05x05 - Murdoch at the Opera

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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05x05 - Murdoch at the Opera

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Una cuffietta a pizzi ♪
♪ Coi miei capelli ♪
♪ Da tanto tempo tal ♪
♪ Ed egli ha letto ♪
♪ Quel che il core asconde ♪
♪ Ora colui... ♪
♪ Ora colui... ♪

Madre del Dio!

Can you not see?

What egregious offence have I committed now, Carlo?

I am standing right here, I did no such thing!

You are singing of your love for me.

But you are paying no attention!

Fine, sing without me! No!

Clearly I'm at fault... I will leave!

Rosa, no! Both of you! Please!



Ah, mannaggia!

Elvira, please take over Of course, Senore Arturo.


Ah! Elvira, what's wrong?


What...? Vi... ola.

What? What did she say?!

Elvira... Bella! Oh, no!


So it would seem, George.

Dr Grace will complete her The victim was Elvira Cummings, sir.

She was in the chorus, and served who plays the lead role of Mimi...

Signor Arturo, the company is originally from New York, on tour with their production of La Bo-heem.

La Boheme, George.

Gather everything and bring it back Did anyone see Miss Cummings She was drinking red wine.

Elvira did drink from Rosa's glass, Is this true?

Yes. But Rosa also drank from the No, Carlo... you poured the wine, Are you quite sure, Madame Hamilton?

Of course, I'm sure.

So only Miss Cummings drank from your glass.

What are you saying, Detective?

Perhaps the poison but for you, Madame Hamilton.

But... who would want to k*ll... me?

There you go.

Mr Peters.

You prepared the wine backstage, yes?

I'm responsible for And all of the actors drank from the same carafe?

Yes. Who pours the wine into the glasses?

The actors themselves.

They are eating and drinking freely. I see.

So you set the wine glasses on the tables for the performance.

Did you examine them? Well, yes.

I saw nothing untoward, Detective.

Come on, out the way!

Detective Murdoch... it's terrible!

Terrible! I...

Glad you arrived so promptly. Er...

Signor Arturo, this is Inspector Brackenreid.

You're in good hands, Inspector Brackenreid, may I introduce to you... la diva, Madame Rosa Hamilton?


Such a pleasure, Madame Hamilton.

I've followed your career since your stunning debut at the Paris opera.

I read the notices, I'm very familiar...

A fan! How enchanting!

And a man of some refinement. I believe in keeping up appearances, especially in the colonies.

I can assure you, the Toronto Police of these... disturbing events.

We are all available for your questions, Inspector.

I will be resting Of course. Please, excuse us.

It appears our victim, Elvira...



Oh, of course. What have you got, Murdoch?

It appears our victim, Elvira but may not have been the target. A mistake?

Miss Cummings replaced Madame Hamilton during the performance AFTER the wine had been poured into her glass.

Madame Hamilton may have been the intended victim.

Who in their right mind would want to k*ll the magnificent Hamilton?

She's the finest soprano in the world, Murdoch.

You'll have to excuse me, Inspector.

Elvira's death has been quite a shock.

You knew Miss Cummings well, madam?

She was my discovery, my protege. We did everything together.

She could sing?

I was grooming her, Inspector.

No voice springs fully-formed.

She blossomed under my tutelage.

What an opportunity learning at the hand of a master like yourself. Yes.

Though I admit I was flattered by her devotion.

She adopted my mannerisms, Elvira liked to... take souvenirs from my dressing room, little things, small treats, thinking I didn't notice.

She wanted so much to be me.

Please, sit. Oh, thank you.

Can you think of anyone who would I am the star of La Boheme. The rest of this provincial cast would be nothing without me...

What about Signor Corsi? Carlo is... adequate.

But it is my voice the people Ask Arturo... he begged me


She's the queen of my nightmares!

She drives a man mad with her demands and tantrums.

I see, Signor Arturo.

She is the goose that Hers is the voice that sells tickets at box offices all over the world.

Has this company been together for long?

I formed a travelling company Rosa doesn't like to but Corsi and I, we persuaded her.

And Miss Cummings? Oh, that Elvira should die like that!

It's terrible.

She was a sweet thing.

Such a voice for one so young.

And her body... Bellissima!

Signor Arturo, do you know Talk to Carlo Corsi. Corsi?

The tenor who plays... Rodolfo?

With Elvira, Detective.

He might want his older lover, Rosa, to take, er, how do you say it, a rear seat?

That is ridiculous! I had no feelings for Elvira!

But you quarrelled with Rosa We're lovers. All lovers fight, Detective.

Rosa is a very passionate woman, both on and off the stage.

So you admit to having differences.

She is selfish and insufferable.

But I wouldn't k*ll her! You police Anne Marie Thiery? Yes.

Mimi is nothing. Musetta is the character with spirit.

Musetta does have a fine To play Musetta requires skilled acting, not mooning about like Mimi is the role that 100 years from now, Miss Thiery.

Every singer longs for I am familiar with La Boheme, Mademoiselle.

It may be Puccini's newest work, but I wager it will be his most memorable.

That may be. But it's not me who wanted to play Mimi.

Who did?

The dead girl, Elvira, She was the ambitious one. Elvira?

Mmm. She pretended to be innocent, but underneath the act, She bamboozled Madame Hamilton, What do you mean? Rosa wouldn't hear a word uttered against Elvira.

She thought the girl Thank you, Miss Thiery.

You've been most helpful.

Who wanted to k*ll Rosa? We all did!

That I'm a policeman.

Your words could easily be We all wanted her dead. But to by mistake... that is tragedy.

What else can you I was the one who heard her last word. You did? Yes.

It was "viola".

Do you know what she meant?


All the viola players are none of the orchestra to slip poison into Miss Cummings' glass.

They were all in... a pit...

Thank you, George.

Miss Cummings' last word, Could the victim be referring to There were violets on the bonnet Ah, yes, the bonnet.

It has great significance Rodolfo buys it for Mimi While the actors Rosa Hamilton and Carlo Corsi...

This company seems a dramatic lot.

There is as much emotion They're actors, Crabtree, it requires the employ of one's passions.

They can't just bury the fury Apparently not.

All of our cast had motive including the victim herself... Miss Cummings was... ambitious.

And possibly in some love triangle with Corsi.

Out of her way Perhaps she that she had intended There was a strong when I cut open the victim's stomach.

Her skin was pinker that normal, I believe the poison A quick-acting substance. Yes.

She very likely was k*lled who slipped the poison into the wine after it was poured We've reached the same conclusion. Will there be more tests? Yes.

But it will take time. You will Thank you, Doctor.

Constable Crabtree for potassium cyanide Nothing's materialised.

They've been in close all those tensions and jealousies.

He was there. And that props fellow.

Hello, Detective Murdoch.

I picked up the tickets There's quite a commotion Will the performance go ahead? Rosa Hamilton won't disappoint.

Thomas has talked about nothing and Rosa Hamilton that for weeks. It You must be very excited. I'd rather have a good laugh at the music hall.

But Thomas insisted I give it a try.

It's a good excuse for a new dress.

Don't be too late.

The missus isn't one for culture. I haven't told her it's in Italian.

It's not that hard.

Rodolfo's jealousy almost He tells too late that Then Mimi dies of consumption.

That's it? It's not about the expression of emotion... virtuosic singing. I had no Life holds greater riches than There's a lot you don't know about me, Murdoch. Clearly. Sirs!

A message from Signor Arturo... you're needed Officers, there is no time to lose!

These arrived at the stage door...

"Your life is mine."

You've received other such notes?

They started arriving Why didn't you tell me?

I simply ignored them.

Do you have the other notes?

I thought of them I suppose I was wrong.

Madame Hamilton, until this k*ller is apprehended... I'll post a constable...

I don't think so, Murdoch.

May I offer my services Why, Inspector!

Do your other duties Your safety is the Constabulary's paramount concern, Madame Hamilton.

Then I accept your generous offer.

Perhaps you could Absolutely.

Thank you, everyone.

Madam, this way. Thank you. Thank you...

Madame Hamilton, will you still be Thank you!

That's enough. Thank you, everyone.

There you go, madam.

Do you face crowds like Must be overwhelming for you. Overwhelming?

Their applause sustains me.

A star needs an adoring audience.

Do the other actors receive the same attention?

A few young ladies sometimes How well do you know Signor Corsi? Carlo and I have been lovers since we sang together in Milan ten years ago... why?

Well, there are rumours about him and Miss Cummings.

It's part of his charm.

And Elvira had a... flirtatious nature.

A folly of the girl's youth. So there was something between them?

Ha-ha! Of course not! Elvira was like a younger sister to me.

I admire the way you handled that crowd.

A woman would feel Can I call you Thomas? Of course.

Anything, sir?

Tidy writing, good spelling, the work of an educated person, I would say.


I don't think so, George, it's darker than the writing.

When I add water to it... it doesn't run.

It's some sort of permanent dye... indigo, perhaps.

How does that help us, sir?

How did you fare?

The flowers were ordered from a the method of payment was cash, in Another mystery. Quite so, sir, including the victim herself. How do you mean?

I tried to contact to inform them of her...

The address she gave in Chicago doesn't exist.

That's strange.

Perhaps Signor Arturo Mmm, perhaps.

Elvira joined the company in Chicago, as Rosa's dresser, six months ago.

But apart from the address I know little Madame Hamilton must have taken quite a shine to the girl. Mmm.

Rosa took Elvira under her wing from the first instant.

She loved the girl's voice and insisted I hire her as a chorus member.

And also she was an understudy for the company? Only for Rosa.

Though she was hardly needed.

On her deathbed, that woman would still sing.

A true artist.

Elvira just have had a good voice. Mmm.

Rosa was teaching her to Oh, she had the voice, If she had only lived, the poor little songbird.

Ah, in the Gala.

Now, if you will excuse me, Constable, I have a civic reception to prepare for.

Yes, of course, thank you, Signor Arturo.

'I believe that Miss Cummings' inveigled her way As I understand it, sir, an intimate an artist and her dresser, a trusted confidante.

George, what are you trying to tell me? Well, sir, look at the letters... "I will that began AFTER they performed in Chicago, AFTER Elvira joined.

Yes, sir. And she could have sent the bouquet of violets... they were ordered before she died.

Why would Miss Cummings want to k*ll her mentor, hmm?

To take her place, sir. Except she accidentally drank the poison that she intended for Rosa.

Upon which are six identical glasses of wine. Sir, there were six actors gathered around a couple of cafe tables, It's conceivable that Miss Cummings, standing where Mimi would have, erroneously drank from the diva's glass.

That's an interesting theory, You've played that... that singing at least five times now, How can one tire of such a passionate expression of love?

Perhaps ONE is more attuned to I'll get it.

Thank you.
They're for you, Thomas.

For me?

"To Thomas, with gratitude... Rosa."

She would send a man flowers!

And now... I must get a move on.

Mmm! I'm picking up Madame Hamilton at the Queen's Hotel at six.

Au revoir, ma cherie.

Puccini's Bohemian cafe is a very but what finer place for our reception this evening?!

I admire your detecting skills, Murdoch, but your sense of style... a little underdressed Yes, I sang with Enrico Caruso.

Oh! He loves his little practical jokes!

In Paris, in the midst of Che Gelida Manina... The famous aria, "Your tiny hand is frozen." he presses into my hand... a hot sausage!

Oh, the little devil!

He knew Puccini was in the audience!

Mr Peters... do you recall where Miss Cummings was seated Mimi picks up the glass? Oh, no, no, no, detective, that's quite wrong.

In the scene, Rodolfo picks up two glasses and hands one of them to Mimi.

Ah, I see. Rodolfo, Yes.

She's a wonderful singer, so good...

I don't believe we've met, Detective. I'm Mademoiselle Thiery.

Ah, yes, of course, you play the part of Musetta.

You must be an opera lover! Ha!

I confess to being However, the performance promises to be very exciting.

If Rosa survives the night.

You have reason to Well, there is a m*rder*r among us, is there not, Detective?

Why else would you be here?

I am quite nervous.

Madam, I won't take my eyes off you.

Would you be a dear and refill my Rosa Hamilton is getting old. Be careful what you say, Domenicke.

Everyone knows it. It's time You're suggesting? Anne Marie has the voice, you've said so many times.

What am I to say to Rosa? That may Be careful, my young friend... your love for Anne Marie will get you into trouble.

There you are, Thomas! Is that my champagne? Yes.

Thank you.


Madam! Ah!

Is everyone all right?

I believe you've just saved my life.

This was no accident, sir. Bloody hell.

Another attempt on Madame Hamilton's life.

Let's get out of here, Murdoch.

Oh, there you are, Thomas!

The boys are in bed, but I waited dinner for you.

Your favourite... tripe and onions.

I'm sorry, Margaret, dinner will I have to go back to the theatre...

Couldn't you send Constable Crabtree?

For a reason, Margaret.

Must be a matter of great urgency.


Hello? Madame Hamilton?


There you are, Thomas!

Madame Hamilton...

Are you all right?

What's this all about? Please, call me Rosa.

This is my humble attempt to thank you for saving my life.

I hope you like pheasant.

Well, certainly beats tripe and onions.

Please, sit down, Thomas.

So, tell me about Carlo, Rosa...

He's a man of many passions.

But he's fickle with his attentions.

He's like a bumblebee who must stop at every flower.

Flowers like Elvira Cummings?

He's not like you, Thomas.

You're a dependable man, who protects his woman.

But when you sing together...

When we sing, we are but Rodolfo and Mimi. Ah, Mimi!

The tragic role that every soprano longs to sing, including, I presume, And she would do even allow herself to be seduced by that old goat Arturo.

Arturo? Really?

We've all allowed I was younger then.

It seemed a trifle.

And what does Domenicke think about his true love, Anne Marie, trifling with Arturo?

Domenicke would do anything Even m*rder? He would do anything Are you all right?

This is a terrible business.

Behind the scenes, it is a battle every day.

Sometimes I think they would all be happy if I WERE dead.

Oh, that's not true! They'd miss their pay packet, but that's all... even Arturo.

And it's only a matter of You're wrong.

There will only W-what did you mean, Anne Marie isn't even her real name.

It's Viola Evans.

I use a stage name, that's hardly a crime.

Who in the company knew your real name?

Elvira found out. She made it her Mmm. You would like Madame Hamilton's position in the company, wouldn't you?

Become prima donna?

Of course.

The adoring fans would be waiting at Rosa gets far too much attention. Mmm. That must be infuriating.

After all, you work as hard and sing as well as she does.

It's completely unfair. Unfair What do you mean? Your name, Viola, was the last word uttered by Elvira Cummings... did you intend to k*ll And even if I did poison her, Arturo would never let me play Mimi.

What do you mean?

He would have given the role to Elvira Cummings.

She had him wrapped around her little finger.

There's Corsi, Rosa and Elvira, and then there's The love affairs within the company You mean Elvira and Arturo?

Yes, and Rosa. Rosa and Arturo?

Back when she was young and foolish. Oh, then there's Domenicke, Anne Marie and Arturo.

Yes, Crabtree, he's a bit of a lad.


Another letter has arrived.

Now he asks Rosa to meet him.

When? One hour from now.

Sir, the handwriting, it's not quite the same.

There's no time for that, Murdoch.


Er, sir... let us wait.

You? You wrote the letters?

What letters? Then... what are you doing here?

I followed you.

I need to talk to you.

Why are you doing this to me?

What do you mean? Why do you shower your affections on that oaf of a policeman? He's actually quite charming.

Why do you t*rture me this way?

What is the difficulty?

You can't! And why not?

YOU have every young woman you fancy.

Even my Elvira.

She tempted me!

And I am a weak, weak man.

She meant nothing to me!

What? Why didn't you tell me?

I knew it would break your heart.

Ahem. Excuse me.

And who are you?

I cannot compete with a world famous opera star, but I am... Bloody hell!

That appears to be your wife, sir.

I know that's my to ask you to... leave him alone!

Yes, Rosa, leave the policeman Come back to me...


I should ask you! What For God's sakes, don't be ridiculous. It's police work!

Is that what you call it?

Now, go on home, And who says the door will be open?

Your wife has spirit. So she does.

It must be nice to have someone who treasures you.

But Rosa, I treasure you! Do you...?

Not quite what we God help me, Murdoch. I'm in I still don't know what the woman God only knows I try. Perhaps I have A situation you could remedy, sir. Take her to the music hall?

That's an excellent idea. Oh...!

Gentlemen, I have results for you.

Oh, thank goodness, Miss Cummings had a high sugar content in her blood. In tests, I discovered that sugar interacts with potassium cyanide, slowing it down. Delaying the toxin's effects. Correct, Detective.

Given Miss Cummings' body weight, it is likely she ingested the poison at least an hour before she reacted.

It's possible the k*ller disguised the poison in something sugary.

Are you quite sure? I completed the test three times. It's correct.

She ingested the poison at least an hour before she died.

Sir, the cafe scene is in the second act... how long is the first act?

Then Elvira ingested the poison before the dress rehearsal began.

So she didn't die accidentally by No, sir. Thank you, Doctor.

We now know that Elvira not Rosa Hamilton.

One of them Elvira was threatening to tell Miss Cummings was in the way Rizzini had every opportunity.

Would have been very displeased if his latest conquest was also involved with Corsi.

And our elusive letter-writer in a misguided attempt to protect Rosa.

A way of poisoning the girl?

♪ Una cuffietta a pizzi

♪ Coi miei capelli bruni ben si fonde

♪ Da tanto tempo tal cuffietta e cosa desiata!

♪ Ed egli ha letto

♪ Quel che il core asconde... ♪

What are you doing?

Mr Peters, you're the author of the letters Madame Hamilton has been receiving, aren't you? What letters?!

Perhaps we should have this discussion at the station house. No.

I can't leave the performance.

You take very special I do.

I made Mimi's bonnet With violets, her favourite flowers.

She must appreciate all Oh, she...

She doesn't notice me.

So you got her attention Letters? The letters you wrote on this paper, at this very desk!

Mr Peters, if you keep this up, I and charge you with m*rder... did you write the letters or not?

Yes. And you sent the bouquet?


I wanted her to know I was here.

I wanted her to see... how much I admired her, that I would never harm her.

You're responsible for the The scenery that fell and almost k*lled Rosa Hamilton... the rope was burnt by a lantern. That had nothing to do with me.

Rosa ignored your affections, so you waited for an opportunity to exact your revenge. You set the lantern. No, I didn't.

Got there, you have to believe me!

I'd checked the oil You examined the lanterns Madame Hamilton asked me to.

She watched as I assured her they'd be fine for Intermission.

Excuse me, Detective.

I just reset the stage Thank you, Mr Peters.

Gifts from your many admirers, Thank you, Thomas. Now, let me prepare myself... the final act is very demanding.

Of course. Oh...!

This one's come a long way...

Oh, how wonderful! I was hoping it would arrive before opening night.

My favourite sweets, hand-made in Milano by the Renaldo brothers, my favourite confectioners.

And all for me! Well...

Perhaps one for you.

Do you like it?


Thomas, what's wrong?

Elvira would take souvenirs from thinking I didn't notice. Vi-ola!


I have to search your dressing For?


You poisoned the sweets, knowing that Elvira would eat them.

Please, don't deny it.

She was taking everything from me.

It started with little things, Even as I encouraged her, I didn't know how to stop her!

She was just a slip of I'm no fool, Thomas.

In a few years, That I could accept.


Carlo... when she took Carlo...

But in the park, Carlo said he loved you. By then it was too late.

You have to come with me, madam.

Five minutes to curtain, madam.


I beg you, let me finish my final performance, Madam... Please!

One last time.

I'll be in the wings. Thank you.

You're a man of honour.

Ah, Inspector... I know, Murdoch.

End of the performance.

♪ Oh, come e bello e morbido! ♪
♪ Non piu ♪
♪ Le mani allividite ♪
♪ Il tepore ♪
♪ Le abbellira She is truly magnificent. ♪

We'll not hear anything like her for a long time.

♪ Grazie ♪
♪ Ma costera ♪
♪ Piangi? ♪
♪ Sto bene ♪
♪ Pianger cosi, perche? ♪
♪ Qui amor ♪
♪ Sempre con te ♪
♪ Le mani ♪
♪ Al caldo ♪
♪ E ♪
♪ Dormire... ♪
♪ Mimi! ♪




No, Rosa! Mi cara bella!

Sir, something's wrong.


It's all my fault!

This was in Madame Hamilton's An operatic ending worthy of Puccini himself.

Er, sir...

I can take care of things here.

Thank you, Murdoch.

Margaret! I saw you kiss her, What? Rosa... Madame Hamilton was That good-looking singer, Corsi?

And she thought that kissing...

I got carried away.

Why, Thomas... You look lovely.

That new dress becomes you. Does it now?

It's a beautiful night. It is that.

Do you fancy strolling home...

So, when did you become the romantic, Thomas?

I'm a man of many surprises, Margaret. Ah!

Pub's open. Surprise, surprise!

It was just...

We're strolling home, Thomas...

Of course I hadn't, woman!
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