04x22 - Deadly Battle of Tears! Rukia vs. Orihime

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x22 - Deadly Battle of Tears! Rukia vs. Orihime

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day


What in the world's going on?

Say, first off…could you tell me your name?


I see… That's a nice name… Rukia.

Worthy of being my lackey.

So, Rukia, will you work for me?

Yes, sir.


I'm very sorry.

It seems he slipped out while I wasn't paying attention.

He hated to suck living souls so much, but now…

It seems that Mabashi has changed.

No Bount can resist the allure of soul-sucking.

The same thing has happened to Mabashi…

That's all.

Do you think he can control his power?

Are you worried?

I may not be a Bount, but I'm still one of you.

Trust, not concern, is important, Ichinose.


That's what friends do.

Even if he were to lose control of his power and go berserk…

That's still fine.

Whatever the result, it's fine as long as he gets stronger.

A battle without risks is even worse than a child's fight.

It's not interesting at all.

W-What happened? Kuchiki…


My cute Ritze is a doll that allows me to control people

by entering their bodies!


She'll do what I want!

She no longer has a will of her own!

She's a lackey who will do whatever I say!

k*ll them!!



What? No way!

Amazing… So this is what happens when I suck living souls!


Hey, it's been awhile!

Geez, you're such a handful!

Everyone! Oh! I'm flying!

Fool! Now's not the time to be happy!

Rukia, get her!

Hado !

Shakkaho, Red Flame Cannon!!

Run away!!


Thank you, everyone…


Please! Stop, Kuchiki!

She can't hear.

Rukia can't hear right now--!

Hado !

Orihime! Right now, we need defense! Use your Santenkesshun!


Santenkesshun! I reject!!


I'm all right!

What incredible force… Her power is extraordinary!

You idiots--!

Of course she is!

Rukia! Keep it up!

Hado !


Anyway, we need defense!

Oh! Sorry!

E-Everyone, are you all right?

We were able to defend ourselves this time,

but we won't be able to keep taking hits.

Ritze! Draw out more of Rukia's power!


Huh? Why?!


Look out!

Ritze is drawing out Rukia's power to the limit.

She plans on using it until her body falls apart!

At this rate, Rukia's body is in danger!


No--! Don't! Please! Stop!


Open your eyes…



Santenkesshun! I reject!


You fool! Don't waste time!

Slice your opponent with the Kotenzanshun!


We are the embodiment of your will!

We can't do anything unless you make the decision!

Aagh… She's coming again!

No! I can't! I can't do it!

What are you talking about, fool!


Shut up! Do you want to die?!

Are you all right?

Yes… But…

How does it feel, knowing that you have to hurt your friend to survive?!


No "ows", you idiot!

How long are you going to fight defensively! Huh!


But, we're talking about Kuchiki!

I can't fight Kuchiki!

Hado ! Sotatsui!!

Let's take turns. I'll carry him.

Thank you, but… He's my friend.

He has nothing to do with this…

But this still happened to him.

It seems that the Bounts are attacking living humans at random.

You don't need to feel responsible.

I do!

We're friends.

I can't let Keigo die!



I'm not your enemy.

Right now, our enemy are the Bounts.

There's no point in us arguing.

We were not exactly friends, but…

I've…also lost an important person.

So it's not as if I don't understand

your feelings.

Besides that, I'm not as weak as I look.

Let's go… If you want to save your friend,

it doesn't matter who's carrying him.

You're right.

Orihime, are you all right?!

I-I'm all right…

I can't get enough! I can't get enough of this!

This is a bad wound! At this rate…

I'm all right… How is everyone?

We're not all right! My wound won't stop bleeding.

This is horrible!

Use your Kotenzanshun!

Use it while I still have power!

I went to save her…

Kuchiki… In Soul Society…

Kurosaki, Ishida, and Sado as well.

And the Soul Reapers…everyone…

We tried to save Kuchiki.

We were injured…very injured…

but we didn't give up.

I couldn't do anything, but…

Even so, I wanted to save Kuchiki.

So why, oh, why did this happen?

Sorry for repeating the same thing over and over…

But…Kuchiki is my friend.

I want to eat lunch together… And study together…


I can't use my Kotenzanshun on her.

Then let's do this.


I have a plan.



This is… Store Owner!

Who are you--?

Third Squad Lieutenant, Izuru Kira.


Please… Save Keigo.

At any rate, come in.

How is he?

This is dangerous…

His soul's power is quite weak.

I know! We might be able to save him if we directly inject

Ichigo's spiritual power into him!

Tessai! Do you have a reishi injection tool?

Of course! What number?

Number one…number three…

And as a backup, number six!

Understood! I shall bring them immediately!

Come to think of it, where's Abarai?

He's in the next room receiving treatment.

Abarai is tough and he'll probably recover quickly,

but the child that he saved…

Number one, number three and number six are prepared!

Thank you very much!

I'll begin working on joining them!

I have a plan.

If attacking Rukia is not an option…

How about directly attacking the Bount controlling the doll controlling Rukia?

That's right! Let's do that! A nice plan of mine.

That's no good! Bounts are human!

I can't att*ck humans.

You can't be worried about that!

If we don't defeat this Bount here, we'll be k*lled along with Rukia.

And the whole world will be thrown into chaos!


It doesn't have to be fatal!

We can just deal enough damage to make him unable to use his doll,

catch him, and heal his wounds afterwards!

Are you finished with your strategy meeting?

So what are you going to do?



You finally feel like doing it, huh?!

Deal with them, Rukia!

Quickly! What are you doing?!



Tsubaki! Kotenzanshun!

I reject!

Fools! Why do you think that I'm defenseless?!

It's because she'll fight for me… until she dies!


Look out!

Who are you?

Now then, I'll lay down a bit.

Can I leave the rest to you?

Yes… Please take your time.

Thank you. As always…

Who the hell are you?!

Thirteen Court Guards, Ninth Squad Lieutenant, Shuhei Hisagi.

A Soul Reaper, huh?! So what about it?!

I've come to destroy the Bounts.

Oh, is that so? Then try it! If you can!

Go! Rukia!

What's the meaning of this?

A doll is controlling Kuchiki!

A doll?

This is that man's special ability, huh?!

I see… Then it can't be helped…

I just have to cut Rukia as well.


Try it!

If the host dies, there are many other humans I can attach my doll to!

That's it! I'll put her in your body next!

Go, Rukia!

What are you doing?! Go quickly!



You're fighting Ritze?!

Hold on! Why are you resisting?! Why you…

There's no way she can do that!


Inoue…do it!

Fire…at me!


No way. What are you talking about Kuchiki?

I…can't do that..


at me!

Well said, Rukia Kuchiki.

I can't!

It's painful for her to be controlled by that guy and to hurt her friends.

To let her die while still holding on to her pride as a Soul Reaper,

is the greatest show of sympathy towards her.

Kuchiki also wishes for it.

No way…

Fire at me…




Jeez! It's all right now!

I've regained control!

Giving me unnecessary trouble!

Kuchiki… I'll put you to rest right now.



I can go at any time!

You should at least settle this!

Orihime! Unfortunately, there is no other way.



Hisagi! Please! I'll do this!

All right…

The one who reigns! Mask of flesh, all creation, flap of wings.

The one who carries the title of human!

Shunou, Ayame, let's go!

Hado !


Did she do it?

Wha-?! What?!

We are the power of Orihime's heart.

We get stronger when Orihime's feelings become stronger.

Kotenzanshu! I reject!!

Damn you! Rukia, what are you doing?! Fire away!


Shunou! Ayame! Sotenkishun!!

Orihime, what are you--?

I reject!!

What is this light?!




What is she?! That's so disgusting!

What is that power?

You bastards! Ritze! Next is that woman! Control her!


I've failed! I'm returning!

I won't let you do this any more!

I shall finish you off!

Why you… No way!

I'll k*ll you!!

You're the one who's going to die.



That's Ichinose…

So it was true that he has joined the Bounts.


Inoue… Thank you…



Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

The flowers glow and fade away.

The sky falls silent,

as a pair of dreamy fireworks (Hanabi) lit up.

I will sing my piercing love to you.

Can you hear my voice?

Blooming in an instant are fireworks (Hanabi)

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

Blossom away in full bloom, high above

Protect and keep those feelings thriving

Strongly, at least till the very end.

These flowers will glow and fade away

It's been a while since I've been to the Human World, so I've got to go shopping.

Let's hurry to Roppongi and Ginza!

Chad, Noba, there's no time, so we've got to defeat the Bounts quickly!

Umm, Rangiku… It's already night, so the stores aren't open.

In fact it's midnight…

That's all right! We'll go to the stores as soon as they open in the morning.

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


What are you doing?!

There's only a single employee?!

Shall I warm your packed lunch?

Yes, absolutely! I can't eat cold food! Old Man!


Please wait one moment…

Hana! Damn. Hana!


Your lower lashes are really gross!

Turn into sand! Seppa!!

You've got to tune in again!
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