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01x25 - A Novel Idea

Posted: 08/08/22 18:39
by bunniefuu
- [dog barking]
- DAD: Come on, girls.

It's time for
Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

- ALL: [cheering]

- As another one
of your daughters,

I, too, cannot wait
for this day.

- Hold it right there.

- What's wrong, Daddy?

- Nice try, Lincoln, but it's
Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

- Come on, Dad.

Every year they get
to go with you to work

and have an awesome time,
and I get stuck at home.

- Sorry, pal.

Besides, my office
isn't that awesome.

- Hurry, Pops!

We don't wanna miss
the donut cannon.

- DAD: I'll bring you back
a jelly-filled!

- DAUGHTERS: [cheering]
- [tires screeching]

- You know, it's not fair that
you should have to miss out on

Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

- Really?

- Yep. So I'm officially making
today Take Your Son to Work Day.

You're coming with me.

- Wait, to the dentist's office?

I don't know, Mom.

- Hey, come on.

I know it's not as
exciting as Dad's office.

But you're Lincoln Loud.

You can make anything fun.

- Well, I guess that's true.

Okay, I'm in.

- Nice dress, Loud.

- [coughs]
Right after I change.

- Okay, Tara, the pain will
go away in a few days.

In the meantime,
here's a lollipop.

Good morning, Rita.
- Good morning, Dr. Feinstein.

You remember my son, Lincoln?
- Sure I do.

Let's see how those permanent
teeth are coming in.


Mm-hm, have you
been flossing?

- Uh-huh.
Every night.

- Sure you have.
- [door slams]

- Okay, Lincoln,

while I'm working, you can hang
out in here and read comics.

- Teddy Toothbrush versus
the Evil Ninjavitis?

- Mm-hmm.

My favorite issue is number
four, Fastest Gums in the West.

[imitates whip snapping]

- Can't I hang out with
you while you work?

- Rita, I have an abscess
that needs to be drained.

Bring a bucket.
- [gulps]

Actually, I'm good here.

- Be right there, Doctor.

- Okay, I can make this fun.

- [" : A Space
Odyssey"-type music]

- This is Captain Loud
to Ground Control.

I can see Uranus from here,
and boy, is it gassy.

This is one small step for man,
one giant leap for--Lana?

- ALL: [laughing]
- Yeah!

- Dad's office
is across the street?

No fair. I can't
compete with that.

Houston, we have a problem.
[pressing buttons]

Mayday! Mayday!

[pressing buttons]

- Let me show you
one of the other

neat things we've got here.

We call it
Dr. Feinstein's cabinet of fun.

- Oh, dental supplies.

- Rita, we have
a couple of teens

with their braces
stuck together.

- Be right there, Doctor.

- What have we got here, huh?

Dental floss,
surgical mask, gloves.

I think I can work with this.

Langley, this is Agent Loud.

I've got eyes on
the president's tooth.

Security's tight, but tell POTUS
I'm bringing that molar home.

- ♪

- Just another routine
job for Agent--

Oh, for crying out loud!

- ALL: [laughing]

- [bellowing]

- DAD:
Ha! You missed me!

- Oh!

Dang it!

- The fun isn't over yet.

Let me introduce you
to our office mascot.

- Whoa, what is it?
A piranha?

A barracuda?
A Great White?

- MOM: Not exactly, heh.

We call him "Fisher."

- Rita, I need you.

We've got a caramel
apple emergency.

- [scribbling]
I'll be back, Lincoln.

Do me a favor and feed Fisher.

- You got it.

- ♪

- [mock Australian accent]

It's a rare Patagonian
dental fish.

These babies are known
to be fierce predators.

I'd better be extra
careful feeding them

or it's bye-bye pinky.


That's a few too many shrimps on
the barbie for this little guy.

Fisher, aah!


- ♪

- Oh! Aah!

- ♪

- I guess it's Lincoln Loud,
one, little fishy, zip--


- LUCY: Wheeeeee!

- [sighing]
Why do I even try?

This place will never
be as fun as Dad's.

But an arcade would be.

- We're gonna be another half
hour or so, sweetie.

There was more caramel
than we thought.

Think you can keep
yourself amused?

- Can I?

I mean, I'm sure
I can think of something.

- Oh, and would you mind
watching my notebook?

I don't want the pages
to get stuck together.

- No worries, mate.
I won't let it out of my sight--

- [door shuts]
- --while I spend the next

minutes blasting
zombies to smithereens.

- FISHER: [blows air bubbles]
- Oh hush, Fisher.

She'll never even know I'm gone.

Now this is what I call fun.

- [watch beeping]
- Uh-oh, gotta go!

- Hey, sweetie.
How's it going?

- Great. Just been hanging here
with my good bud Fisher.

- [blows air bubbles]
- Shut it.

- Bad news. Dr. Feinstein
sat on a numbing needle

and he can't feel anything
from the waist down.

Can you keep watching
my notebook?

- Notebook?
- [watch beeping]

- [gasps]
Uh-oh, gotta go!

Uh, yep. I'm on it.

So, uh, you've got a lot of
important work stuff in there?

- Can you keep a secret?

It's not for work at all.

I've been writing a novel.
- Really?

- I'm hoping this book

could lead to an exciting
new career for me.

- [chuckles nervously]

So, that was your
only copy, huh?

I mean, is your only copy.

It's not like something
happened to it.

- Yup, seven years of hard work
between those two covers.

- [gulps]

- Hey, thanks for being
such a good sport today.

How about after work, we go to
the arcade next to Dad's office?

- [knock at door]

- Uh, Rita?

I need you to carry
me to my : o'clock.

- [blows air bubbles]
- Yeah, I know I messed up.

But I'm gonna get it back.

It's gone! Huh?

Aah! No, wait!



- [skates clacking]

- [grunting]
Aah, gross! Aah!


- ♪

- Yee-haw!

Excuse me? Please, stop.
Pull over!

- Oh, you wanna race?

Let's ride!

- [tires screeching]
- What?

No, get back here!
Come on, boy, let's get him.

- [horse neighs]
- LINCOLN: Aaaaah!

Whoa, horsey!

Aah! [grunts]

- [flies buzzing]
- [horn honks]

- Huh?

- [chomping]

- I got it!

No, no, no, no, no!

- ♪

- [gulps]

[teeth chattering]



Aah! Aah!

- Did you just hear Lincoln?

- Lana, focus!

We've got Dad's cube mate
trapped in the coffee room.

Say your prayers, Margie!

- BOTH: [screaming]

- MARGIE: I hate Take Your
Daughter to Work Day.

- Aah!

- [truck beeping]

- [gasps]

- ♪

- Yes!

- [clock ticking]

- [door slams]
- [panting]

- MOM: Lincoln Loud,
where have you been?

And what is on your feet?

- It's a long story.

But the important thing
is I've got your notebook.

- MOM: [gasps]
What happened?

- [sighing]
Better take a lollipop.

- [clock ticking]
- So I jumped into the cement

pit and grabbed the notebook,
but I guess it was too late.

- Lincoln, you lied to me.

You snuck out and you
ruined all my hard work.

- I'm really,
really sorry, Mom. I--

- But you actually might
have done me a favor.

- I...I did what now?

- Well, I was originally writing
about a bored dental assistant

who talks to her pet fish.

But honestly,
it wasn't going anywhere.

But you've just given
me a better idea.

I'm gonna write about a fearless
thrill seeker with white hair.

- Dr. Feinstein?

- No, silly. You.

- Wow, that's awesome.

I'm sorry about putting
you through all this.

It was really nice of you

to bring me here
in the first place.

- That's okay, sweetie.
Now, come on, let's go home.

I can't wait to start writing.

- Uh, mom?

- Oh, right. Sorry.

- [drill whirring]

- MOM: Better take a lollipop.

This might pinch a bit.

- [drill pounding]

- So, tell me again how you
chased down that garbage truck.

- I have a better idea.


- DAD: Ha ha!

Another successful Take Your
Daughter to Work Day, eh, girls?

- Margie is so much fun, Dad.

What does leave of absence mean?

- Hm, I wonder where your
mother and Lincoln are.

- Uh, I feel bad for them.

I bet they literally had
the boringest day ever.

- [horse neighs]
- MOM & LINCOLN: [laughing]

- Yee-haw!
- [horse neighs]

- Nice horse, Loud!

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad,
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud House

♪ Loud House

♪ Duck and dodge

♪ And push and shove

♪ That's the way
we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
Loud House ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy

♪ Chaos with kids

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud House