03x13 - Noah's Secret

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x13 - Noah's Secret

Post by bunniefuu »

Your move. Your move...

♪ Your move!

Yu-gi-oh is king of game.

Yu-gi-oh is king of game.

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

Mokuba? How can you
still be on your
brother's side?

He betrayed you
to control kaiba corp!

I would stand by my brother
no matter what!

We're family and nothing's
going to separate us!

Noah, voice-over:
I don't believe it!
This is ridiculous!

Even after everything
I've shown him from his past--

All of those times
seto mistreated him--

And he's still being loyal
to his brother!

I'm sick of seto
getting everything

And leaving me with nothing!

I deserve to have
what he has!

And I'll start
with his little brother!

From now on I'll make sure
that mokuba is loyal
to me instead of seto!

I'll crush him by taking
the one thing

He thought he'd never lose--
mokuba's trust!

What do you think
your brother's
thinking right now?


Tell me...do you
honestly believe

Your brother's coming
to rescue you?

Or is he glad
you're out of his way
once and for all?

Seto's definitely
coming here to get me!

And when he does
you'll be sorry!

Is that right?

Well why don't you
ask him yourself

Because he's
right behind you!

Huh? Seto!

That was fast!
I knew you'd
come get me!

Don't take another step,

Why don't you take a seat
you little brat!

I'm sick and tired of you
always holding me back mokuba!

It's your fault
we're still stuck here!

Seto no!

Get a life.

Please come back!


You can't leave me
here with him!

Seto what happened?

What did I tell you?

It looks to me like
your so called "brother"

Couldn't care less
where you end up!

But I on the other hand
would like to help you mokuba.

Let me be honest with you...

I can see that you're different
from the others.

So I'll save you.

Save me?

But you're the one
who trapped me here.

I didn't do anything.

I'm your friend.
Seto is your enemy, not me.

I am the only one in this world
you can trust mokuba!

You're the only one
I can trust.

Awesome! Kaiba crushed
the last member
of the big five!

Noah: well seto...

Well what!?

Ha ha ha!

You may have won
your duel,

But you've lost
something more important
your brother!

Where is he!?

Here's a hint.
Just look down.

The road's back!

Proceed ahead
and you may find him.

Mokuba! I'm on my way!

Kaiba come back!
That may be a trap!

Just stay out of this yugi!

Who da you dink
you are!?

This doesn't concern you

It's family business!

Ok fine!

Lose your body
for all we care
ya stuck-up jerk!

Who needs 'im!?

We're better off
without him anyway
right yugi!?

Goodbye and good riddance

Yugi: hold on guys...
We should help him
save mokuba!

Yeah! And if he finds
noah then he might
find my body!

He's right!

Following kaiba
may be the only way
to save tristan!

Did you hear that!?!

Thank you serenity!

I knew you'd believe
it's really me trapped in here!

I can always count on you!

For all we know
you're noah's pet baboon!

We can't let kaiba
go alone.

I'm going to go
after him!

Hey yugi, wait!

I'm going too!

Aww, gimme a break!

Great so now whatta
we gonna do!?

We're gonna go in there
and help kaiba find mokuba!

No can do sis.

I'm sick
'a helpin' kaiba

And not gettin'
any thank you's!

I'm with you!

If we were in trouble kaiba
would never go in after us!

Well guys suit yourselves!!

Hey stop!
I can't believe this!

Even my own sista
won't listen ta me!

A'right I'm goin in!

Aw, come on!

Can't we talk
about this?

The tunnel!
It's gone!

Yugi! Tea!

I'm coming mokuba!

Great. I should have known
this wouldn't be easy!

I'm tired
of your tricks noah.

Mokuba: seto! Help me!


Mokuba! Is that you
over there!?



Noah! What have you
done with him!?


Great wanna flip a coin?

Nope! He went this way!

Tea! You sure
about that?!

I have absolutely no idea!

That makes two of us.

Slow down tea!

Your legs are longer
than mine, remember!

Hey, check it out, yugi!

Yeah! There's a light ahead!

I hope that means
we chose the right path!

Well we're about
to find out!

It's some kind
of an old mansion
or something.

Really old.

Be careful yugi!

Whatever this place is
someone doesn't want us
going in there!

But I wonder why?

Hey do you hear
what I hear?

It sounds
like crying!

Yeah I do hear it.

It's a baby!

Maybe that's some kind
of virtual nursery.

Or, what if......
That baby's all alone!

We gotta get in there
and find out!

Yami-marik: my patience
is growing thin.

Waiting is not something
I enjoy.

I must obtain little yugi's
millennium puzzle

And the two remaining
egyptian god cards.

It's time I took matters
into my own hands again!

Duke: is it me or did it
just get foggy?

Looks like fog ta me.

Well the virtual fun
never ends
in this place.

Yeah I'm just dyin' ta see
what surprise noah has
in store for us next.


Ahh thanks
for dropping in seto.


Where's my
little brother!?

I demand that you
bring him- mokuba!

See seto...
Your little brother
is safe and sound.

Thanks to me!

You're the one
who took him from me
in the first place

So I don't know what
kind of stunt you're
trying to pull!

Just hand him over.

Don't you remember?

It was your ex-employee nesbitt

Disguised as tristan-
who took mokuba!

Maybe you should have been
a better boss seto...

Anyway it was me who saved
mokuba from the big five!

You should be thanking me!

Come on, mokuba...
Let's go!


What's wrong with you?!

We're getting
out of here! Right now!

Go without me!

I'm staying right here!

You just stood there
and watched while they
took me away, seto!

I what?!

Noah! What did you
say to my brother?!

What kind of lies
did you poison
his brain with?

Not one seto!

Mokuba realized how
little you care about
him all by himself!

So maybe you should take
his advice and just go!

Snap out of it mokuba!

Oh, it'll take more
than shouting

To erase all of those
painful memories from
your brother's mind, seto!

Think of all those times
you abandoned him

Just so you could achieve
your own selfish goals!

That's a lie!

I've never treated
mokuba like that!

Must you raise your voice?

Mokuba, please!

Don't listen
to noah's lies!

He's trying
to drive us apart!

Noah: you've done enough!

It's okay.

I won't let him
hurt you anymore.
Let's go.

Get back here!

Hey, this is not one
of your sick games noah!

You will not destroy
the only family I have!

You have no family!
Ha ha ha!

You're all alone now!

It seems to me
that mokuba would
rather be my brother.

And he's not
the only thing
I'll take from you!


As far as I'm concerned

You don't deserve anything
that you have now!

So I'll make sure
your possessions go
to someone who does!

And who deserves to have
what's mine!?

Me, of course!

Tea! I still hear it,
but there's not
a baby in sight!

And it's getting louder!

Let's go that way!

It's gotta be coming
from one of these rooms!

No babies in here.

Another empty room!

This place seems
to be deserted!


Hey, I found something!

It's a rattle!

I'd be crying too
if I were stuck

In a creepy old house
with no rattle!

You know what?

I don't think there's
really a baby in this
place at all tea!

Then who's crying!?

Unless it's just
a digital sound file

That's part of noah's
freaky virtual universe.



Check it out tea!

It looks like a
picture of someone!

This might tell us
where we are!

So who's in
the snapshot yugi?

This is weird.

What is?

What are all these contraptions?

And where are...those fools?

What's this?

Well, well.

A locked door is always
a good place to begin.

Computer voice:
you have entered
an invalid password.

Entrance denied.

What!? I have
no patience for this!

I won't be stopped!

I'll find you, yugi!

Alright, being trapped
in the body of a robot monkey

Is not as fun as it looks.


Guys! What's got eyes
and lives under water?!

Is that a joke?

We're not exactly in the mood
for laughs, chimp-boy.

There's something down
there I think you guys
might wanna look at!

And there I was
thinking you couldn't
get any more annoying

Than you already were,

First of all!
Hands off the hair!

You have gotta chill out!

Did you say "chill!?"

Why don't you take
a look down there first!

The little monkey's scared.

I'll give you something
to be scared about!

It's my double monkey
noogie attack!

What is dat ding!?


No way!

It's four 'a da big five!

We beat you freaks-a-nature
fair and square!

But we still have
some unfinished business
to take care of!

What do you creeps
want from us?

Simple the same thing
we've always wanted
your bodies!

Now what, joey!?
Don't worry, sis

Dis bunch-a-wackos
couldn't duel their way
out of a paper bag!

What makes you think
we want to duel you!?

My associates and I
have had enough games.

Now it's time for us
to take action!

How's dat?

Why duel you when we can
take your bodies by force!

Now we have a problem!

Dis aughtta keep
dese guys busy!

Ha ha ha! Aah!

Time ta blow dis taco stand!

Ha ha ha ha!

What're you waiting
for, man!?

Dis ding won't start!

Come on you piece 'a junk!

Didn't expect that
from a penguin, did you?

Witness dismissed!


I'm tryin' my best!

Start you rust-bucket,
come on!

Both: it started!

Let's roll!

Warn me when you're
gonna do that!!

I'm not wearing
a seatbelt!

It's time you learned
the truth.

What truth?

Take a close look at
the virtual projection
in front of you.

It's you
and my step-father.

Yes! He and I have
a history, as well!

It's noah and kaiba!

But what's going on!?

Does this thing mean
anything to you kaiba!?

It's a trick.

This is a picture
of my step-father.

Your step-dad!?
With noah!?

Noah: pay attention
to the show, seto!

I think it will clear
things up for you!

Who's this kid?

He's my latest

His name is seto
and he and his brother

Will be coming
to live with us.

He's extremely

You could learn a lot
from him!

And that's my plan...

Seto will be here
to constantly
challenge you.

My hope is that having
him around the house

Will motivate you to
improve your studies.

After all, if I'm going
to hand kaiba corp over
to you someday, noah,

You'll have to prove
to me that you have
the intellect

It takes to run
a company of
this magnitude!

All right. You won't be
disappointed father!

What did he say!?

That's his dad!

Not quite what you were
expecting is it seto?

You and I being step-brothers?

But it's all true!

I am gozaburo's
one true son.

And I was always supposed
to inherit his empire!

You were nothing
but another one of
my father's servants...

Brought in to motivate me!

That's the only reason
my father let riff raff
like you into his house!

To train me!

And that's the story of
how an orphan with no class

Became the president
of kaiba corp.

Not true!

Oh, it's true!

And now the time
has finally arrived

For me to reclaim
my rightful position

As the head
of my father's empire!

Sorry I guess this means
that you're out of a job!

Noah! Your story
makes no sense!

If you're really
gozaburo's son,

How is it that I
never met you

Answer that noah!

Well that's part two
of my story!

Computer voice:
alert! Alert! Alert!

Oh no!

Sorry but I have
to cut this short.

Don't move.

I'll be back
after I deal with them.

You're staying here!

Yugi: the rest of
the g*ng's in trouble!

They're gaining on us!

Duke: joeyyyy!

Be careful!

Duke: dude!
Straight ahead!

Dese guy's won't quit!

there's another one!

I've got you now!

Are you still
in one piece, duke!?

I think so.


I'm okay!

For now maybe!

But soon all of your bodies
will belong to us!

Now...which of you two
should I choose
to take control of?

Hold on! I want to have
first choice leichter!

We're going
in size order crump,
so you choose last!

That's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever heard.

I'm choosing right now!

Keep your wings to yourself
until I say so!

Stop it, fools!

We don't have time
for all this bickering!

Choose a body
and stick with it!

Then let me go first!

Enough! Calm yourself!

We have to act quickly
if we want to escape
into the real world!

What's that!

Noah: attention fools!

This game is over!

Master noah!! It's not
what it looks like!


So you're not
breaking my rules?

What kind of fool
do you take me for!?

Please! I can explain noah!

I gave you all the chance
to win your freedom

And you all failed!

Now you'll pay the price!

[Shouting, grunting]

you're all dismissed.

No one disobeys my rules
and gets away with it!

Oh man!

Hey, you alright
there, duke!?

Yeah I've never
been better.

Tea: hey guys!

Yugi: we found you!
Is everyone alright!?

We're all fine!

That's the best news
I've heard all day!!

Dose wimps
never stood a chance!

I guess the action
never stops!

You can say that again!

This just doesn't add up!

Yugi: kaiba?

Could noah's story
about you being

His long lost step-brother
actually be true?

Noah's story is nothing
but one big lie

Designed to mess
with my head yugi!

The supposed
conversation he had
with gozaburo

Would have happened
over six years ago.

Which is when this
was taken based on
the imprinted date.

But look closely.

Noah looks the same
as he does now!

Tea: he hasn't aged
in six years!
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