05x06 - Hitsugaya Strikes! Slice the Enemy in the Middle of the Forest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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05x06 - Hitsugaya Strikes! Slice the Enemy in the Middle of the Forest

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day

I've come to inform you!

We have confirmed strange movements in Kusajishi!

Strange movements?

Someone has gathered a large number of thugs

to cut the trees in Kusajishi Forest.


Is it the work of the Bounts?

On the surface, it looks like a bookie

of one of Kusajishi's countless gambling houses is behind it, but…

Is there someone else pulling the strings?

Yes! I also have information concerning that!

What should we do?

This is the clue we've been waiting for.

We'll probably need to investigate.

Then have someone do a search…

No, Matsumoto--!

We're going to Abarai's place!

Renji's place?

Abarai has had the most contact with the Bounts…

I want him to come with us.

I've received a report from the reconnaissance guy.

So what are Kariya's movements?

Yeah… They've gathered an impressive amount of people in a short time…

It seems that they're gathering ruffians from throughout Kusajishi…

They're pretty tough, but they don't have spiritual power.

They can't win against Soul Reapers even if they gather in large numbers.

But there's no way that they'd fight seriously

against Rukon District residents, would they?

It's a huge burden to fight while continually holding back!

I see… Indeed…

The Bounts are few in number to begin with…

They're going to think of more than one way to fight Seireitei.

So what are you going to do?

We're going to stop them!

They're a disorderly crowd to begin with.

We're going to make it easier for the Soul Reapers

to fight them by breaking up the crowd!

This is the part I have to consult you about, Brother!

When did I become your brother?!

Think nothing of it!

At any rate, we don't have time!

Could you gather as many of your allies as you can?

Ganju, why are you so passionate about this?

A friend of mine is working like mad to do something about the Bounts…

I want to help him!

A friend?

Ganju, could you mean Kurosaki?

Ah, the beautiful power of friendship! No one is ever really alone!

Helping each other is more important than anything!

Shut up!

Oh my!

At any rate, he had a terrible time with the Bounts!

I don't want to let him die!

Tales of friendship, huh?!

I'm amazed you can say that without feeling a bit embarrassed!

Well, fine… I never liked that bookie…

I, Daiji Hirasako, the Bull of Kusajishi, will help you!

So, the Bull of Kusajishi wasn't your real name…

Why do you need to go by that name?

Because it's cool!


They’re so alike…

Hey! Conboy! Max! Lady!



Gather up some sturdy guys!

We've gotten quite good at repairs…

Ryoka invasions have become more frequent.

Everyone's probably become more skilled…

But nothing is resolved, even if we finish repairs…

Who in the world destroyed it, and for what purpose?

Do you suppose it could be a diversion?

A diversion?

The Bounts probably created a diversion upon coming here…

But there's no point to it if it's repaired…

Jeez. You sure are naive…

This kind of distraction also causes mental shocks…

Right now, Seireitei is in complete chaos…

Everyone must have become lazy to allow invaders into Seireitei so easily…



What's wrong?

Did you figure something out?

It can't be…!


I just remembered something important I have to do! Excuse me!

A-An exploding egg…

What kind of dream did you have?!

You sleep too long.

It looks like you've finally awakened.

Now let's eat.


Umm… I'd like to continue where we left off yesterday.

Sorry about yesterday. I fell asleep half way…

Umm…about your face…

My face?

We met a Bount in the World of the Living

who had a face that looked very much like…

No, exactly like yours…

Yoshino Soma… That was the Bount’s name.

What's the meaning of this?

That's right. That's also what I've been wondering…

The Bount called Yoshino is probably a copy of me.


A copy?!

In the experiment to create immortal souls

that produced the Bounts…

We didn't use normal souls…

They're not normal souls?

We created artificial souls that were based on our own,

and experimented on them…

Artificial souls?

The experiment for eternal life…

Even though it was mathematically possible,

still there was a moral problem using human souls.

So we created artificial souls based on our own souls.


The artificial souls went through a sudden mutation

in the accident during the experiment…

and were incorporated within the cycle of rebirth…

That's what the Bounts are.

That's right…

We created artificial souls based on Soul Reaper souls.

It's expected that they have incredible power.

I see…

So the Bounts can use Dolls

like Soul Reapers use their zanpakuto, right?

Yes… Afterwards, artificial soul research grew

and the gikongan and mod soul technology was developed.


The Bounts are like my distant relatives.

I see… Lirin and the others are able to have Bount sensor abilities

because they're based on the same technology…

I thought that since they dived through the cycle of rebirth,

the features of the Soul Reapers they were based on

would not directly surface themselves, but…

This Bount called Yoshino resembled me, huh?


So what happened to that Bount?

Kariya k*lled her…

At any rate, we have to stop the Bounts as soon as possible.

Kenny… Are you going to meet Maki?

Yeah… The captain of Squad has been able to track them…

I'm going, too! I also want to see Maki!

Gentlemen! Take a rest and listen to me for a moment!

First, I want to pay tribute to your courage!

This is your fight!

You were controlled and discriminated against,

even though you are also from the Soul Society.

Today, you will be released!

You are free!

We shall now commence an attack on Seireitei!

In order to do that… we need your help!

I wish you the best of luck!

I thought so…

What is the matter, Master Mayuri?

The one who snuck into Seireitei and did the destruction was…

Maki Ichinose.

Take a look at this, Nemu!

Yes, Master Mayuri.

Lately, there haven't been Soul Reapers passing through, but…

the Senkaimon has been opening and closing frequently.

This is that record…

Ichinose has been coming in and out.

The gate will open and close

when he's passing through the Senkaimon even if he's invisible.

And no matter how skillfully he hid himself…

he wasn't able to completely erase his Spiritual Pressure as he passed.

Of course, this was something only I was able to notice.

He's been breaking into the database…

and making alterations and hiding information.

But that won't work on me.

Maki Ichinose's Nijigasumi has an ability

to use light refraction to make him invisible.

And the Bounts have a special technique

to hide their Spiritual Pressure…

If he had that technique,

there is no way that he wouldn't use it.

This means that Ichinose made himself invisible…

and was coming into Seireitei and creating diversions.

There may have been other times when

he broke into the database and made alterations…

I'm going to make a search with this pattern in mind.

I thought so.

I never thought that he could break in this often

without anyone noticing…


What's wrong?

This is…

It can't be… It can't be!

Take a look at this!

This is…

This is the data we retrieved after it was erased!

Yes, Master Mayuri.

I looked at this and thought of…

drawing the Bounts to Soul Society by using the Quincy power, but…

Was it Ichinose… who showed me this data?!

They were using me!

They had the Quincy use his bow to go to Soul Society!

How dare they…those Bounts!

I've found their location.

They're gathering deep in Kusajishi Forest.

According to our information,

they've gathered an incredible number of thugs…

Though thanks to that,

the area around Kusajishi is said to have become pretty quiet.

So…what should we do?

Since we've come this far, we've got to go.

The thugs are still residents of Rukon District.

Try not to harm them if you encounter them.


Renji… Is your zanpakuto all right?


You used Higazekko in the World of the Living, didn't you?

Your zanpakuto hasn't recovered, has it?

It's all right! I don't have to use my shikai on the likes of thugs…

But what'll you do if Bounts come out?


Well, when that happens,

you can run to Seireitei as a messenger.

How mean…

Let's go!

Are you going?

Yeah… Inoue's Shunshunrikka just informed me that…

the Bounts are doing something in the Kusajishi Forest.

We've got to go.

Rantao, what about you?

This shouldn't be the only thing that the Bounts are doing.

I have something I have to prepare just in case…

All right… Let's meet again afterwards.


Oh yeah!


I have one more thing I had to ask you.

What is it?


You know about Ishida's artifact, don't you?

How long will it hold up, in actuality?

I don't know…

It may become useless today… It may be tomorrow…

If it goes off accidentally…

it may blow away everything within a radius of several thousand meters.

Well, there's no reason to get scared at this point.

I've just got to do what I can!


Be careful…

The preparations for a surprise attack on Seireitei are on schedule.

Good work.

Master Kariya.

What is it, Ichinose?

It seems that several Soul Reapers are approaching this location.

There's also a captain…

I'm thinking of remaining here to deal with them.

If we deal with the Soul Reapers now, things will be easier later.

I'll leave it to you.

Yes! Anything for you.


It seems there's no mistake. The Bounts are beyond here.

But it sure is strange…

There are much fewer people here than I thought.

What should we do?

At any rate, let's split up and move on! Be careful!



I found one…

Who are you?

Maki Ichinose.

Are you the Soul Reaper who's helping the Bounts?

I am no longer a Soul Reaper…

I am a comrade of the great Master Kariya!

Where are the Bounts?!

I don't need to answer you.

Then I'll force an answer out of you!

Come on!

Why do you help the Bounts when you have this much skill?

I saw that Master Kariya's goal as justice.


There is no longer any justice in Soul Society.

Master Kariya will purge you!

You bastard!

Ichigo Kurosaki!

Why, it's Toshiro!

It's Captain Hitsugaya!

What's going on in this forest?!

Matsumoto! Abarai!

There really are too few thugs gathered in the forest.

Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

Oh! Kurosaki!

Why are you here?

Right now, Ganju and the others are…

You're not good enough!

At any rate, don't let any of them get away!

We came with Ganju and the others to…

stop the people gathering in the forest…

For some reason, there seems to be only a few people!

What's the meaning of this?!

What's wrong, Chad?

There's a guy who can control space just like Noba…

That old man!

It's too late!

Master Kariya and the main force have already headed to Seireitei!

Are you a Ryoka?

So what if I am?!


Who are you?

A Bount… Go Koga…

Sorry, but could you let me in?

I can't let you pass!

Then I'll have to force my way in…

Zeig dih, Dalk!

An army, which was believed to be gathering in Rukon District …

has appeared at Hakuto Gate and Kokuryo Gate.

Hurry to your defense positions.

I repeat…

An army, which was believed to…

Pry it open!

Now… next is Kokuryo Gate…

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Lying around, dozing as usual Flipping through nothing but manga books

My motto: Funny & Easy

I wanna live life carefree

"On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy"

Underneath the sun, smilin' every day

Being kind to others, and also to myself

But I get things done when I need to (Really?)

Now then, come with me (Can I trust you?)

Trust me or not, you won't really know until you give it a try

I mean, wouldn't you rather trust and laugh together?

(I wanna) Go for walk

Things won't get started if you don't act!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!


Kenny finally has a part in the next episode!

Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Now then, shall we do this, Ichigo?

Come at me for real with your Bankai.

No! No! I'm not your opponent!

That way! That way!

Don't be so tense. It doesn't matter who I fight.

No, it’s not!

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


Now, here are everyone’s presents from the World of the Living!

A Nekoichi.

Snacks. A pennant.

A bear. A shield. And…

What is this?!

A swimsuit!

Why is it all stringy?

To be honest…I bought it at Captain Kyoraku's request!

He said, “Buy some sexy clothes for Nanao…”

It was a rare opportunity, so I got a swimsuit!

Put it on.

Absolutely not!

Tune in next week!
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