05x07 - The Lady from Laramie/Vicki Swings/Phantom Bride

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x07 - The Lady from Laramie/Vicki Swings/Phantom Bride

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

Theme song: Love.

Exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love.

Life's sweetest reward.

Let it float.

It floats back to you.

The love boat.

Soon we'll be
making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure.

Your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love!

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

- Hello.
- Hello.

We're the garfields.

Julian and Kate.

Ah, welcome aboard.

Oh-- oh, hey.

A special welcome aboard.

You two are in the
honeymoon suite.

That's just--

portside, mid-ship,
promenade cabin .

Formerly suite royale.

Took the words
right out of my mouth.

And if you're expecting any
guests for a bon voyage party,

I'll send 'em right down.

We won't be having any guests.


Only ghosts.


Fedalio, make sure we get
a good table for dinner.

Of course, my dear.


How do you do it?

Every time you come
aboard with a woman,

she's more beautiful
than the one before.

Ah, unfortunately,

they are not all so beautiful.

But as you know, since
I have no wealth,

I must go with
the ladies who do.

Ah, but we shall talk later.

I must give my regards
El bon capitan.

Ta ta.

Ta ta.

I'm sure you'll enjoy that.

[Non-English speech]

So nice to see you again.

[Non-English speech]

Senor cevini, miss Crawford.

[Non-English speech]

I'm looking forward
to the voyage, captain.


[Non-English speech]

I'll see you later.



My, he sure does talk pretty.

Italian is a
beautiful language.

Boy, if I could
speak some of that,

it'd sure make the folks in
laramie sit up and take notice.

I'm going to have to
look that fellow up.


May I help you?


I was wondering if
my dad's checked in?

Mr. Martin Andrews.

Oh, you must be Todd.

I have a message for you.

He'll be here, won't I?

He said some urgent
business came up,

but he's going to fly down, meet
the ship in puerto vallarta,

and he'll be with
you on the trip back.

Oh, but don't worry
about being alone.

We'll do everything we can to
make it a fun cruise for you.

Who's worried?

I've traveled all
over the world alone.

I even went to China last year.



I'd love to hear about that.


If I find the spare time.

But it looks like
I'll be real busy.

See ya.


He's cute, isn't he?


Too bad you're not
a few years older.

Hey, yeah.

Thanks for the great idea!


I'm sorry you're
not feeling too well.

I'm not.

This is a nice spot.

And this will protect
you from the sun.

Hi there.


You're Italian, aren't ya?


Oh, remember?

We met.

Uh, Libby Crawford.

Good to see you.

I'm from laramie.

That's in Wyoming.


I moved there after
my husband died.

Originally from horse creek.


Perhaps we can find a quieter
place, don't you think?

Excuse me.

Any chance you might be able to
give me some Italian lessons?

I'm planning on traveling
some, and I'd sure like to be

able to speak a foreign lingo.

Well-- hope you
feel better soon.

Let me know if there's
anything I can do.

Think it over about the lessons.

I will.

I'd sure appreciate it.


Another one of your
conquests, fidelio?

[Non-English speech]

If so, my pet,
naturally I would have

to terminate our arrangement.

You must be kidding.

That woman is impossible.

Better see me to my cabin.

I'm getting a dreadful headache.

So am I.


According to this
letter you received,

the first bride who honeymooned
in this cabin later drowned.

And supposedly she comes
back here every anniversary,

seeking her lost love.

Poor thing.

Along with her sex
education classes,

she should have taken swimming.

Maybe she does reappear?

Stranger things than
that have happened.

Not in my carpool.

Julian, how can you
believe this letter?

It isn't even signed.

What's so strange about that?

People who write
letters about ghosts--

they just don't sign their name.

They don't want other people
to think that they're wackos.

Psychic research like mine
never gets any respect.

Well, I just hope that
nobody's putting you on.

Anyway, I'm glad this
lady is only supposed

to reappear to couples.

At least I got to
come along this time.

Oh, Julian.

I just don't want you
to be disappointed.

You know, on all the
previous cruises,

nobody has ever reported
they've seen a ghost.

Those are honeymoon couples.

They don't observe anything.

They have other
things on their mind.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Ah, Dr. Garfield.

Listen, I'm sorry,
but it's going

to take me a little
bit more time

to dig up that list you wanted.

To know, the first
passengers in the cabin?

Oh, good.

Then we'll have a
chance to go up on deck

and catch the action.

I mean, if the phantom
bride is going to appear,

she won't appear before
midnight, will she?

What's this?

It's a bridal veil.

That's a bridal veil.

Oh, doc, steady.

That probably belongs to the
lady who was here last week.

Oh, no.

This is old.

And it's yellow.

That's probably the salt air.

I'm going to hand it
in to lost and found.

Well, I'm going down
to the ship's library,

and see if there's
anymore information.

Well, don't be
too long, darling.

I'll get some towels and
meet you by the pool, ok?

I'll take that if you like.

Thank you.

Why does he want to know who
the first honeymoon couple was?

Well, it seems that
the bride drowned.

And the story is that
her spirit is still

somewhere here in this cabin.


I'm Vicki stubing, remember?

We were going to discuss China.

Oh, yeah.

You look different.

I was wearing
a uniform before.

It makes me look like a kid.

So why do you wear it?

It's a regulation.

And since my father is the
captain, and since jobs are

getting kind of scarce for a--

a -year-old girl.

Your father is the captain?

That must be a drag, having
him around watching you

all the time.

It's no problem.

I get to do whatever I want.


Well then, let's find
some comfortable chairs,

and I'll tell you
all about China.

Just use the medication
you brought with you.

It should be as effective as
anything I could prescribe.

Perhaps the migraine
will pass quickly,

and we may enjoy
dinner together.



How is she feeling?

Satisfactory, thank you.

But if you would pardon,
the doctor is here.

Who is that, fidelio?

Uh, the lady from--

horse creek.

Horse creek.


Have her come in.

I'm sorry you're
under the weather.

Thank you.

You asked before if there
was something you might do.

I wonder, would you
mind having dinner

this evening with senor cevini?

He's looked forward so much
to this occasion, and I can't.

So would you keep him company?

Well, I suppose.

I know he'd be delighted.


See you in the dining room.

I hope you're feeling
perky right soon.



Because of my malaise,
you will be left alone.

And knowing you as
I do, my pet, you

will be seeking out
other companions.

So I have provided one for you.

And knowing you're with
the lady from horse creek,

I shall have no cause to worry.

That's my fate.

Condemned to dine with a savage.

Well, this is nice
and relaxing, isn't it?

Dr. Garfield?

I found this guest book
that all the passengers

on the first cruise
signed years ago.

Now, here we are.

Honeymoon suite, r&j Franklin.

Here you go.

For the handsome groom,
and the blushing bride.

Oh, that's sweet.

Thank you, darling.

Well, I didn't order it.

Well, must be some mistake.

To Jim, from Ramona.

Yours eternally.

Oh, well.

It's obviously for someone else.

Wait a minute.

R&j Franklin.

Ramona and Jim.

Is anything wrong?

That order was
placed years ago.

Wait a minute.

I'm not that slow.

Oh, Julian.

It's probably one of your
cronies from the psychic club

playing a joke.

Something is
very strange here.

Where did you get that note?

It was left on the bar.

And then a lady
called on the phone,

and said to deliver it
with some champagne.


The reason I remember is
because she asked for Ramon.

Now, he doesn't
work here anymore.

That's the old bartender.

He hasn't been here for years.
- Ramon, huh?


He might have been the
first bartender on the ship.

The one she knew years ago.

What's going on?

Look at this.

This is the note you
delivered from the bride.


This is the old signature.

The handwriting matches.


The phantom bride
is here, Isaac.

On the ship.



Ready for dinner?

Oh, I meant to tell you--

I'm going to have dinner with
Todd and some of the others.


And then after that, we're
going to go to the disco.

But I'll see you
at breakfast, ok?

This, uh--


How old is he?

I guess he's about .


About ?

And may I remind you
that you are about ?

But dad, there aren't any
other -year-olds aboard.

And besides, most girls go
out with guys a little older,

- Mm.

You were older than
mom, weren't you?

Yes, but that has nothing--

I'll be right
here on the ship.

The whole time.

And there'll be a
whole bunch of us.

I just don't want you
getting in over your head.

Well, I won't.

Todd's a very nice person.

And he's been to
China, and everything.


Well, I suppose that
makes him all right.

Remember, you still have
your regular curfew.

Then it's ok?

On three conditions.

You take off half that
paint, some of that hardware,

and have a great time.


Thank you.

And I promise, there
won't be any problems.


Hey, doc.



Seems like that old love
boat magic is working.

Leastwise on me.

Look, Libby, there's
something I think you ought

to understand about fidelio.

You see, he goes only
with ladies who--

well, let me put it this way.

He's not really available.

You mean because of his
being here with miss singleton?

They can't be that close,
or why would she tell

him to have dinner with me?

So I'd say it looks
like old horse

creek Libby has a clear track.

Is there actually is such
a place as your horse creek?

Oh, people always laugh
when I say it, but it's real.

And very special.

It's way up in the back country,
where the melting snows trickle

into the running trout streams,
and the hills are covered

with birch and cottonwood.

And the fields
are full of color,

with columbine and
Indian paint brush.

And the air is so clear and
sparkling that every breath

is better than the one before.

[Non-English speech]


Oh, oh, you just reminded me.

Julian found me
this Italian book,

and I looked up something
I wanted to say to you.


Oh, yeah, here it is, fidelio.


[Non-English speech]

Delighted to meet you.

And may I say, [non-English].

Which in American,
means "likewise, toots."

I supose so.

Dr. Garfield?

Excuse me, there's a ship
to shore phone call for you.

Oh, excuse me.

While he's gone,
Isaac, why don't you make

us a couple of Ramon specials?

Ramon specials?

How did you know he used
to be a bartender here?

Well, I didn't.
I mean--

and if you'll
forgive me, your voice

sounds a lot like
the lady that called

and ordered the champagne.

Isaac, please don't
say anything about it.

You see, my husband has been so
preoccupied with his research

that I never see him.

And so I thought a
nice, long vacation

would give us a chance to
get to know each other again.

So you're the one
who wrote the card?

Oh, no.

No, that was really
written by the Franklins.

My aunt and uncle.

And they really were the
first honeymooners aboard,

and they did know Ramon.

That's what gave me the idea.

And then I invented
that weird story

just to keep Julian happy.

Well, it certainly
seems to be working.

I know you got gopher
looking over his shoulder.

Well, he won't have
anything else to worry about.

And now my dear, darling,
ghost happy husband and I

can have a nice, long cruise.

Which is desperately
important to both of us.

That was Dr. Patterson.

He's got permission to
go into a pharaoh's tomb.

I'm going to get off the ship
tomorrow in puerto vallarta,

and fly to Cairo, and join him.

But what about
the phantom bride?

Well, as you say, there was
probably nothing to that story.

Look, I'd better get
back on the phone

and start making some calls
about airline connections.

Well, you gave it a good try.

I guess there's nothing
more you can do.


Somehow, at midnight tonight,
that bride is going to appear.

[Music playing]

You haven't been dancing.

You getting tired?


I like to sit down and
watch once in a while.

It's a great way to
pick up the new steps.

I suppose living
on a cruise ship,

life is just one
party after the other.

That's right.

It's a terrible drag.

A party every night, a new
man in my life every week.

Don't I wish?

Not all play time, huh?


In fact, it's not
very often that I

get to meet someone like Todd.

You know, my own age.

He seems like a nice kid.


He's , and he's traveled
all over the world.

So he says.


Great party.


Well, you must be excited.

You're going to meet
your dad tomorrow

morning in puerto vallarta.

Oh, didn't I tell you?

His secretary called again.

Said he couldn't make it.

Maybe we could do
something ashore?


But that's tomorrow.

We've got all my first to party.

I'm afraid I don't.

I have to be at work early
in the morning when we dock.

I'm sorry.

Oh, hey, that's ok.

No problem.

Then I'll see you tomorrow?


Oh, fidelio, you are the
most wonderful man to talk to.

I really meant it when
I said [non-English]..

That's closer.

Maybe when the
cruise is over, you'd

like to come visit
me in laramie,

and we could take a
run out to horse creek?

I'm afraid that
wouldn't be possible.

Any special reason why not.

No, it's my fault.
I just assumed

that everyone knew what I am.

But you, of course, dear lady,
would not be aware of a person

like fidelio cevini.

I'm not a free man.

You mean you're
running from the law?


I'm not a fugitive.


I'm something worse.

I'm penniless.


So I do not choose
my companions.

They choose me.

I can only be with ladies of
wealth, who can afford me.

Simply a thing
that can be bought

and discarded like a
necklace, or a motor car.

My wishes-- I've learned
not to have any wishes.

Nor any feelings.

Or I would soon starve.

So you can see, I cannot go
with you to your lovely Wyoming.

I must go wherever miss
singleton chooses to take me.

At the end of a golden chain.

[Non-English] I'm afraid--


So you see, this
is quite simple.

You just look through
this little window,

and then you adjust this lens.

And when you've
got a sharp image,

you press that little button.

Now, should our phantom
appear at midnight,

be sure and get her picture.

Look, Dr. Garfield,
maybe you'd better

get another photographer.

I promised my mom I'd be in
bed early on these cruises.

It won't take that long.

I doubt very much if anything
at all will materialize.

You'll probably be disappointed.

I hope so.

If you don't mind,
darling, I'm going to bed.

It's been a long day.

Look, why don't you
just stand over here?

That's a very sensitive
film in that camera,

so we won't need all this light.

Perhaps this darkness will
help attract our ghostly bride.

Is that the veil?

Right out of lost and found.

We've got about
seconds to go till midnight.

, , , , , --

you ready?



And-- nothing.



Kate was right.

The ghost's not gonna show up.

I'll have better luck in Cairo.


She's gone.

But she was there.

The ghost was there.

You saw her, didn't you, gopher?


What's happening to me, Isaac?

Obviously Libby is a
lady without means.

And yet I'd love to be with her.

I must be sick.

Oh, we give it a nicer name
than that on the love boat.


At my age?

My circumstances?

No, I think it's--

male menopause.

What do you want me to do, run
off with her to this Wyoming?

And then what?

How do we live?

Can you imagine
fidelio cevini working?

As a cowboy?

Mr. Cevini.

Talk to you a minute?

Oh, hi, Isaac.

A couple of straight whiskeys.

This is business.


You're for sale
as an escort, right?

Well, I aim to do
a lot of traveling,

and I need someone
who's been around,

and knows all the moves.

That's your specialty, isn't it?


Then you're hired.

To start off with,
we'll go back to laramie

for a couple of months, so
you can teach me Italian.

Strictly business.

You'll have your own quarters.

Free time is your own.


I don't think you understand.

You see, I am a man of
very expensive tastes.

What'll it take
in cash dollars?

I would expect, uh,
first class accommodations.

Every extravagance.

My own personal
allowance, of course.

Thousand a week
extra do it for you?

You can arrange that?

No problem.

In the spread my
husband left me,

we have cattle,
oil, gas, shopping

centers, a few luxury hotels.

Money's no problem.


We'll start the
minute we get back.

, a week, no
personal involvements.

Drink to seal the deal?

Congratulations, cowboy.

Captain: Good afternoon.

Welcome to Puerta vallarta.

Land tours will be
leaving in minutes

from the coral deck gangway.

Hi, Julie.

Oh, hi, Vicki.

Hey, you going ashore?

Well, Todd said he'd
have some free time,

since he's not meeting his dad.

Um-- but that's not a
real, definite date, is it?

Well, not exactly.

But who else would he go with?

Please, Andrea, come with me.

We got all the big spots.

My father got me all
kinds of credit cards.

Well-- all right.


Vicki, I'll tell you what.

I'll see if I can get some
time off, we'll grab a cab,

and you and I will see the town.

He's taking Andrea.


But like you said, it wasn't
a real, definite date.

Hey, Vicki, it happens
to the best of us.

Well, it's not going
to happen to me again!

What are you going to do?

I'm going to go and
get that sexy dress,

because tonight, i'm
really going to be .


Ok, yes.

Well, um, that's on
the promenade deck.

- Thank you.
- Hi.

It worked.

Oh, great.

Julian's on the
phone right now,

canceling his trip to Cairo.

The phantom bride
really did the trick.

Especially on gopher.

He slept under my bed.

I'm sorry about that.

Do you think you
can keep it from him

until after the cruise?

I'm sure he'll understand.

After all, love comes
first on love boat.


Request permission
to leave the ship.


It's jinxed, sir.

By the phantom
bride of cabin .

I saw her last night, sir.

And she is still here.

Even though she
drowned years ago.

Uh, gopher, could you
help me with some supplies?

It sounded like
you were doing some

drowning yourself last night.

She is a very
real ghost, captain.

I just came from the lost and
found, and her veil is missing.

That means that she is
probably zeroing in on me, sir,

because I'm the
one that took it.

And last night, she
stared right at me.

That's enough!

No, you may not leave the ship.

Go unpack that
ridiculous suitcase.


I saw her with--



if you don't stop
this foolish behavior,

when we get back
to Los Angeles, you

will be getting off the ship.


Captain: Attention, please.

Next stop, cabo, San Lucas.

There's no question at
all about it, fidelio.

You must accept her offer.

I can't match it.

Believe me, dear one, the
arrangement was not my idea.

You have my blessings.

And since, as you
say, the lady asks

for no personal involvement,
then we can dine together

and, uh--

enjoy a pleasant
evening afterward.

I'll just have a little
nap, to be at my best.

I shall look forward to that.

Relax, dear one.

Since she's offered you
everything you've ever wanted,

you should be the
happiest man in the world.

Should I?

Hey, gopher, you think you
can get that developed for me?


But I don't think
I got her picture.


Isn't that for vampires?

Hey-- whatever she is,
I want to keep her away.

That's gonna keep
everybody away.

I wish I would
have got her picture,

but at least I got to see her.

I thought she would be young.


How old was she?

or .

or ?

Maybe older.

She had these deep
circles under her eyes,

and her skin was all wrinkled.

Oh, now that's just
because the light

was coming from underneath.


How did you know about light
coming from underneath?

Um-- well, I didn't.

But I thought you said that--

hey, doc?

Did I show you this?

To celebrate your
triumph, we are

going to have a special,
super fantastic concoction.

Just for you, in your honor.

It is going to be
called Garfield's ghost.

Garfield's ghost?

How nice.

I never had anything
named after me before.

Well, you have now.

And look, from now on, i'm
going to be adding sparklers

to this drink, just for you.

That's really
something, isn't it?

It sure is.

Thank you, Isaac.

Any time.

That puerto vallarta
was kind of dull.

It sure was.

You know, I like
winter resorts better.

More action.

Did I tell you we also have
a condo up at sun valley?

Several times.

Vicki isn't too happy with me.

She thinks I'm hassling her
too much about her curfew.

But you are letting her
try her hand at being ?

It's not easy, Adam.

I guess you gotta love your
children enough to allow them

to make their own mistakes.

I changed my mind.

I don't think I want anything.

Well hey, wait a minute.

Todd, why don't you
just stick with Vicki?

She's really a nice girl.

And more your style.

You think I move
only in the slow Lane.

Well, you've got me all wrong.

And you're wrong
about Vicki, too.

She really didn't go back
to her cabin last night.

We had a late date
after the dance.

And it was a wild one.

Well, she knows every
dark corner on this ship.

We're going to have another
swinging time tonight.

All night.

That's simply
not true, merrill.

I saw Vicki last night,
going to her cabin.

All by herself.

Are you sure about that?

I'm sure.

The boy's just faking it.

Trying to make like a swinger.

Is that true?

That is true.



Oh, hi.

Hi, yourself.

Julie tells me you
suddenly turned ?

So I hurried up to
see you before you

started getting wrinkles.

I don't see why she
makes such a big fuss.

I mean, and --

they're not that much different.

Vicki-- that dress
is certainly different.

I just want to look right
when I'm out with the others.

Vicki-- it wasn't long ago
you used to play at dressing up.

You knew it was just a game.

But growing up is not a game.

If you come on
looking older, you'll

find yourself in situations
you'll have to be

older in order to handle them.

Don't you trust me?

It's not a matter
of trusting you.

Well, it sounds like it.

Otherwise, why would you
make me have a curfew?

Last night, the fun was just
beginning when I had to leave.

Sweetheart, this may be
hard for you to understand,

but your curfew is
not just for me.

It's to help you.

But I've got to
grow up some time.

I know.

And I want to help you grow up.

But at a speed you can handle.

All right.

We'll stretch your
curfew to : .

I still think it's kinda dumb.

I mean, what could
happen after :

that wouldn't happen before?

Perhaps nothing.

But maybe something.

Vicki, you don't
have many rules.

But try to think of
them as a shelter,

to give you more time
to become the person

you really want to be.

So that you, and not others,
will take command of your life.

Then I still have
to be in by ?


Well, traveling
with fidelio from now

on is certainly going to
make life interesting.

Fidelio, you seem miles away.

Are you thinking about
your new arrangement?

Strangely enough, my dear,
what I'm thinking of is, uh--

how to get out of it.

Yes, it'll be
money well spent.

Jimmy Bob-- that's
my late husband--

he always said to forget the
bills, and go for the best.

He once paid $ ,
for just one bull.

So I expect he won't mind
what I'm paying for fidelio.

Of course, it'll be a
different future for fidelio

than it was for that bull.

Yes, I suppose so.

Fidelio's going to be doing
just tutoring and guiding me.


Well, he'll be superb.

You must be very pleased.

Of course I am.

Aw, Julie, I'm not.

I feel real bad about it, and--

I can't figure out why.

[Non-English speech]

Excuse me.


I beg your pardon?

Um-- you're just
the man I want to see.

I'm, uh-- I'm taking
you off the payroll.

Deal's canceled.
I'm sorry.

No, no.

That's quite all right.

I was coming myself to--

to take myself off the payroll.

Oh, then it's fine with you?


It's fine with you?




You feel better?

Darn right.

Oh, wrong.

I feel just as bad
as I did before.

Lovely dinner.

And now a fantastic
dance with a fantastic.


Dr. Garfield, I've been
looking all over for you.

I did get the picture.

There she is.

The phantom bride.

Get me the captain!

He thought he was so smart.

Called me ridiculous.

Gopher, wait.



Captain stubing speaking.

Captain stubing,
this is gopher.

I got something to show you,
sir, so just get yourself

down to the purser's
lobby on the double,

and we'll see who's foolish
and ridiculous, sir!

You know what this means?

I can publish my papers.

I'll finally have respect.

Julian, you-- you
can't use that picture.

Why not?

Because-- because there
isn't any phantom bride.

Sure there is.

She's right there.


No-- that's me.

I staged the whole thing.

The note, the veil--

and that.

It was all phony.


Well, here I am.

On the double.

Yes, sir.

And uh-- hey, look at that.

Made great time, too.

But of course, you were always
in great physical shape, sir.


Why did you speak
to me the way you did?

Oh, that.

Ah-- well, sir--

i-- you're going
to appreciate this,

with your fabulous
sense of humor.

This is gonna knock you out.

Uh-- the g*ng, uh, asked
me to ask you down here

as a surprise, to wish
you happy birthday, sir.

My birthday is
over months away.

Well, why wait
till the last minute?

Well, the Franklins
are your aunt and uncle.

And the whole thing was a phony.

Oh, Julian, I never intended--

all I wanted was
a chance for us.

You ridiculed my life's work.

To you it's a joke.

It's always been a joke.

Hope you got a laugh out of it.

A very big laugh.

Forgive me, Libby.

But I must know--

why did you cancel
our arrangement?

Well, there was
no feeling in it.

I couldn't stand the
thought of you being near me

only because I held the
end of a golden chain.

What about you?

Same reason.

So now we know why.

I didn't want to be bought,
you didn't want to buy me.

But knowing doesn't make
the parting any easier.

Well, standing around
didn't win the west.

You know about
cooking, don't you?


Well, don't you?

Yes, of course.

All my life.

And you know about wine?


And how to please people?

That's my specialty.

But not--

I'm offering you a job running
the restaurants in my hotels.

Maybe the hotels, too.

That way you'll be
earning your keep.

Did you say earning?


Fidelio cevini-- a job?

I mean, Wyoming?

A man could get lost.

Or find himself.

No special meanings?

No special deals.

But I can't promise there won't
be any personal involvement.

I love you, Libby.

[Non-English speech]

By George, you've got it!

Boy, that dancing was wild.

But I could really use some air.

Yeah, it's a good party.

But uh-- we could have
even a better one.

Down in my cabin.

Your cabin?


My dad's not here.

It's empty.


I guess so.

Come on.

Oh, darn.

I lost track of the time.

It's : .

That's my curfew.


Well, I'm very sorry,
but my dad's very strict.


I thought you said you
didn't have any rules?

Todd, I guess I
should tell you.

I haven't been honest.

I'm not almost .

Unless you want to count
three years as almost.

Hey, Vicki--

and all that stuff I
told you about my dad

letting me make my own rules?

Well, that wasn't true, either.

I've just been playing games.

I'm sorry.

You're better off with
someone like Andrea.

Maybe I'll see you around.


Mrs. Garfield?

There's a gentleman who
would like to talk to you.

Being a bartender, naturally
I'm a big blabber mouth,

and I spilled the whole thing.

I hope you'll forgive me.

I hope you forgive me, too.

Julian, you've done
nothing to be forgiven.

It was all me.

I'm the one who--

who had to go through
all this because dumb duck

Garfield was so neglectful.

Kate, if you give
me a chance, i'm

gonna change my research
from ghostly affairs

to my very much alive,
and lovely wife.

Oh, darling, you don't
have to change what you do.

I think it's kind of goofy, but
I'm glad you like goofy things.

That's probably
why you married me.

Just the same, from
now on, all investigation

is going to done together.

Starting right now.


There's this weird
rumor that right

at this very moment, the
honeymoon suite on the love

boat is not being used.

And I think we
should go down there

and do something about that
ghost story immediately.

That's the spirit,
Dr. Garfield.

That's the spirit.

All right, I get the picture.

I just hope you've learned
not to be so carried away.

Oh, I have, sir.

I really-- I
really, really have.

And thank you.

I appreciate it.
- Oh, gopher?


Hi, dad.


Oh-- dance over so early?

No, but I found out how
handy a curfew can be.


Could I talk to
you for a minute?

Well, sure.

Uh, dad, you remember
Todd Andrews?

How are you, Todd?

Fine, sir.

Vicki, I want to
apologize to you.

I've been playing games, myself.

Pretending to be a big operator.

You'll excuse me.

I'd like you to
hear this, too, sir.

I pulled a real bummer.

To impress Andrea, I
made up some wild stories

about you and me.

No kidding?

Wild stories?

I'd feel awful
if they got around.

Well, I didn't hear any.

Did you, dad?

Oh, no.


Not a whisper.

Anyway, I apologize.

I am a nerd.

To be honest, an almost
-year-old nerd.

Maybe next time I
come aboard, we could

start all over as friends?

I'd like that.

And your :
curfew is fine by me.

: ?

Didn't i--

we could have a few
more dances, if you could

stretch it just this once?

All right.

Well make it : .


Thanks, dad.

You must have a good influence
on his character, Vicki.

Getting he hasn't told a
single whopper about one

of his big deals all morning.

I'm trying.

Keep this up, and you
might even get to heaven.

Oh, I'm planning on it.

We have a condo there.

- Bye, now.

Bye, bye.

So long, Vicki.

I will be seeing you again.

And I sure am glad you didn't
hear those wild stories

I told about you.

Sure hope you come visit us.

I will.

I promise.

The very next time
I'm in horse creek.



Arrivederci, doc.

So long, cowboy.

Next time you see me,
I'll be a working stiff.

He's on a six month's
trial at a salary of $ , .

Why did you decide on
such a strange amount?

Just seemed right.

Remember, that's what Jimmy
Bob paid for the bull.

Ciao, Julie.



Thank you.

We had a wonderful
time, captain.

It's our pleasure,
Dr. Garfield.

Gopher tells me that you turned
out to be the phantom bride.

Such gullibility.

I'm still trying to
forgive him for it.

Not very hard.

I'm sorry, gopher.

Oh, well, you know,
I really wasn't fooled.

I'm glad I caught
you before you left.

You left this
behind in the cabin.

Your maid found it.

Oh, what a beautiful
bridal bouquet.


Only it isn't mine.


Goodbye, captain.


Let's be sensible about this.

That bouquet couldn't possibly--

[Theme music]
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