03x19 - Brothers in Arms — Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x19 - Brothers in Arms — Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

We're dueling in my world!

And I control
everything around us!

Meet my deck master!

Shinato's ark!

It's my move!

This is where
it all ends.

Now twin-headed
thunder dragon...

his giant soldier!

Don't do it...


What've you
done to him, noah!?

He's been brainwashed.

If you want to attack
my brother noah

You'll have to go
through me.

Mokuba has chosen sides
based upon his own
freewill seto.

Now you have
a decision to make.

Forfeit this duel
and step down as president
of kaiba corp...

Or continue with
your final attack and risk
losing mokuba for good.

Your brother's fate
is in your hands.

Your move, your move,
your move, your move...

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

Seto: noah...

I'm only gonna
say this once!

Release mokuba now!

This is our fight!
Is that clear!?

He has nothing
to do with this!

There you go
disrespecting mokuba again...

Acting like his opinion
means nothing!

Tell him, mokie!

Give kaiba corp
to noah, now!

I don't believe it!

It looks like mokuba
has made his position
quite clear!


Are you going
to attack me or not?

If you do,
just remember you'll be
striking mokuba!

You punk!

Hey! Dat's not fair!

Well seto?

Attack and you'll win
the duel!

But at what cost?

This is a no brainer!

Kaiba has to attack him
and win this duel!

If he lets noah win
then we all lose!

Noah: what's it gonna be?

You're victory?
Or mokuba!?

Alright kid...
I'll end my turn.

I thought so.


I knew you were
too weak to go through
with your attack!

You can't possibly
run a company

Like kaiba corp effectively

If you're so quick to give in
to your competition.

Excellent work mokuba!

I couldn't ask
for a better brother!

Thanks! Any time!

What a team!

Now let's finish
this stranger off,
shall we!?

Yeah! Let's go!

This creep doesn't
stand a chance!

Noah: you heard
the boy, seto.

For it's time
for you to experience

Another of my deck master's
special skills!

And what's that, kid!?


As I unleash shinato's ark's
greatest power!

Restoration of life!!

Remember, every monster
in the card graveyard
is now aboard my ship!

Giving it a grand total
of passengers!

Oh no!

And now I choose to remove
every one of them!

As you can see,
every monster that
I obliterate

Transfers its power
to my life points

Making me unstoppable!

And since I get
a point boost
from each monster,

I receive six thousand
more life points!

Now I'm even stronger
than I was when we began!

Mokuba: he'll never
beat us now, noah!

Not with a mere
life points!

One more attack
and kaiba's a goner!

You're right joey!

And if noah
wins this duel

He'll take over
kaiba's body

And escape
to the real world
to run kaiba corp

the rest of us
trapped here!

Dat virtual jerk!

Get a load of this card!

I play dark hole!

This magic card
destroys all monsters
in play!

And you know
what happens to them
after that!

They become passengers
aboard shinato's ark!

Noah just
filled his ship up
with monsters again!

That means
he has even more creatures
he can call on now!

Yugi: plus he can boost
his life points even higher!

I think that's
enough for one turn!

Your move seto!!

Seto, voice-over:
how could mokuba

Be forced to turn
against me!?

Maybe I have been
too hard on him.

Seto: how dare you
betray me!?


I know what you did!

I didn't tell gozaburo!

We're a team,

You were always
there for me!

I'd never turn
my back on you seto!

That's why
I'm giving my two percent
of kaiba corp to you!

Seto, voice-over:
we defeated our
step-father together!

I couldn't have done it
without you!

Noah: very touching seto!

But mokuba's
on my team now!

And together
we're going to take
everything you have!

Noah: mokuba's my brother!

He doesn't
even remember you!

Yugi: kaiba!
Listen to me!

No thanks!

But I can
help you kaiba,

I've been through
this before!

Remember when joey
was brainwashed
by marik

And he turned
against me!?

Maybe you can get
through to mokuba

The same way I got
through to joey!

The answer may be
in your deck!

Let's go!

You have a duel to lose!

Guess again kid.

Not only am I planning
to win this duel...

I'll also win back
my brother!

So watch this!


I still have
this card...

Different dimension

So I'll switch it
into defense mode
and end my turn.

Let's see if you can
get past this, noah!

Of course I can,
but first it's time
for a change.

I think I'll warm
things up a bit

And put an end
to the ice age.

After all this
is my virtual world

And I control
everything here!

As you know
the fall of the ice age

Opened the way
for the rise of mankind.

Eventually cities grew
and large corporations
controlled the world!

Hey what's that?

It's kaiba corp!

Explain yourself now!

Well...since that's
your company...

I thought maybe...

...you'd like to see it
one final time!

You see...once you lose
and I take over kaiba corp

I'll change it back
to the way it was!

And if you don't remember,

This should refresh
your memory!

Just like so many of
the high tech battle vehicles

That were produced by
the original kaiba corp,

My gradius flyer
can cause an enormous
amount of damage!

Then I'll add this
to boost its power!

The magic card cyclon laser!

And to make
my jet even stronger

I'll add one more card!

The matter leveler magic card!

It increases
the overall attack strength
of my gradius flyer

By points every time
it blasts you seto!

And thanks
to my laser's power,

You lose life points
even though your monster's
in defense mode!

Gradius, attack his dragon!

With cyclon blast attack!

And since your dragon
returns to the field

Every time it's destroyed

I can keep attacking it!

What was once
your monster's advantage
is now your downfall!

He does have
a point there yuge!

Yeah, I know...

... But if kaiba draws
a powerful monster,

He can still
turn this duel around!

I'll leave my different
dimension dragon

In defense mode
and end my turn now!

That's the move of a man
who's given up!

I knew you were no match
for my superior mind!

And once I defeat you

Everyone else
will know as well!

Then I'll finally
be able to run kaiba corp
as I was always meant to!

You may control
this little virtual
fantasy land...

But there's no way
you'll make it in
the real world noah!

We'll see!

I'm aware of what it's like
in the real world!

And after ruling
this digital universe

I have no doubt
that running kaiba corp
will be a simple task!

And one that
I was raised to do
for my entire life!

That is until
you came into my home

And took everything
away from me!

Well now it's my turn
to take everything from you!

First I took your brother

And next I'll take
your identity!

Now let's get back
to this duel.

I play the magic card...
Gradius's option!

Since I already have one
gradius fighter jet
on the field

This card creates
a second one!


The power of two
unstoppable aircrafts!

Now cyclon laser! Fire!!

Seto, voice-over:
I can't keep this up
much longer.

Our enemy
will soon be gone.

I hope you're
enjoying the show.


Seto, it's no use!

He's with me!!

How's it feel
to lose your only friend!?

Now let's get back
to your destruction shall we?

Go cyclon laser!
Attack his dragon now!

This isn't over yet!

Noah: look at the mighty
seto kaiba now!

Seto: snap out of it

I need you in order
to beat him!!

what's the matter seto?

Feeling down?

You're one attack away
from total annihilation!

I'm...not done!

Come on kaiba!
Squash dis kid!

Seto: it will take
more than a few att*cks
to keep me down!

And it's my move now!

What a shame...

You should know
that sometimes
it's best to stay down.

The sooner you give in
to my power

The less suffering
you'll have to do, seto.

Mokuba realized that fact.


I know you're in there!

Noah is hypnotizing you
with lies!

Seto is your brother-
not noah--

And he's never let you down!

Look inside your heart
and you'll remember him!


They're just trying
to break us apart mokuba.

Seto: mokuba!
Listen to me!

Don't let noah
poison your mind!

We're family
and no one can ever
change that!

You and I have
always been there

To support one another
and we always will be!

There's something
I've never told you,

You once saved me!

When we were kids!

When gozaburo kaiba
adopted us...

He was merciless.

Forcing me
to work for hours
with no rest.

I was exhausted
and ready to give up!

Until you inspired me,

Young seto: my deck!

Well, they're not
the greatest cards
but they're mine!

Mokuba made me
a blue-eyes card.

By making
that card for me

You encouraged me
not to give up!

You gave me something
to strive for!

I swore that day
to become a person

Worthy of possessing
a real blue-eyes!

Mokuba, voice-over:
I remember making that card!

I knew how much
seto wanted that card

And I thought
if I drew one for him,

He'd always remember his dream
of owning a real one someday!

And I secretly dreamed
that seto and his blue eyes

Would fly me as far
from my step-father's house
as we could go!

I remember...

That's right mokuba.

I know you can't
forget about me.

You're strong!

And I know you can
break through
his mind games!

Never give up!

And never let
anyone control you!


Fight him off!

We can do this!

You and I together!

Seto, voice-over:
please let this be
the card I need!


This duel is over noah!

First I'll activate
the special ability
of my deck master!

Now I only
need to sacrifice
one monster...

So that i...
Can play this!

the incredible power

Of my blue-eyes
white dragon!

There it is!

It's the monster
I drew for seto!

The one that
he always wanted!

I tried my best
to help him get it...

And now...
Thanks to my help...

He has one in his deck!

I remember...


You're my brother.

He's our enemy mokuba!

Too late!
Mokuba's back wit us!

And once he steps away,
kaiba can blast noah!

Later you phony!

Now's your chance,

Here goes!

Blue-eyes white dragon,
attack his gradius!

All right!

Noah's out
of monsters now!

Kaiba knew
that destroying one
of noah's jets

Would automatically
destroy the other one too!

Don't celebrate just yet!

There's still
my deck master!

Shinato's ark!

And there are five monsters
on board

To increase my life points!

Yugi: oh no!

That gives him
twenty five hundred
more life points!

Aw man!

He'll never
go down to zero!

Now it's time
to finish you off.

My move!

Seto: hold on, noah!

What now!?

I have you right
where I want you!

It's time
to find out

Which one of us
is superior!

one turn left!

So brace yourself!

Reveal the trap

...last turn!

It all comes down
to this!

What's goin' on?

Seto: watch this,

Here's how
it's gonna work!

Each of us will
pick a monster
to keep on the field

And all others
will go directly
to the graveyard!

Then the two
chosen monsters
will face each other

In a one-on-one battle
to the finish!

When the fight is over

Only one of our monsters
will remain standing!

The winner
of this one battle

Will determine
who wins the entire duel

No matter how many
life points he has left!

May the strongest
duelist win!

I choose my blue-eyes!


I choose my deck master,

The all-powerful
shinato's ark!

It's time for me
to sink your ship now!

And finish you off!

Blue-eyes white dragon!

Attack his deck master
with white lightning attack!


Better abandon ship!

kaiba won!

Noah: wrong!

Look again!

You've just unleashed a power
like nothing you've ever seen!

What is that!?

It's my real deck master!

No way!

You've just sealed
your own doom seto!

For when you destroyed
shinato's ark,

You released shinato,
king of a higher plane!

Noah: now prepare
to experience the power
of my real deck master!

Shinato attack!


Tea: oh no!

I've finally done it!

I've proven that
I am superior to you!

Did you see that, father!?

I defeated seto!

Now I can finally
take over kaiba corp

Like I was always
meant to!

For I am the most
powerful being
in the world!

Now to perform
one final task before
I exit this place!

What's dat freak doin!?


I'll now merge together
with my deck master

To deliver the last blow
of this duel!

You see I've decided
not to escape to the real world
in your body seto,

Since I have so many others
to choose from.

Besides...that's no fun!

I've got bigger plans!

Shinato and I want
to turn you into
a permanent fixture

In this virtual world!

Hey! Seto!


This reunion is touching

But I'm afraid I'm going
to have to cut it short!


My job is now complete!

kaiba! Mokuba!

Tea: what did
he do to them!?

I always thought
they were hardheaded.

So I've turned them
into a living sculpture!

They're so close

Yet they'll never
reach one another.

How tragic!

Joey: oh man.

They're statues.
It can't be.


You think this proves
you're the best?

I think it shows your father
that you're a coward!

What are you
talking about yugi!?

I defeated seto in this duel
fair and square!

Guess again noah!

You think
kidnapping mokuba

And using him
as a shield is fair?

You think I cheated?!

I think you're guilty
of the same foul play

You once scolded
the big five for!

you said your father
would never allow!

Kaiba could have easily
defeated you noah!

But he chose the safety
of his little brother
over his victory!

And that...makes kaiba
a stronger person
than you will ever be!

All you've proven
here today

Is that you're
a weak little boy

Who needs to cheat
to get his way!

And as far
as I'm concerned,

You didn't win
this duel!

But I have
a proposition for you.

Kaiba has four hundred
life points left!

Let me take his place

So we can
finish this duel
fair and square!

That could be
the most foolish challenge
I've ever heard!

Does that mean
you accept

Or are you afraid
I'll defeat you

And prove
once and for all...

...that you are weak!

I'd be crazy not to accept!

Joey: yugi!
Don't be a doofus!

He's got over
seven thousand life points

To your measly
four hundred!

Tristan: careful,
joey's right for a change!

Once I defeat you, yugi,

I'll turn every one of you
into stone!

Just try it!

I think we need
a little privacy,
don't you!?

Tea: hey
what's he doing!?

As I was saying,
I'll turn all but one
of you into stone!

After all
I need a body
to escape in!

And if you lose
you'll set us all free!

So in the name
of kaiba and mokuba
let's duel now!

With pleasure yugi!

And may the best
duelist win!

You're on!

And when I do,

You and your friends
will be prisoners
of my world forever!
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