03x23 - Burying the Past — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x23 - Burying the Past — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Gozaburo: you have failed me
for the last time, noah.


You've been behind this
the whole time.

I digitized my own mind.

Then I built this place
for my final plan.

I plan to digitize
the entire world!

Computerized voice:
intruder alert!

Intruder alert!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

That was amusing.

Now to find those fools!

The real world is just
beyond these doors!

We're here mokuba.

This is kinda cool
but where's the exit?

Right here!


Ha ha ha ha!

[Noah's voice]
after all these years
a body of my own!!

Thanks mokuba.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

Any fool could have seen

That noah never planned
to set us free!

He claimed that doorway
led back to the real world,

But it was just
another trap!

Now it's time to go
straight to the source

And take down the man
behind all of this madness

My stepfather, gozaburo!

If he thinks
his ridiculous plan

To drag the entire world
into this digital dump

Is going to succeed...

Then he's more senile
than I thought!

I'm sure that old fool
is sitting in my office
right now!

I've taken him down
once before...

And I'm planning
to do it again.

But this time for good!

Dat scrawny little twerp
double crossed us again!

I knew we shouldn't 'a
trusted him!

Now he's toast!

Yugi: wait joey.

We have to come up with
a plan that makes sense.

Yeah! And I already
came up wit a plan.

We shake noah
upside down

'Til he tells us
da way out!

I'm gonna have to agree with
joey on this one guys.

Only noah knows
where the exit is!

And we're running
out of time!

Cause pretty soon
the whole world
will be trapped.

I guess I shouldn't have
trusted noah.

This is all my fault.

Yami-yugi: not true.

You believe there's still
good inside of noah

And there's nothing
wrong with that.

Yugi: well
no one else does.

Give them time.

After everything
he's done

It's hard to believe
he could change.

Noah: goodbye boys!


What have you done!?

Tristan: oh no!

That kid made a stiff
outta duke, too!



Ha ha ha ha ha!

[Gasp] yugi!

Noah's acts of rage
are fueled by
an anger deep inside.

But we can help him
see the light.

I hope so. And soon.

Yugi: alright.

Let's go find noah
and figure out how
to get out of here,

So we can stop
gozaburo's plan!

But how!?

Once we're free from

We can warn people
in the real world

That gozaburo's planning
to digitize the planet!

I hope...

Stop that...

Too late!


I couldn't understand
a thing you just said!

You're almost
all chimp now!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

[All gasp]

It's skull knight!

Tea: there's a whole
bunch of 'em!

Ha ha ha ha!

Duke: joey!
Behind you!

Tea: where are
these monsters
coming from!?

this should keep them busy!

Oh no!

Oh yes!

Joey: we gotta do

Duke: last I checked,
running away was something!

Tea: but we're

There's no way out!

Joey: serenity!


Yugi: joey! No!

This better work!
It's our only hope!

Come forth
curse of dragon!

Dragon flame

A'right yugi!

It's my turn now!

I play...my axe raider!

It's good to be back
in the real world again!

Mokuba's body
was a perfect fit!

Now I can move ahead
with my plan

And stop my father
from completing his!

Computerized voice:
access confirmed.

Welcome to
central command.

It's so simple.

I'll destroy
the central computer

That allows my father's
virtual world to exist!

Thus destroying every mind
that's trapped there--

My father's...seto's...
And all of yugi's friends!

Those fools.

Thinking I was actually
going to help them escape

Was the last mistake
they'll ever make!

Now it's time.

The past is over.

And I'll take my father down,
with his own satellite!

Computerized voice:
initiating satellite

Preparing for attack.

I'll put an end
to my stepfather's nonsense

Once and for all.

Gozaburo: don't you
know how to knock?

I guess you never
taught me manners.

Have a seat!

It's time for a
father and son chat!

In your dreams!

Seto, just give in now.

You'll make things
much easier on yourself!

Or you can choose
to meet the same fate
as your little friends.

Take a look.

My army of monsters is
about to wipe them out!

Your little threats
don't scare me at all!

So why don't you
let us go before
I really get angry.

Ha ha ha! You haven't
changed a bit.

All right.

I know the perfect way
to settle our differences.

Do you recall the chess match
we had the day I met you?

Well I propose a rematch!

You are not worth
my time!

Why would I want to play
chess against someone

Who couldn't even
beat me when I was
just a kid?

What makes you think
I'm talking about

You and I playing
another chess game seto?

Then what did you have
in mind, gozaburo?

Take a guess.

It's a game you're
quite fond of...

Duel monsters!

Really! What are
you up to?!

You seem mad.

I thought you'd
jump at the chance

To duel your stepfather
to win your freedom!

You thought wrong

You can't play
with my life

Like it's a game!

Well that's exactly what
you did to me seto!

On the day you stole
the kaiba corporation from me!

How heartbreaking!

You're here because
I outsmarted you

And took away your
precious little company!

I'm here because
the virtual world

Gives me limitless power!

Soon I'll use it
to digitize the world!

But first I'll get rid
of you!

And why do you have

To beat me in a duel

To do that?

To humiliate you
like you humiliated me!

And once I beat you
at your favorite game

I'll make sure you never
stand in my way again!

I'll erase your mind
and reprogram you
as my servant!

Then you'll obey
my every command

Just like the rest
of the world!

I have never served
anyone but myself

And I've never
backed down

From a challenge
either gozaburo!

So let's duel!

The satellite's almost
reprogrammed for destruction!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'll find you pharaoh!

Ha ha ha ha!

Even if that means
shutting this place down!

Computerized voice: warning,
main power is off line.

Main power is off line.

No! I was almost finished!

Releasing magnetic dock.

Hey, we're no longer
locked down!


Now we have to find
the other passengers!


Are you prepared to
humiliate yourself,

You tell me!

Let's get started!

Now then...
I'll go first!

And you criticized me
for having no manners?

Go ahead and make
your move.

I play painful choice.

It's a magic card
that allows me to take
any five cards from--

I know what the card
does, you fool!

First you show me
any five cards
from your deck,

Then I pick one
of them.

That card goes
into your hand.

The others head to
the graveyard!

Now! Show me your
five cards already!

Well someone's feeling
a bit anxious.

So feast your eyes
on my cards.

I have a strong feeling
you've encountered them

Take a close look!

Do these five cards
seem familiar to you!?

It can't be!
Not those cards!

It's the five pieces
of exodia
the forbidden one!

Gozaburo: yes!

I have all five pieces
of exodia in my deck!

But not for long!
Trust me!

We'll see about that seto.
After all we've just begun.

And I know all about your

Painful history with exodia!


It's not possible!

exodia! Obliterate!


Your point?

That's history!

I'm about to send

Four pieces of exodia
to the graveyard!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Then what are you
waiting for?

Any duelist holding all
five pieces of exodia
automatically wins!

But since he drew them

Using a painful choice
magic card,

I can send four of them
to the graveyard!

Didn't I teach you
that hesitation is
a form of weakness

When facing down
your enemies seto?

He must be
up to something!

Even he's not
dumb enough

To throw away
his best cards!

I'll let you keep
that one.

Then the right arm of exodia
goes to my hand

And the others go away.

Now I'll place one monster
in defense mode

And end my turn
for now.

But it won't be long
before you hear me say

Stand back.
It's my move now!

Computerized voice: emergency
back-up generators activated.

All systems operating

Good. Where was i?

Once that satellite

The entire virtual world
will instantly shut down

Along with
every mind inside!

Yami-marik: take that!

An uninvited guest.

It's not like it matters.

This place is history!

Computerized voice:
thirty minutes to
satellite attack.

Da coast is clear.
Let's go!

Yugi: come on, joey!

Are those monsters
coming back?

Don't worry

It seems like
we're safe
for now.


Or maybe not!!

Looks like our
work's not done!

A'right! Let's do
our thing, yuge!

Computerized voice:
twenty-five minutes
to satellite attack.

virtual simulators.

Yami-marik: ha ha ha!
I must find those fools!

What's this?

Computerized voice:
satellite set to destroy
central computer.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Twenty-three minutes
to satellite attack.

This is it! Right father?

You're finally giving
kaiba corp to me!

You had
your chance noah!

He's lied to me
for the last time!

It's time to make my escape
and leave those fools behind!

My father said he's bringing
the whole world in here.

And that means I'll never
have to be alone again.

We'll be one big happy family!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mokuba: noah stop!

You gotta get a hold
of yourself!

You're in danger too

And we all have to
work together now!

Mokie, you're right.

Mokuba's a fool!

I just remembered
you can't escape with us

To the real world
without a body.

But, I bet seto
can make you a body!

I mean, you're
our family noah!

Why can't I stop thinking
about this?!

I mean,
after all noah,

We are brothers
aren't we?

He trusts me!
After all I did!

Brotherhood!? Family!?
Who needs it!

That's behind me!

Soon my so-called family
will be gone for good!

Computerized voice:
twenty-one minutes
to satellite attack.

virtual simulators.

What have I done?

Oh no.

Black luster soldier,

Go axe raider!

Computerized voice:
eighteen minutes to
satellite attack.

My brother believes in me!
I can't let him down!

I have to stop
that satellite!

Aah! The controls!
I can't stop the attack!

No! That intruder
must have done all this!

Now mokuba and the others
are doomed.

It's all my fault!

Computerized voice:
fifteen minutes to
satellite attack.

Evacuate immediately!

I place one card

And summon vorse raider
in attack mode!

He has a monster
in defense mode!

It could be
more powerful than
my vorse raider.

But then again,
knowing gozaburo,
he's bluffing.

Vorse raider,
attack now!

Destroy his
facedown monster!


Why did you put
exodia's right arm
on the field?!

You're about to
find out!!

What are you
waiting for?!

Nothing...now that
I have what I need.

It's over seto! My move!

And now I activate
the magic card

Contract with exodia!

I've never seen
that card before!

What is that!?

Before I could activate
this magic card...

I had to make sure that
all five pieces of exodia

Were sent to
my card graveyard!

Next I'll give up
life points,

Allowing me to summon
exodia necross!

What on earth are you
talking about!?

Seto! It's over!
So prepare for defeat!

Meet the most feared creature
in duel monsters!

The mighty
exodia necross!

It's the last monster
you'll ever see my boy!

I've waited years
for this moment!

Checkmate seto!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

It looks just like...


Ha ha ha! Well son...
Are you frightened?

Not quite!

It looks like
your exodia necross

Only has
eighteen hundred
attack points!

And my monster's

Don't judge a monster
by its cover!

Ha ha ha ha!

Exodia necross
may be stronger than
it appears my boy!

Watch this!

Exodia necross
attack him now!

What's this!?

Why in the world
are you attacking me

With a monster
that is clearly weaker
than mine, gozaburo?!

Why is your monster
still standing!?

Tell me!

My vorse raider should
have destroyed it!

It cannot be destroyed by
another monster!

And in addition it gains
attack points

Whenever it engages
in a battle!

Oh no!

Are you beginning
to understand

That there's no way
you can win this duel?

Exodia necross
is invincible!

You're finished my boy!

Not quite! My move!

He may think his exodia
can't be destroyed,

But he's mistaken!

I summon spirit ryu!

Alright! Say goodbye
to your monster!

Now I activate my
burst breath trap card!

This lets me sacrifice
spirit ryu!

Which destroys every
monster on the field

With fewer than
defense points!

So much for your exodia!

Hold on!

Exodia necross has
zero defense points

So why wasn't it

Ha ha ha!
Allow me to explain!

My monster is granted
special effects

From each of the five
exodia cards in my graveyard!

Listen carefully!

As long as the left leg
is in my graveyard,

No magic card can
destroy exodia necross.

Exodia's right leg
protects my creature

From all of
your trap cards!

The left arm in
my graveyard ensures

That exodia necross
is protected from

The special effects
of your monsters.

Exodia's right arm
allows my creature

To gain attack points
with every battle.

And finally, having the head
of exodia in my graveyard

Protects my beast
from being destroyed

By any of your monsters
in battle!

That's insane!

The five pieces
of exodia are
even powerful

When they're sent
to the graveyard!

I can't destroy
his exodia necross

With monster, magic
or trap cards!

It is invincible!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

You may as well give up
and admit defeat!

There's nothing
you can do to stop me!

I refuse to be
beaten by you!

I place one card

And switch vorse raider
into defense mode!

Computerized voice:
warning. Ten minutes
to satellite attack.

all virtual simulators now.

Joey: let's fry
dis creep, yuge!

I summon
dark magician!

I summon
rocket warrior!

dark magic attack!

invincible attack!

Noah: attention!
Can all of you hear me!

This is extremely important!

I know that voice!


A'right! Get down here
ya little twerp!

Noah: this is a warning
to all of you!

Look. The virtual world
that you're all in

Is about to be destroyed!

Oh no! Noah!

Say what!? I knew
we couldn't trust him,

But I never thought
he'd destroy this place!

Dat punk!

I'll give him da virtual
butt-kickin' of a lifetime!

You better let us
outta here noah!



Noah: I'm so sorry for the way
I treated you all!

But now a satellite

Is set to destroy

The main computer system.

When that computer shuts down,

The virtual world will collapse!

You must escape or your minds
will be lost forever!

[All gasping]

Computerized voice:
beginning destruction sequence.

Targeting central computer
hard drive.

Eight minutes to
satellite attack.
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