02x13 - The Master of Magicians, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x13 - The Master of Magicians, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Why did you lead me
down here, arkana?

And why did
you force me
into a duel

In which
the loser's mind

Gets sent into
the shadow realm?

Marik, he made me
an offer...

If I could eliminate
yugi moto for good,

He'dhelp me
win back catherine.

Ah! Say goodbye, yugi...

I'm about to drain
your life points

By draining one
of my monster's
souls away!

Fire the ectoplasm!

The soul of yugi's
dark magician was
also drained

And seems to be
blocking my attack!

It looks like your
plan to destroy me

You may have
avoided that one,

But you're still
one attack away

From being banished
to the shadow realm forever!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Your dark magician
is destroyed,

And your life points
are almost at zero.

One more attack,
and that dark energy disc

Will banish your mind
to the shadow realm forever!


You've already
lost by putting
your trust

In a scoundrel
like marik!

Do you actually
believe that
if you defeat me

He'll reunite you

With your lost love

If so, then you're
more of a fool
than I thought.

Don't listen to him,
my sweet!

We'll be together soon!

marik will be so pleased

When I send yugi
to the shadow realm!

And since he helped me
construct mydeck

Specifically to
counteract the cards
in yugi'sdeck,

I can't lose!

Arkana! Why don't
you save yourself

And set us free!?

Ha! And ruin the fun?

Now I'll place
one monster facedown...

And end my turn.


Remember this is
my show...

And the grand finale
is so close

That I can
practically taste it!

Don't forget that I'm
a master of magic,

The king of all
dark magicians!

You're not even
close, arkana...

What kind of king
would extract
the soul

Of his very own
dark magician?

You disrespect
your cards and rely
on tricks to win!

But I'll make sure
you lose!

Huh? What's that, yugi?

You'll have to speak up.

I'm afraid I can't
quite hear you...

...over the hum
of the dark energy disc

Waiting to send you
to the shadow realm!

Ha ha ha!

Get ready to kiss your
dark magician card--

And your mind--
goodbye, yugi!

This duel's over...

Now watch closely while
I pull a stunning victory
out of my hat!

Ha ha ha!

Sorry your tricks
will have to wait

Since your turn's

It's time for me
to take control
of this duel.

Oh really!?

Yes, especially
since you have

No monsters left
to defend you!

Well mylife points
are higher!

Not for long,


I summon
gazelle the king
of mythical beasts!


he fell right
into my trap!!

activate shadow balance!

This trap card makes
the number of monsters

Youhave on the field
equal to the number ihave.

And since I don't have
any monsters on the field
at the moment that means...

You don't either!
Ha ha ha!



It can't be!

That removes myonly
defense against
an attack!

Which means...

When they're gone

I can wipe out
your life points!



Ha ha ha!



Now what are you
going to to do?

Ha ha ha!

Your dark magician
is destroyed,

And you've got
no monsters on the field.

Nothing can save you now!

It's over!

hee hee hee!
Exactly what I needed!

I hold in my hand
the winning card!

The key to
sending your mind
to the shadow realm

And getting
my sweet catherine back!

I told you I was
the true master
of the dark magician.

And what kind
of a master would have

Only onedark magician
in his deck...hmmm?

My first one
may be gone...

But I have another
dark magician,

And he's waiting
to destroy you, yugi!

Plus I can summon him
a weaker monster.

Thanks to this!

The dark magic curtain,


Watch this performance!

The dark magic curtain
allows me to summon

A high-level monster
like the dark magician
without a sacrifice

In exchange for one half
of my total life points!

Hee hee hee!

You're on,
dark magician!

Yugi, there's no way
you can win.

Remember, my dueling deck
was put together

Specifically to counter
your strengths.

Its mix of power
and magic makes

For an unbeatable show,
don't you think?

Marik will reward me
when I hand him
your dark magician card

And tell him your mind's
in the shadow realm!

Ha ha ha!

Pay attention,
as mydark magician

Wipes out the last
of your life points...

And ends your
dueling career forever!

If you thought the show
was good before,

You won't want to miss
thisending, yugi!

This is it!

The final performance
of yugi moto!

Your life points
are almost gone,

And you have no monsters
to hide behind!

As soon as my
dark magician att*cks
you're finished!

But first...

Just in case
you're counting

On your
two facedown cards

To rescue you

From having to
spend all of eternity

In the shadow realm,

I will take the liberty
of wiping them out!

And I'll take
care of the job
with my anti-magic arrows!

Say goodbye
to your last hope!

Seek and destroy,
my arrows!


Looks like I've
got you completely
pinned down now, yugi...

The show is over!


Dark magician,

Attack his
life points



Not so fast, arkana!

What's going on!?

My dark magic curtain
is working for you!?

Yes! You should
read the rules
more closely.

Its magic
summoning power
is available

To bothsides
of the dueling


So that means
I can trade half
of mylife points

For a monster, too.

And just like you did
I'll play...

dark magician!!

But wait! I was told
you only had

Onedark magician
in your deck!

Well, you're
partially right,

But mostly

Stop speaking
in riddles!

The card that I
now hold in my hand

Is a different

Of dark magician,

And it is even
more powerful
than yoursis!

You lie!

I'd know if another
dark magician card existed!

It can't be!

It is!

Say hello to
dark magician girl!


It's true!
A female dark magician!

But you're wrong
about one thing!

Your girlfriend's
attack points

Are lessthan
mydark magician's.

In a head-to-head battle
my monster will
wipe her out!

It's over!

Dark magician, attack
dark magician girl!

Ha ha ha!
Finally yugi's defeated!!

I don't think so...

Take another look,


My dark magician's
been beaten!


But how!?

This was supposed to be
mygrand finale!!

It can't be!

Hehad more
attack points
than shedid!

Wrong again!

Dark magician girl
gains extra
attack points

For every
dark magician

That's inside
the card graveyard,

Making her strong
enough to defeat
yourdark magician.

It still doesn't
add up!

There's only one
dark magician card
in your graveyard!

Even withthe extra

Hertotal is
only .

That means my
dark magician

Still outranks her
by points!

Open your eyes!...

If you were
a master of
the dark magician,

You would have
seen the answer
in front of you.



It can't be!

My firstdark magician's
there, too!

B-but why?

Why would the power
of mydark magician

Be reborn
in yourmonster?!!?

The dark magician
girl inherits points

From every
dark magician

No matter whose
graveyard it's in.

So when you
destroyed your
first magician...

...you helped give
my dark magician
girl the power

She needed to
destroy your second!


And now, arkana...

Prepare for my
grand finale.

As I wipe out
the last of your
life points!

No! Let me out!

Dark magician

Attack his
life points


When you mistreat
your cards,

You pay
a high price.

You lose!

Seto said
yugi's in here!

Hey! Is everything
alright, guys?

No, tristan!

Yugi's been
missing for hours!

He's missing? Hmm.

Tea: he walked
into a tent
and disappeared!

Mokuba: and my
brother traced him

To the basement
of this building!

He must be trapped!

Well, then we gotta
bust in there

And rescue him!

So let's do it!

You call yourself
a dark magician

It was
your disrespect
and your misuse

Of your own
dark magicians

That caused you
to lose this duel,

That...can't be!!

There's no way
you could have
defeated me, yugi!

I am the greatest
magician the world
has ever known!

You're nothing, yugi!

What I am is
very sorry for you.

It looks like
you led me all
the way down here,

For the sole purpose
of losing

At your own demented
game, arkana!

You relied
on trickery to win

Instead of trusting
and respecting

The heart
of the cards.

The dark energy disc!

No! This can't
be happening!

I can'tlose,
or I'll never get back
my sweet catherine!!

Help me!

The key
and a locator card!

[Grandpa grunting]

Grandpa: yugi!

We're comin', buddy!

This is it!

It's bolted shut!

Hey, guys, listen.

What's that hum?

Someone help me!!!

ha ha ha!

A realmagician
always has

One more trick
up his sleeve--

Like a spare key!

Ha ha ha!

Which means that
I willindeed make
my great escape after all!

My hand...

It's frozen...

I can't move my hand!

I can't move my hand!

Marik: arkana...

Aah! Master marik!

You didn't hold up
your end of the bargain...

So prepare
for your punishment!

Ohh! Just give me
another chance!

Spare me from
the shadow realm!

Marik: no!

And you're next, yugi!

Ha ha ha!

Please, marik!

Please don't
send me to
the shadow realm!!

Marik: where's your
magic now, fool?

The key!
Where'd it go?

I just had the key,
and now it's gone!!

I'm losing my mind.

Ha ha ha!

Is your brain playing
tricks on you, arkana?

Or have you just
lost control

Of your feeble
little mind?

That key in your hand
doesn't really exist!



Hey! Yugi, it's us!

Is that you in there??

Grandpa: yugi!
We'll get you
out of there!


Hold on!! Unh!



Not even
a cheat like you

Deserves to go
to the shadow realm!


What have I done?


I'm coming!



My catherine...

Please stay
and let me make
it all up to you!


My darling!?

What's going on!

I havebeen tricked.

Or maybe marik
is just hiding

The real catherine
to surprise me
with later!

Oh, catherine,
I need you
back with me.

We can finally
get married

And forget all this.

Arkana, are you
going to be alright?

Can I help?

[As marik]
ha! Arkana is gone!

So we meet again,
little yugi.

I'm sure I need
no introduction.

Show your face
to me, marik?
You coward!

I'll reveal myself
to you when the time
is right and no sooner!

Once I obtain
what's mine!

And you know exactly
what I want.

The unlimited power
of the ancient pharaoh.

The spirit that lives
within your puzzle.

No way, marik!

You can't stop me!

Remember when I took
control of bandit keith?

I almost succeeded
in separating you

From the millennium
puzzle forever!

No, my puzzle!

you were able to
put it back together

Before you and your
spirit friend, yami,
were destroyed.

Tell me why you want
yami's power.

Answer me!

Because that power
is rightfully mine!

And once I have it
I will be unstoppable!

The world will
belong to me!

...and no one will stand
in the way of my destiny!

Especially not you!

Oh yeah?

Just watch me,

Listen, little yugi!

My family has slaved
for centuries.

Protecting the tomb
of the pharaoh

Until his return.

And for what!?

Ishould be the pharaoh!


You won't
get the power
of the pharaoh,

And I'll make
sure of it!

That power belongs
to yami, not you!

Ha! Well we'll just see
about that, little yugi.

You're nothing
but a vessel for
the pharaoh's spirit.

You could never comprehend
his strength.

Nor could you stand
in my way of getting it!

We've given up too much
to let someone else
claim the throne.

I was raised
on the ancient scriptures,

Learning all
there is to know

About king yami
the pharaoh

And the shadow games.

The key to his power
is your puzzle

And the three
egyptian god cards.

But I can't just take
the millennium puzzle
from you.

According to
the ancient scriptures

I have to defeat you
in a duel first.

Then I'llbanish you
to the shadow realm!

But why would you
do that!?

To make sure you stay
out of my way!

Once I gain control
of the millennium puzzle

And obtain all three
egyptian god cards...

I'll be king!

And a much more
worthy king

Than your
counterpart, yami.

He doesn't even
know how to harness

The great powers that lie
dormant within him!

I, on the other hand,
know full well

How to takethem
from him.

And my millennium rod
will ensure that I get
everything I need!

Who has th'cards?

Ialready possess two
of the egyptian god cards.

And I know where
to find the third one.

Soon enough my loyal team
of rare hunters

Will bring
the finalcard to me!

It's only a matter
of time, you see...

That is, until I take
what is rightfully mine

And banish you
and the former pharaoh...

To the dreaded
shadow realm.

Where you will spend
all of eternity

While the rest
of the world
is kneeling

Before king marik,
the new pharaoh!

Ha ha ha!

Marik: you're powerless
against me, little yugi.

My destiny
can't be stopped.

Don't you see it's only
a matter of time!?

The three egyptian
god cards,

Along with your
millennium puzzle,
will belong to me!

Then I will
strip the pharaoh
of his ancient powers

And infuse them
within myself!

I hafta keep marik

From getting
all this power.

I wish I knew more
about yami's
ancient past

'Cause history
is repeating itself,

And it's my destiny
to help him save
the world again!

I doknow that marik
can't succeed

Without the
millennium puzzle,

And in order
to get it from me

He has to defeat me
in a duel...

So as long
as I believe

In the heart
of the cards

And stay
connected to yami,
I can stop him!


You'll never defeat
me in a duel

So you'll never get
your greedy hands
on my puzzle!

I promise you
by the sands of egypt...

The pharaoh's power
will be mine.

Another of my mind-slaves
is already in battle city

Waiting to defeat you
and take your puzzle!

And, he holds
an egyptian god card!

And what's the name
of this card!?

You'll find out
soon enough, little yugi!

'Til then,
beware the quiet one.

What do you mean,

Who is
the quiet one?

We'll meet again, yugi.




I'm not afraid
of you!

Next time show me
your face,
you coward!



You alright, buddy?

Tea: we're here!

Grandpa: yugi!
Hey, guys!

You're ok!

What happenedhere?

Soon we will
have yugi's
millennium puzzle

Andthe three
egyptian god cards.

And how will you get
obelisk from kaiba?

a simple task...

I'm not concerned...

Once yugiis
taken care of...

I'll strip kaiba
of his egyptian
god card.

So you're going
to duel kaiba yourself?

If it comes
to that, yes...

But like I said,
my first concern

Is yugi and his
millennium puzzle...

And keep
an eye on those
friends of his.


I don't want them
getting in my way.

Actually, odion,
they may prove to be
quite useful to me.

I could always
use more servants
to do my bidding!

In the meantime,

I'll use
the quiet one

To crush yugi moto
in a duel

And bring his
millennium puzzle
to me! Ha ha ha!

Marik, thinking:
it's only a matter of time

Before I possess
the millennium puzzle,

Within which lies
the spirit of the pharaoh.

Then I'll combine

The strength
of the winged dragon of ra,

Slifer the sky dragon,

And the soon-to-be mine
obelisk the tormentor.

And in accordance
with the ancient scriptures,

The unlimited power
of the pharaoh himself

Will belong to me!

The entire world will
kneel at my feet

And no one will
be able to stop me!

Ha ha ha!

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