02x12 - The Captain's Cup/The Folks from Home/Legal Eagle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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02x12 - The Captain's Cup/The Folks from Home/Legal Eagle

Post by bunniefuu »

(Jack Jones' "The
Love Boat" playing)

♪ Love ♪

♪ Exciting and new ♪

♪ Come aboard ♪

♪ We're expecting you ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ Let it flow ♪

♪ It floats back to you ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Soon will be
making Another run ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Promises something
For everyone ♪

♪ Set a course for adventure ♪

♪ Your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ It's an open smile ♪

♪ On a friendly shore ♪

♪ It's love ♪

♪ Welcome aboard It's love ♪

( mellow theme playing)

Hey, guys, listen.

I've got a great idea

for a four-day liberty
when we get back.

Come with me to Vegas.

That town's my kind of medicine.

Oh, Doc.

Ah. I promised
I'd visit my cousin

in beautiful downtown Burbank.

Send me a postcard.
Isaac? Oh, uh, sorry, Doc.

Well, that leaves you
and me, gorgeous.

I'm going to Oregon
to see my family.

That's too bad.

You could be doing the town
instead of doing the dishes.

But if duty calls...
Doc, it isn't duty.

I love my family. I see
them every chance I can.

Well, sure.

Look, if you see your
family once a year

and your dentist twice,

well, that's enough
suffering for anybody.

Why does he have to be
so cynical about family?

That's sour grapes.

He wishes he had
a family of his own.

Yeah. Doc may be
laughing on the outside,

but inside, sometimes he's
a desperately lonely guy.

Oh, Dr. Bricker? Well, hi.

My name's Amber.

Of course, this isn't
one of those times.

My girlfriend met you
on a cruise last summer,

and she hasn't stopped
talking about you.

Oh, I hate patients
who kiss and tell.

What time are your
office hours? Office hours?

For you, I'll make a cabin call.


Oh! Oh!

Oh. Are you okay?
I-I'm a doctor. Come on.

Well, is this how you
drum up business?

No. I'm sorry. It's all right.

I'm... I'm Gloria Hancock.
This is my husband, George.

Adam Bricker, ship's
klutz. Uh, this is Amber.

How do you do? Hello.

Well, come on, Glory.

Let's get our gear stowed
and get squared away.

Well, we'll see you
later, Adam and Amber.

It was nice bumping into you.

Ever see a real
live stethoscope?


Uh-oh. I'm in love.


Is that a whistle or did
your brain just boil over?

It's you.

You know, I should
help you find your cabin.

I mean, this is a big
boat. You could get lost.

That's just what I was thinking.

Get lost.

Excuse me, I realize
you're new on this ship,

but making leering remarks to
the passengers is not your job.

Uh-huh. Well, whose job is it?

Because I'd like
to swap with him.

I apologize. This
really never happens.

Oh, it's okay, I can handle it.

And I do mean "it."

I'm Diane de Marzo.

Oh, Diane, I've
been expecting you.

I'm Julie McCoy,
the cruise director.

Is this the Winthrop cup? Yeah.

It's beautiful. It weighs a ton.

Oh, I'm sure Captain
Stubing will be delighted

to take it off your hands.

Imagine, Captain of the Year.

Captain of the Year
Number 53. Really?

Yes, Mr. Winthrop's family

presented the first
trophy back in the '20s.

Oh, I wonder why they
decided to give a cup to captains.

Maybe they don't like tipping.

Oh, here's Captain Stubing.
I know he wants to meet you.

Captain? Yes.

This is Miss Diane de Marzo.

She represents
Sheridan Winthrop.

I'm delighted.

I can't wait to get my
hands on your cup.

Oh, I mean, Mr. Winthrop's cup.

Is he here yet? Um, not yet.

MAN (over PA): Captain
Stubing to the bridge.

Captain Stubing to the bridge.

Well, I'd better be going.

If I'm not doing my job
when Mr. Winthrop arrives,

he may take back
his award. Oh, n...

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Hello. Hi. Danny Holt.

Mr. Holt.

Oh, that's, uh, Promenade
Deck, 340. That's a super cabin.

I hope so. I've been
saving up for it since D-day.

World w*r II? No,
D as in divorce.

Oh, sorry. Listen to him.

I make the alimony
payments and you're sorry.

Hey, I'm not bitter.
Broke, but not bitter.

Well, don't let it get
you down, Mr. Holt.

Lots of single women
on these cruises

to take your mind
off all your troubles.

How about a single man?

To marry my ex-wife.

Oh. I'm single.

Oh. Thanks, pal. You're
much too young to die.

Hello. Hello.

Ann Sterling. Gopher Smith.

Is that, uh, Miss
Sterling or Mrs. Sterling?

Miss. Mm.

Is that Mr. Smith or Mr. Smith?

That's Mr. Smith.

It's hard to tell when you're
not wearing a wedding band.

Ah. Here we are. Uh,
that's Promenade Deck, 348.

Oh, you're a lawyer. You're here
with the Bar Association group.

That's the one. Criminal?

In a way. I handle divorces.

I bet you've never lost a case.

In a divorce,
everyone loses but me.

How do you think I
paid for this cruise?

Ha, ha, ha. Goodbye.


(horn blows)



Hey, Doc, don't give up now.

We're about to start
our second lap, come on.

Us jocks are just getting
warmed up. Take a deep breath.

(all inhale)

You two are runners, huh?

I met George when he was running

for the Harvard
track team in 1927.

You've been
together for 50 years?


Pretty soon, we might
even get married.

About face. Hey.

Your whole family
exercise, Adam?

No, I'm afraid my folks

didn't make it for the long run.

Orioles? You're from Baltimore?

Yup. Yup.

Ever been there?
Ever been there.

I went to Johns Hopkins.

So nice to meet
somebody from home.


I think that calls
for a little drink.

Oh, that wouldn't
be Scotch, would it?

Close. Turnip juice.

Now, forgive me.

( mellow theme playing)

Ah, there you are,
Miss de Marzo.

Uh, Mr. Winthrop
is not with you.

Well, captain, as
a matter of fact...

Winning the Winthrop
cup is one thing,

but having Mr. Winthrop
present it in person...

But, captain, he...

And I am not unaware
of all your efforts.

Now, I am writing your
public relations company

a glowing report.

Well, I'll see you and
Mr. Winthrop at dinner tonight.

Captain's table.

Still, uh, got me
on your mind, huh?

You all right? Can I help?

The only one that can help is
Winthrop and he's not even here.

So your boyfriend
didn't show, huh?

Well, let me tell you something.
Anything he can do, I can do.

I mean, I can be
taller, I can be shorter.

For you, sweet lady, anything.

Could you meet me in
cabin PR 109 in ten minutes?

You mean that? Yes.

Ten minutes? Yes.

Wanna make it five?

Excuse me, excuse me. Hi.


Mr. Holt, you still alone?

Yeah, I guess it's too
hard to choose, hm?

No, it's not that.

You see, when you've just
broken the chains of matrimony,

the last thing you wanna think
about is shackling up again.

Well, you know what they
say: When you have a bad fall,

the only thing to do

is to get right back
up on that horse again.


Look at the legs on that filly.

Oh, no, it's her.

The vampire.

That's your ex-wife? Worse.

Her divorce lawyer. That's
the one that cleaned me out.

That gorgeous girl?

That gorgeous girl is
Jaws in a bathing suit.

( mellow theme playing)

(knocking on door)

( comedic theme playing)

I, uh, picked them just for you,

out of the garbage.

They were gonna throw 'em out.

Well, uh, come on in, Hank.

Yeah, right.

Oh, wow.

And I thought I
had a nice cabin.

Uh... Sit down.



I'm in trouble. What?

Oh, you poor kid.

Who did it? That
guy that dumped you?

Not that kind of trouble.
I'm a press agent.

It was my job to get
Sheridan Winthrop onboard

to present this cup to Captain
Stubing tomorrow night.

But he didn't show up.

That fink.

Who is this Sheridan Winthrop?

He's a philanthropist,
a millionaire, a playboy.

A fink.

I could lose my job.
Will you help me?

Yeah, y-yeah,
yeah. Sure, I'll help.

All you gotta do is impersonate
Winthrop tomorrow night.

What, are you kidding?
Me make like a millionaire?

You can do it.

I'll have to press my pants.

His clothes were sent ahead.
And you're just about the same size.

Look, I'll pay you
for it. Hey, hey.

I'm not into money.
I'm into love.

Will you do it? I'll tell you...

I'll tell you in a minute.

( comedic theme playing)

Yeah, sure, sure.
Yeah, sure. I'll do it. Yes.

I'll even take his
whole fa... Family...

(speaking indistinctly)

( mellow theme playing)

Hi, Amber.

Oh, hi, Gopher.

Doc not with you?
No, he's skipping rope.




Don't you just love the sea?

Actually, we're
just good friends.

Hi, Gopher. Hi, Amber.

Hi. Hi.

Gopher and Amber. Hm.

What is that, terry cloth?

I think it's cotton.

Oh. So is this.

Looks like it's starched.
Well, that's the button.

(clears throat)

Oh, I forgot to tell you.

Winthrop always keeps
his hand in his jacket pocket,

and he stands very casually.

Close enough. Go ahead.

"Uh, therefore, uh,
ladies and gentlemen,

in these auspicious

No, no, no, wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute.

He has this funny
way of talking.

Kind of teeth
clenched, stiff jaw.

(in accent) Very,
very upper class.

You mean like
Ronald Colman? Yeah.

I can do Ronald Colman.

It's a far, far better
thing I do this day.

That... That's just
the way he talks.

That's good. Is that all right?

Would you mind telling
me, if that's the way he talks,

how does he kiss?


You mean, you'd say
no to a queen's fusilier?


( soft theme playing)

(jazzy music playing)

Excuse me, I have a
dinner companion for you.

I'd like you to meet...
I just lost my appetite.

Danny, what a coincidence.

I thought you promised
me a nice dinner companion.

I am nice. I hardly
ever spill anything.

Ha, gee, it sounds
like you two have met.

You know who you're
sticking me with?

This is my ex-wife's lawyer.

Dracula in drag.

I'm sorry, it'd be better if
I found you another table.

How about another ship?

Look, I only handled
your wife's divorce.

You caused it.

I caused it?


I caused it?

Now, wait a minute
and I'll go get a referee.

Excuse me, the maitre d'.

Excuse me. That's okay.

Don't sit down. Don't sit down.

Don't sit down.
Relax, Danny boy.

I'll pay for my own dinner.

There is no charge for dinner.

Oh, good. Then
I'll pay for yours too.

I must say it's an
honor to be sailing

with the Captain of the Year.

Thank you, but it's not
official till tomorrow night.

Yes, sir.

We've been holding
dinner for a half hour.

Is Mr. Winthrop avoiding me?

Oh, I hardly think so, sir.

But I do understand he has
a reputation with the ladies,

if you know what I mean.

Well, surely, he'd rather
have dinner with me than...


Uh, check his cabin
for me, will you, please?

Yes, sir.

All over the world.

And one afternoon in Kyoto,

we met this darling man

who led us through
his botanical garden.

And at every leaf and blossom,

he would pick a petal and give
it to us to sniff the fragrance.

GEORGE: We correspond
several times a year.

He's like our member
of the family in Japan.


And you can be a member
of our family on the high seas.

Well, I'd be honored.

Evening. Hi, where
are you off to?

The Lido Deck.
Thought I'd go boogie.

Amber, w-would you
like to dance with Gopher?

Oh, great.

Oh, please excuse me.


Hey, Doc, you
sure you don't mind?

I'm not the man I
used to be, Gopher.

I can only handle one at a time.

Well, where did
you go after Kyoto?

Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

(clears throat)

Yes? Oh, Miss de Marzo.

Captain Stubing was expecting
Mr. Winthrop for dinner.

Oh, he's very busy.
H-He's dining in.

Oh, well, perhaps he'll
have time then for dessert.

Oh, no, that's impossible.
He'll see the captain tomorrow.

I... Good night.

Hank, we've got a lot to do.

I know, but you
won't let me do it.

Come on, let's go over it again.


Well, it's an absolutely
fascinating sport,

and I think everyone should
have a string of polo ponies.

Paris. Paris, well...

Paris, uh, we have
the Champs Elysées,

uh, the George
Cinq, uh... And, uh,

La T-Tour d'Argent.

Politics. Oh, politics.

Well, you know, as father
said, after Herbert Hoover,

the family just lost interest.

How am I doing? Great.

Hank, there's a lot more.

Yeah, you're telling me.

♪ Roving, a-roving ♪

♪ A-roving's been my ru-I-N ♪

♪ I'll go no more a-roving ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ Fair maid ♪

(all laughing)

Oh, Adam, George and I are
going into Puerto Vallarta tomorrow.

Won't you join us?

Well, I've only been
to Puerto Vallarta about

oh, 148 times.

You ever been to Consuelo's?

Consuelo's? Um, no.

Well, then, you've never
been to Puerto Vallarta.

Okay, you've got a date.

Viva Consuelo.

Arriba Consuelo. Consuelo. Viva.

( mellow theme playing)

Oh, isn't this kind
of dancing romantic?

Are we dancing?

I bet it's even more
romantic up on the bow.

Watching the moon and the waves.

Mm. The stars.

Just the two of us alone.

What about, uh, Doc?

Do we need him?

You're right.

What do we need Doc for?

Much too early for blood tests.

I just can't believe
she's on the same ship.

Oh, Mr. Holt, I wanna apologize

for seating you
with Miss Sterling.

I had no idea. Oh, sure.

All you women are
ganging up on me.

First my ex-wife,

and then that cutie-pie
lawyer of hers, now you.

We men haven't got a
chance. Isn't that right, Isaac?

Well, I kind of agree with you.

Men get the short
end in a divorce.

Oh, it evens up.

Women get the short
end in a marriage.

Ever been married, Isaac?


But, uh, see Doc over there?

(all laughing)

He's...? What?

He's had four wives?

What can I tell you?
Some men collect stamps.

Hey, Danny, can
I buy you a drink?

Oh, great.

With my own money, she
wants to buy me a drink.

Come on, don't be
such a sore loser.

How about a dance?

What for? You wanna
squeeze a little more out of me?

No, I just wanna see

if you're as clumsy as
your wife says you are.

Clumsy? Me...? Cl... (chuckles)

I happen to be a
very good dancer.

Oh, well,

maybe she wasn't
talking about your dancing.

Good night, lover.

Therefore, in recognition
of your distinguished career,

and your exemplary record,

I present you with
the Winthrop cup

as Captain of the Year.

Now, will you
please take this cup?

I have an incredible
chick waiting.

Oh, Hank. That's very good.

I think I've put you
through enough for one day.

Let's start fresh first
thing in the morning.

Wait, wait, wait a second.
I'm a working stiff, remember?

I got a job to do
in the morning.

Oh, right, I forgot.

Well, how about
working all night?

Are you asking me

to spend the night with you?

And work.

Therefore, in recognition

of your distinguished career...

( jazzy theme playing)

Tickles. Who is it?

It's Doc. Doc.

Amber, listen, you
gotta get behind the door.

If Doc catches us,
he'll go bananas.

Oh, Doc, hi. Hey, Gopher.

I'm going into Puerto Vallarta
tomorrow with George and Gloria.

I was wondering if I
could borrow your camera.

Oh, it's yours.

Gee, thanks,
Gopher. Night, Amber.

See what I mean? He's
vicious when he's jealous.

( majestic theme playing)

Ooh. Don't you just
love backgammon?

I play it all the time.

It's my serve.

Oh, a five and a four.



Have you ever thought
of turning professional?

Hi, Danny. Hi.

Amber. Hi, Gopher.

Are you working? I'm on a break.

Would you excuse me, Danny?

A break for Gopher
is a break for me.


Have a nice day. You too.

ANN: Cheating?

Will you please get off my back?

And cheating on yourself.

You very good at this?

It will cost you a dollar
a point to find that out.

I usually play for $2 a point.

Oh, all right, I'll compromise.

How about 5?

I hope you paid your
alimony this month.

Ah, Miss de Marzo,
about your Mr. Winthrop,

isn't he coming...?

Well, he's still
stuck in his cabin,

pouring over
contracts, making deals.

You know how it is
when you're a millionaire.

No, but I wouldn't
mind giving it a try.

Don't worry, captain. He'll
be at the ceremony tonight.

I hope so.

I want a cup in my
hand, not egg on my face.


( upbeat theme playing)

STUBING (over PA): We hope you
enjoyed your stay in Puerto Vallarta.

We'll be arriving in Cabo San
Lucas at 0800 tomorrow morning.

Viva Consuelo. Viva Consuelo.

Olé. Arriba.

Now, there are maracas for
Tim, the wall hanging for Homy.

Jumping beans for Luke.

Yup, still jumping.


You really love your
family, don't you?

We sure do.

Oh, that reminds me.


Here's a little
something for you.

For me?

BRICKER: The symbol of healing.

Ah, you shouldn't
have done this.

Why not?

After all, you're
part of the family too.

( tender theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)


Uh, schools. Harvard,
uh, Cambridge.


Yeah, had a
cheeseburger for lunch.

Oh, silly. That is the English
school you went to: Eton.

Oh, right, right, right.

Well, I guess you're as
ready as you'll ever be.

You better believe it. I
mean, for the ceremony.

Which one? The one
tonight or the one tomorrow?

Tomorrow? What
are you talking about?

Well, tomorrow,
we get back to L.A.,

and I thought maybe you
might like to tie the knot.


Tie the knot, get
hitched, married.

Married? Yeah.

I figured you'd like that,
you know. I'm nuts about you.

Two people are nuts
about each other,

they, uh, get
married, don't they?

Well, yes, Hank.

When two people love each other.


I think you're a
terrific guy, Hank...

I get the picture.

All that romantic stuff
was just to keep me happy

so I'd do the
Winthrop act for you.

Well, listen, Hank, this
is very important to me.

Right, job's important
to you and I'm not.

I didn't say that. Sure you did.

Why don't you just, uh, go ahead
and get yourself another boy?

Get yourself another sucker.

(soft jazz music playing)

Excuse me. Mr. Holt, Mr. Holt.

Mr. Holt, no, no, no. No, no,
no. Your table is over there.

Julie told me we goofed
on the seating arrangements.

But we're not gonna make
the same mistake twice.

You already did.
I'm sitting with her.

I should never listen to McCoy.

I thought you'd still be sulking

because I beat you
at backgammon.

No, I hustled you. Tonight,
we play for big stakes.

Speaking of steaks, the
Chateaubriand looks very good.

So do you.

I mean, your dress is beautiful.

Thank you. You're welcome.

I don't mean thank
you for the compliment.

I mean, thank you for the dress.

Your divorce
bought me this dress.

Don't you ever stop?

Uh, and earrings
are from the Turners.

The bracelet is from the Kahns

and the necklace
is from the Fosters.


Good, I made you laugh.

No, no, no, I was
just thinking, uh,

if there was no
such thing as divorce,

I'd be sitting here
with a naked lady.

Wouldn't you know. The
night of my big ceremony,

and here we are still
waiting for Winthrop.

Good evening. Oh,
good evening. Please.

Would you excuse us if
we don't join you right away?

The moonlight is so lovely,
we don't want to waste it.

Ah. A romantic stroll.

Maybe a few laps
around the Lido Deck.

Will you excuse us?
Please, enjoy yourselves.

Captain, you must be so excited.

Do you have a speech ready?

Oh, just a few
off-the-cuff remarks.


Excuse me. Yes?

Captain Stubing, may
I have a word with you?

Well, of course. Right
after the ceremony.

But, sir, it's about
the ceremony.

You see,
Mr. Winthrop, he's, uh...

He's, uh...

Speak up, Miss de Marzo.
Mr. Winthrop is what?

He's... He's...

GOPHER: Ladies and gentlemen,

here to award our
Captain Stubing

the Winthrop cup as
Captain of the Year,

Mr. Sheridan Winthrop.

He's here.

(crowd applauding)

Mr. Winthrop, it's an
honor to meet you, sir.

Yes, I imagine it is
somewhat fantastic.

I can't tell you what a
great thrill this is for me.

Yes, well, if you'd
really like to have a thrill,

I suggest polo.

It's also absolutely fantastic.

And then, of
course, there is Paris

with the Champs Elysées,

and the George
Cinq and the, uh...

Paris things.

Ha, ha. Have I ever told
you about Herbert Hoover?

Not yet. Shall we
begin the ceremony?

Well... Yes, of course.

Excuse me, Miss de Marzo,
you have a ship-to-shore call.

Not now, Isaac, please.

Well, the gentleman said it
was urgent, a Mr. Winthrop.


I'd better take it. Excuse me.

If that's Mr. Winthrop on
the phone, then who's this?

Miss McCoy?

Yes, sir. Uh...

Captain Stubing, uh,
this is Hank Vosmik.

He's a member
of our ship's crew.

Hi, how are you, skipper?

I am not your
skipper. You're fired.

Oh, no. Doc, I need your help.

Gloria's fallen down the stairs.

Oh, no.

( dramatic theme playing)

Come on, Julie. Sure.

How long before we
get back to San Pedro?

Seven hours. That's no good.

Find my nurse and tell her

to start prepping
emergency surgery.


Isaac, go to my
office, get a gurney,

bring it back here
as fast as you can.

ISAAC: Okay, Doc.

Gopher? Yeah?

Uh, set up a ship-to-shore
call to Dr. David Barnes

at Wilshire Memorial
Hospital in Los Angeles.

I'll need a speaker in
the examination room.

You got it.

George, Gloria's badly hurt.

I have to operate.

I think that the
fall fractured a rib,

and my concern is that she's

bleeding internally.

Might she even die?

George, I'll do
everything I can for her.

Glory, please don't...

Julie, Amber, get
George to my office.

George, I promise you,
she's gonna be okay.

Doc, you can't make
promises like that.

They're like my family, Julie.

My family.

( tender theme playing)

Come on, Isaac,
where's that gurney?

MAN: Pacific Princess calling
Wilshire Memorial Hospital.

Pacific Princess calling
Wilshire Memorial Hospital.

What's the delay?

Just a moment.

WOMAN: Wilshire
Memorial to Pacific Princess.

Dr. Barnes is on
the line, go ahead.

I've got him. Okay.

Dr. Barnes?

Yes. GOPHER: Okay, good.

Go ahead, Doc.

David? Adam Bricker.

BARNES: What's
the problem, Adam?

You don't need my little
black book again, do you?

I need your help, David.

A woman in her early 70s,

in good general health,

has fallen down
a flight of stairs.

examination indicates

that a fractured rib has
punctured the spleen.

Adam, have you got a
signed consent form?

Signed consent form?

David, she's... She's passed out

and I'm not gonna put any
more pressure on her husband.

How much time do I have?
BARNES: Two hours at the most.

That spleen has got to come out.

Uh, is there another
doctor aboard to assist?

No, just myself and a nurse.

Okay, let's go. Talk to
me, stay with me, David.

Sketch out the procedure,

then guide me
through it step by step.

Ann, I owe you a
big fat thank you.

I've been all puffed
up with anger,

and hostility and self-pity.

But you punctured
that. You let it all out.

I feel better, and I'm
gonna stay that way.

It couldn't happen
to a nicer guy.

Thank you.

Damn shame about marriage.

There aren't enough
craftsmen in it.

You make it sound like a job.

It's not a job, but work.

But if you like what you're
doing, work is a pleasure.

How many marriages do
you know that are a pleasure?

Hey, now, wait a minute.

I'm supposed to be
the cynic here, not you.

You know, Ann, we live
in a disposable generation.

Disposable lighters, disposable
razors, disposable pens.

And disposable marriages?


Lilly and I, we took
the easy way out.

A couple of things went wrong,

and instead of
working to fix them,

we bailed out.

We were dumb.

Sounds to me like you're
still in favor of marriage.

Oh, absolutely.

I think it's mankind's
finest gift to mankind.

Two people in
love getting married,

having children.

Those children growing up
seeing love, learning about love.

Then going out in the world
and spreading that love.

Like ripples in water,

the circle keeps getting larger.

All my clients were in love.

When I meet them,

they're accusing and
cursing each other.

It doesn't have to be like that.

If you're with the right person.

Ann, you're a hell of a woman.

Even if you are a cynic.

If you'd kissed
your wife like that,

you'd probably still be married.

You're right.

Good night. Good night.

I thought we might need this.

Would you like some coffee?

Glory always drank
peppermint tea.

Now, George, don't you give up.

Not now, not ever.

( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in. It's open.


Hank, I don't know what to say

except to ask you to forgive me.

Forget it.

You got a bad break
with that phone call.

Where was he?

With his girlfriend
in Copenhagen.

They left Paris.

Fantastic city.

Well, he can stay there.

I've had it with
him and his job.

You didn't quit, did you?

I can always find another job.

What worries me is,

will I ever find another Vosmik?

Why look?

You ain't lost this one yet.

( tender theme playing)

BARNES: Have you
clamped the splenic pedicel?

The pedicel is clamped.

Right, now, as soon as
you remove the spleen,

put a double tie
on the pedicel and...

Hello, Adam.

Repeat that last.


Now, what's going on?

We've got some interference.
It's been bad all week.

Doc, hang on. We'll keep trying.

Pacific Princess calling
Wilshire Memorial Hospital.

Pacific Princess calling

Wilshire Memorial Hospital.


Adam, hello?

David, I can hear you now.

BARNES: Oh, good.
I can hear you too.

Now, Adam, after the
double tie on the pedicel,

it's very important
that you check...

Hello? What was that?

David, you didn't tell
me about that before.

Did you check...?
Check the what?


What the hell's going on?

Must be a solar flare, Doc.

I can't even reach L.A.

Doc, what about...
What about San Diego?

A hospital, a clinic, something.


St. Paul's. Try St. Paul's.

( dramatic theme playing)

Check what?

Check what?

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Oh, hi.

Oh, I'm sorry,
I-I didn't realize...

No, no, it's all right. I was
expecting someone to drop in.

I'll only be a minute.

I got to thinking
after you left.

I guess I've gotten
so used to hearing

only one side of every story,

that I forgot there
was another side.

I wanted you to know

that your ex-wife isn't half
the woman that you are a man.

( tender theme playing)

Thank you.

Well, that's all
I wanted to say.

That someone you're waiting for,

I hope she shows
up, for her sake.


She's already here.

Doc, it's still no luck,
but we'll keep trying.

Never mind, Gopher.

It doesn't matter now.

She's okay.

I checked the intestine,
there are no perforations.

You may have to go easy
on the jogging for a while.

She's okay.


I did a bad thing, Adam.

I lost hope.

Glory's gonna be cross
with me when she finds out.

Well, we just won't tell her.

Oh, yeah.

Would you mind signing this?

What is it?

Uh, it's a consent form.

It allows me to
operate on your wife.


Doc, I've been trying to reach
you. We got Dr. Barnes back.

Good, tell him I need an
ambulance, a hospital bed...

and a dozen roses.


( triumphant theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


Hi. Hi.

How's Glory doing? Oh, fine.

She should be coming
down any minute now.

So, Gopher, are you off to
beautiful downtown Burbank?

Mm-mm. Sacramento.
Amber says I'll love it.

Yeah, wait till
you meet my folks.

Meet your folks?

You know, Daddy always
said I'd marry a man in uniform.

Amber, uh,

gosh, you know, there's
something I forgot to tell you.

There's a... There's a rule.
It's... It's a company rule.

We're not allowed
to get married.

Hey, I know it's rough, but...

(elevator dings)


Isaac, do I really need this?

Don't knock it, lady.

This is our best gin.

Goodbye, Glory. Bye-bye, Glory.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye, George.

JULIE: Lovely.

Doc, where are you...?

Where are you carting me off to?

Wilshire Memorial Hospital. It's
one of the best in Los Angeles.

All the modern conveniences.


Has it got a gymnasium?

(both laughing)

Get her out of here.

See you in Baltimore, kid. Yeah.

You know, I was just thinking,

if, uh, we continue
this relationship

and it ripens into a romance,

and the romance
becomes an engagement,

and the engagement
merges into a marriage,

you have to promise
me one thing.


If the marriage
blossoms into a divorce,

you have to represent me.


Oh, goodbye, captain. Goodbye.

Once again, I apologize.
It was all my fault.

Well, you were in a difficult
position. I understand.

You really are
Captain of the Year.

Thank you.

And you, Mr. Vosmik, I
understand what you were doing.

It was truly gallant.

You're right, skip.

What does "gallant" mean?

It means you can have
your job back if you want it.

Ah, thanks, skip, but the sea
ain't no life for a married man.

Really? You mean,
you and Miss de Marzo?

Yeah, we got a lot in common.

For one thing, we're
both unemployed.

Goodbye. Goodbye.


( triumphant theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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