03x10 - Mechanical Mayhem — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x10 - Mechanical Mayhem — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[ announcer ]
Previously on "Yu-Gi-Oh"...

Greetings humans.

As the tech expert
of the Big Five,

I designed some of Kaiba
Corp's most advanced machinery !

And as soon as I out-duel
one of you,

I'll be able to continue
my work in the real world !

Machine King, prepare to attack
her Forgiving Maiden now !

She'll lose
the duel !

Go !

Super Roboyarou !

No-- If your Deck Master's
destroyed, you lose !

So it's time
for you to go !

Oh no, Tristan !

No !

His mind has been digitized and
his body is in a holding area

waiting to be taken over.

And you'll
both join him !

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh !
is King of Games ♪

It's time to duel !

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh !

[ Serenity ]
No !

That sounded like
Serenity !

Joey ?What !

We'll make sure
she's okay.

Serenity !

Joey, wait !

We gotta stick
together !

[ Nesbitt ]
I'm sorry to say that
your friend

will never be the
same again.

No, Tristan !

[ Serenity ]
He's gone.

This is all my fault,
I'm so sorry !

[ Duke ]
Hey, Serenity,
don't say that.

It's not true-- You
gotta stay strong !

He lost trying to
protect me.

Where do you think
you're going ?

This duel isn't over

and the Big Five
needs all of your bodies.

Now, it's the female's turn,
so make your move already !

Serenity, you can
do it !

What's wrong, my dear ?

Can't you duel without
your friend Tristan

standing beside you ?

Don't listen to
this guy, Serenity !

Too late for that.

I think she's already
blown a fuse.

She's in no
condition to duel.

[ Duke ]
He's right--
She's in bad shape.

But I need her help
to crush this guy

or we're gonna
be stuck here forever !

[ Serenity ]
I ruined everything !

Thanks to me Tristan is...
who knows where !

Serenity, we may be able to
bring Tristan back,

but we gotta play our best !

Now it's time for you to get up,
brush yourself off, and duel !

Serenity !

[ Duke ]
It's no use.

All right,
we'll skip her turn !

Very well.

It makes no
difference to me.

[ Duke ]
Awesome !

This is gonna be tricky,

but if it works it could
pay off big time !

I just need
a little luck !

I activate Dimensionhole !

This magic card removes a
monster from the field

for one turn and I'm
using it on my out monster,

Dark Assailant !

So, Your Machine King
loses attack points

since my Dark Assailant is
no longer on the field

to give him extra power.

And it gets better...

Check out this
magic card !

Play whatever you'd like.

There's absolutely nothing
that can save you now.

Is that so ?

Not even this ?

A Dice Dungeon magic card ?

You don't know me

but let's just say I know a
thing or two about dice.

And now it's time for me to
roll you right outta this duel,

'cause I'm changing this card
game into a dice game !

Now-- I activate Dimension Dice
and Dice Dungeon.

This transforms the playing
field into a dice board.

What exactly do you plan to do
with this dice game of yours ?

You'll find out
soon enough, Nesbitt,

when my high rolling sends
you back to the junkyard !

I'm afraid you'll need
a lot more than a few dice

to dismantle a super human
machine like myself,

so make your move !

For starters I'll sacrifice
Yaranzo and The th Grave !

This allows me to summon a super
human creature of my own.

Meet Orgoth
the Relentless !

Now you no longer have those
two monsters to give power

to your Machine King !

Which means old tinfoil pants
loses more attack points.

And now that that's
out of the way,

it's time for us
to start our dice game,

and this is how it's
gonna work.

We'll each pick a monster
to step onto the dice board

and we'll take turns
rolling the die.

As you wish, foolish boy.

I'll choose my
still-powerful Machine King.

And I'll place Orgoth
on the board.

All right, I roll first !

The die will determine
my monster's strength.

Oh yeah--
Six, baby !

That roll doubles
its attack points.

Not bad at all !

Let's see...

That gives Orgoth
a total of , points.

Time to see what Machine
King's power will be !

Then commence dice roll !

Ha !

You rolled
a measly one !

That means Machine King loses
, attack points !

Are you making these
regulations up as you go ?

Check the rulebook !

Now the fun starts !

Orgoth, prepare
for as*ault !

Now attack his Machine King
with Diamond Blade Strike !

This one's for Tristan !

Goodbye Machine King,
hello scrap pile !

That was pure luck !

But your good fortune's
about to run out !


Since I'm acting
as my own Deck Master,

I shall call myself
to the field !

Robotic Knight
is now in play !

Then I'll play a magic card
known as Recycling Plant !

This allows me to revive one
of my former monsters

and fuse it
together with myself.

So Machine King,
merge with me

to form a new unstoppable
creature !

I am now more
powerful than ever !

What have you done ?

I've merged with Machine King to
form Perfect Machine King !

Don't worry about
it, Serenity !

He's just a
bigger scrap heap !

You have no idea of
the power I possess.

I gain an additional
attack points

for every
machine on the field !

But it doesn't
stop there.

Thanks to my
Clockwork Night magic card,

I get an additional
-point boost !

No way !

He's unstoppable !

Precisely !

Now prepare to join Tristan as
the next two victims

of the Big Five !

For when I wipe both
of you out,

all of your bodies
will belong to us,

and we can finally escape
to the real world !

Our dice game is
still on, so roll !

Very well.

Yes, a five--
That must be good !

Sorry to disappoint you,
but rolling a five

cuts your attack
points in half.

What ?

There's no logic to this
dice game at all !

No matter.

Even with half the strength,
I'm far more powerful than you.

Your Orgoth has only
, attack points

and I have , !

So go ahead and roll !

I'm afraid nothing
can save you now.

My die has been
good to me so far,

so let's see if my
luck continues !

I guess not !

One ?

That means my monster loses
, attack points !

And now your Orgoth
is even weaker.

I can blast it
away with ease.

And my remaining missiles
will blow a chunk

out of your
life points !

[ Serenity ]
I can't let Duke
lose, too !

We need to beat this robot
menace and save Tristan !

But if I try to help,

I'll probably just mess
everything up again !

So much for your dice
rolling talents.

With Orgoth gone,

so goes your
dice field.

That's not good...

Even my best monster
couldn't beat him !

Tristan's gone,
Serenity's frozen,

and I'm fresh
outta ideas !

I knew you mere mortals
couldn't stand up to the power

of a high tech machine
like me.

You're a fool, Nesbitt.

You know you're not
a real robot.

it's quite sad...

Deep down you're nothing but
a scared little man.

Soon the rest of
the Big Five and I

will return to the life
we once knew,

except this time, we won't
have to work under Seto Kaiba !

[ Kaiba ]
Destroying Nesbitt's
research laboratory

was the smartest
decision I've ever made.

You've made a terrible mistake
today, Mr. Kaiba.

That's your opinion,

I've changed the
direction of this company

and there was no place
for your lab.

But sir, I've designed

all of our high tech battle
vehicles in that lab.

We make games now, not
vehicles for battle

and unless you provide
me with an explanation

of what you can offer
the new Kaiba Corp,

you'll find yourself
without a job, Nesbitt.

I spent months developing
cutting edge gaming software

for Seto Kaiba and I hated
every second of it.

I joined Kaiba Corp to build
tanks, submarines and missiles.

Come on Serenity, you've got
to get back in the game

and help me defeat
this mechanical menace

for Tristan's sake !

This guy can only keep Tristan's
body if he wins the duel,

so we have to beat
him to save Tristan !

Good luck !

I've got you two just
where I want you.

You're down to
your last life points,

and she's already
given up.

Victory will be mine !

Serenity, I am begging you to
get up and fight this guy.

If you don't go
right now you'll lose !

That is correct.

The female must
make a move.

Keep your
bolts together !

She's gonna go !

She has two minutes
to comply,

otherwise I'll
consider it a forfeit

and she'll join her
friend Tristan.

[ Duke ]
It's hopeless.

Wait a sec !

I know what may help !

Serenity-- Tristan
and I need you !

Just like Joey
needs you when he duels !

No one needs me.

Oh wait !

And now, my beast
can't be stopped !

So feel his ancient
fury !

My brother !

I can't watch !

It's just too
much !

Come back !

Don't leave me now !

I need you.

I can't get through this
duel without you here !

You're my biggest
inspiration, Serenity !

[ Serenity ]
My brother and I never give
up on each other.

So why should I give up
when my friends need me ?

I can't let them
down !

It's my move,
metal mouth !

You tell him !

[ Joey ]
I'm coming,
Serenity !

Does Joey even have
the slightest idea

where he's
going, Yugi ?

I doubt it, but at this point
his guess is as good as mine !

Hey check it out !

That could be
the way !

Where are we ?

Serenity !

Up here !

It's really you ?

Of course !

Who'd you expect ?

Yugi !

Téa !

Hey, Duke !

It's good to
see ya !

Sorry to interrupt this
touching reunion...

But I have
a duel to win

and a virtual world
to escape.

Just what
we thought !

Right, Yuge...

He must be one of
the Big Five !

Where's Tristan ?

Yeah, wasn't he
with you ?


is gone.

He lost.

Oh no !

He lost ?

Hold on !

That means...

Oh no !

Tristan !

That tin-plated

is gonna be strutting
around in Tristan's body ?

No way !

Come on !

He tried his

He was only
trying to protect me

and now we may never
get him back !

Aw, man.

They need
help !

You should see if you
can enter the duel, Joey,

to take Tristan's place
and help him !

Good idea !

All right, make
room for me !


Intruders are forbidden
to duel.


Okay, listen up !

Whatever you do, don't
give up Serenity !

I'm here for you and
I know you can do this !

I'm gonna be your
guardian angel,

way up here
in the rafters !

Got that ?

Now show him what
you got, sis !

Thanks, Joey.

Go get him !

He's all yours.

Never mess with
the Wheelers, tin man !

I'm afraid it's too late
for all of you.

This one's
for Tristan !


Yes ?

[ Serenity ]
As Joey and Yugi
would say,

"I have to
trust my cards."

Serenity, you already
know everything

you need to in
order to beat this guy.

Right !

[ Serenity ]
I just have to remember
everything Tristan taught me

that day...

Hey, Tristan...

Do you think that you can teach
me how to play Duel Monsters

'til we get
to Battle City ?

I guess so.

Now let's see...

I think you know this,

but when two monsters
are battling each other,

the one with the highest
attack points wins.

Another rule is that some
monsters are so strong,

you can't play
'em right away.

You have to sacrifice one or
more weaker monsters first.

And you can tell how
powerful a monster is

by counting how many
stars it has.

The more stars that you
see on the bottom of the card,

the stronger the
monster is.

There are stars all
over the monster cards ?

They must look so pretty,
huh, Tristan !

Well... yeah,
I guess they do.

And one more thing

You can fuse your
monsters together,

but to do that you
need a special magic card.

It's called Polymerization,
and it rocks !

So sacrificing
and Polymerization.

That's right.

Cool !

Thanks, Tristan.

[ Serenity ]
So I have to sacrifice
my weak monster

to summon
a stronger one !


That means if I want to summon
the strong monster in my hand,

I have to get rid of my
weaker Lady Panther first !

Maybe this game isn't so
tough after all !

So here goes...

I sacrifice Lady Panther

so I can summon
Marie The Fallen One !

Good !

[ Duke ]
I hope Serenity getting
the hang of this,

'cause if she messes
this up now,

Nesbitt will win
the duel in his next turn !

[ Serenity ]
I've got the monsters
I want...

Now I need
that Polymerization card

so I can fuse them
together !

[ Goddess ]

Was that you ?

Fear not,

As your Deck Master I carry
with me a very special ability.

The power of

I have the ability
to combine two or more

of your monsters

without the need for
a Polymerization card.

But you must discard
one magic card

in order to
activate my ability.

Okay, now feast your eyes on
this little number, Nesbitt !

First I'll dispose
of this, so then

I can activate the special
ability of my Deck Master !

Fusion Vision...
go !

Goddess With
The Third Eye,

fuse together Marie
The Fallen One

and The Forgiving
Maiden to form Saint Joan !


But I'm afraid your monster
isn't powerful enough

to take me on.

What's going on ?

This can't be !

Awesome !

Command Angel's
special power kicked in !

It raised the strength of every
fairy monster on the field,

including Saint Joan !

Thanks to Tristan's monster
card we can still do this !

Now her Saint Joan has
, attack points.

Yeah but his
Perfect Machine King's

still has more points...

Saint Joan needs
another power boost !

But how can she
get that ?

Tristan's card !

Hey, guys--
Listen !

I think I know
how you can do this,

but you're going to need
Tristan's help !

Trust me on this !

How can Tristan
help us ?

He's not...
Well, you guys know.

No more

Make your move
now !

[ Duke ]
What's Yugi talking about ?

That's it !

Tristan still has a card
face down on the field !

It's our last hope !

I'm putting all my faith
in that card !

Now I activate my Deck Master's
Special Ability !

What ?

Strike Ninja
do your stuff !

Activate the card Tristan left
face down on the field !

No !

I just gotta ditch
two cards first

and hope that Tristan left
us something worth using...

I guess it's time to
find out now.

This better work.

Go Strike Ninja !

Raise his face
down card !

He left us
Rare Metal Soul !

Awesome !

Looks like Tristan
came through !

Too bad for Nesbitt !

Rare Metal Soul raises Saint
Joan's attack points by , !

That's impossible !

Now their attack points
are tied !

What happens ?

Just watch.

Okay... Do the honors,

and get rid of this rusty old
pile a junk once and for all !

All right !

Go, St. Joan, and attack the
Perfect Machine King now !

[ Yugi ]
Since Perfect Machine
King was the Deck Master,

he automatically
loses the duel !

Way to go, sis !

You fools !

I may be going offline, but
I won Tristan's body !

You can't do this !

Hey, let him go
you creep !


He's my ticket out
of this virtual prison...

I'm finally free !

That mechanical snake
in the grass !

I don't believe it...

They have his body...
and it's my fault ?

Are you all right ?

It's okay, sis.


Joey !

We won the match !

Why didn't that bring
Tristan back ?

I don't know.

We'll find him.

[ Yugi ]
They took Tristan's body,

but his mind must be
here somewhere !

[ Téa ]
I'm glad we're all
back together, you guys.

Now we just
need Tristan.

[ Tristan ]
Huh ?

Where am I ?
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