02x21 - Double Duel, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x21 - Double Duel, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey, on phone: I hope
yer sittin' down, serenity,

'Cause yer big brother
has some pretty big news!

Serenity: you made it
to the battle city finals!

how'd ya guess, sis?

Did tristan tell ya!?

No, you're a great duelist

And I knew all along
you'd be a finalist!

I'm so proudof you!

Danks, serenity.

I couldn't a' done it
wit'out your support!

If it weren't for you
and my buddies cheerin' me on,

There's no way I woulda won
these six locator cards!

I just wish you coulda seen
ol' joey in action, serenity.

Well guess what?

Ahh...what, sis?

Maybe I still can.

It's not too late,
ya know.

What about da'bandages?

I thought your eyes
were still healin'.

Well the doctor said

I could take
the bandages
off tonight.

That means I can
get my wish...

The next sight I see
will be my big bro

Dueling in
the battle city

Dat's great!

So it sounds like
you can come home!

I'll send someone ova
to pick ya up right away!

I gotta prep
for the finals

And there's no way
you're travelin' alone!

I can't wait
to seeyou!




Joey! Easy with
the technology, you spaz!

Sorry, but serenity
takes her bandages
off tonight!

Wow. That's so awesome,

Tristan: yeah!

And...she's coming
to the finals with us!

What wonderful news!

I just need someone
to go pick her up...

Someone I can
really depend on...

But where am I
gonna find someone
on such short notice?

I'llgo and get her,
you dimwit!

You, no way!

Don't worry, she'll be
in safe hands with me!

Hey! Come back!


oh well.

Tristan islike family...

Kinda like that annoying cousin
who's always buggin ya...

Tea: oh no, look!


Tea: it's bakura!
And he's hurt!

What happened?

I just found him
lying on the ground.

Tea: he doesn't
look so good.

I tried to take care
of his injuries.

You know him?

He hasn't said a word
since I found him!

We're buddies,
but who do you think
coulda done dis?


What happened?!

It happened so quickly.

I can't remember.

I'm lucky
I found you all.

He needs to go
to a hospital, quickly.

You're right.

Sounds like bakura's
the lucky one.

I'll take him to see
a doctor right now.

Joey, give me a hand.

Can do.

There ya go!

He'll be alright.

I'll call
if there's some news.

Best of luck!

Tea: see you later,
mr. Moto.

Feel better, bakura.

Yami-yugi: my friends
are in a great deal
of danger, kaiba.

I hope you've led me
to the right place.

Relax, yugi.
Your friends are here.

How can you be certain?

Look. Kaiba corp's
tracking system

Traced joey wheeler's
duel disk

To these
exact coordinates.

And it's foolproof.

Why yugi cares about
that third-rate duelist
is beyond me.

Soon he'll have

Joey: hey! Thanks a lot...

Um... Fella.

What he means to say

Is we haven't
introduced ourselves.

I'm namu.
N' you are?

The name's joey.

I'm tea.

Thanks for all
your help.

Of course.

I just did what anyone
would have done.

Is dat a duel disk
on yer arm?

Yes, but I'm afraid
I'm not muchof a duelist...

You're not challenging me
to a duel, are you, joey?

I don't hafta duel

'Cause I alreadyqualified
for the finals, namu.

Wow! Impressive!

You mustbe good.

Maybe you could give me
some tips one day.

Well I'll see
if I can fit ya in.

I feel as though
I've met you before.

I know whatcha mean.

Smell ya later, namu.

Nice meeting you two!

Seems like
a nice enough guy.


Marik, thinking: those fools
have no idea who I reallyam!

Or the danger
that's in store for them!

Listen, my rare hunters.

Everything is going
according to plan.

So obey my orders
and don't fail me this time!

You must bring me
the two remaining
egyptian god cards

And the millennium puzzle!

And make sure that little yugi
stays out of my way...


in order for me to obtain

The ultimate power
of the pharaoh,

Everything must occur
exactly as I planned.

How shall we proceed,
master marik?

Your task is to win me
the two remaining
egyptian god cards.

Yes, master.

Obtaining obelisk
the tormentor from kaiba

Will be simple.

And winning slifer
the sky dragon from yugi

Will be equally
as effortless.

We will not fail you,
master marik.

Don't underestimate
the power

Of these egyptian
god cards, you fools!

Defeating them
will be difficult!

That's why I've devised
an alternate plan

To ensure
that I get what I want.

While you keep kaiba
and little yugi occupied,

I'll turn my attention
to those they care most about.

With their friends
and loved ones in danger,

I'll be sure
to get exactly what I want

And soon I'll be the most
powerful being in the world!

Hey, wait up!

Joey! Tea!

What's up?

I don't mean to be
an inconvenience,

But can you give me
a few dueling tips
right now?

Sure, I could hit ya
wit a few pointers.

Thanks. I'd like to win
at least oneduel
in battle city.

You've come
to da right place, namu!

I got so many
duelin' secrets...

It'll make ya head spin!

Joey! Tea!

They're not here.
Kaiba was wrong!

Joey: just stick
wit me, namu.

You'll be a dueling expert
in no time!

Wait! Joey,
look behind you!

Joey: take dis!
You got 'im!

Piece a cake!

Tea: aah!

Let go 'a her,
ya creep!

Whatta you want!?

You're real tough...
Why doncha pick on me?

Tea: joey!
Behind you!

Rare hunter:
you fool!

Are you alright? Joey!

Joey: I been betta!

[Cell phone beeping]

Expecting someone?

I'll take that.

Tea: get offa my stuff!

Joey: you heard her,
lay off!

Yami-yugi: hello?
Tea? Are you there!?


Yugi! Help!

Tea! Where are you!

Tea: no!

Joey: you're gonna
pay for dat!

Rare hunter: looks like
your friend won't find you now!

Are you there? Tea? Tea!

Oh no!

Well it appears
that I've hit upon
your sensitive spot,

Haven't I now?

Perhaps I will use
your friends

To get what I want
from you,

Namely your puzzle...

And the egyptian god card
that you've won.

Besides, I'm always
looking for new servants
to do my bidding

And your friends will make
the perfect mind slaves!


Oh no!

Yugi, thinking: I knew
this was gonna happen!

Marik found my friends
before I could.

But where did he take them!?

Yami-yugi: listen!

It seems we're too late,

The rare hunters have already
gotten to my friends.

Hey, yugi. Relax.

It's obvious they're
really after you

And your egyptian
god card...

Not your
pathetic friends.

They'reof no use
to anyone.

Besides, my satellite
will track them down.

duel disk sends out
a constant signal.

So finding your friends
will be a simple task.

And then...

You're going to duel
against me, yugi!

And your egyptian
god card will be mine!

So get ready to lose!

Kaiba, you and I
will duel soon enough.

But not until
my friends are safe.

Is that clear!?


seto, come in!

What is it, mokuba?

We have a problem.

Joey wheeler's
duel disk isn't
transmitting a signal

To the satellite system.

I think something's
blocking it!

I'll go back
to headquarters

And make sure the team
starts working

On the tracking problem
right away.

Kaiba: do it.

Alright. We'll find
those guys, seto.

I promise.

When you do,
let me know.


There's been
a minor setback.

Either my satellite
system has a glitch

Or these rare hunters
are smarter
than I thought.

Rare hunter:
there he is.

Ha ha ha!

Hey! Who're you!?

You're not
going anywhere!


Odion: what's the rush?
You're ours now!

Leave me alone!

You're one of those
rare hunters,
aren't you!?

Perhaps I am.

And today
you're my prey.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Nurse: I hear
it's your last day
with us, serenity.

The doctor said
you can take your
bandages off tonight.

Yes, I can't wait.

I already know
the first thing
I'm gonna see!

And what's that?


My brother dueling!

He just told me he made it
to the battle city finals!

That's great.

Your brother must
really mean a lot to you.

He's lucky to have
a sister like you.

I think
I'm the lucky one.

I've got the best brother
in the world.

Rare hunter:
there they are.

Yes, and it's time
to lure them

To the chosen
dueling location.

I'll be back.

Hyah! Aah!

Ha ha ha!

Rare hunter!

what have you done
with my friends?

That's for us to know!

And, seto kaiba, look who else
is coming with us...


Let'm go!

Big brother!
Help me, seto!

Help me! Please!


Seto! Get me down!

Please! Help me! Seto!


Rare hunters!
Let my brother go now!

He's fine...for now.

But his future's
up in the air!

Help me, seto!

They'll payfor this.

If you so much
as touch one hair
on my brother's head,

I promise
I'll hunt you all down

And crush every one of you

With the weight of the entire
kaiba corporation!

Ha ha ha!

Your empty threats
will get you nowhere,

But there is oneway
to save your brother...

Tell me!

Meet us at the top
of that building, kaiba...

That is...

If you ever expect
to see your brother again!

The choice is yours!



And kaiba's not the only one
whose presence is required.

If you expect to be reunited
with your friends,

You'll join us as well, yugi.

Listen to me!

I'm warning you.

Leave them alone!

Ha ha ha!

I'll see you both

Remember, gentlemen.

Meet us on the roof!
Ha ha ha!

Looks like
we have no choice.

That's right.

Our enemies are one
and the same!


But make no mistake.

I'm in this for mokuba.

When it comes
to rescuing your friends,

You're on
your own now, yugi.

Fine, kaiba.

Lumis: I see you two
decided to show up.

A very wise choice.

yes, now tell us...

What is the meaning
of this!?

Kaiba: we've kept up
our end of the deal,

So why don't you
honor yours

And release
the prisoners?

I'm afraid
it isn't that simple.

You two will
have to duel us first.

If you win, you'll see
your loved ones again.

Ha ha ha!

Before the fun begins,

Allow us
to introduce ourselves.

I am lumis!

I am umbra!

You defeated us
once before,

But I assure you,

You won't be so lucky
in thisduel.

Yami-yugi: and if we do
then you'll release
our friends and family?

Lumis: perhaps.

But there is no way
you'll win!

Now let me explain
the rules of this match.

It will be a double duel.

Us against you two.

Each duelist will receive

You must defeat bothof
the other team's duelists

In order to win.

And as for the losers?

They'll pay
a very hefty price.

A trip to the shadow realm!


You'll be delivered
to the dark world

In the most ingenious of ways.

Notice where you're standing--

On a thin surface above
a fifty-story light shaft

That runs all the way
to the ground floor...

But if you fall
you'll never reach the bottom.

That's because the very surface
on which we stand

Is a divider
between our world...

Ha ha ha!

And the dreaded shadow realm.

Each duelist's life-points
will be displayed

In the magic shadowbox
on the floor beside you.

When your life-points
reach zero

The surface below you
will be destroyed

Opening up a vortex
that leads directly
to the shadow realm!


And according
to battle city rules...


When we win we take
your egyptian god cards!

Ready!? Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Looks like
I've left you speechless.

I was just waiting
for you to finish.

Do I have
your guarantee

That my brother's

Lumis: yes,
but I wouldn't count
on seeing him again.

Umbra: once you're
in the shadow realm...

There are novisitors!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

It looks as if
you've just made

Your second mistake
today, rare hunter.

The first...

Was kidnapping
my brother,

And the second
was challenging me!

Lumis: we'll see
about that, kaiba!


And I willrescue
my friends!

Very touching.

But we duel
for our master, marik,

And losing
is not an option!

Our decks were
specially assembled

To take down
your egyptian god cards

And that's
just what we'll do!

And once we deliver them
to master marik,

He'll possess all three
egyptian god cards.

Lumis: in the meantime,

You'll be spending
all of eternity

In the shadow realm!

So if you're ready,
let's duel!

Lumis: are you ready
to duel!?

I trust you know
the rules.

Yes. This duel
is two against two.

Each player takes
a separate turn

But players
on the same team
must work together

To defeat
the opposingteam.

And I'll begin!

Very well,
rare hunter.

I'll place two cards
face down...

And end my turn.

Make your move
if you dare.

It'll only bring you closer
to the shadow realm!


I'll summon beta
the magnet warrior
in defense mode!

My monster will protect
my life-points

From your att*cks,
rare hunters!

Yugi, thinking:
no one can attack

Until each duelist
has drawn at least once.

Hopefully by then,
I can pick up on their strategy.


I summon shining abyss
in defense mode!

Ha ha ha!

Now it's time
to show you how
weduel together...

A team strategy!!

That's right, yugi!

Activate mask
of brutality!

Thank you, lumis,

Your mask
will be a perfect fit
for my monster!

Lumis: not only that, umbra,

But it will boost
your monster's attack power

By a thousandpoints!

What? These rare hunters
already have a monster
on the field

With twenty six hundred
attack points!

That's right.
And it will stay
that way

As long
as we each give up

For every turn
we plan to use
mask of brutality.

Ahh, but now
we won't have to!


As I activate a magic card
called masked doll!

My masked doll will absorb
any and all negative effects

Caused by my magic card.

Heh heh heh! Nice work.

Now our life-points
will remain untouched

By our mask
of brutality!

You fools
are no match for us!

Yes, that's right.

And our tag-team strategy
will destroy you!

I doubt it.

Wecan play
off the strengths
of each other's cards

And work as a team
as well as you can,
rare hunters!

Hmm. No thanks.


is for boy scouts

And nursery schools,

You're wrong.

Let's get
one thing straight:

I can win this duel

And save my brother
without your help.

I'm the world's
greatest duelist

And when I win
the battle city

I'll prove it.

And now, stand back!

I'll place two cards
face down...

And then...

I'll summon vorse raider,
the man-beast!

And I place my monster
in attack mode!

Yugi, thinking:
what's he doing?

His monster's weaker
than theirs!

And if we don't
have a team strategy,
we'll never win!

Kaiba, thinking:

I've got an extremely powerful
monster ready to go.

Next turn I'll sacrifice
my vorse raider

And summon it to the field.


Well we've each
taken one turn.

Now it's time to see
whose strategy is superior.

I think you'll find the answer
to that is obvious.

Lumis: I agree.

Due to our team strategy

Wehave the most powerful
monster on the field.

Might I remind you our decks
were specifically created

To work together
to defeat your
egyptian god cards.

Yami-yugi: this duel
has just begun,
rare hunters!

Yugi, thinking:
we hafta win!

The safety of my friends
depends on it!

But unless kaiba agrees
to work together as a team,

We're doomed!

If he keeps up
this selfish attitude

We'll lose this duel

And be transported
to the shadow realm!

And marik will have
all three egyptian god cards!

Plus who knows what
will happen to the g*ng

Under marik's control.

We've got to defeat
these rare hunters--

The fate of my friends
and the worlddepends on it!

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