02x28 - Friends 'Til the End, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x28 - Friends 'Til the End, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Joey: I've att*cked your
life points yet again, yugi!

You're finished!

As soon as I
wipe out the rest

That anchor will drop
taking you with it!

Marik, I know
the real joey
is in there

And I'm going
to set him free

No matter what it takes!

Tristan: hold on tight serenity!

Man: I guess we're
gonna have to do this
the hard way!

Duke devlin: and there's more
where that came from, tough guy.

Whoa, is that duke devlin!?

The one and only!

And now I sacrifice
my two monsters...

So I can summon
red-eyes black dragon!

It's my red-eyes.

This can't be happening!

I'm losing control
of my mind sl*ve!

You're my best friend...

And just like you
gave me your red-eyes,

I wanna give you something
that's meaningful to me.

It's my most precious

The millennium puzzle.

Take care of it joey.
It's yours now.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel.

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Yugi: I want you to keep
my millennium puzzle, joey.

It belongs to you now.

Hopefully that puzzle
will free joey

From marik's mind control
before it's too late!

Cause that anchor's
gonna fall into the ocean
in about minutes

Taking me and joey with it!

But if joey comes to his senses
soon, we may be able to escape!

I gave him my puzzle as a symbol
of our friendship

Just like he gave me
his red-eyes.

And I know our bond is stronger
than marik's magic!

I've already seen signs
of marik's power weakening.

When joey saw his
red-eyes black dragon

It triggered something
inside him.

Marik may be able to
control joey's mind

But he can't control
joey's heart.



Are you in there!?

Ignore him!

He's trying to bribe you
with that puzzle!

Yugi is your enemy
and I am your master

So listen to me now!

The puzzle must be won in a duel
in order to use its magic.

So until we win this duel
it's useless to me!

Now destroy yugi!

Destroy! Yugi!

That's right!
He wants to hurt you!

So get rid of
his millennium puzzle!

Hurl it into the ocean
so yugi can't weaken us!

And once we win this duel...

I'll send my rare hunters into
the sea to retrieve the puzzle.

It's destiny, and I will not
be denied my fate!

Joey: say goodbye to
your puzzle, little yugi!

Fight it, joey.

The only thing
I'm fighting is you!

That's right, show yugi
you don't need it

And throw that thing
into the ocean, my mind sl*ve!


Yugi: wait joey!
Don't do it!

Do it!

Yugi: please stop!

Please stop!

My grandpa just gave me
that puzzle!

Sorry twerp!

Have you wimps had enough...
Or do you want more?

Cause I'm not through
with you just yet!

Leave them alone!

These guys are my friends!
Got it!?

I can't believe dis kids
standin' up for us!

Even afta I tossed his puzzle
out da window!

Well I'm gonna get it back.

Dis yugi's a true pal!

Throw it now!

I shouldn't...

Toss his puzzle.

I can't!

What are you doing
you fool!

Get up and dispose
of that puzzle!


I'm losing
my grip again!


Keep the puzzle
if you want.

Yes sir.

Keep da puzzle.

Puzzle or no puzzle you'll
destroy yugi for me!

Your little friendship plan
won't work yugi!

Your friend's mind
belongs to me!

Hear me!?

Prepare for defeat!

Yugi! Get on with the duel!

The sooner you
make your move

The sooner I can eliminate
your life points!

And you'd better act quickly

Because you only have
fourteen minutes

Before that anchor pulls you
and your best friend

Into the ocean's depths!

You'll be out of my way
once and for all!

Make your move little yugi!


Since your turn
is now over,

Red-eyes regains
of the attack points

It lost last turn,

Get ready!

Yugi, voice-over: beta
the magnet warrior could help!

I need to free joey's mind
from marik's control!

And last turn when marik
forced him to attack
his favorite card--

Red-eyes black dragon--
the real joey broke through.

So I have to make that happen
again if I'm going to save him

And get us outta this mess!

But red-eyes is weak
and if it does get att*cked,

I could lose this duel to marik

And put the whole world
in danger!

I place two cards facedown!

And then I summon
beta the magnet warrior
in attack mode!

And that will end
my turn.

How foolish!

He could have att*cked us!

Instead he left himself
wide open for us to attack him!

So don't disappoint me now!

Joey: it's time to end this!

Marik: excellent!

Panther warrior is strong enough
to destroy that red-eyes

And yugi, too!

Destroy yugi.

That's right
my obedient servant!

So do it!

Joey: alright little yugi!

Time to wipe out your red-eyes
and your life points!

Yami-yugi: yugi!
You're losing him!

Marik's hold on joey
is getting stronger!

Marik: destroy!



I play panther warrior!

You're done!

But first, before I strike,

I'll transform rocket warrior
into its invincible mode!

Marik: it all ends here.

His red-eyes black dragon
is barely alive.

That pathetic creature
won't stand a chance

Against panther warrior's
ferocious onslaught.

And when that red-eyes goes...

So does yugi.

That little runt
has only life points.

This duel's over.

It's the moment
I've been waiting for!

Now wheeler, attack his red-eyes
with your panther warrior!

I'll attack
with rocket warrior!


And the target shall be
yugi's magnet warrior!

But I commanded you to take out
his red-eyes, wheeler!

This can't be!

He's not responding to the power
of my millennium rod!

Yugi: not so fast!

I reveal my face down trap!

Activate magic-arm shield!

I'll intercept
your rocket warrior

And redirect
the rocket attack!

Towards your
panther warrior!

And thanks to
your attrition
magic card,

Panther warrior
loses fifteen hundred
attack points

Bringing its strength
all the way down to !

Also, because
rocket warrior was
in its invincible mode,

Your monster
loses five hundred
extra attack points

Leaving it with zero!

I think my plan worked.

Marik would have
att*cked my red-eyes
to win the duel,

But joey
must've stopped him!

Very well, my mind sl*ve.

It appears you have a tendency
to disobey my orders...

And disrespect my power.

But I assure you
my millennium rod

Is not a force
to be taken lightly!

All I need to do is keep you
under my control long enough...

To destroy little yugi,

Serenity: I'm really worried
about joey!

Do you think he's ok?

Tristan: I'm sure
he's fine serenity!

He's probably on his way
to the battle city
finals right now!

Unless the same thugs that
att*cked us got to him also.

Oh no! My poor brother!

Nice goin!

The next time
I need some words
of encouragement

Remind me
not to call you!

But I'm sure he's dueling
in the finals right now!

We have to find out
where the finals are.

The quickest way
is to find some duelist

And hope that he has
six locator cards.

Let's see...

Hey, there's one!

Ahh, hang on dude!

I have a question
for ya!

Joey: make your pathetic move
little yugi!

Fine marik!

And since rocket warrior's
effect is over,

My panther warrior regains
the attack points it lost!

Big deal!

Watch this move!

I sacrifice beta
the magnet warrior!

So I can summon
my beast of gilfer!

I'll save you yet, joey!

Now my mighty beast

Attack his rocket warrior!

You there joey?

No! Joey's gone!

You see unlike your dragon,

I've got plenty
of strength left!

He's right.

Thanks to marik's
magic card,

Red-eyes is down
to a measly
attack points.

And I can't let it
get destroyed.

It may be my only
hope to save joey

And the entire world
from marik!

Joey: I'm afraid it's
only a matter of time

Before you
and your pathetic friend

Are out of my way
for good!

Tristan: whadda you mean you
only have one locator card?

Take a hike!

And you call yourself
a duelist?

You guys have any luck?

Nope, I couldn't find
any duelists at all.

Well excuse me
for tryin' 'a help!


So that's how
it's gonna be!?

Tristan, voice-over:
that duke devlin's
got a lot a nerve

Holding serenity's hand
like that!

Man: they must be
around here somewhere.

it's those caped creeps!

And they spotted us! Run!

Wait a sec guys!

Are you nuts?

They'll catch us!

Look, just take serenity
and run!

Huh? And you?

I got some unfinished business
to attend to.

C'mon, move it, now!

I'm movin' it!

Here, serenity, this way.

We got one!

Oh yeah?!

We'll see who's got who
when this thing's over!

So who's gonna be first?

Watch it!

Cross on the green
not in-between!

Please help us!

We're being chased
by a g*ng of
robed weirdoes!

Joey: I hope you're
comfortable little tea.

In the front row seat
to your friends' last duel!

As long as no one interferes,
you'll be fine.

But I can't say
the same for yugi!

You won't get away
with this marik!

That's where you're wrong,
little yugi!

In less than ten minutes
the anchor hanging above you

Will drop into the ocean
taking you

And your friend joey
with it!

Any questions?

If you g*ons
haven't had enough,

There's plenty more
where that came from.


Where're my friends
you freak!?

Spill it! Now!

D-domino pier.

They better be!

It's true.

Hey tristan.
Need a lift?

Hey mai how did you all
end up together?

I told her we were pals
with you and joey

And she said hop in.

Mai: alright tristan.

Based on your description
of those creeps...

They sound like these
rare hunters I've been
hearing about lately.

And what's
a rare hunter?

They're underground duelists
that lie, cheat and steal.

Their goal is collecting
rare cards.

And that's probably why
they kidnapped your friends.

This isn't the way!
Turn around!

Sure it is, see!

I won six locator cards!

I know where they are.

They're not there mai.

They're at a pier
on the other side
of the city!

Are you sure, tristan?

Yep! I got it straight
from those creeps!

So let's go!


Hold on tight!

Do not try this at home!

Mai: we're comin'
to get you guys!

Joey: I can barely contain
my excitement little yugi!

Say goodbye to the rest
of your life points!

Marik: skull dice.

This trap card may help...

Either way I can't lose!

I'll win if little yugi's life
points are reduced to zero.

But that's not the only way.

When the timer runs out
I'll automatically win!

While yugi and his best friend
wheeler are reunited again

In the sea!

And of course,
once yugi is defeated

I'll possess
his millennium puzzle

And his egyptian god card,
slifer the sky dragon!

Joey: ready to lose everything?

Yugi: come on joey!

You gotta break free!

Marik: listen, to me.

No matter what we do...

He'll lose.

So we can destroy him
with our magic cards...

Or just keep waiting...

When time's up,

Well, let's just say
I'll be the victor!

Snap out of it joey!

Time is running out!

If I bring up
more old stories,

Maybe he'll remember

Come on joey.

Don't you remember
duelist kingdom?

You gotta try!

Think back.

'Member how
you wanted to win

So you could pay for
your sister's operation?

Serenity was
your inspiration

And thanks to you,
she'll see again.

Se ren I ty...

Hang in there,

Sir, we've got to get her
into surgery, now.

I'm right here!

Be strong!

You kept your promise
to her, joey.

And don't forget the pledge
you made to me.

It's true!

We'll whoop this marik creep

And his rare hunter
goon-squad so hard

They won't know
what hit 'em!

They'll be sorry they ever
decided to mess with us!


That's right.

And you never broke
a promise!

Then I promise
to annihilate you,
little yugi!

So I place two cards
facedown on the field.

And...end my turn,

So, try and attack
my panther warrior
if you dare!

Marik, voice-over:
once he does, I'll crush him!

Little yugi can try to reason
with his friend joey

All he wants...

He'll never break the power
of my millennium rod!

And soon victory will be mine!

Excellent dueling
my mind sl*ve!

It's almost over!

Please wake up!!

Joey: haven't you realized that
your friend isn't coming back!

You're dealing with me now

And I'm about to take
everything away from you!

Yugi: you gotta snap
out of this joey!

Time's running out!

This trap card may help.

Nothing can save you!!

Well I'll place one card
face down and now...

Beast of gilfer!

Attack his panther warrior!

This is for
your own good joey!

You've fallen right into
my trap, little yugi!

And your foolish mistake
will cost you dearly!

As soon as your beast att*cks
you're done!

Don't be so sure
about that!

Gilfer, roast
his panther with
your flame attack!


Reveal my skull dice!

And just to make sure
my move works...

I'll add this card!

My graceful dice!

Stop his attack now!

Graceful dice will increase
my monster's attack points

According to the roll
of the die!

While skull dice reduces
your monster's strength!

And I'm feeling
very lucky today!

Guess again!


Now I reveal
my magic card de-spell!

I'll use it to destroy
your graceful dice!

Sorry to disappoint
you marik,

But now you can't raise
the attack points

Of your panther warrior!

But I can still weaken
your monster!

Go skull dice!

A two!?


That only cuts
my monster's attack
strength in half!

My panther's doomed!

Tristan: it's down there!

Time to crash
this party! Now!

I'm scared guys.

Tristan: everything's
gonna be fine serenity!

He's right.

With me on your side
you can't lose serenity!

We'll get joey
outta here

And pretty soon
you'll be watching him
duel in the finals!

Thanks, mai.

Duke devlin:
hey! Something's
going on over there!

It looks like a duel!

You may have destroyed
my panther warrior

But you're about to lose
this duel, little yugi!

In just over minutes,

You'll sink to the bottom
of the sea,

While I acquire
your egyptian god card

And your millennium puzzle!

This is my last chance
to get through to joey
and save us both!

Yugi only has
life points left!

One more major attack
by joey

And that anchor's
gonna take him down, seto!

But if that timer
runs out first,

Yugi and wheeler
will both be fish food.

Hey joey!


They found us!!

Tea: help us guys!


What's going on?

Don't get any closer!

What are you talking about?

Check it out.

If we try to save tea,

That rare hunter
will release the crate
hanging above her head!

It's too dangerous
to risk, tristan!

Why would they
wanna do that?

So we don't break up joey
and yugi's duel.

That's just sick!

If you think
that's sick tristan,

Just look at the dueling set-up
these guys put together!


Mai: these guys
don't mess around!

Tristan: man! What's the deal
with the anchor and the chains?

And how come yugi and joey
are dueling in the first place?

C'mon will someone please
tell me what's going on?

Your friend wheeler
is on their side.


Wait. Whose side?

Somehow joey
lost his mind,

And now he's dueling
on the rare hunters' side!

Whoever loses gets pulled
to the bottom of the sea!

That's insane!

We gotta stop this!

But we can't.

My brother!

Tea, voice-over: I can't let
serenity see joey like this!

She'll be devastated!


Please don't take
your bandages off yet!


You have to trust me
on this one, ok!?

Tea, voice-over: serenity lives
for her big brother!

If her first sight is joey,
possessed by some evil nutcase,

She would never get over it!

Poor joey.

Don't you worry.

If anyone can save joey
yugi can.

Joey: the end is near, yugi.

I could just let
the timer run out,

Destroying you and joey...

But out-dueling you
will be so much more fun!

And now all of
your little friends

Are here to witness
your demise!

Soooo here goes.

Meteor of destruction!

Excellent work my mind sl*ve!

That's just the card
we need to win.

Now, play it
and win me that puzzle!

And destroy your best friend!

Joey: one more move
and you'll be gone for good,

While I rule the world!

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