02x39 - Awakening of Evil, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x39 - Awakening of Evil, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

Roland: gentlemen,
let the duel begin!

You can't win once I play this!

A being like none
you've ever seen before!

I'll find a way
to crush your oversized
scorpion marik!

My beast can't be stopped.

If we're going
to deceive these fools
into believing you are me,

You must duel
as I would, odion.

Play the card I added
to your deck now!

You have no idea what
I've just done by securing
this all-powerful card

Within my ancient sanctuary!

Play that egyptian
god card now

So that I may rule
as pharaoh!

It's time to lose, now.

So say goodbye to the finals!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move! ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

Master marik!

Playing the winged dragon
of ra is too dangerous!

Please reconsider
your request!

Listen to me, odion!

Ever since I can remember,
you longed to be a part
of my family.

Well this is your
chance to finally join
the tomb keeper's clan

By serving me,
the future pharaoh!

Now fulfill your duty
and play that
egyptian god card!

Yes. I'll be
a true tomb keeper.

Please spare marik.

Initiate me sir.

My son will receive
the initiation as planned

And you'll speak
no more of this!

Now get out!

I know the dangers are great,

But I must serve my master.

Tea: I don't get it guys.

Why isn't marik
attacking joey?

I'm not sure. But I have
a bad feeling.

Odion: alright, mr. Wheeler.

Prepare to experience
an ancient power

Like nothing
you've ever seen before

Or will see again!

I am marik.

And I will now play my egyptian
god card to prove it!

Didn't see dat coming.

Oh no!

Marik isgoing to play
the winged dragon of ra!


In order to release
my egyptian god monster
from the ark...

I must sacrifice my mystical
beast serket first!

Once this giant guardian
of the temple is no more,

I can release
the most powerful creature

That ever walked the earth
from within the sacred ark.

Be very careful joey!

Ancient one, hear my call!

I now offer up
my mystical beast

Along with half
my life points
to release thee!

Come forth my winged dragon

And reveal your awesome strength
in the name of the next
great pharaoh -

King marik!!


The third card!

What's goin' on!?


Oh! The winged dragon
has awakened!

It's time!

Show yourself my beast!

Let anyone
who doubts my power

Feel the fire
of the mighty
winged dragon of ra!

Kaiba: that thing
looks unstoppable!

It is!

The final egyptian
god card!

At last
it's revealed!

Odion: behold the strongest
of all the egyptian
god monsters -

A being like no other!

And remember my mystical beast
had absorbed the power
of your jinzo...

Your insect queen...

And your legendary fisherman!

This increased my monster's
overall attack power

To an enormous five thousand
eight hundred and twenty five!

Now those attack points are
transferred to my winged
dragon of ra!

And once it att*cks you,
mr. Wheeler,

You'll wish you'd never
entered this tournament!

Brace yourself!

Because you're about to lose
the rest of your life points!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Joey: so what are you
waitin' for!?

Take your best shot,

Now what happens?

Tea: yeah, yugi!

Remember how your
egyptian god card
injured bakura!?

Tea: these things
are dangerous!

Well I'm waiting.

Come and get me already!

You've made our family
proud today, odion.

Your handling of
the egyptian god card copy

Proves you are one of us,
once and for all

And it has convinced
our skeptical friends
that youare marik!

Your time has run out,
mr. Wheeler.

Here it comes, guys...

Poor joey!

Thanks wheeler.

For being my guinea pig!

Now I'll finally get
to see what marik's
egyptian god card can do.

Unleash its mighty
force now!

Dragon of ra!

Attack his life points

What's this?!

I sense
a great disturbance!

Odion has angered
the gods!

What's going on!?

My deck is emitting
a powerful aura!

One of great rage!

It's as if the real
winged dragon of ra
in my deck

Is angry
that odion played
a counterfeit card!


Looks like your dragon's
got other plans!

Obey me!

And attack my opponent
right now!

Why isn't it
attacking joey?

What's happening?

Something's gone wrong!

It's like his card has
a mind of its own!

It's more than a card!

Now what!?

The winged dragon of ra
isn't working!

How can this be?

My rare hunters tested
these card-copies


I know there were
difficulties at first,

With some of
my weaker servants.

But I thought odion could
control this card.

What's goin' on?
And what's up wit dis storm?


Either dis is da best
duel monsters hologram
I've eva seen,

Or we betta take cover!

The rage of
my egyptian god card

Is going to strike everyone
involved in this duel!


Get down
from there!

Oh my brother,

What have you done!?

Master marik,

I am not worthy enough
to control this card...

Just as I was not worthy enough
to be a part of your family.

My dear.

Help me!

Forgive me, master.
I've failed you again.


That millennium rod
was a fake!

So it's true.

He isn't the real marik!


I'm sorry. Ah...

Help me! Odion!!

I tried my best
to serve you my master.

I tried...

I...tried. Uh!


Hey, you ok? Aah!

Don't move!

Please be careful!





Joey, are you ok pal?

Oh, get down!

There's a duel
going on here!

Open yer eyes!
Both duelists are out cold!

Maybe so, but they both
still have two hundred
life points remaining.

So according
to battle city rules,

This duel is still
in progress!

Now get off
the playing field!

Forget about the rules
you suit!

My friend needs help
right away!

Kaiba: enough.

I don't know where
that lightning came from...

But it had nothing to do
with the kaiba corporation's
duel disk system.

Whatever it may have
seemed to be...

This lightning storm is
a freak act of nature
and nothing more.

Who cares what it was,
just end this duel now!

Should I declare
the duel a double

Disqualify them

Not yet!

Since the duelists are tied
with life points each

We'll give them
five minutes.

Whichever duelist gets
to his feet first

Will be declared
the winner and continue
on in the finals.



That's ridiculous!

Wake up, joey!

You can do it!

Come on, buddy!

Please joey,
snap out of it!


Master marik.

Marik has angered
the gods!

Now everyone
on board this ship
is in danger!

[Grunting loudly]

We're here for ya, joey!

big brother!

Stand up now joey!

I know you've got
what it takes
to beat this joker!

They each have
three more minutes.

Once that time elapses

Both duelists will be
immediately disqualified

From the battle city
tournament finals.


My necklace tells me
that the evil within
marik may grow stronger!

Help, odion!

I don't wanna be
a tomb keeper!

Please! Help me!

Ishizu: I'll never forget
the day that marik received
the tomb keepers initiation.

It was a day that would change
all of us forever.

For during that ritual,
a great evil awoke within
my brother...

And now that odion is
unable to protect him,

That evil presence will
increase in power!

I feel so alone.

Why should I have to pledge
my life to some pharaoh!?!

What happened
to your face, odion?

As you know I'm forbidden
to join this clan, so i--

Go on.

So I performed
my own ritual.

I hope this mark
proves my loyalty
to your family sir.

You're not alone.

Odion dedicated his life
to protecting my little brother.

He must have contained the evil
within marik as best he could.

I know the good side
of marik exists

And I must find a way
to bring it out!

But with odion unconscious,
things will only get worse!

I must get up.

It's my duty
to protect marik!



Oh! No way!

That's not good!


I won't...
Disappoint you...

Again, master marik.

It looks like we have
our winner.

And the winner is -



I'm...sorry sir.

You can still win joey!

Please get up,
big brother!


If neither duelist
gets to his feet

In the next
two minutes,

Both players will
be disqualified
from the finals!

Tea: come on joey!

You gotta wake up!

Earth to joey!

Duke devlin:
rise and shine!

[School bell rings]huh?

Wake up sleepyhead.

This is no time
for napping.

Sorry. I'm feelin'
kinda lazy.

Well snap out of it
and start showing
some life, will ya!?

C'mon joey! This is
a big deal so get
yer butt in gear!

She's right joey,
time is running out!

For what?
Don't you know?
It's your dream!

Today's the most
important duel
of your entire life!

'Member when you said,
"I'll show 'im all

Dat joey wheeler's
no amateur!? "

Sounds like me

But I'm really
drawing a blank, tea.

maybe preparing your deck
will help ring a bell.



Joey! Will you
get serious!

Let's put together the best
dueling deck from this mess
and then head out.

Let's hope you're
a little less

When the competition



Just give it up, wheeler.

Kaiba! How'd ya like
ta give up all your teeth!?

Don't even waste your
energy on that loser!

Tristan's right.

You've got more
important things
to worry about, joey.

Like my deck.

I gotta list
of all my best cards
written down right here!


Serenity! Mai!

What are you guys
doin' here?

You're dreaming

And dreams don't
hafta make sense

So just be glad
you're not skiing
in your underwear!

Plus today's
your big day, joey.
We had to be here.

Aww, danks you guys!

Hey, you gotta sec?
Come here.

Slight problem, dude.

Check it out.
Your list is blank!

No card names!


Dis dream just gets
weirder and weirder.

It's almost as nuts
as dat nightmare I had

About da monkey
in dat bowl of
vanilla pudding.

Dank goodness
that I'm not in
this thing by myself.

Why dude?

If you guys weren't here
I'd be clueless.

What are friends for?

I'm lucky.

You guys are
the best buds anyone
could eva have!

I've done some
dumb things before,

But you guys have
always stood behind me,
no matter what.

I won't forget that.

Thanks, joey.

Yugi: we're finished!huh?

You'll be hard to beat
with these cards.

No doubt!awesome!
Lemme check 'em out.


Danks yuge!


Wit your support there's no way
I'm gonna lose this duel!

It's time to go.

Let's do this!


Come on, let's get
outta here, joey.

Thing is I would
but something's wrong.

I don't have enough
strength to stand up.
Little help guys?


Are you sure you're not
just trying to get out
of the duel?

No way.

Now stop joking around
and c'mon.

I'm serious!
I need a hand here--huh?

You guys are da
best friends I ever had!

Dank you!

Tristan: we'll always
be here for you buddy!

Right guys?absolutely.

You bet!

Tristan: so stand up, joey!

You have a duel to win!

Danks a lot!

I mean dat!


I'm standin'!

Hey look!

He's up!

You did it!

That means
you win the duel!

Hey guys I'm lost.

Could ya fill me in please?

You're dueling
in the finals...?

And you scared us
ya dope!!

Don't ever
do that again!

I'm sorry!


But who's that guy?

Oh yeah! I remember...

Obey me!

And attack my opponent
right now!


Get down from there!

Hey, you ok?


His card went nuts.

And dat's da last thing
dat I rememba!

And so the winner
of this duel is
joey wheeler!

So I won?

Yes you did!

I knew you would!

All right! Ha!

Sooo who's my main man!?

What's up?

Joey: I think
the other guy's still hurt.

Looks like wheeler's
dumb luck saved him again.

And I emphasize dumb.

But what happened to marik's
egyptian god card?

Why didn't it attack?

I know there wasn't
a glitch in his duel disk

Because I've spared no expense
to make sure my equipment
is problem-free.

That card should have
worked unless...

His card was a fake!

Come on man,
wake up!


Please forgive me joey.

I'm sorry.

It was an honor for me
to duel with you.

Well, same to you.

And danks to that
lightning bolt

I won't forget
this duel for a while.

Now that it's done
ya gotta come clean.

If you're not marik,
den who are ya pal?

I am only a servant

Of the real
master marik.

That's marik?
That's marik?

[Groaning loudly]

It's that rod!

It looks just like
the one that other guy had.

That must be the real
millennium rod,

Which means namu's
the real marik!

admit your true
identity, marik!

Yes, it's true.

I am indeed the real marik
you fools!

Then he must have the real
winged dragon of ra!

So namu lied to us
all along!?


He was a disguise
to get me closer to yugi.

You little worm!

He's the one
who brainwashed you.

Heh heh heh!

So pharaoh, we finally
meet face to face.

Odion: master.

Now at last,

I can finish the job
my pathetic servants couldn't!


Your puzzle and power will
soon be where they belong!


Oh no!

I was afraid of this.

We're all
in great danger!


The great evil!
Hidden within!

Joey: whatta you
talkin' about!?

Master marik has
a darker side...

And I'm unable
to contain it anymore...

It's too late now. Ah...

What's too late?

[Marik groaning]

Yami-marik: let me out!
You can't restrain me



Joey: I'm gonna file dis
in the category of "not good!"

What's going on?

chuckling evilly]

I'm finally free again.

Which means...
I can do things my way.

I was restrained for many years
by that fool odion!

Who are you?

I'm the true marik

And I'm not as kind
as the one you've come
to know.

And soon I'll finish
the job he couldn't complete

And strip you of your powers.

For I deserve to be pharaoh!

Not you!

So get ready
for the real battle.

And when I'm through
with you...

Your puzzle will be around
my neck, where it belongs.

And you...will be trapped
forever in the realm
of eternal darkness.

Along with your friends.

And odion, as well.

Hey pal.
Get a life!

You fool!

Thanks to odion's failure
I now have a life!

Of course, by failing,
odion did prove one thing.

Only a chosen few can control
kaiba. You're one.ards.

Marik...i'm sick and tired
of hearing these egyptian
fairy tales.

I control obilesk
the tormentor because
I am a master duelist.

Ha! Don't deny
your ancient past.

You'll find you can't escape
your five thousand
year old memories.

You'll learn
in good time, kaiba...

Your role in this game
runs much deeper
than you can imagine.


That won't matter
once I take over.

Just as my necklace

A great disturbance
in the mystic alignment

Has awakened a deeper evil

That's long been dormant
inside of marik.

And the goodness
within my brother's heart

Is now a small spark

Covered beneath a fog
of utter darkness and despair.


The battle for the pharaoh's
power will begin right now.

A conflict five thousand
years in the making!

And there's no turning back!

[Laughing evilly]

The great egyptian god monsters
will serve and protect me

ha ha ha ha!

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