02x41 - Mind Game, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x41 - Mind Game, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

mai valentine,
marik ishtar...

This duel will now begin!

Mai: I'm ready
to show you

What real dueling's
all about!

I'd like to take this match
to the shadow realm!

There's no way!

Each monster we play
carries with it

The memory of a person
we hold within our mind.

So when a monster
is destroyed,

The memory of a person
from your life
is destroyed with it!

Now, my unfriendly

Attack the dark witch
with soaring slash!

Ha ha ha!
Very good.

You've wiped away
some of my life points.

dark witch was
originally yourmonster...

Let's see which one
of your friends

Will become
your first lost memory.

Not tea!

Now tea's nothing more

Than a faceless
phantom to you.


I'm afraid this is
just the beginning,

And by the time
I'm through,

You'll be
a mindless shell

All alone in a world
full of strangers!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move! ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

Ha ha ha!

Feeling lightheaded?

Since I'm wiping out
your memories,

That's to be expected!

Tristan: hey, mai
looks like she's
in a major daze, guys.

Try and
hang in there, mai!

You can do it!

We're all here for you!

that's weird.

Whose voice is that?

And where's it coming from?

What's wrong?

She's not answering me,

And what's with
that blank stare?

it's true!

Tea's been erased
from mai's mind!

Marik, thinking:
ha ha ha!

Cherish your memories
while you can, my dear,

For, soon, you'll
forget everyone

And everything
you've ever known!

All right, then...

I place one card

And then...

I'll summon
makyura the destructor
in attack mode!

Next I'll add this
all-powerful magic card,

The mystical
black pendant!

Black pendant's
dark magic

Raises my monster's attack
strength by points!

now marik's monster

Is strongerthan
my unfriendly amazon!

He's going to attack!

Marik, thinking:
ha ha ha!

It's almost too easy.

A millennium's worth
of ancient magical powers

Against a mere mortal!

Time to say good-bye
to another one of
your friends!

That's enough!

And now, makyura!

-Claw slash!

Activate trap card!

Amazon archers!

Now your monster's
attack points are
reducedby ,

Bringing them back
where they started!

Very clever.

Now it's mymonster's
turn to attack!

Go, unfriendly amazon!

Soaring slash attack!

Maybe that will
erase someone
from yourmind!

Why...thank you.


There's no one
in my mind


I preferto be all alone.

So attack my monsters,
and remove my servants
from my mind.

Given the choice,
I'd forget every
single one of them.

Ha ha ha!
You're nuts.

but I'm sane enough

To have caught you
in my trap!

You see,
when a monster

Wearing the black pendant
is destroyed,

Its opponent loses
life points!

And I'm afraid
there's another penalty
for you to pay, my dear.

By sending
makyura the destructor
to the graveyard,

You've activated
its special ability,

Which allows me to play
any trap card I want
from my hand.


And I think
it will serve me best

To activate this one.

Rope of life!

This card brings
a monster back
from my graveyard

And empowers it
with extra
attack points!

So say good-bye to
your unfriendly amazon!

It can'tbe!

Oh, it can!

Makyura the destructor!

Attack her amazon now!

As shegoes, so goes
your memory of another friend!

Eh? No, joey!

Please don't go!

So...how does it feel

To have your mind
wiped clean of
twodear friends?

He's...slipping away.

I can barely see him.

I feel so alone.

Mai, thinking:
it's nothing new.

It feels just like
the loneliness I felt

When I was a kid.

My family always moving...

Never having any friends.

My parents always too busy
to spend time with me.

I had nobody.

Even after I got my first job
and discovered duel monsters,

I was still just a lonely kid.

The powerful harpie cards
I kept in my deck

Were the closest things
I had to friends.

But as cool and powerful
as my harpies were...

Deep down inside,
I knew they weren't real.

So I pretty much decided that
I was just meantto be alone,

To play by my ownrules,

Until that day on the boat
to duelist kingdom,

When everything changed.

As soon as I saw those guys...

I felt something
I'd never felt before--


And the more I hung out
with them,

The more they began
to grow on me...

[Bawk bawk bawk]

So what do you think?

Pretty good imitation
of kaiba, right!?

Mai, voice-over:
sure they were a little
weird at times...

But they were nice weirdos,

And soon my loneliness was gone.

But now I'm losing
the only real friends
I've ever had!


I'm just a lonely
kid again.

ha ha ha!

Yes. Feel the pain,
the heartbreak!

The tormentof
losing your mind!

No one said shadow games
were pleasant!

Now say good-bye!

Joey's gone forever!

Marik: your memory
of joey has been erased!

Mai! You ok?!

Ground control
to mai!

Come in...

First she
ignores tea,

And now she's
ignoring me?

She's not
ignoringyou joey.

This shadow game
has made her forget
who you are.

Forget who iam?

We'll see about that!

Joey: hey, mai!
Look at me!

How can you forget
a mug like this?!

Mai? Over here!

It's me,
joey wheeler!


all right.

If marik's gonna use
shadow powers to hurtmai,

Then I'm gonna use them
to helpher.

That's right!

Twocan play
at this mind game!

I have to show mai the truth!

She needs to know
that she won't be

Wandering alone
in the shadows forever!

And there's only one way
for me to do it--

By using my own
millennium powers

To penetrate
marik's shadow game
and enter mai's mind!


What's going on?

Huh? Oh.

you're not alone,

Mai: who's there?

Mai! It's me!

Yugi? What--

What are you
doing up here?

That's what I'd
like to know!

Listen to me,

You can't let
marik's illusions
distract you.

What do you mean?

This whole thing's
a fantasy?

But it all seems
so real!


But only because
the world you're in now

Is making it seemreal.

Win this match,

And you'll shed
light on the truth

And return to life
as you knew it.

But yugi...

What is it?

I don't know if I can.

I feel so emptyinside.

Fight it, mai!

But I'm all alone.

I have nothing left.

Joey: hey, mai!
We're herefor you!

Who isthat?

I don't know
the voice, but...

Something about it

Yes, mai. Listen.

It's the voice
of your friends,

Who continue
to support you.

And you can
rest assured

That no matter
how dark it seems
in these shadows,

Those voices
are always there.




be strong, mai.

It's all
up to you now.

You have to beat marik
and free your mind!

You can do it!

Thank you.

Come on!

I just know you can
beat this evil freak!

Come on!

Mai, thinking:
there's that voice again.

Maybe yugi's right,

And I'm not as alone
as I feel...

Marik, thinking:
how dare that little runt
intrude on my shadow game?

He'll pay for that!

Is the danger perhaps
a little too realfor you!?

Mai: not even close!

Your head games
don't scare me,

Suit yourself,

But realize, when I'm
through with you,

Your brain will be
nothing but an empty shell!

Well, bring it on,

I've never backed
out of a duel,

And I won't
start now!

Hmm. Then prepare
to lose your mind!

Guess we'll see.

So give the scare
tactics a rest,

And get ready,

Because now
it's my turn,

And I play
amazon chain master
in attack mode!

Then I'll play one card
facedown on the field.

Now take
your best shot,
tough guy!

Your amazon chain master
is weak!

that's what hethinks!

But once
he tries to attack,

I'll activate
my secret w*apon!

Are you ready?

Once makyura
the destructor

Wipes out your pitiful
amazon chain master,

Another piece
of your memory
will disappear.

So if you
want to retain

What's left of
your fleeting intellect,

I'd advise you
not to summon
such weak monsters

To the field,

Or it won't be long
before your entire world

Is shrouded in a fog
of complete darkness!


So you think
your amazon monster

Will stop me
from wiping away
your memories!?

Oh! Hmm.

Think again!

I play holding arms!

It may not
look like much,
but observe.

Although it has
only attack points,

It can still
stop your monster!

Holding arms, attack!

Ha ha ha!

You see,
my holding arms card

Has the ability
to stop your monster
from attacking

For turns.

That should buy me
enough time

To destroy you
andyour mind!



I hope mai doesn't
let this creep get to her.

If she loses this
shadow duel to marik,

Her mind may never recover.

marik, forget
these mind games,

And just duel!

These games
arehow I duel.

You see, yugi...

Duel monsters
and the shadow realm
are intertwined,

So I'm simply
playing the game

As it was
originally intended.

fate has selected mai

To be the victim
of today's game.

You're insane!

Oh, really? Why's that?

Because I duel
with ancient magic?

Last I checked,
so do you...

By tapping into
the powers of
the millennium puzzle...

Don't you?

Yes, but not
to spread evil!

Mai: hey! Yugi!

I appreciate you
trying to help and all,

But I'm the one
dueling here.

So please trust me.

I can defend myself
from now on.


You're not just
gonna stand here

And let her
keep dueling, are you?

I am. Mai has made
her choice.

Hope it's the right one.

Mai: my move!

Go, facedown card!

It's my all-powerful
grave arm!

This magic card
can bury one monster
on the field.

Marik: ha ha ha!

but my holding arms

Are still invincible
right now.

Your magic effect
won't work on them!

Whoever said I was
gonna use it
on yourmonster?

I have otherplans!

Huh? Go on.

I'm using its magic

On myamazon
chain master!

And since I'm
destroying her,

My memory
stays the same!

You're thatdesperate

To keep the memory
of your friends?

Look, marik.
That's not
the only reason

I sent my own monster
to the graveyard.

So get a load of this!

Before my amazon goes
to the graveyard...

She lets me take
a card from your deck.



And the monster
I'm taking...

Is your egyptian
god card,

The winged dragon
of ra!


Way to go, mai!

Joey: awesome!

Mai got marik's card!

You don't look so tough

Without your egyptian
god card, marik!

Too bad.

You may possess
the winged dragon
of ra for now,

But the only way
for you to keep it
is by defeatingme!

Don't worry.
I plan to.

I just thought
I'd take it

For a little
test drive first.

taking marik's
egyptian god card

Was an awesome move!

Now all mai has to do
is summon it to the field!

foolish girl...

She now holds
the most powerful card
in duel monsters,

But can she use it?

turn of events.

You said it!

Now that mai has
the winged dragon of ra,

She may win!


But it remains to be seen
if she has the experience

Necessary to wield
a card of such power.

She's definitely
a good duelist...

But is she good enough?

It's mymove!


I need to sacrifice

In order to summon
the winged dragon of ra,

But so far, I have none,
and hehas two,

So this won't be easy!

Go on.
Everyone's waiting.

Joey: yeah!

Waiting for you
to kick his butt!

Now go get him, mai!

come on, mai.

You know what
you need to do.

show me that
egyptian god card.

First I'll place
two cards facedown,

And then I'll summon
amazon fighter...

In attack mode!

and if you try
attacking her,

You'll get a very
unpleasant surprise.

It's another weak amazon?

How sad.

I'll eliminate her
with ease,

Along with anotherpiece
of your ever-shrinking mind!

Makyura the destructor,
attack her amazon
fighter now!

Hold on there, bud!

Because now I activate
amazon magician!

By playing
this magic card,

I've instantly swapped
the attack points
of yourmonster

With the attack points
of mymonster!


Amazon fighter,

Take out makyura
the destructor

And someone else
from marik's memory!


I never cared much
for that fool arkana.


Mai: looks like
makyura the destructor
is destroyed!


Marik's almost down to
, life points!

Ha ha ha!

A small price to pay...

To have you caught
deep within my trap!

Huh? A trap?

That's right.

Reveal card of last will!

Card of last will?

Yes! It allows me
to draw new cards
into my hand

When one of my monster's
attack points is decreased.

now marik gets
a brand-new hand!

This could change everything!

Marik: I offer you
my gratitude.

Gaining new cards
isn't allyou've
allowed me to do.

By destroying makyura,
you've activated
its special ability.

Now I'll play a card
that will surely
annihilate you!!

Marik: this shadow game's
quite amusing.

Now...prepare to live out
your worst nightmare!

By way of the trap card,
nightmare wheel!


Not only does it trap
your amazon fighter...

Heh heh!

But the nightmare wheel

Will also take
life points
from you every turn.

I was expecting

I couldn'thandle.


I thoughtyou'd
try something
like this, marik!

So I played
this card,

Rescue operation!

This trap card
allows me to rescue
my amazon fighter

From yourtrap...

It also lets me
summon a new monster
to the field now.

Do you know
what this means!?

Marik: so, are you
going to summon
the egyptian god card

You took from me?

Of course not!

I paid attention
the lasttime
it was played!

And I know
if I summoned it now

Without sacrificing
any monsters first,

It would have
zeroattack points!

But not to worry!

I'll playthat
winged dragon

By the end
of my next turn.

She crazy?

How's she ever gonna
pull that off, yugi!?

But first things first!

Amazon fighter,
return to my hand now.

And now to summon
a new monster.

Ahh, this ought to do.

I summon cyber harpie!


Mai's favorite!

Now I just need

Let's hope thisis it!

if I draw
the right card,

I'll be able to summon
the winged dragon of ra!

Come on...

This'll help.

I play
graceful charity! Now!

A magic card that
lets me draw newcards
from my deck,

And then I discard
two from my hand.

first I'll
get rid of these...

And now let's see
if I drew the card
I need!

Oh, I am sogood.

Well, you asked
for it,

And now, marik,

I'm gonna give it
to you!

Ready, sweetheart!?

The winged dragon!

but mai only has
one monster on the field.

You won't be smiling
for too long,

when you see this!

I play...

The magic card
elegant egotist!

And now
elegant egotist

Will turn my one
harpie lady into !

Let's give a big
battle city "hello"

To the harpie lady

She got monsters!
She did it!

And now I'll sacrifice
these lovely ladies

And summon the winged
dragon of ra!


Mai: the winged
dragon of ra

Is now in my control!





such a fool.

Does she really think
she can control
an egyptian god?

I'm afraid it's
quite the opposite.

Itwill control her!

What in the world
is that thing?!

The winged dragon of ra
is locked in that sphere!

Hmm? No way.

oh! This isn't good!

How can I use it?

You can'tuse it,
you fool!

You'll never unlock
its ancient powers!

Ha ha ha!

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