03x22 - So Close Yet So Far

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x22 - So Close Yet So Far

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

All right, noah.

It's about time
I turn this
duel around!

Did you forget?

Every time one of your
turns comes to an end,

I'll transform another one
of your friends into stone.

What are all these

And where are those fools?

I have no patience for this.

I'll find you, yugi!

Yami-yugi: why don't you
and I get down to business?

Blue-eyes white
dragons, attack!

Wipe him out!

This madness is

Finally over, noah!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

This duel
is over, noah!


That's impossible!
I can't lose!

I'm afraid
you just did.

So my friends
are now free.

I'm back! Hoo-hoo!

Well, almost.



You're all right!


Is it over?

Well, it looks
to me like

back to normal
around here.

That must mean
yugi won
the duel.

What? What duel?

Your duel.

Yugi took over when
you and mokuba were
turned to stone,

Then he combined
your deck with his deck.

And he beat noah!

My deck!

He dueled using
my cards?

You've been
defeated, noah,

Not just by me,
but by all of us,

For it was only
with the support
of my friends

That I was able
to win this duel.

And the more you
tried to destroy
that friendship,

The stronger
it grew.


This isn't how it was
supposed to happen at all.

Listen to me, noah.

You've been
all alone

In this virtual
world for years.

And it's distorted
your mind.

Noah: he's right.

I have been stuck
in this digital
wasteland for too long.

Maybe the reason
I despise yugi
and his friends so much

Is because they share
a bond that I've
never experienced.

So I tried to eliminate
their friendship

To show them what
it's like to be me.

But they'll never

No one will.

My life was stolen.

After my accident,
my brain was digitized

Into one of my father's

Only to be
forgotten about.

He promised me
everything and left
me with nothing.

It's not fair!

I deserve to be
the president
of kaiba corp.

And I would be
if seto hadn't robbed
me of my life.

I want it back.


And I'll start

By escaping to the real
world in your body.

From now on, I'm you.

What? What's this?
Who are you?

Answer me. Your mind
is full of secrets.

I can see the secrets
in his mind as well.


That's us.

But where are we?

What have you done?

Noah: let me in.

[Both grunting]

What are you?

You're not
like the others.

Tea: yugi!

Are you ok?

Try touching me.

Stop it, joey!

v*olence isn't gonna
get us out of here.

You have failed,

So it's time
to set us all free.

Tristan: and give me my real
body back, pronto!

[Tristan chattering]

So you want
your body back?

[Laughing sinisterly]

Your real body's
exactly where it's
been since you arrived.

Duke: what does
that mean?

Tea: enough with
the games, noah!

Don't you get it?
There are no real
bodies in my world.

here's virtual.

That means
all of you, too.

I don't get it.
I do.

We're not
just trapped
in a virtual world.

We're all a part
of it, too.

Noah: exactly.
Your real bodies are
strapped into cyber-pods

That are hard-wired
to my virtual simulator.

So everything
you've experienced here

Has only happened
in your minds.

So that's why it seems
so real here.

Our minds are being tricked
into feeling things
that aren't really there.

Of course.

When the floor
opened up,

We didn't fall
into a virtual


We were knocked

And locked in your

Now what?

[Voice of man]
you have failed me

For the last time, noah.

That voice, it can't be!

Father, no!

Give me
another chance!

[Voice of man]
too late for that!

What's going on?


Wait! Not yet.

Father, I need time.

Gozaburo: more time?

You've had more than enough
time to prove yourself.

It's time for me
to finish things off now.

And that's why I digitized
my own mind

When seto disgraced me
by taking over my company.

I wanted revenge.

Now the time has come.

So you've been behind
this the whole time.

Yes, he has,
right, father?

And he's going to give
kaiba corp to me.

You had your chance, noah...


And you failed, son!

Look, pops, you had
your chance also.

And you failed when you
lost kaiba corp

To someone more fit
for the job.

You? I taught you
everything you know.

Seto...you fool.

You thought you
could outsmart me?

It's about time you
learned the truth about
why I adopted you.

After you beat me at chess,

I thought you'd be
the perfect person

To motivate my real
son, noah, who was
quite a slacker.

So you
just used him?
That's not cool.

How mean.

Noah needed to work more
on his studies.

I thought seto
could give him

The push he needed
to some day take over
kaiba corp.

But then noah had
his little accident,

And his body was
rendered useless.

I tried to preserve
his mind in cyberspace,

But I soon realized
he would always be
the same spoiled brat

Unworthy of inheriting
my company.

So I turned my attention
to you, seto.

I thought maybe
you could be
the heir to my fortune.

So I pushed you
to your limits.

You gave up
on your own son,

And you trapped
me all alone
in cyberspace.

Poor guy.

Gozaburo: not at first.

Initially, I thought I could
still use seto to help you.

Use me?

And what was it
you planned to do
with me, gozaburo?

Force me to play
chess against
your virtual son

To increase
his intellect?

No. Not quite, seto.

Seto: then what?

I had something much more
interesting planned.

Enough. Will you
spit it out?

Gozaburo: very well.
Even if noah could learn

How to run a multi-billion
dollar corporation,

He still lacked
one major thing--a body.

And that's where
you came in, seto.


That's sick.

You were gonna
transfer noah's
mind to kaiba?

Gozaburo: relax.

That plan only lasted
a short time.

Noah's mind. Ha ha!

Why would I give you
noah's mind when yours
was perfectly fine?

So I concentrated
on training you, seto,

So you could inherit
my empire.

But then you stole it.

So using the same
technology I used to download

Noah's mind into
my computer network,

I digitized my own mind,

Retreating to cyberspace
to plot my revenge.

Then I built this place
for my final plan--

To take over
your body myself.


So you used me
to trap them here.

Gozaburo: that's the only
thing you did right.

But I'll take it from here.

The fun and games are over.

You snake.

Gozaburo: I can't believe

That you had the nerve
to call me a snake.

I was the most powerful
human being on
the entire planet

Before you came along
and stole that power
away from me, seto.

Don't you realize

That I treated you
even better than I
treated my own son?

For nothing.

And I'll make sure
you never regain
your power.

Gozaburo: you're too late.

Yami-yugi: what's that?

Gozaburo: ha ha! Just look.
It's part of my newest plan.

This is one of
the many satellites

Kaiba corp put into orbit
when I was still in charge.

Joey: and what
are you gonna
do with that?

Ha ha! These satellites
can beam signals

To every
computer system on earth

And connect them back
to the underwater base

That holds
my supercomputer.

No one on earth
will escape me.

I'll have access
to every home on the planet.

Ha ha!


That has to be
the most ridiculous
idea I've ever heard.

I'm surprised you
feel that way, noah.

After all, the idea
came from you.

Don't you remember, my son?

Hey, father...

I've been working
on a new idea

That you might find
quite interesting.

I figured out how to improve

The quality of the virtual
world you created for me.

All we have to do is connect

Our computer network to other
systems all around the world.


And so, seto,
as you can see,

I'm no longer interested
in taking control of your body

In order to regain
kaiba corp.

I've set my sights
on bigger things.


You can believe whatever
you want about me, seto,

Because once my plan works,

I'll be the most powerful
being on the planet

Once again.

And no one on earth will be
able to stop me this time.

Duke: oh, yeah?

Gozaburo: seto, noah,

This is about so much more

Than just
acquiring one company,

For when I'm finished...

Everyone on earth
will become virtual.

I plan to digitize
the entire world.

And I will reign

As the cyber ruler of
a new planet earth!

[Gozaburo laughing

Get back here now!

My father's gone
for now, but you have
to escape quickly.

And I know the way
out, so follow me.

Joey: and why should we
believe you, noah?

Duke: what choice
do we have?

There it is!

A possible exit.

Never mind.

This is one of
several remote
network stations

Built by my father.

It can give us access

To all of the program's
emergency exits.

But it seems that my father
has locked the system

And closed off every exit
to stop us from escaping.

When he showed up
again after years,

He promised to help me,

But he was lying.

My father was using me.

Gozaburo treated
noah the same way
he treated seto--

With no respect.

Gozaburo: wake up!

Ah! Ah!

Mokuba: noah,
are you ok?


Are you sure there
are no other exits
around here?

Yeah, maybe there's
a way out of here

You're not thinking of.

I've had enough of
this monkey business.

I want to wake up
in my own body. Boo-hoo!

Joey: we got to stop
his old man from
digitizing the world.

Tea: and we can't
do that from in here.

Very perceptive.

Every virtual reality
program has

More than one
emergency exit system.

So why don't you try
thinking harder, noah?

What's wrong, seto?

Don't you want
to stay awhile?

We won't be alone
in this virtual world

For very much longer.


My father said he's bringing
the whole world in here.

And that means I'll never
have to be alone again.

We'll be
one big happy family.


Mokuba: noah, stop!

You got to get
ahold of yourself.

You're in
danger, too.

And we all have to
work together now.

[Voices of young seto, noah]
mokie, you're right.

Ah! Seto?

now I think
I'm going nuts.

[Chuckles softly]

Calm down, mokuba.

It's me.

I can see that,

I know noah's
an evil jerk,

But it's not his fault,
and I think we can help him.

Wait a second.

Something has just
occurred to me.

There is one more
escape route here.

Where is it?

Tell me!

Noah: it's a doorway
that I created

And it leads directly
to the real world.

I'm quite sure my father
has no idea that it exists.

You can escape and warn
the world of his plan.

Then what are
we waiting around
here for? Let's go!

Very well.
Just follow me.

once I claim a body,

I'll be making
my escape alone!


Computer: intruder alert!

Intruder alert!

Intruder alert!

Ha ha! Come, get me.




Well, that was amusing.

Now to find those fools.

Noah: it's not
too far from here.

Kaiba, something's
not right.


I think noah's
lying to us.

He's not to be trusted.

Why don't you
try telling me

Something I
don't already
know, yugi?

If you're so sure
this is a trick,

Then why are you
following him?

I was always taught
to keep my
enemies close by.

Maybe kaiba's

Maybe noah
is trying
to help us now.

But why?

His dad
betrayed him again.

So noah must want to stop
him as much as we do.


Come to think of it,

Noah and kaiba really
have a lot in common.

They were both mistreated
by gozaburo

And they need our help
to defeat him.

You're right.

We're all on
the same team now.

So why don't you
take it from here?


Joey: all right, where is
this exit already?

Noah: there.


Noah: your freedom lies
beyond this door.

Once you walk through,
you'll wake up
in the real world.

I don't know
about this, guys.

Noah: the real world is
just beyond these doors.

Hello?! Where is everyone?

Huh? They're gone.
That's weird.


I hope he didn't
leave without me.


What are you
still doing here?

Where else would I be?

They made it
out already.

Come on.

Thinking: your
friends may think
they're free,

But they're really
trapped in their
own memories.


This seems oddly familiar,

Like I've sat in
this exact spot before. Aah!

Guess who.

Hey! You scared me!

Hey! I'm trapped!

What's going on?

You're finished,

Not as long as I have
slifer the sky dragon
in my deck!

Now, slifer...


Buster blader,
retaliate with
your dragon sword!

Jam defender,

Your att*cks are useless.

It's over
for you.

Oh, no.

I can't let marik
win my puzzle.

Yugi: wait. Didn't this
duel happen already?

What's going on?

We're here, mokuba.

The secret exit
to the real world
is located

Inside this arcade.

Is it inside one of
these video games?


Where is it?

I can't wait
to get back home.

I'm sorry to say,

You won't be going
home, mokuba.

They're gaining on us!

Wait a sec, guys!

they'll catch
up with us.

Look, just take
serenity and run.

What about you?

I've got some unfinished
business to attend to.

Hold on!

Come on! Move it now!

I'm moving it!

Here, serenity, this way.

It's go time!

[Tristan chattering]


Watch it!

Cross on the green,
not in between.

So what was it
you were saying?

I'm...not sure.

Don't you feel like we've
taken this ride before?



Thinking: mai, no!

Something weird is going on

Or maybe not.

Everything seems
to be all right.

It looks like mai's
doing just fine.


Wait. Mai's not
just fine.

I remember something...

Hello, joey.

But you...


Why don't we stop dueling
and just settle down?

Stop dueling?
For good?

crazy talk.

Joey. It's just
a dumb card game.

All right. I know
this isn't real.



Ooh! Aah!

Can anyone tell me
what's going on?

I don't know.

I do!

Noah must
have tricked us.

Joey: let's find
that punk right now.

Where is he

Hey, kaiba's
gone, too.

And mokuba!

Hey, noah,

I can't find
the exit in here.

This video game
has so many levels.

Do you remember
which one you hid
the secret doorway in?

Thinking: you'll never
find out, you fool.

Noah: you're close...

Thinking: close
to having your body
taken over, that is!

I just remembered,

You can't escape
with us to the real
world without a body.

But I bet seto
can make you a body.

I mean, you're
our family, noah.

It won't be like
your old body,

But at least
you'll be in
the real world.

I'm sure
the technology experts

At kaiba corp

Can construct
some kind of
a robot body for you.

Hey, maybe we
can be twins!

After all, noah,
we are brothers,
aren't we?

Mokuba still likes me
after all I've done to him?

I almost feel bad.

There are so many
games in here.

Maybe you hid
the exit
somewhere else.

I mean, look around.

Everything looks
exactly the same
in this place.

You're right.
It's over there

By that stage.

Up here?

This is kind of cool,
but where's the exit?



[Noah laughing sinisterly]

[Voice of noah]
I'm free finally!

I'm free!

After all these years...

A body of my own!


Thanks, mokuba.
I owe you my life!

[Laughing sinisterly]
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