02x07 - Yugi VS the Rare Hunter, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x07 - Yugi VS the Rare Hunter, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh!...

Behold the origin
of duel monsters.

It's some kind of ancient
egyptian stone.

The pharaoh who saved
the world was you, yami,

And now the time
has come for you

To rescue mankind
once again.

Ishizu: are you interested
in owning a card stronger
than exodia?

Kaiba: it's obelisk
the tormentor.

I will defeat yugi
and reclaim my title

As the number-one duelist.


Don't forget to register
and pick up your duel disc

Because exactly one week
from today,

My battle city tournament

I must enter and win
this tournament

In order to fulfill my destiny.

How very convenient for us
that so many of our targets

Have gathered together
in one place.

Now my rare hunters,

Go to the town of domino
at once!

'Scuse me!

I see you've never met
a rare hunter.

Now prepare to duel!

I summon exodia
the forbidden one!

And now your precious
red-eyes black dragon
is mine!

My red-eyes black dragon!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Grandpa: it's a sad day
when an old man

Has to do his grandson's chores.



"Sorry, grandpa,

But I have to prepare
for the tournament," he says!

I like a good duel
as much as the next guy,

But in my day,
our jobs came first.


Kaiba's battle city tournament
starts today,

And I wouldn't miss it
for the world!


I'll close the shop up
a little early.


Like right now!

you've assembled
a powerful deck.

What if it's not
good enough to win?

There comes a time when
there's nothing left to do

But believe in the deck
you've created.



This tournament
is unlike any challenge

We've ever faced before.


The fate of the world
depends on us,

So you've got
to be strong

And trust in your cards.

But there is still
so much we don't know.

Our destiny
will reveal itself

When the time is right.


According to ishizu,
an ancient evil force

Will return
to thr*aten the world,

And you and I
must defeat it

By winning kaiba's
battle city tournament

With this deck.

If you believe in the heart
of the cards,

We can unlock the secrets
of the past

And save the world.

We can do this!

Yes, we can,
but it won't be easy.

I'm ready to face
whoever or whatever
we have to.

You stood by me

And helped me rescue
my grandpa from pegasus,

And now it's my turn
to stand by you.

I promise you and I
will work together

To figure out your past.

You already saved
the entire world once
, years ago,

But there was one
difference then--

You had to do it alone,

And this time,
you have me by your side
to help you.

Thank you.

Both: let's duel!

I got to figure out
a way to win back
my red-eyes black dragon!


[Thinking] I can't believe
I let that rare hunter
take my best card,

And before the tournament
even started.

Why did serenity have to get
all the brains in the family?

Yeah, I got
the good looks, but...


Speaking of brains,

I almost let
that duel distract me

From checking up
on my little sister!


[Telephone rings]

Tristan: hello?
Serenity wheeler's room.

Whaaat?! Tristan,
is that you?

What a coincidence.

Serenity and I
were just talking
about you.

Huh? You were?

Hey, what do you
think you're doing
in my sister's room?

Well, I know
how busy you are

Getting ready for
the battle city tournament,

So I thought I should
keep serenity company,
right, pal?

You're the last thing
she needs, romeo!

Hi there, joey.

Why didn't you ever
tell me that tristan

Taught you everything
you know about
duel monsters?


Or that you finished
second at duelist kingdom

Thanks to his training?


And you never mentioned
that if it weren't
for tristan,

You wouldn't have won
the $ million

To pay for my surgery.

You're so lucky to have
such a sweet caring guy
as your friend.


Best of luck
in battle city

And don't forget
about that super -card
combo I taught you.



I'll kick your lying butt!

Bob, is that a new
fashion trend?

Yeah, stan, they're
giant wristwatches--

Very hot right now.

They're called
duel discs!

Duel discs, huh?

It's all part of
the battle city tournament--

The greatest duel monsters
competition of all times!

So you folks step aside

'Cause the duelists
are taking over
this town.

[All talking at once]

This clear card was in the same
package as the duel disc.

Looks like it's part of a map,
but where's the rest of it?

Oh, it must be another
new twist

Kaiba threw
into his tournament.

Mai: yugi!

Hey, mai!

Pretty big turnout
for this thing.

All losers.

Well, there's a lot
of duelists here
I've never seen before.

Oh, this is
so exciting!

I wonder whose butt
I should kick first
in this tournament.

Weevil: yugi, I thought
I'd see you buzzing around.

Mai: if it isn't
rex raptor and weevil.

I thought
I smelled something.

Rex raptor: I'll never
forget how you played me
like a chump-a-saurus

At duelist kingdom, mai.

Now it's payback time!

Hee hee! And yugi,
next time we duel,

You won't
be so lucky.

My deck is infested
with swarms

Of rare and powerful

Hee hee hee!

Those are large words

Coming from
such a small guppy.

Mako tsunami!

If anyone shall
make any waves,

It will be me.

You think you'll win
this tournament?

Of course.

There's nothing
that can withstand

My mighty denizens
of the deep!

Your sardines will be
crushed by my dino horde!

Don't be so sure.

My brand-new
fortress whale card
is much mightier

Than your
two-headed king rex.

Well, I have a monster
far superior to my great moth,

But don't think
I'll tell you what it is.

Well, maybe I can
just shake it out
of you, weevil!

Ugh. Some duelists
just never change.

Mako: if I'm not
mistaken, weevil,

You were the first one
sent paddling from
duelist kingdom.

Rex raptor: yeah.

I hope you
remembered to bring
your oars this time.

Rare hunter: their rare cards
will make fine additions

To my master's collection.

The only question is,

Which card
shall I acquire first?

We'll settle this feud later
when the tournament begins!

I will be waiting.

I think I'll head off.

Remember next time
we meet, we're rivals.

Right. Ha ha!

Yugi: kaiba should be
announcing the start

Of the battle city tournament
any second now,

But I can't find
a trace of joey,

And I've looked everywhere.

I hope he shows up
before this starts.

Kaiba: greetings,

to battle city.

That sounds like kaiba.

Where is he?



Where's his voice
coming from?

[All talking at once]



It's kaiba!

It's time to put your
dueling skills to the test.

I hope none of you
entered my tournament

Looking for
friendly competition.

Battle city's
gonna be an all-out w*r.

Before my battle city
tournament begins,

I thought I'd let you all
know what you're in for,

In case you want
to back out now.

Let's begin
with my new duel discs.

Everyone who I decided
was good enough to enter
received one.

With it, you can
duel anytime, anywhere,

And they contain
a tracking chip that allows me

To watch every move you make.

Wow. All that
for a card game?

Next, let's talk about the most
important tournament rule.

The loser of each duel
is required

To fork over their
rarest card to the winner.

If you don't have the guts

To risk losing
your precious cards,

Then I suggest
you forfeit now.

Bring it on, kaiba.

So the more duels I win,

The more rare cards
I acquire for my deck.

By the seven seas,
I accept your challenge.

Taking cards away
from these losers
sounds like fun.

And anyone who's foolish enough
can challenge me to a duel

Because I'll also be competing
in this tournament.

Thought so.

But don't get your hopes up
because I intend to win,

And there's one duelist
out there I can't wait
to defeat.

You're on, kaiba.

And speaking of winning,

Only the best duelists
will make it to the final round,

And these finals will be held
in a hidden location.

Then how
do we get there?

No one will show up
if the location's hidden!

In order to find the finals,
you'll need these locator cards.

You've each received one
with your duel disc,

But don't get too excited
because one's not enough.

You'll need of them

To make it
to the tournament finals.

Every time you win a duel,

You get a locator card
from your losing opponent.

When cards
are stacked together,

They produce a map
of battle city

And activate a global
positioning satellite,

Which will transmit
the location to you,

But the tournament finals
are a long time away,

And most of you will be
eliminated way before that.

All right.
Everything I just said and more

Can be found
in my tournament rulebook.

Just remember,
only one player can win

And claim the title
of number-one duelist
in the world!

And that'll be me!

All: that'll be me!

[All talking at once]

Now get ready, duelists.

Let the tournament begin!


Well, time to face my destiny!

Joey: where are you,
ya creep?

What's he doing?

Heh. Well...

So much prey, so little time.

Who shall I hunt first?

Joey: hey, freak!

I knew I'd find ya.

Heh! Didn't you
learn your lesson?

Yeah. Never let an old creep
in a cape slap you around!

You fool.

Listen, you got
my red-eyes black dragon,

And I want it back,
sooo it's time to duel!

You ready to duel me
so I can win back
my red-eyes?


I have no desire
to duel you.

I've already
relieved you

Of your rare
red-eyes black dragon.

My hunt for your deck
is over,

My hunt for your deck
is over,

And my prey's
already been captured.

Well, that's too bad
'cause I'm not leaving

Till I win back
my red-eyes!

Yugi: joey!
What's going on?

What are you yelling about?

yugi moto.

He has the item
my master desires!

That's one of the g*ons
who swiped my red-eyes!

Yugi, thinking: that robe!

He's dressed
just like bandit keith was!

Can he be the one who's
after my millennium puzzle?

Joey: they call themselves
rare hunters,

Which to me translates
into "cape-wearin',
card-takin' freak-a-zoids,"

And this one
owes me a rematch

So I can win back
my red-eyes black dragon!

I already told you,

You have nothing
that's of any use to me,

But perhaps your friend
would be interested

In being my next victim.

It would be my pleasure

To hunt the duelist
kingdom champion

And snare
his dark magician,

So I challenge yugi moto
to a duel!

Look. This is between you
and me, got it?

Yugi: joey, wait!

Fine, rare hunter!
I accept your challenge!

But, yuge!

It's the only way
to get back your
red-eyes black dragon!

I promise you
I'll beat him, joey!


So do we have a deal,
rare hunter?

As my first battle city
opponent, if you lose,

You must return joey's
red-eyes black dragon!

And if you win
this duel,

I'll hand over
my dark magician to you.

Yugi, there's no way
I'm letting you risk
your dark magician!

I can take him.

I'll never forgive myself

If that ugly bum takes
your most valuable card.

I'll deal with this.
It's my--

Thank you, joey,
but I must duel
this rare hunter.


I'll have to risk
losing my dark magician

This is my first
battle city duel

And the first step
in fulfilling
my destiny.

Rare hunter: let's get on
with this hunt already.

The sooner I can take
my prize, the better.

I'm ready to duel
whenever you are,
rare hunter!

Yuge, wait!

Don't even think

About revealing
my strategy, joey wheeler.

If you say a word
about how I defeated you,

I'll tear your red-eyes
black dragon to shreds,

So I'd give my mouth
a rest if I were you

And allow me to stalk
the duelist kingdom champion

And take his dark magician
without your commentary.


I'll duel you
one on one.

You picked a great day
to oversleep, tea!


How am I ever going
to find yugi and joey?

The entire city's dueling!

Activate holo-imagers!

Audience: wow. Ooh!

Heh heh heh.

Computer: detecting activation
of duel disc battle system.

yugi muto versus rare hunter.

Beaming duel status
to kaiba corp mainframe.

Kaiba: how fitting
that yugi is competing

In the very first duel
of my tournament.

Hey, look. The other duels
are coming in now, too!

Our system is recording
all the cards being played.

If anyone uses one
of the two remaining
egyptian god cards,

We'll know
exactly where it is!

Both: let's duel!

I draw first.
Now get ready.


I already have
two pieces of exodia.

When I assemble
all pieces,

I'll summon the all-powerful
exodia the forbidden one

And obliterate yugi!

Joey: yuge,
watch out for--

Rare hunter:
silence, wheeler,

Or say good-bye
to your red-eyes!

To start off,
I place two cards
face down on the field.

Next, I summon
beta the magnet warrior!

In attack mode!

Can you handle
my newest monster?

What is that, bob?

It's obviously
a big yellow magnet
with eyeballs.

That's what you call
a duel monster.

The duel disc
renders the cards
in holographic -d!


My first card
will be--

Heh! Just what
I suspected.

Graceful charity
lets me draw cards...

And I discard two.


The third piece
of exodia.

Only two more pieces left!

If you only knew what
was in my hand waiting,

You'd forfeit now
and relinquish
your rare dark magician.


I may not know
what's in your hand,

But my trap card
light of intervention

Reveals all
your hidden monsters
on the field.

There will be
no surprise att*cks
from you!

Hmm, doesn't matter.

Stone statue
of the aztecs!

In defense mode!

Yugi, thinking:
all he's done so far

Is draw cards
and play defense.

He must be waiting
for something.

Yami-yugi: it's time
for your stone statue
to crumble.

by battle city rules,

I sacrifice my
weaker magnet warrior

To summon
the almighty berfomet!

And he is able
to bring forth gazelle--

The king
of mythical beasts!

That's not all.

Now I use polymerization
to fuse them together!


Forming chimera--
the flying mythical beast!

On my next turn,
my all-powerful chimera

Will erode your
stone statue into
tiny pieces of rubble!

Then, according
to battle city rules,

Once you have
no monsters left
on the field,

I can attack your
life points directly!

forget about
what's on the field.

Worry about
what's in his hand!

Very impressive,

But you'll need
more than that
to scare off the hunter!

Joey: listen, yuge,

This guy's got a plan
to wipe you out!

Check out the grin
on that ugly kisser of his.

This is exactly what
the old creep did to me.

He's got something
in his hand that's gonna--

Silence, wheeler!
One more word out of you

And say good-bye
to your red-eyes forever!

I'll end my turn
by placing this card
face down on the field.

I predict another
graceful charity.


Imagine that.

I was correct!

I draw more cards...

And discard two.

Yugi, thinking:
how does he know what
card he'll draw next?


I now have
exodia pieces!

I only need one more
to summon the beast

That will obliterate yugi
in one attack!

He's about to lose
his dark magician forever!

Kaiba: this duelist
is battling well against yugi,

But who is he?

What info do we have on him?

very little.

He wasn't listed
in your tournament

Until about
a week ago.

What? How's that possible?

He must have hacked
into the system
and added himself.

That's illegal!

He calls himself
a rare hunter.

We'll disqualify him!

Right, seto?


Hmm. Rare hunters.

They took my bait.

Hmm. Mokuba,
it's just as I planned.


Rare hunter: yugi,
your dark magician
is as good as mine!

once I've assembled
all pieces

Of the all-powerful exodia,

This hunt will be over,

And with the help
of some invisible ink

And my x-ray contact lens,

I'll know exactly what card
I'll be drawing next.


Just what I need!

It's the final piece
of the puzzle--

The left arm of exodia
the forbidden one!

When I draw it
on my next turn,

I'll summon
my most powerful creature

And obliterate yugi!
Ha ha ha!

Now I'll strengthen
my defenses!

To protect me--

Gear golem
the moving fortress!

Even your chimera's
not powerful enough
to destroy it!

What are you going
to do now, yugi?

You can't beat me
if you can't get by
my defenses!

You may be protecting
your life points

With fortresses
and stone walls,
rare hunter,

But in order for you
to win this duel,

You must attack me

So what are you
waiting for?

Oh, you'll find out
soon enough, yugi,

So go ahead--
make your move.

The hunter will strike
his prey when the time
is right!

Hey, yuge!

Hold it! I can't
stand by and watch this.

No way!

I won't let you lose
your dark magician for me!

That's enough, joey!

You must not reveal
the rare hunter's

I will defeat him.

You're my friend, joey,

And I'm fighting
this duel for you

Just as you
would do for me.

You're right.

Do you remember
the time weevil

Threw my exodia cards
into the ocean?

You risked
your life to try
to get my cards back,

Not just because

Is the most powerful
card in the game,

But because
I was a friend in need.

Yugi, thinking:
exodia! That's it!

This rare hunter
is drawing cards

Until he can assemble
all pieces of exodia!

I'm on to you!

I know your strategy,
rare hunter!


You're planning
to summon exodia
the forbidden one!

ohh, no!

How does he know?

All right!

Thank you, joey.

You allowed me
to figure out
his strategy

Without actually
telling it to me.

Aw, yeah!

Rare hunter: heh heh.

Just because you
figured out my strategy

Doesn't mean you can
stop me from succeeding!

Everyone knows exodia's
the most powerful creature
in duel monsters!

How will you stop
the unstoppable exodia?


No one has ever
defeated exodia,

But in order
to win back joey's
red-eyes black dragon,

I'll be the first.

Give up, yugi!

My hunt is over!

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