02x34 - The Dark Spirit Revealed, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x34 - The Dark Spirit Revealed, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Roland: I welcome you
to the stratos dueling arena.

Bakura's opponent
in the first duel is yugi moto.

first I'll win
his egyptian god card

And deliver it
to marik in exchange
for the millennium rod.

Then seizing yugi's puzzle
will be a simple task.

I must win this.

The fate of the world
depends on it.

I hold a card in my hand

With dark powers beyond
your wildest imagination.

Stare into the face
of defeat,

Now I summon the beast
that will cause your demise--

Dark necrofear.

You see, not only
is my monster strong,

But it also possesses
a dark magic hidden within.

Attack his necrofear

With dark
burning attack!

Thanks. Once again,
you've done exactly
what I wanted, yugi.

So I can play this.

what's going on?

Watch as the entire
playing field is engulfed

In a shroud of dark magic

Known as "dark sanctuary."

Prepare to experience an evil

Like you've never seen before!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

Bakura: ha ha ha!
Yugi, you fool!

You've helped me release
the power of dark sanctuary!

And now the field is covered
with a magic so terrifying,

It will keep you
in a constant state of fear

And eventually destroy you!

it is you who
should be afraid!

You have
no monsters left,

And you're down
to your last
life points.

That's true.

However, the evil ghost
of dark sanctuary

Is now protecting me,

Which will change
my fortune dramatically!

Your ghosts
don't frighten me.

Without a single
monster to defend
your life points,

I will win this duel
and remove you

From the battle city
finals in one attack!

You're more foolish
than I thought.

Dark sanctuary
provides me power

Beyond your understanding.

But if you're so confident,

Then go ahead
and attack me!

Gamma the magnet warrior,

Attack his life points



Evil ghost,
counter attack!


What's going on?

My monster's attack
didn't work,

And I was att*cked

Ha ha ha!
Very observant, yugi.

Your monster is possessed

By the evil ghost
of my dark sanctuary!

It's possessed?

Yes, and that
is how I was able

To turn your own monster
against you!


And have you
all of them?

You'll just have to
figure that out for yourself

If you have the nerve to try
and attack me again...

And, of course,
is only one

Of my card's

But you'll find out
what else

Dark sanctuary
is capable of
soon enough.

In the meantime,
we shall deal

With the situation
at hand.

Go on!

I will.

Since you made
the mistake of attacking me

With a monster
that was possessed,

Half of your monster's
attack points

Come out
of your life points!


And then,
just to make sure

They don't go to waste,

The life points
you lost

Will simply
be added to mine!


Your life points
are still minimal!

be gone soon!

We'll just see
about that, yugi.

You have no idea
of the terror

That lurks in my deck.

Let's see what's next.
Are you ready?

I play destiny board!
You're finished!

Destiny board?
What does it do?

You're about to find out!

That's weird.

All that fuss
for a board game?

Duke devlin: I saw one
of those things once

At a haunted fun house.

Joey: you mean
there's gonna be
more ghosts!?

Hold on, joey.
Isn't this all
just a game?

Well, guys,
let's hope so.

I'll ask you again,

What does
this card do?

Answer me!

it's quite simple.

My destiny board
gives me the ability

To communicate with lost souls
of the shadow realm.

Using the letters
on this board,

They shall spell out
a message for you.

So, yugi, it's time for you

To receive the first letter
of your message,

And that letter is "f."

What is
the destiny board

Going to spell out?

Ha ha! You'll see.

Each turn, the destiny board
will reveal one letter,

And then,
after turns pass

And all letters
are revealed,

This duel will end

And you'll lose
absolutely everything, yugi!


your destiny board
doesn't frighten me.

I'll defeat you
well before
its message

Is spelled out
in more turns!

After all, it's
my destiny to win!

Come on, yugi!

Joey: show this
who's boss!

This looks bad.

yes, and if yugi
has any hopes

Of winning this duel
before that destiny board

Counts down
to his destruction,

He had better summon
that egyptian god card of his.

Marik, thinking:
before long, the pharaoh

Will be finished for good!


Yugi, with my evil ghost
possessing your monsters

And my destiny board
on the playing field,

You're done.

Only more turns
and victory is mine!

Now I play the dark door!

With this magic card
on the field,

You can only attack
once per turn.

ha ha ha!

Your chances of defeating me
have just decreased.

And next, I'll play
earthbound spirit!

But it won't
be around for long.

I plan to sacrifice it.

You see, in order to keep

My dark sanctuary card
in play,

I need to sacrifice
a monster each turn!

So begone!

Time for me to put
an end to this!

all right, since he
has dark door in play,

I can only make
one attack per turn.

So I have to make
this attack count!

But I can't use
my magnet warrior

Since it's possessed
by an evil ghost,

Thanks to his
dark sanctuary card!

If I attack
with it, I'll lose
life points again!

So my best bet
is to attack him

With my dark
magician girl!

Since he
has no monsters
protecting him

And only
life points,

I can wipe him out
with one direct attack!

As long
as he doesn't
stop my attack

With that
facedown card,

This duel
will be over!

Well then? Ha ha!

You seem to have trouble
making up your mind, yugi.

Perhaps you
should surrender now!

Uhh! Never!

I summon kuriboh
in defense mode!

Now my dark
magician girl,

Attack his life points


Dark ghost,
counter attack!


What's going on?

She was possessed!

With each turn,
I can choose
a different monster

For my spirit to possess.

And now
you lose even more
of your life points.

But fortunately,
they get added to my own!

My dark sanctuary
is full of surprises!

And since
your turn is over,

You know what's
about to happen.

What?! Tell me!

Destiny board
gets another letter!

And the second letter is "i."

Only letters left!

Hey, guys, look!

Now it
spells "f-i."

Bakura: yes?

Our duel disks
only have slots,

Which means only
magic cards

Can be in play
at once,

And each of your letters
is one magic card!

So as long as
your dark door card
is in play,

You can't spell out
your entire word.

Very observant, yugi.

with dark sanctuary

I can play more
than magic cards.


In other words,
even with my
dark door magic card

On the playing field,
I can still play

All letters
of the destiny board
and finish you off!


You mean your
dark sanctuary card

Allows you to play
extra magic cards

And possess my monsters
with an evil ghost?

Yes, and that
is what makes me

Yugi, your hope
of winning is over.

In just short turns,
you will be finished!

Ha ha! Say good-bye
to the finals!

Oh, no!

He better think
of something quick!

If yugi could
just figure out

Which one
of his monsters
is possessed

By dark sanctuary,

Then he could
launch an attack.

I still think
he has a chance
to win this duel.

But he can't keep
losing life points.

he's overthinking
all this,

And the key is
not to think at all,

Like tristan does.
Ha ha!

Hey, joey, yugi's
gonna win, right?

Yeah. Yugi'll
pull through.

But it sure
won't be easy.

As long as the magic
of dark sanctuary
surrounds us,

I'm in control!

and I'll need to
sacrifice this monster

In order to keep it
that way.

I summon sangan!


And now I'll sacrifice it
to maintain

The power of dark sanctuary!


Sangan's special effect
allows me

To draw one more card

After it's been sent
to the graveyard.

Now let's see
what you can do--

Not much I'm sure.

You're wrong.
I draw.

it's time to possess
yugi's next monster.

But which one should
my ghost hide within?

Yes! He'd never suspect

That I'd choose
dark magician girl
twice in a row!

It's the perfect plan.

I know one
of my monsters

Is possessed
by the ghost
of dark sanctuary.

But which one?

I doubt
it's kuriboh.

He's too weak for me
to attack with anyway.

So that leaves me
with choices--

the magnet warrior

Or the dark
magician girl.
Which is it?

I can only
attack once, thanks
to his dark door card,

And if I choose
the wrong monster
to attack with,

I'll lose
more life points,

And he'll gain them!

I can't mess up
or I'm finished!

Bakura: proceed
with your attack, yugi.

But choose wisely,

For one of your monsters
is possessed

By the evil ghost
of dark sanctuary.

I know this monster
isn't possessed

'Cause I just drew it.

But his attack points
are low,

So I'll just
use it to protect
my life points.

I summon
big shield gardna

In defense mode!


That was pointless.

Nothing can protect
your life points

From the ghost
of dark sanctuary!

all right.

Time to attack.
But I gotta make sure

I don't choose
the monster
that's possessed

Or half
of that monster's
attack points

Will be taken out
of my life points.

Since my magnet warrior
has less attack points,

I'll choose him!

the magnet warrior,
attack now!

yugi didn't choose
the possessed monster,

But no matter!

I have a card
to change all that!

you've triggered
my trap card--

Dark spirit of the silent!

This card instantly
stops your magnet warrior

From attacking me.

Did you honestly believe

I'd let you attack
my life points directly, yugi?

Never! And there's more.

Once my trap card
stops your warrior,

It will force
dark magician girl
to attack!

No! If my
dark magician girl

Is the monster
that's possessed
and she att*cks you,

Then that means
I'll lose more
life points!

and I'm afraid she is.

So say good-bye
to , life points!



Looks like you get weaker

As my life points
grow higher and higher!

Yugi's running out
of life points
pretty fast.

He's a goner!

Oh, no! Are you saying
yugi's gonna lose?


Hey, you! When one
of our buddies
is dueling,

We support them
all the way!

So think positive,
or you're going overboard!

Yugi, yugi!
He's our man!

Hey, joey.

I know yugi's gonna
get through this

Just like you always do.

All the ghosts
and evil spirits
in this duel

Are freaking me out,

Spirits don't exist.

The only thing
yugi has to be afraid of

Is losing this duel
and his egyptian god card

When all letters appear
on the destiny board.

Not that it matters,
since I'll win everything
in the end.

Bakura: I'm afraid
this duel is almost over.

Too bad.
There's no hope left.

One more attack
to your life points,

And you're finished.
Ha ha!

he's right.

If I attack him
with one more monster

That's possessed,

I'll lose the rest
of my life points

And be eliminated
from the finals.

If I could
only figure out
how to destroy

The evil ghost
of dark sanctuary.

There must be a way!

But how can I
destroy something
I can't even see?

What's the matter?

Perhaps you would like
to forfeit the duel?

I'll never quit!

This duel isn't over,

And I know I have
something in my hand

That can help
turn things around!

Hmm. Wait!

Maybe those cards
can help!

I place cards

And end my turn.

So, I see that you
haven't yet realized

That nothing
can save you now!

It's merely a matter
of time, yugi.

I can assure you

That your evil ghost
of dark sanctuary

Is in for
a rude awakening,

And once it's gone,
I'll be free
to attack you.

You're no match
for the power
of my deck, yugi!

We'll see about that!

Time is running out!

Look at the destiny board!

the third letter!

What is it?


Ohh! F-i-n!

Short turns,
and it's all over!

The destiny board
is displaying letters.

I'm aware of that.

That'll do.

I play souls
of the forgotten

And sacrifice it
to keep dark sanctuary.


It's time for you to try
and attack me again,

If you dare.

But remember
one of your monsters
is possessed,

So be careful.

Now make your move!

I'll do it
with pleasure.

I have a plan
to demolish
your evil ghost

Once and for all.

It can't be!

It is!

And once
your ghost is gone,

I won't have to worry
about my monsters

Being possessed.

I have a feeling yugi's about
to turn this thing around!

Joey: yugi!

Give this
horror show
a happy ending!

yugi will certainly
need something powerful

To get himself
out of this.

Let's see
what he has planned.

Say good-bye
to your ghost!

Bakura: my invisible ghost
is possessing a monster now!

So, why don't you
figure out where it is

And then destroy it?

I don't have to
figure out

your dark ghost is!

I have a card
in my deck

That can find it
for me!

And now behold!

The trap card
collected power!

It forces
certain magic cards

To focus their effect
on kuriboh!

Kaiba, thinking:
why would yugi
use collective power

On a weak card
like kuriboh?

All it does is allow
his pathetic monster

To absorb the effects
of a few magic cards.

That won't save him
from bakura's dark sanctuary,

Unless it also
absorbed the ghost!

So who's
in control now?

I knew that your
evil ghost lived

dark sanctuary.

Therefore, I knew
I had to play

My trap card
collective powers.

Because it would
force your evil ghost

Right out
of its hiding place

And into kuriboh.


Uhh! What do you
plan to do?

I'll use this--

A magic card called
"exile of the wicked,"

Which will automatically
destroy my kuriboh.

Ha ha! So,
exile of the wicked,

Wipe out my kuriboh
and his dark ghost!


And now evil spirit
of dark sanctuary,


Uhh! You may have
defeated my ghost,

But my destiny board
will still destroy you

In only turns
when it completes
its message!

Don't count on it.

This duel isn't over,
and it's still my move.

Joey: all right!

Tea: way to go, yugi!

it's time for
a little chat.

Just in case
you haven't noticed,

You've lost control
of this duel.

Just what do you mean?

Your opponent
has crushed
your strategy

By vanquishing
your ghost.

Go away.

I don't need help.

Don't be a fool!

I said go!

You seem to forget
that we have an agreement.

So if you're
still interested

In those millennium items,

You'll listen to me.

Remember, you fool,
if you lose this duel,

You'll be removed
from the finals,

Making you incapable
of winning me

The egyptian god cards!

I won't lose, marik.

I'm afraid that's hard
for me to believe

Based on the way
you've been dueling
so far.

Then watch me.

Win this or no deal.

All right.
Now it's time

To bring back a monster
from the graveyard.

I play
monster reborn!

I'll bring back
a monster from
your graveyard.

Dark necrofear,

So say good-bye to
your dark sanctuary!

Since destroying
dark necrofear
released it,

I knew bringing it back
would defeat it.

Uhh! No!

And now
that dark sanctuary
is gone,

I'm afraid that you
are no longer permitted

To have more
than magic cards

In play at one time.

This may foil
some of your plans.

And now
I'll attack your
life points directly

With dark necrofear!


All right.
This duel's almost done

Since you've lost
more than half of
your life points.

Now I add the fourth letter
to the destiny board--

The letter "a."

Yami-yugi: f-i-n-a.

Your word
is "final."

It's too bad
you'll never play

The last letter.

at your duel disk!

You have
magic cards
in play,

And you have no room
for any others.

So if you want
to play the last letter
of your message,

You must discard
your dark door
magic card

And its effect
on my monsters,

Allowing me
to attack

More than once
in a turn!

And with no monsters
to protect you

And only
, life points,

My monsters
would wipe you out
in one turn!

The decision
is yours!

This can't be true.

Stick a fork
in that guy
'cause he's done!

be glad to!

What, seto?

It's not over.
I think bakura

Has something else
planned for yugi.

Marik, thinking:
what's that fool doing?!

Need I point out
that you're trapped?

I know.

So, shall I
control your mind

And take over?


I plan to overpower

This pathetic duelist
on my own, marik!

Now prepare yourself,

It's my move, and this duel
is far from over.

Huh? Ha ha ha!

I've done it, yugi!

The time has arrived
for me to regain my control

With this card!

Oh, no!
Hold on!

Yugi just had
this guy

In the palm of
his hand, right?

It seems like he just drew
a pretty powerful card.

Duke devlin:
this can't be good.

it's all over, yugi.

The card I hold
in my hand is my key

To annihilating you!

Yami-yugi: what card
have you drawn?

Something that will help me
take all that you have!

The fate of the world
depends on my victory.

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