01x12 - "Trial by Red-Eyes" / "Black Flare! Red-Eyes Black Dragon"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x12 - "Trial by Red-Eyes" / "Black Flare! Red-Eyes Black Dragon"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously,
on yu-gi-oh...

I'm dueling
on mai's behalf.

Recognize me?

That's rex raptor.

This twerp supposed to
scare me or something?

If little yugi
does any of his
back-seat dueling,

Then joey
is disqualified

And the match
goes to rex.

[All gasping]

This is your big chance
to prove yourself,

Or are you
gonna back out?

Of course he is.

No. That's
the way I want it--
just me and him.

No offense,

But I want you
to keep out
of this one.


I can't
believe you've
reduced yourself

To being mai's
attack dog.

Baby dragon.


-Headed king rex,



I still have
this time wizard.

Rex: ah, without yugi's
help, this chump doesn't
even know how to use it.

I'm playing rock ogre
in defense.


Horn ramming
charge attack!


All right!

Meet the top link
in the food chain,

Serpent knight dragon!

Go, lava battle guard.


Rex: now attack
the green one!

Rex: what? My sonic blasts
are being deflected!

Tristan: the red one
blocked for the green one.

Right. And now that
we're together again...

There's not
a monster rex has
that can stop us.

Celebrate while you can,

Because your party's
about to be crashed!


Captioning made possible by
wb networks and
the u.s. Department of education

Your horned freaks may have
won control of the field,

But now it's time to see
if you can hold it.


Battleguard, give
that card a bashing!



Tristan: whoa!
Look at 'em glow!

Those guys
are some kind
of tag team.

Wow! You're right
about that.

The power bonus
they gain

From both
being on the field
at the same time

Makes them
a tough duo to beat.

No joke.
And since joey's

Already taken out
rex's best monster card,

The rest'll be cake.

Finish him, bro.

Rex: ha!


Who said
that serpent knight dragon

Joey destroyed turns ago
was my best card?


My supreme monster
is a dragon,

But of a different sort!

The red eyes black dragon!

[All gasp]

A what dragon?


Your pair of primates
can power up

Till they're green
in the face.

They're still no match
for the thrashing power
of this beast.


So it does exist.

My grandpa told me
about this card.

Its powers are said
to rival those

Of the legendary
blue eyes white dragon.

It's about time
rex played a card that'll
put joey in his place.

And if you think
those brain-dead
brutes of yours

Will rescue
each other from
this dragon's rampage,

Think again!
With dragon nails,

My red eyes gets
a power boost strong enough

To clobber an army
of your battleguards.

Red eyes black dragon!

Inferno fire blast!



How could
he torch 'em both
with just one shot?

Those who defend together
are destroyed together.

Don't tell me you thought
their little clubs

Would be enough to save them
from my dragon's wrath.

That creep.

[Rex laughs]


That's a good boy, rex.
Nice work.

Do you smell that odor
in the air, joey?

It's the stench of
your defeated battleguards.

Who's up next
for the roast?


Gotta stay calm.

Hang in there!

Yugi, tell me
that dragon

Isn't as tough
as it looks.

I mean,
there must
be something

Joey can do
to stop it.

[Thinking] hmm.

I wish
I could answer her,

Because there
is one last move

That could save joey
from that red eyes.

But I'm barred from
giving advice in this duel.

Joey's gonna have to
figure out this one
all by himself.

Play every monster you got.

My dragon
has enough firepower

To turn your whole deck into
a smoldering pile of ash!

[Thinking] rex is right.

No creature I have can
out-muscle that thing.

Man. I guess
this is where I get
my butt handed to me.

Tristan: yo, joey!wha--

You may not
have the monster
to beat that thing,

But you got
the smarts.

We're not giving up
on you, joey.

Don't forget.
Dueling's more about
heart than strength.

Now show this lizard
what you're made of.

Ah. Hmm.



Yeah. That's it, joey.

Slap down another card
for my red eyes to fry up.

huh? I almost forgot.

Joey still has
his time wizard out
from a few turns ago.

That's the card
he played

To clobber mai
and her harpies.

With yugi's help,
that is.

Shame joey's
too much of an amateur

To know how
to use it himself.

[Laughs maniacally]

Hey, are you gonna nab me
the victory you promised

Or are you
gonna sit there

With that dumb look
on your face?

[Thinking] again
with the insults?

I can't wait to wreck
that arrogant attitude
of hers in our duel.

Wait a minute.
If I could snag
joey's time wizard,

It would be
the perfect way
to shut her up.

She can't win
against that card.

Oh, joey?

I have an idea. Let's make
this duel more exciting

And each put one card
up for grabs

With our star chips.
And just so it's fair,

We'll both put up whatever
card we have on the field.

Sound good?

Wha--i don't have
any cards on the--huh?

Oh, yeah.
My time wizard.

I forgot about that.

And for him, I'll give you
my rarest card--

The supreme
red eyes black dragon!


Just what do you
think you're doing,

You disobedient dolt?

You're here to take joey
out of this tournament,

Not to improve
your deck.

stay out of this.

Rex, you
double-crossing snake,

I know what
you're scheming.

I'm no lousy snake.

I'm a dinosaur.
You know that.

Ha! You're no--

that red eyes black dragon

Could really help my chances
at winning this tournament

And gettin' its prize money
for my sister.

But I hate to risk this
time wizard yugi gave me

Like it was
some bargaining chip.

Wait a minute.

What am I talking about?

Maybe I don't have to.

You got a deal, rex.

Your red eyes dragon
and my time wizard--

Winner takes all.



It's a gutsy move.

[Thinking] sucker. Ha.

Huh. But while
I'm at it, rex,

I'm making him my w*apon
of choice, too!

Go, time wizard!

What are you doing?

Joey just figured out
the best possible move

For this situation.

This wouldn't
be happening

If you'd just obeyed
my commands, rex.

Joey: I hope you packed
your bags, rex,

'Cause if
my time wizard's spin arrow

Lands on a time warp,
you'll be on the next
boat off this island.

Do you really want
to leave this entire duel

Up to a single spin?
You do know what'll happen

If that arrow lands
on a skull, don't you?

It's a risk I gotta take.
Time roulette, go!

What happens
if the arrow
lands on a skull?

It'll self-destruct
and take a chunk

Out of joey's
life points.

Oh, man. All he's got
is a chunk.

Téa: I can't believe
this entire duel

Has come down
to one spin.

It's almost
too nerve-racking
to even watch.

All we can do now
is hope that arrow

Doesn't land on a skull.

Ok. Then
let's start hopin'.

come on, time machine.

come on, skull.

It's stopping.


Way to go, joe!


All right.
Time warp, go!

Time magic.

[All screaming]


You jerk!
Look what you've done.

The entire
space time continuum

Is speeding
out of control.

Eons are passing
like seconds!



He's been

No. He hasn't.
He's still standing.

Sure, he's beginning
to gray a little,

But that's natural.

Go on and have him
attack, rex.

Go on, rex!


Uh, red eyes?

Go on and attack.

Aah! No, no, no!

The millions of years that
joey's time wizard made pass

Has turned rex's dragon into
a brittle shell of dust.


So I guess you won
my star chips, huh?


Wait a second.

Not only did I win
your star chips,

But I won
your red eyes, too,

Fair and square.


All right!

And he did it all
by himself, too.

I did it, guys.
I did it!

Hey, you're
the man, joey.

Yeah, you know it.

Comin' right
at you, man.

Give me some skin, bro.

Up high or down low?


I guess you're
down low, bud.

You--you shoved me.

After everything
I just went through,

You go and shove me?

Yeah, well,
tough tamale.

Now we're even for
when you pushed me.

Don't you know wrongs

Don't make a right,
you jerk?

Should I make it ,

Bring it on.

Come on, guys.

There's no need
to fight over this.

Maybe we ought
to stay out of this one.

I think this is
their bizarre way

Of showing each other
they care.

Oh. Ok.

I just hope they don't
care about me that much.

[Both grunting]

Yugi: boy, it sure
got dark in a hurry.

Téa: yeah. Maybe we ought
to set up camp somewhere.

Tristan: don't tell me
you're afraid, téa.

You got us
protecting you.

Yeah, but who's
protecting you guys?

Uh, good point.
Let's set up camp.

Joey: relax, guys.

There's nothing
in these woods

But crickets
and squirrels.


Tristan: and when
they finally pulled over

To look and see what was
in the back seat of the car,

It was over
pepperoni pizzas

With double cheese
and meatballs.

Oh, please. What kind
of ghost story

Is that
supposed to be?

Aah! If I don't
get some food in me,

I'm gonna be turning
into a ghost.

Those two
and their stomachs,

Huh, yugi?

Hey, my meal ticket.


What? No!

[Both grunt]

Wild mushrooms
are poisonous, joey.

Mai: so do us all a favor
and let him eat it.


Joey: now what
do you want, mai?


All: huh?


That's it.

You can duel me,
you can insult me,

But you're
not eating
in front of me.

You're that hungry,
are you?

Ok, then. Give me
your star chips

And I'll give you
some food.



Forget it.

Potato chips--
I mean, star chips
are priceless.

I was just kidding,

I'll be more than happy
to share

If you can manage
to ask politely
like a gentleman.

Right. So then you can
go make fun of me
for that, too?

Look. By tomorrow,
I'll have won entrance

To the castle,
so there's no point

In me keeping an entire
knapsack full of food.


Sure would be nice not
to have to duel tomorrow

On an empty stomach.

How do we know this
isn't another trick?

Give me just
one good reason
to trust you.

'Cause it's either me
or that poisonous mushroom.

[All groan]

Yugi: look at all
this stuff! Candy bars--

Joey: dibs
on the candy bars.

Potato chips--

dibs on the chips!

Canned fruit, soda.

Joey: dibs on the soda.

Sorry, boys.
No dibs on anything yet.

At least not until
you complete your chores.

I want yugi to go look
for some firewood.


And you two boys can go
and fetch us some water.

You bet.

If she's
not slingin' insults,

Then she's
barkin' orders.

I'm willing
to swallow my pride

If it means
swallowing some food.

I'll go and gather us
up that firewood.


What's your name?
Téa, is it?


Well, téa, if you want
to freshen up a bit,

There's a makeshift shower
just over there.

Uh, thanks, mai.

Hanging out
with those boys

Is no reason to have
to smell like them.

Yugi: joey, I don't
think we should cook
the candy bars.

Joey: back off.
I know what I'm doing.

[Thinking] mai sure
is a hard gal to read.

One minute she's
starting trouble with us,

And the next we're
sharing a campfire.

Look at you go,

Only thing missing
is a chef's hat

And a cute apron.

Joey: jeez.
All right, already.

Now keep cooking!

You're tough, mai.

Us gals have got
to look out for each other,

Especially with a bunch
of bozos like them around.

I don't see
why you even bother
hanging out with them.

That's easy, mai.
They're my best friends.

Those goofballs?

In my experience,
their type is only good

For moving furniture
or fixing cars.

Hey, mai?


What's wrong?

I heard something moving
around right outside.

Hmm. Hmm.

Hmm? Hmm?

Well, it's gone now.

Tristan: wow.
It sure smells good.

All: time to dig in!

[All chomp]


thank you very much.

Not bad.
How's yours, téa?

Mmm. Stars.

speaking of stars,

I hear you've
won a few, mai.

How many
do you have, ?

Or is it ?

However many,
it sure sounds like
you're in the zone.

Ha. Don't think
you're gonna fool me

With your nice guy
routine, yugi.

It's only a matter
of time before you--

Can't we just forget
about the tournament

For one night?

Let's make fun
of joey instead.

That's always fun.

Ok, just as long as
everyone is crystal clear

About one little thing--

Any duelist in my way
is going down.

All: huh?

Now if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to go for a walk.

All: huh?

Oh, man.

She can really
ruin a meal.

I should never have
sat down with those losers,

Even if they do seem
like kind of nice losers.

And friendly. And--

No. I can't afford
to go soft now.

I'm a duelist first,
and that means

Everyone is an enemy.
So no friends for me.

I want to win,
and I'll do it all alone.



Joey: man, oh, man.


I'm fadin'
fast here.

Don't you think
we should check on mai?

Good idea.

She has
been gone
for a while.

It's probably
some trap.



What was that?

Yep. Bet you she's
been waiting there
the whole time.

Come on out, mai!

[All gasp]

It's bakura!

See? I told you.

I haven't just
been seeing things.

What are you doing
way out here, bakura?

Same as you guys,
I guess.

You gave us
a scare sneaking
around those bushes.

Yeah. For a minute there,
we actually thought we had
something to worry about.

Heh heh.
Pretty silly, huh?

Joey, you've been
staring at that card
for, like, an hour.

What's up?

I'll tell you.
Just don't laugh.

when I'm in a duel,

I pretend that it's me
out there on the field

Swapping blows
with whatever card
my opponent has out.

Isn't that dumb?

Well, if you were,
which card would
you want to be, joey?

Joey: uh...this one.

The flame swordsman
kicks everybody's butt.


Not mine, guys.

The cyber commander.

You boys and your cards
are hilarious.

I think everyone has a card
they can identify with.

You should see if you can
pick one for yourself, téa.

Ok. I pick this one,
magician of faith.

What? You gotta
be kidding me.

More like the magician
of freaks if you ask me.

Shut up!

Tell me which one
you identify with, yugi.

Oh, that's easy.
Dark magician, hands down.

Maybe I'm just
out of the loop,

But don't you guys think
it's a little silly

To be comparing ourselves
to playing cards?

Maybe a little,
but it's like grandpa says:

"It's not about
the playing cards.

"It's about putting
a little bit of your heart

Into anything
that you care about."

You know?

So which card do you care
about most, bakura?

This one is my favorite.

Isn't that the
change of heart card?

Kind of a weird
lookin' picture,
don't you think?


If you want to see
how it works,

We can have a duel
right now.

Not for star chips,
just for a little fun.

Sure. I'm down
with that.

After all this
star chip stuff,

It'll be nice
to have a duel

With no strings

I agree.

I think just
a regular old duel

Sounds like
a great idea.

Why don't you guys each
put your favorite card

Into yugi's deck,
so it'll be like
we're all playing.

That's a good idea.


But I should warn you

That with this
all-star team of cards,

We'll be tough to beat.

Bakura: true, but maybe
I'll surprise you.

Téa: this'll be fun.

All right.
I'm all shuffled.

Now you're sure you
don't mind playing alone?

Don't you worry
about a thing, bakura.

We'll go easy on you.


Now let's get
this duel on the road.

before we get started,

There's a little
something I'd like
to share with you all.


And especially
with you, yugi.

What's that?you'll see.

What's he doing?

Joey: this is
gettin' freaky.

No! It can't be!

A millennium item.

Bakura: yes, and the magic
of my millennium ring

Will take us
to the shadow realm.

Man, I hate magic.

Why are you
doing this, bakura?

You've something
I want, yugi,

And I aim
to take it!





All: whoa!


That wasn't too difficult.

Their souls
have been locked away.

And now, after waiting
for countless centuries,

The legendary
millennium puzzle is mine.


No, it can't be!

You want
my millennium puzzle?

Then you're going
to have to duel me for it.

But if I win,
you'll release my friends

And send us all back.

Ha ha. I agree to
your ridiculous terms, yugi.

But I promise you,

There is more at stake here
than you comprehend.

And this is one shadow game
that you cannot win!
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