03x20 - Noah's Final Threat — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x20 - Noah's Final Threat — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh..."

It's time for me to
sink your ship now

And finish you off!

Blue-eyes white dragon,

Attack his deck master
with white lightning


You've just sealed
your own doom, seto.

For when you destroyed
shinato's ark,

You released shinato,
king of a higher plane!

I'll now merge together
with my deck master

To deliver the last
blow of this duel!

Shinato and I want
to turn you into

A permanent fixture
in this virtual world!


Yugi: they're statues.

It can't be.

Kaiba has
life points left!

Let me take his place

So we can finish this
duel fair and square!

Noah: with pleasure, yugi!

And may the best
duelist win!

And when I do,

You and your friends will be
prisoners of my world forever!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


Joey: yugi's got to
be out of his gourd

To go through
with this duel!

Noah: you're
starting this match

With only life points,

Thanks to your
friend, seto!

Taking his place
was a mistake!

Yugi: look, noah,

You overpowered kaiba using
deceit and betrayal!

Then you used your
virtual technology

To turn him
and mokuba
into stone!

If you think that makes
you a superior duelist,

You're sadly mistaken.

Believe what you wish,

But as soon as I
finish refreshing

My deck with new cards,

You and your friends
will meet the same fate

As seto and mokuba!

Joey: yugi's been involved
in some pretty tough duels

Against some major
wack jobs in the past,

But I got to say this duel
definitely takes the cake!

Not only is yugi almost
out of life points,

He has no monsters
on the field!

And noah just merged himself
with his deck master shinato!

Monkey: that means noah can
crush yugi with one attack!

Then I'll be a robot
monkey statue!

Tea: yugi,

We're all
here for you!

I know you can save
mokuba and kaiba

And get us out
of this place!

Now, whip
this freak!

Noah: blah, blah, blah!

Let's do this!

Then I can silence
your cheerleaders

By turning them
into statues!

Now, just to be fair,
I'll let you go first!

Very well!
Let's duel!

this better be
a monster card

Or I've got nothing to
protect my life points!

You think you can
control us like pawns,

But I'm about
to end your game!

Now I play...

Gazelle, the king
of mythical beasts,

In defense mode to
protect my life points!

Way to get a monster
on the field, yugi!

All right!

I wouldn't be so quick

To start the celebration
if I were you,

'Cause it's my move now!

And I'm afraid you're
not the only duelist

Capable of drawing
a monster card,

So prepare to lose
your gazelle, yugi!



with your draw?

I guess that
means my gazelle

Isn't going anywhere,
is it, now?

Well then,
you guess wrong,

'Cause I can still
annihilate it!

Feel the power
of shinato!

Yugi: oh, no!

What are those?

These orbs combine to
form the divine ring!

Now, shinato, attack!



What's this?

My monster was
in defense mode,

Which means
I shouldn't have lost
any life points!

Noah: it seems that
shinato's special ability

Has caught you off guard.

You see, when my deck master

Destroys a monster
that's in defense mode,

You lose half
your life points.

But that's not the only
thing that happens, yugi!

It gets much worse.

All of the life points
you just lost

Get added to mine!

Like that guy needs
any more life points!

Yugi's still
gonna beat

The virtual stuffing
out of this kid!

You were a fool to think
you could defeat me,

And now you and your friends
are about to pay the price!

All because you're
defending the honor

Of someone who didn't
even like you, yugi!

Kaiba and I have quite
a bit in common!

We're both participants
in an ancient struggle

That dates back
, years.

And kaiba and I have
something else in common--

Something you'd know
nothing about, noah!


And what might that be?

He duels with honor
and respect!

Is that so?

And you think that makes
you both superior to me?

It makes us human.

Well, you won't be
human for long!

Once I blow away what's
left of your life points,

You'll all be
motionless objects!

Do you honestly believe
you can win this

With only
life points left?


I'll take you down
somehow, noah!

You'll see!

Now it's my move!

I'll place this monster
facedown in defense mode

And then I shall
end my turn, noah!

Even your defensive
monsters aren't safe!

So, you set them up

And I'll just keep
knocking them down!

My move!


It's time for me
to play a monster

Who resides in
the spirit world!

I summon the spirit
monster known as

in attack mode!

A spirit monster?!

Yes, and I'll get
to that in a moment,

But first, I'll destroy
your facedown monster card!

Yugi: wrong!


But your monster's weaker!

Obnoxious celtic
special effect

Protects it from
all monsters

With , attack
points or more.

And yours
has over , !

Well, I can still
activate the magic card

Known as spring
of rebirth!


This card grants
me life points

Whenever a monster
returns to my hand.

So, watch this!

Good bird!

And now that yata-garasu
is back in my hand,

My spring of
rebirth activates!

Raising my life points
to over , !

, ?

But yugi's
only got !

This is crazy!

You broke
the rules again!

You can't just
call a card back
to your hand!

That's where
you're wrong!

When maximillion pegasus
was designing

The game of
duel monsters,

His travels brought him
to the mystical orient.

Here he learned
of the legendary
spirit monsters--

Beings with
otherworldly powers.

So, he based a series
of cards on these beasts,

Giving them
the ability to return

To their owner's hand
after every turn.

How dare you accuse me
of cheating, yugi!

My move!

it's one of
kaiba's monsters!

And now that noah
merged with his deck

And moved onto
the field,

He's wide open
for an attack!

If I can destroy him
with kaiba's monster,

I'll win this duel
and get us out
of this place!

I shall place this
monster in defense mode!

Make your move, noah.

Nothing would
thrill me more!

Now I summon my asura,

Who's yet another
spirit monster!

Now, say good-bye to your
obnoxious guardian, yugi!

Asura, attack with
daggers of demise!


You mentioned earlier that
your obnoxious celtic guardian

Is immune to damage
from monsters

With , attack
points or more...

But unfortunately for you,

My asura only has
, attack points!

So, say good-bye!


And now witness the power of
my asura's special ability--

Multiple attack!


It looks like
noah's asura card

Is gonna attack again!

Noah: the power
of multiple attack

Gives asura
the ability to attack

Every monster on your side of
the field on the same turn!

So, I'm afraid your
facedown monster

Is about to go--
leaving you defenseless!

Now, asura, wipe out
yugi's last monster

With your daggers
of demise!

Too bad, yugi!

It's over!

Yes, it is, noah!


It looks like
you've fallen

Right into my trap,

By attacking one of
kaiba's favorite cards.

Cyber jar!

Noah: no!

I'm afraid so.

And that means
all monsters

On the field
are destroyed!

And since you moved your
deck master to the field...

Your shinato is destroyed as
well and you lose the duel!



This can't be happening!

Oh, yeah!

I knew yugi would crush
that little nut case!

Way to go, yugi!

Banana splits
all around!

Noah: no!

I won't go!


I activate my deck master's
second ability--


Duke: hold on!

What happened
to noah?

Tea: he's gone!

What's the deal?

I thought yugi
just won the duel.

Joey: he did!


I guess yugi didn't
win the duel!


But how were you
able to escape

The destructive power
of cyber jar?

It's quite simple, yugi.

Shinato has more
than one power!

And before it was destroyed,
that power was activated!

See, whenever
shinato is targeted

By an opponent's monster,

Its ability of reversal
is activated,

Allowing my deck master
to leave the playing field

And return to its original
position on the sidelines.

In exchange, shinato cannot
be summoned back to the field

For the duration of the duel.

That means you can't
use it to attack me

For the rest
of the duel!

Now, thanks to
the second effect
of my cyber jar,

We must each draw

Then every
monster we pick

Must be summoned
to the field!

I summon two monsters,

Sangan and gamma
the magnet warrior,

Both in defense mode!

And now you must
summon every monster

That you've drawn, noah!

I don't have one!


Then it's my move,
so I'll sacrifice

Gamma the magnet
warrior and sangan!

This activates sangan's
special ability...

Allowing me to
add any monster

With , attack points

Or fewer into my hand.

So, I'll take big
shield gardna!

And then thanks
to my sacrifice...

I'll summon this:

Dark magician
in attack mode!

Oh, no, not him!

You have no monsters on
the field to defend you!

You know
what that means!

Dark magician, attack
his life points directly!


All right!

He knocked off
, life points,

Which leaves
, left!


Joey: there's still
a long way to go!

Noah, I've cleared
out your monsters

And taken a bite out
of your life points!

Yugi, how dare you
humiliate me like that!

Humiliate you?!

It's you who humiliated
kaiba and mokuba

Just so you could
prove to your father

That you're superior!


I am!
No one's better!

Yugi, I deserve
to be rewarded

For my unsurpassable power!

You must earn respect,
noah, not demand it!

It's true, perhaps
your father

Should have recognized
your talents!

And maybe you have
been treated unfairly!

No one deserves to be
locked away in isolation

The way you were
by your father!

However, that's
still no excuse

For the way you've
been treating us, noah!

That's enough
out of you, yugi!

Watch this!

I activate my next
world magic card!

Take a close look at
this magic carpet, yugi.

You may recognize someone!

Yugi: my dark magician!

What's going on here?

It chooses one
of your monsters

And allows me
to summon one

With the same
number of stars.

So, I choose this!

Yamata dragon!


Oh, no!


Get a load of
that thing, guys!

It's even stronger than
yugi's dark magician!

That dragon will devour it!

Dragon, attack him now...

With -headed
flame attack!


Dark magician's gone!

That's right!

And of your life
points transfer to me!

Now, spirit monster,
come back!

You remember what
that means, don't you?

My spring of
rebirth magic card

Is automatically activated,

Adding an additional
life points to my score!

[Thinking] his life
points keep increasing

With every turn!

If noah keeps this up,

I'll never get
them down to zero!


Poor yugi!

You only have
life points left now!

It's only a matter
of time...

Before you lose!

Come on!

Don't let this kid
push you around,

We need you!

Tea's right.
Come on!

We're all
behind you, yug!

counting on me.

go get him, yugi!


The safety of all my friends
depends on my victory.

So, let's get on
with this duel!

It's my move now!

Now I shall activate
the magic card...

Swords of
revealing light!

Noah: big deal!

This wall of swords
will prevent you

From attacking me
for turns!

he's just delaying his defeat!

nice move, yugi!

Monkey: yeah,
now you've got noah

Right where
you want him!

Serenity: and he's
got nothing on you!

Joey: that's right!

And now you
just bought yourself

Turns to
figure out

How to kick this
twerp's virtual butt

And get us
out of here!

I've heard just about enough

From yugi's little
pep squad down there!

Pay attention!

Now I summon kuriboh!

I'm shaking!

Kuriboh, attack noah's
life points right now!


Your pathetic
little puffball

Barely made a dent!


Your dueling tactics
are beneath me!

You can swat at me with
that dust bunny all day,

But I'm afraid it's
not going to help you.

And as soon as your swords of
revealing light are gone...

I'll erase you, yugi!

And since you seem to be a much
better duelist than seto,

By defeating you, I'll be
proving my power over him!

Now on with the duel!

I'll place one monster
facedown in defense mode.

All right, yugi,
it's your move!

Now there's only
two turns left...

And then I'm allowed
to attack you!

I still have time!

dark magician girl!

Even if she
could help me,

I'd need kaiba's deck
master to summon her

Without a sacrifice!

But his kaiser seahorse

Can only summon
monsters of light!

And dark magician girl
is a monster of darkness!

Oh, well, I'll have
to do this instead!

I summon big shield gardna
in defense mode!

And then I'll switch kuriboh
into defense mode!

Now go ahead and make
your move noah.

I will!

First I place this monster
in defense mode.

And last but not least,

I'll place one card
facedown on the field!

Now it's just one more turn...

And then it's
lights out!

And I'll be ready!

what am I gonna do?

None of these cards
can help me!

I'll place this card facedown
and end my turn.

Well, yugi, I think it's
clear how this will end!

On my next turn,

You're going to
lose this duel.

Then you and your friends
will be turned to stone!

You can beat this guy
one, two, three, yugi!

Your friends
still think you can win...

I guess they're more clueless
than I thought!

Come down here
and say dat!

I bet you're just jealous
because yugi over here

Actually has friends

And you're just
a spoiled little brat

Who's angry at the world

'Cause someone stuck you
in a computer wit no one to

Hang out wit except
your sorry self!


Well, I think your friend
made his point.

So now it's only fair

That I get a chance
to make my point.

I've listened to your
loud-mouthed friends

Insult me for
too long now!

So take this!

Duke, no!

Oh, no!

That kid made a stiff
outta duke, too!

Much better!

That was so much fun I think
I'll transform you all

Into stone, one by one,
with each turn I take!

What do you say?

I say...

I'll rearrange your face,
you little brat!

or you'll be next to go!

Since you're all so confident
that yugi's going to win,

I've decided to put
your fate in his hands!

So with every turn that yugi
fails to defeat me,

Another of you
will be turned to stone!

You'll be frozen in time

With a look of
despair on your face!

Because yugi failed to
save you!

And in the end, yugi,

You'll be left in the middle of
a circle of motionless statues

That were
once your friends.

What's so funny?

You're nothing but a child.

Six years
may have passed,

But I'm afraid you haven't
matured at all.

You're a weak boy!

I am strong!

Well, not strong enough!

Just look!

Come on!

You can still
beat this lame-o!

That's right, so don't you
even think about giving

Up this fight, yugi!

This can't be!

They still have


You wouldn't be so surprised
if you had been given

The chance to
experience true friendship!

You're just bitter!

The only thing I need to know
about friendship

Is how to destroy it!

My move!

And now I activate
my facedown trap card!

Pyro clock of destiny!

Oh, no,
my swords of light!

They're gone!

But that's too soon!

True, but my pyro clock of
destiny trap card

Causes time
to move faster.

So they expire one
turn sooner!

Now I summon
the dreaded otohime

To the field in attack mode!

And thanks to my new monster's
special ability,

I can switch
any of your monsters

From defense to attack mode
or vice versa, yugi!

And I choose
your kuriboh!

So your puff ball switches
to attack mode!

Oh, no!

If he's att*cked,
I'll lose the duel!

Now I'll sacrifice otohime
and my facedown card!

To bring back
an old friend!

It's his yamata dragon!

The time is
finally here!

This duel has come
to an end!

My dragon will wipe out your
kuriboh and your life points!

Yamata dragon, attack!

Victory is mine!
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