03x11 - Settling the Score — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x11 - Settling the Score — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Your move. Your move...

♪ Your move!

Yu-gi-oh is king of game.

Yu-gi-oh is king of game.

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

Whoa, where am i?

And why does everything
look so huge?

Hey that's cute.

It's some kinda robot monkey
or something.

Hi! Huh?!

Oh no!

They made a monkey
out of me!!!!

Poor tristan.

Don't worry.

The big five said
they had him in some kind
of a virtual holding area.

We just have to find him before
they take control of his body.

That's right and his mind
would be trapped somewhere
in cyber space!

We gotta get him back now!

Hello kaiba.

Look seto!

It's tristan!

a friendly face!

Where's yugi,
and the rest
of the g*ng?

Whoa! Look out!

What're you thinking!?

My name's not tristan!

And I'm thinking
about revenge!

Who are you!?

Your worst nightmare!

Look! It's tristan!

And kaiba and mokuba!


Tristan! I knew
we'd track you down, pal!

Are you ok?

Why don't you kids
run along.

Wait a sec!

You're not tristan,
you phony!

Whaddaya talkin' about?!

Wait joey!

I think he's right!

Yes. I've taken over
your friend's body!

And now that that's over...
I can take care of you!
En garde!!

Nice try!

Why are you doing this!?

Because you need to pay
for what you did to me!


Wait! Come back!

What is that thing!?

Dis is gettin too weird!

Take dat!

It's still his body!


Pardon me!


Kaiba, I've taken something
from you so we're even now!

Come back!

Right now!

Too late! He's gone!

Oh no!


What now, guys!?

Kaiba's after
da fake tristan...

So we gotta find out
where da real one is!

Joey's right!!

It's dat robot runt

I don't trust
this little rat.

He's a monkey.

And how dangerous
can he really be?

Wait, don't touch it,

For all we know this chimp
could be a trap!

Good point, duke.

Maybe we should just
take dis guy apart.

Yeah, we could unscrew his head
and take out his batteries.

No way! Don't you lay
a finger on him!

What's da problem

This little guy risked
his life to save kaiba!

I guess that's
a good thing.

And just look
at him.

Hi. He's adorable!

Just do me a favor, ok?

Keep that thing
outta my face.

Ok, we gotta get going

The big five
may have tristan's body,

But his mind's got to be
around here somewhere!

Zip it! I got my eye
on you ya robot varmint!

Joey stop!

Hang on, mokuba!

I'll rescue you from
these corporate sleaze balls!

This shouldn't be too tough.

Hey you!

Get out of the road!

So we meet again
seto kaiba.

Who are you!?

How quickly we forget
our old friends.

Enough games.

Where can I find

If you ever want to see
that brother of yours again,

You'll have to make it
past me!

Stop right there,

Yes, noah.

what's going on!?

Well sir...i've taken
seto's brother.

I can see that
but why have you taken him!?

Simple. When I worked
for kaiba corp

Seto took
everything from me
so this is payback!

That wasn't part
of the deal, nesbitt.

You've broken my rules.

But sir
what are you saying?

Hand the boy to me.

I've been waiting
to take you down
for a long time!

Bring it on!

Where am i?

You're with me.

Noah! Stay away
from me!

Wait til seto
finds out!

Seto? Ha!

He won't be rescuing you
any time soon!

That's not true!

My brother would
never let anything
happen to me!

He's got his hands tied...
See for yourself!


He'll have to make it past
my associate to rescue you!

Is that one of
the big five?!

Do you have any idea
who you're dealing with?

Well now I do.

It took me a minute
but I recognize your

So let's get this duel
over with.

My sentiments exactly.

So go ahead
and choose your deck from
the virtual card database.


Now choose a monster
to act as your deck master!

This is a no-brainer,

I choose
lord of dragons!

And I have already taken
the form of my deck master...

Can you tell which monster
I've become?

No and quite frankly
I don't care leichter!

Because crushing you
will be a simple task,

Regardless of
your deck master!

So let's begin!

It's time to duel,
as they say!

Don't expect
any courtesy from me.

I'll go first.

I play one monster
in defense mode.

Then I'll place two cards
face down and end my turn.

I summon spear dragon!

You're so confident,
aren't you mr. Kaiba?!

Well, go ahead
and attack me.

My monster is in defense mode
so my life points
are well-protected!

You're wrong leichter!

You didn't do
your research.

Spear dragon!
Attack his face down

You've att*cked
hiro's shadow scout,

So you must draw three cards
and show them to me.

So what!

You still lose
life points,

Even though your monster
was in defense mode!

Thanks to
my spear dragon's
special ability!

I told you, you didn't
do your research!

Well you have to discard
the two magic cards
you just drew

Thanks to
my monster's ability!

My move's not over!

I place one card
face down!

When the time is right
I'll reveal
my crush card

And this duel
will be over!

Say goodbye,
you faceless fool!

Before I take my turn,
I'll activate my trap card
solemn wishes!

Now, I'll draw.

And since my turn
has officially begun,

My life points
will increase!

That's because
my solemn wishes trap card

Boosts my power by points
with every card I draw!

Enjoy it while you can,
because your next turn
will be your last.

Then you'll all pay
for taking my
little brother!

Now I play a monster
in defense mode...

And place one card face down
on the field!

Your move!


He must see that
my spear dragon

Goes into defense mode
after it att*cks,

And that it has
zero defense points.

So why didn't
he attack it?

Is there a problem,
mr. Kaiba?

Because I'd appreciate it
if you'd make your move

So I can defeat you
and take over your body!

In your dreams!

I summon giant germ!

Then I'll switch
my spear dragon
into attack mode!

Now, spear dragon,
destroy his face
down monster!!

Not so fast, seto.

Activate trap card!

Mask of perplexity!

What is this!?

I can hardly see!

That's the idea!

Now you won't know
whose monster you're

Mine or yours!

That's not fair!

a duel worth watching!

Time for you to attack
mr. Kaiba.

But I doubt
you'll be able to see
what you're doing!

Spear dragon,
attack that card!

Now take a look
and see what you've chosen.

Too bad, mr. Kaiba.

It looks like you've att*cked
your own monster, giant germ!

That's what
I was aiming for,
you foolish old man!

I had to destroy
my giant germ...

So I can activate
my all-powerful
crush card trap!!!

It's destroyed!
But how?

You have the power
to destroy traps?

Now I know what
monster you are,

The only monster
I know with the power
to destroy trap cards!

Yes! I am jinzo!

And with a monster
this powerful
as my deck master

You don't stand a chance!

So prepare to lose
your body to me forever!

I have been waiting
for this moment

For quite some time
mr. Kaiba.

For years I stood by
and watched you rise to power,

A power that
should have been mine!

As your step-father's
right hand man,

I not only
helped run kaiba corp,
I helped raise you.

And how did you repay me?

By taking away everything
I worked so hard to gain!

How did I do that,

I was next in line
to run the company

Until you forced your way
to the top!

I'll never forgive you
for that!

Alright seto,
as of today your formal
education is over.

It's time for you to
start learning lessons
in the real world.

Now I have something
to give you.

I think you'll be
quite pleased with it.


Present seto with his gift
of million dollars!

Relax...you two!

Everything in life
comes at a price

So if you think I'm just
handing this money to you

Then think again!

I am lending you this
small fortune as a test.

A test?

That's right.

You have exactly one year
to return the money to me.

Is that clear!?

But you must pay me ten times
that amount next year!

If you pass this test
you will prove to me

You have
the business skills

To call yourself
a kaiba.

This is all explained
in your contract, seto.

Pass and you earn
the last name: kaiba.

Fail and it's back
to the orphanage!

I accept.

Now that's a very wise
decision on your part.

My assistant leichter
is the only one allowed
to help you.

You have one year to pass.

What are you gonna do,

I mean, turning
million dollars

Into million dollars
in only one year

Seems impossible!

Hey, don't worry.

See, business
is just another game.

Look, there are
a hundred cards here,

Now pretend each card
represents a piece
of a company.


Well, this is where
it all becomes a game.

The trick is
to own more cards
than anyone else...

If you can do that
you'll control
the company.

And how many cards
do you need to do that?

The magic number is .

No one else can ever have
more cards than you

As long as you own
out of a hundred.

That's how you win.

Hey...leichter I need you
to spend

All million dollars
of my money

And buy me fifty one
percent of a company.

What kind of company,

Any kind, as long as
they value their workers.

Come in!

Sir, I've found and purchased
the perfect company.

This company is known
for treating its employees
like family.

How cool!
Your very own company!

Is it gonna make you
all the money you need?

That's a good question.

You see this company
doesn't make much money.

But...there is a way
that I can use this company

To get what I need...
Right now...

Force the president to run
the company my way.



Why should I
buy the company back

At ten times the price!?

Because if you don't,
I'll shut this
place down

Leaving all
your employees jobless!

You are horrible!
And you leave me
with no choice!

With my help you made
ten times your money back

In that one day.

And you got
all the credit!

Well of course!

It was
my business skills

That earned me
that money leichter!

All you did
was follow orders.

That's all
you were good for.

You never once
had your own idea.

You couldn't have
run kaiba corp!

Not only could i,
but I will

Once I escape
to the real world
in your body!

Not quite.

When my giant germ
was destroyed

Its special ability
was activated

Allowing me to
summon another one!

You're just delaying
your eventual destruction
mr. Kaiba.

Since I've assumed
the form of jinzo

All of your trap cards
are useless!

And you know
as well as I do

That no one wins a duel
with monsters alone!

Leichter, I'll never
lose this game to you!

Oh, you'll lose so much more
than just this game!

Let the onslaught continue!

Remember, I get extra
life points each draw

Thanks to my
solemn wishes trap card!

And now I'll place
two cards face down.


Spear dragon, attack
his face down monster
with cyclone blast!

Nice try!

But I'm afraid
your attack is useless!

Because I activate
cyber jar!

Which destroys every monster
on the field!

Oh no!

It may have cost me
a few life points,

But it cost you
all of your monsters!

Now we draw five cards and
summon any monsters we pick.

Vorse raider
and twin-headed

Injection fairy lily!

So they both
start over.

Go seto!

And since
it's my turn again

I gain another
life points,

Thanks to my solemn wishes
trap card!

And now I activate
watch tranquilizer!

This magic card equips me
with an electronic device

That lowers the attack strength
of your offensive monsters,
mr. Kaiba!

Let's give it a test run,
shall we?

My watch tranquilizer is about
to weaken your vorse raider!

Since it's a level four monster
it will lose attack points

Bringing it down
to a total of !

That doesn't matter!

His fairy lily
is still weaker
than my monster!

Now it's time for you to
experience my fairy lily's
special ability!

By giving up life points,
I can raise her power by !

Enough to wipe out
your monster and then some!

Lily, attack!!

And that's not all
mr. Kaiba!

Activate sebek's blessing!

This magic card allows me
to take the life points
that you just lost

And add them to my own!!

Reducing your chances
of survival even more!

Finally, I'll summon
a monster in defense
mode and end my turn.

Very well.

You'll never recuperate
from the blow
I just delivered!

I've conquered
every challenge
life has given me.

This duel will be
no different.

I'll place one monster
in defense mode!

So you thought you'd
play it safe by summoning
a monster in defense mode?

Well I have other plans
for you, mr. Kaiba!

life absorbing machine!

This trap card allows me
to reclaim

Half of the life points
I gave up in my last turn

Giving me quite
a power boost!

Not that I need
extra life points
to ensure my victory,

But it couldn't hurt!

Next I'll sacrifice
my face down monster

In order to summon
my ultimate w*apon!

What's that?

Good thing we found
this virtual pick-up truck!

Yeah, it beats walking,
that's for sure!

And it should help us
to find--

Hey, why'd ya stop
the truck joey?

Look yuge, what is dat?

Oh wow!

It looks like some kind
of a rocket!

It looks like some kind
of a rocket!

Computer: now deploying
communications center...

infra-red sighting beam.

Searching for
pre-programmed target.

Seto kaiba located.

Set for destruction.
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