to pack this in dry ice

And drive it to the regional
field office of the fbi in cleveland.

Why dry ice?

Gives a nice smoky effect.


Good-bye, sally.


I'm off to save the earth...

From the scum of the universe.

Fbi? What are we gonna do?

Don't panic. I
have the solution.

You're gonna go down to the
police station and take the fall.

Tell them it was a prank.

Why me?

Well, you're a minor.

They'll go easy on you.

Besides, we all have to make
some sacrifices around here.

Ok. What sacrifice
are you making?

The shame of having a juvenile
delinquent for a nephew, ok?

I'm not angry, tommy.

I'm just... Disappointed.

Good morning, nina.

Oh, that can't be good.


What happened last
night? Where were you?

Well, didn't harry tell you?

He told me you fell down a well.

Uh, uh, uh, he was
covering for me.

See I was packing my bag
so that we could elope!


Yes! We're going to akron!

Oh, it'll be so romantic.

You, me, the notary
public at the copy-mart.

Well, i... I can't just leave.

I have to cancel
3 classes, and...

Is nina in?

No! Uh...

Mary, forget about your classes.

This time tomorrow we'll
be on our honeymoon.

We can go anywhere we
want for as long as we want.

Heck, we may never come back.

We're crazy in love, let's go!

Good morning.

Daah! Ohh!

What's going on?

Yeah, dr. Solomon,

Why don't you tell
her what's going on?

She's lying.


Mary, you can't listen
to a thing she says

Because it's... It's...

I-it's... Opposite wednesday!

Opposite wednesday?

Yes! Everything she tells you,

You're supposed to
think the opposite.

All the secretaries
are doing it.

No! Is this true?

See? Ah ha ha ha!

Love is w*r, peace is hate.

If she says she's happy,
she's actually sad.

If she says I was with
another woman last night,

It's because I actually wasn't!

You were with another woman?

She's just saying that.

Save your breath.
I already told her.

Oh, mary, it's true.

I was with a woman last night.

Hah! I didn't really tell her.


It's opposite wednesday.

Gr... Ohh, nina!

You're an evil genius!

Yah ha ha ha.

Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.

Go ahead and laugh!

But you won't be laughing

When the fbi confirms
what I've been telling you.

We are not alone.

Whoo-ooh! Whoo-ooh!

Hey, don, uh, I gotta
tell you something.

Can it wait, tommy? I
got a date with the fbi.

Well, then, no. No, it can't.

You see, uh,

This is pretty funny, heh.

I actually think
you're gonna laugh.

It turns out that it was me

Who destroyed old man
sweeney's field all along.

What? What the hell
are you talking about?

Well, it's no big deal.

I was just trying
to have a little fun,

And so it went
too far, you know?

Oh? Is that so?

Well, how do you explain the
crop circle and the burn marks?

Well, i... I was running laps

With a flaming 2x4
dragging behind me.

You see, I'm a teenager.
I don't know any better.

Not so fast, junior! See ya.

There's one thing
you can't explain:

It's this!

That? Uh-huh.

Well... Well, this is a...

It's... It's a... It's
a sling-a-rang.

It's a toy.

You know, you...

You throw it...

And... And it just lands
there on the floor, you know?

I'm sure you've seen the
commercials for it on tv.

You know, the little jingle...

♪ Sling-a-rang ♪

♪ Sling-a-rang ♪

♪ Pick it up ♪

♪ And fling that... Thang ♪

Of course.

A sling-a-rang
in an empty field.

I should've known.

It was you.

It was you all along.

Yeah. Well, I feel better.

Thanks for listening, don. Bye.


There are a lot of rotten kids

In a town like rutherford,

But I expected more of you.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have
to teach you a lesson.

Well, I know that
must tear you up, don,

Considering it could jeopardize your
relationship with my gorgeous aunt sally.

Yup. That's an owie.

But for your own good,

I'm gonna have to
charge you as an adult.

Oh, does that mean I
can rent showgirls?

Mmm! What is this?

An omelet.

Well, I thought an
omelet was runny eggs

Filled with big chunks
of unmelted cheese food.

Yeah, well, live and learn.


What's this?

I don't know, but
they're yummy. Hey!

Janet! Come here and
tell us what we're eating!

No, no, no, no.

She's not here.

She went to d*ck's office
to drop off his lunch.


I said she went
to d*ck's office...

You idiot!

If janet finds out about
albright, we're dead!

We've gotta stop her!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Excuse me. Could you tell...

Oh, my god!

Look at the cute tuchus on you!

Can we help you?

I am sure you can.

Well, campus information is...

Look at you!

Are you looking for somebody?

Uh, yes, dr. Solomon.

He's my husband.

I didn't know
dr. Solomon had a wife.

Well, this is my first
time out of the house.

Uh, h-he's in the next building.

Thank you.

See you around campus, bubbele.

Come on, d*ck.

Who was she?


I wanted to keep
this a surprise.

She was a travel agent.

I was up all night with her

Planning our
honeymoon in hawaii.

So, once again, what are
we waiting for? Let's go!

An all-night travel agent?

They're the best!

Oh, mary, just picture it.

Just us...

Just the two of us, no one else,

By the ocean...

Palm trees swaying
in the breeze,

You sunning yourself
in front of me,

Sensually removing
your gauzy dress,

Your underwire bra,

Your support panties with
the tummy-control panel,

And finally your knee-highs...

All in the glow of a full moon

While I play hawaiian
wedding song.

♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪

Oh, it does sound nice.

I've got to admit it, d*ck,

You are full of surprises!

Oh, mary! Oh, d*ck!

d*ck, honey, I
brought your lunch!

My god.


I mean... Who are you?!

I'm your wife, silly.

She's your what?

His wife.

Nice to meet you.

You're married?

Well, uh, not in
the way you think.

You told me your wife was dead!

That's what she told me!

I'm not dead!

Your wife is coming! Your
wife is coming! Your wife...

Son of a bitch!



Please! Wait, mary!

We may be too late.


You think?

So who's the shiksa?

Mary, please, wait.

Mary, you've got to listen.


Mary, please stop!

I have to tell you something,

Something that will
clear up this whole mess.

I can't wait to hear this.


Here's the absolute truth.

I have a wife. Fine.
I'll give you that.

But, mary, there's
something you don't realize.

She doesn't understand me.

Oh, you poor thing. You're
the only woman I love.

Oh, great. And
when I'm with her,

All I think about is you.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh, I know! Every married
man I've ever dated.

How many married
men have you dated?

Just one, d*ck. You!

Because I don't do that.

And you know what else I don't
do with married men? Marry them!

Hey, hey, hey,
congratulations, you two!

Oh, mary.

Look, I'm confused,
and you're confused,

So let's just stop
all this nonsense,

Go to a motel, and make love.

Oh, come on, d*ck,
you're married.

Do you understand?
Married. And you lied about it.

I never want to
see your face again.

Hey... Shut up!

Well, hi, honey.
How was your day?

Oh, how was my day? My
life has become a farce!

And not a witty
little door-slamming,

Everybody-runs-around farce. No!

A cheerless, lachrymose,
dispiriting farce

Where the only one
laughing is a crying mime!

Well, at least we
have each other.

But I don't love you.


I don't love you!

You do too love me.

I am your wife, the person
you're supposed to love!

Those are the rules!

There are no rules!

You can feel whatever you
want for whoever you want to.

Love's not an assignment.
It just happens!

That's earth, baby!

So, you mean...

That I don't have to love you?


Oh, my god, that's so great.

Ever since I got here you've been
just a huge pain in my purple tube.


In fact, there
are a lot of things

That I don't love
about this planet.

This broom...

This stupid-ass apron...

These stupid dishes...

And your family!

What's wrong with my family?

What's wrong with them?

They act like a bunch of people!


But what are you doing?

I'm leaving you, darling.

Leaving? W-well, what
about your big giant uncle?

Well, that will
have to be our...

Big giant secret.

Oh, thank you, janet.

I mean, jeez, if I get to pick
the person I'm in love with,

I'm gonna get somebody
really good-looking!

Oh! I'm gorgeous.

I mean, I saw these guys
today at the school,

And they were just
unbelievably beautiful!

I mean, they had
all these muscles.

Well, I have muscles.

No, I mean real muscles!

And they were young,
and they were hard,

And they had all their
hair, even right here.

Huh! Hair is very overrated.

It takes away from
the size of your face.

Well, don't take
it personally, d*ck.

I mean, you just said yourself
that you don't love me.

Ok. Now, which way's vegas?

But, janet, it's a big
world out there.

Where will you go?
What will you do?

Oh, don't worry about me, d*ck.

We'll always have rutherford.

Bye, janet.

Bye, janet.

What? Janet's leaving?


Noooo! Janet, don't go!

I don't believe it.

The fake mother of my phony son.

I've been dumped by my wife
and my fiancee in the same day.

Ohh! What about me?

I've lost a live-in maid,

A cook, a gardener, a chauffeur,

And an electrician. I loved her!

Aww! Well, look on
the bright side, d*ck.

With janet out of the way, maybe
you'll get another shot at albright.

You think?

Probably no.

But, hey, at least
there's still the 3 of us.

Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!

Hey, wait.

Didn't there used to be 4 of us?

Ohh, yeah! Officer don called.

"Tommy's in jail."

Jail?! Jail?! Jail?!

Waagh! Waagh! Waagh!

Get him out! Get
him out of jail!

You idiots!

Don, where's tommy?

Oh, you're too late.


You k*lled tommy?!

No, I let him go.

You let tommy go to his death?!


Hey, harry.

Aah! Ohh!

He's alive.

Oh, huh...


Nice tie.

What did they do to you?

It was pretty scary.

As a juvenile, I
could've spent 200 hours

Cleaning up other people's
trash on the highway.

But I wanted to
teach him a lesson,

So I charged him as an adult.

What does that mean?

I got a $40 fine.

Where'd you get $40?

I paid it.

Damn the system!

Thanks, don.

I owe you... Big.

Harry, grab the, uh...

Uh, the sling-a-rang.

The what?

The sling-a-rang?

Remember? You've
seen it advertised

On the fusion chamberlain show.

Yes, I have.

I gotta see that show.

It's me.

What do you want?

Janet's gone forever, mary.

She's gone. We're divorcing.

She's not around to
ruin our lives anymore.

This isn't about her, d*ck.

She didn't lie to me.

She's not the one who
didn't tell me about her!

Mary, I wanted to.

What else is there, d*ck?


There is something
else, isn't there?

And you can't tell me, can you?


Good-bye, d*ck.

I'm sorry.

So I guess there's no way
you would ever marry me.

d*ck, right now there's no
way I'd even carpool with you.

Well... What if your
car breaks down?

I'd rent.

I'd walk. Well, there
are no cars available.

What? In the worst
snowstorm in 50 years?

I'd take a bus. You
would never take a bus!

You're right. Then
I'd carpool with you.

d*ck: yes!

You know, I gotta say, there are
things I'm gonna miss about janet.

Yeah. Especially the way
she made food you could eat.

Yep. She had a gift.

What are you gonna miss
most about janet, d*ck?

Oh, I'm gonna miss the
amazingly nutty complications

She added to my life.
Nothing, you idiot!

You know, d*ck, we're
all real sorry about mary.

Kind of.

Oh, I'm not worried.
When we first came here,

Mary hated me,
and I won her over.

I can do it again.

You really think so?

Of course.

She won't be able to
stay away for long.

Not with an album full
of naked pictures of me.

She has naked pictures of you?!

Not yet. Harry, get the camera.


A photo album?

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

That's my teddy!
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