03x25 - Back to Battle City — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x25 - Back to Battle City — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Ishizu: my pharaoh,
I've been expecting you.

The time has come
for you to rescue mankind
once again.

I know that your memory
has faded, my pharaoh,

And that you seek
many answers.

I also know a duel monster's
tournament is beginning.

If you win it,
you will find your answer.

Don't forget to register
and pick up your duel disk

Because exactly
one week from today,

My battle city
tournament begins.

Marik: battle city, eh?

How very convenient for us
that so many of our targets

Have gathered together
in one place.

to the ancient scriptures,

In order to possess
the pharaoh's power,

One must hold
all egyptian god cards.

Once I accomplish this task,
I will be pharaoh.

Now, my rare hunters,

Go to the town
of domino at once!

Rare hunters: yes, sir!

All right! It's time
to board kaiba kraft

For the start
of the battle city finals!


Master marik
has a darker side.


I'm finally free again.

I'm the true marik,

And I'm not as kind
as the one you've
come to know.

Let's check the damage...
And cause some more.



Marik: I won't be
discarded that easily.

That thief may have
taken over my body,

But a portion of my spirit
remains within you, tea!

Ishizu: tea?
Is something wrong?

Sister...it's me.

Your brother!

You are marik?
Can it be?

It is,
and I need your help!


Roland: attention, duelists.

Round one of the battle city
finals is now complete.

The remaining
finalists are...

Yugi, joey, kaiba, and marik.

The competition
will resume tomorrow

When we land on
our next dueling sights.

Kaiba: we're currently on course
for kaiba corp island.

This is where
the finals will end,

And the champion
will be crowned.

It won't be long now, mokuba,

Before I prove
to the entire world

That there is no one on earth
who's superior to me.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Roland: attention, duelists!

We are now back on course
to kaiba corp island

For the conclusion
of the battle city finals!

this is it, mokuba!

There are only
finalists left,
including myself,

And before long,
I'll be crowned the world's
greatest duelist

On top of my duel tower!

Plus, I'll have
the most powerful deck
in duel monsters...

Once I win the
egyptian god cards!

When I defeat marik,

I'll get his
winged dragon of ra--

Which seems to be
the most powerful

Of the
egyptian god cards!

Then I'll gain
slifer the sky dragon

When I wipe out yugi!


And since I already possess

The mighty obelisk
the tormentor...

My deck will be
completely unstoppable!

And then I'll be
respected and feared

By every duelist on earth!

Not again.

And now it's only
a matter of time

Before the winner takes all.

Hey, joey.

Hey, sis,
has mai said a word?


I still can't
believe marik

Trapped her mind
in da shadow realm!

Mai: I know.
What did she
ever do to him?!

C'mon, mai...wake up!

Tell me what you did
to her right now, marik!

Your friend made
a costly mistake
by dueling against me,

And now she is paying
the ultimate price.

She'll forget more
with each passing second

Until the shadows
engulf her mind!

Joey: don't worry
about a thing, mai...

I'll save ya.

If losing to marik
got ya there,

Then maybe
if I defeat marik,
it'll bring ya back!

Just promise me
you'll be careful.

Sure! Dat's my
middle name!

my brother must be saved

From the evil
that's controlling him!


Ishizu: it's you!

and I've come here

To get some
vital information
from you

your friend odion.

What have you done
with him?


I can see through
your lies.

It's true!

Odion has the power
to stop me,

So you're
protecting him!

Even if I was, marik,

You're the last person
I would tell!

Ha! Care to reconsider
those words? Or not?

Without your
millennium necklace,
you're powerless!

Here, take it yugi...

My millennium necklace
is yours now.

Were you foolish enough
to lose the one thing

That could have
protected you from me?

Not only did
your millennium necklace

Allow you
to see the future,

It also shielded you
from my shadow magic!

So are you going to tell me
where you hid odion,

Or shall I send you
to the shadow realm?

Well...is that fear
I see in your eyes?

I must say I like
this side of you!

Now then...

I have a tournament
to win,

So I'll deal
with you later!

Roland: attention, duelists!

We are miles
from kaiba corp island!

Preparing for descent!

Once I win
this tournament,
I'm coming back...

To finish our

So I wouldn't
get too comfortable
if I were you!

For once I acquire
the two remaining
egyptian god cards

And the
millennium puzzle...

I'll focus my attention
on banishing you

And that fool odion
to the shadows!

if you'll excuse me,

I have to strip
the former pharaoh
of all his powers!

Chatting with you,

And I'm looking
forward to spending
more time with you

In the days to come.

Good day.

this tournament
is getting too dangerous.

Now bakura's
in the shadow realm,
thanks to marik!

It's true.

Everyone who's
dueled with marik

Has paid
a large price.

First odion
was struck down,

Then mai's mind
was trapped
in the shadow realm,

And now
bakura's gone.

So...how long
have you been here?

Tell me what you've
done with bakura!

If you mean the spirit
of the ring,

You should know
what fate befalls someone
unfortunate enough

To lose a shadow game!

I'm sure marik's already
planning his next move.

Why should my friends
have to suffer when
it's me he wants?

He wants us.

What's he waiting for?

I think that marik's
trying to weaken us

By targeting
our friends, yugi.

He knows that to take
the millennium puzzle

And our egyptian
god card,

He must first
defeat us in a duel,

So he's taking down
our friends one by one

In order to crush
our confidence!

We can't let him
get away with that!

Hmm. That's true.

If marik thinks
he can bully us around

With his millennium rod,

He better think again!

'Cause you and I
are gonna win
this tournament!

And hopefully when we do
and marik's plan fails,

Everyone who fell victim
to him will be ok.

I know we can do this!

You're right...

When we work together,
there's no stopping us!

Just as ishizu told us,

We have to win
this tournament

And save the world!

Uh, hey, yugi!

It's almost
that time, dude!

So grab your dueling deck
and let's go!!

Hey, wait.

in no shape to be
out of bed, guys!

Yeah, he was lookin'
pretty bad!

Yugi: he's...uh...
Just getting
some air.

Now...joey and I
have some duels to win,

And we need your help!

You bet!
We'll be right there
on the sidelines!

You can count on us!

Duke: for sure!

Roland: we are now
beginning our descent
upon kaiba corp island

For the conclusion
of the battle city finals.

When we touch down,
please exit the aircraft

And await
further instructions!

The moment I've been
waiting for is finally here.

Soon I'll be crowned
the world's
greatest duelist!

Yugi: whoa,
check it out, guys!

Joey: dat must be
da duel tower kaiba
was yappin about!

Now what?

I'm sure we'll
find out soon enough.

Look...the island
we're standing on

Is the site of the original
kaiba corporation,

But I tore it down.

And is that--

my duel tower,

And I plan
to defeat you

On the very top,

Look, rich boy!!

In case you forgot,
I'm in dis tournament, too!

And you won't be
gettin' past me!

I'll duel so many circles
around ya,

You won't know ya trap cards
from ya graveyard, punk!

Must you insist
on embarrassing
yourself, wheeler?

You shouldn't even
be in my tournament,
you amateur!


Calm down, champ!

Dat's it, man!
You want a piece a dis?

Let's go!

Save it
for your duel, man!

Tea: yeah!
Use all of that anger

To beat kaiba
in the finals!

Kaiba: whatever.
We're wasting time,
so let's go!


It's such a lovely day,
isn't it, pharaoh!?

Too bad some of your friends
can't enjoy it

From all the way
in the shadow realm!


Hey, artichoke head!
You're goin' down!

Then let's get on
with these duels.

When do I find out
who my next victim is?

Just chill out!

We'll tell you
inside the tower,
is that clear?!


Then why
don't we proceed

So the fun
can begin.

Joey: so what's inside
dis ding?

Kaiba: why don't
you try listening
for a change, wheeler?

Your attention, please!
Step to the center of the tower.

The second half
of the battle city finals

Will take place right here!

So far,
it's not so impressive.

This place
doesn't look like
a dueling arena.

Oh, yeah?
Just wait and see.

As you know, there are
finalists remaining--

Yugi, joey, marik,
and, of course, mr. Kaiba.

You'll notice
we're surrounded by doors.

Each finalist must choose a door
through which to enter.

Choose wisely.

What's behind them?!

Roland: before we may proceed
with the next round

Of the battle city finals,

Each participant must choose
one of the doors

That surround us!

Huh? How am I
supposed ta know

Which door ta pick?

What do you think,

I don't think
there's a wrong choice.

Well, here goes.

Potato, potato,
potato, ...


How did that fool
make it this far?

Just pick a door,
you geek.


We have a winner!


Hold it! I already called
first dibs on that door!

Yami-yugi: just choose
the door closest
to you, joey.

But what about
my potato song?!


Oh, well, I guess
if you've seen one door,
you've seen 'em all.

Everyone else,
come on and follow me!

Too bad, man!

I guess door-choosing's
not your thing!

Good luck, joey!

I suppose I should stand
on that platform.

But why?
What is kaiba planning?

Are we dueling in these?


Come on!

I can barely see

The top
of this thing!

so what gives,

Tea: yeah.
You mind telling us

Where the duelists are?

Why, here they come
right now!


It's joey!

Duke: well, it looks like
the g*ng's all here!

So what's da deal?

Is dis some kind
of a -way duel?!

Roland will explain
the rules,

And I've asked him
to speak slowly
so you can follow...

You're lucky
I'm ova here!

Before the winner of
the battle city tournament
can be crowned,

We must first narrow down
the finalists!

So in the semifinal round,

The remaining duelists
will be reduced to two.

But first, gentlemen...

The preliminary duel
must be played.

This special duel will determine
who faces who in the semifinals,

And all duelists
will participate at one time!

As you lose life points,
your terminal will climb higher.

The first two duelists
to reach the top

Will face each other
in round .

Hear dat? It's a duel
to see who duels!

Each duelist will begin
with , life points,

And when it's your turn,

You can attack
any of the other players.

And now for
some new regulations!

You must all limit
your dueling decks

To no more than cards,

So take this time
to prepare your decks.

Now connect your duel disks
to the monitor in front of you.

This screen will
display the images
of the cards you play.

Remember, winning
or losing this duel

Has no effect on how
you place in the finals.

This is simply
a strategic way

To determine who your opponent
will be in the semifinal round.

Again, this duel will not affect
your overall placement!

That's good.
So at least all
the pressure's off!

'Cause it doesn't
really matter who wins

And who loses
in this duel,
right, guys?

That's not
exactly true.

This could be
the most important duel
these guys play!

And how do you
figure that, duke?

They can control
who their opponent
will be!

So they might change
their strategies

Depending on who
they want to face

In the semifinal round!

Two duelists
can even g*ng up
on one if they want!

g*ng up, huh?

I wonder which one
of those guys

Is in danger of getting
double-teamed, tea?

Knowing joey's luck,
they'll go after him.

Joey: hey!

Tristan: yes?

You talkin' about me?

We were, uh, just making up
a cheer for you.

Yeah, that's it...

Ok...but it
better have lots
of cool rhymes!

Yugi, thinking:
this entire duel was set up

To make us choose the opponents
we'll face in the semifinals!

But who should I pick?

in order to win this tournament

And all egyptian god cards,

I'll have to face marik last.

Since his winged dragon of ra
is the most powerful of the ,

I'll need the other two
in my deck to win it,

And that's where
you come in, yugi!

it makes no difference
who I duel next.

Either way, I'll drain
the pharaoh of his powers
in the end!

Roland: prepare yourselves,

The -way battle
is about to begin!

Remember, the first two duelists
to lose their life points

Will face each other
in the semifinals.

It's time to begin!

Now to determine which duelist
will make the first move.

Why don't I
just go first?

Why don't you
pay attention to the rules

That mr. Kaiba
worked so hard to create?

Now you'll each draw
a monster card,

And the attack points
will determine who goes first.

However, the monster you choose
cannot be used in this duel!

Yugi, thinking:
so if I wanna go first,

I have to sacrifice
a powerful monster!

in order to ensure

That I face yugi
in the semifinals,

I'll need to make
the first move!


should I pick dat card?
Or dis one?!!

Uh-oh, joey looks
a bit freaked out...

It is now time
to reveal your cards!

Yes. Hold them up so all
the players can view them!

it looks like my card
is the most powerful,

So I get to start things off!

I'm gonna save
all my best cards

For the duel!

The results have been tallied!

The order of duelists
is as follows...

First mr. Kaiba...

And then marik,

Then yugi, and then joey!

everything is going
according to plan!

I'll spare yugi
so I can face him
in the semifinals...

And I'll focus
all my attention

On eliminating

And getting rid
of wheeler
will be simple!

as much as I wanna crush kaiba

And put an end to his insults
once and for all...

I have more important reasons
for bein' here.

I promised yugi and mai
dat I would take marik down!

Yugi, thinking:
the entire world is
depending on our victory!

But what if we fail?

The stakes are too high!


We joined this tournament
to save the world,

And right now,
that means stopping marik

From completing
his evil plan!

So...letting him win
is not an option!

My family has slaved
for centuries...

Protecting the tomb
of the pharaoh until his return.

And for what?!

I should be the pharaoh!

I was raised
on the ancient scriptures,

Learning all there is to know

About king yami the pharaoh
and the shadow games.

The key to his power
is your puzzle

And the egyptian god cards.

But I can't just take
the millennium puzzle from you.

to the ancient scriptures,

I have to defeat you
in a duel first,

Then I'll banish you
to the shadow realm!

Yugi, thinking: oh, no!

Once I gain control
of the millennium puzzle

And obtain all
egyptian god cards,

I'll be king!

And my millennium rod
will ensure

That I get everything I need!

Yami-yugi: the fate of
the entire world

Rests on the outcome
of the battle city finals,

And we mustn't lose hope!

You're right!
And together,
you and I can do this!

Kaiba: all right!
Enough waiting around!

Let's start this duel!

And now!

I'll place one card facedown,

And then I'll summon
vorse raider in attack mode!

That ends my turn.

I have to make sure

That marik and wheeler
lose this duel,

Or my entire plan is ruined!

Not bad, seto kaiba.

Then again...your monster's
no match for my newdoria!


That's all for now.

this creature's
special ability

Will come in quite handy!

All right then...
My move!

Yugi, thinking:
I know that eventually

I'm going
to have to defeat marik,

But I'm still not sure
who I should face
in the semifinals

To make sure that happens!

Yami-yugi: I summon
big shield gardna to the field,

In defense mode!

And place these facedown!

Last but not least...

aw, man! Dis hand is da pits!

But I gotta relax
and play it cool!

I'll place one card facedown
and end my turn.

Kaiba: which brings it
back to me!

Just as I suspected...

You don't belong here,

So I think I'll do us
all a favor

And eliminate you
from this duel!

Vorse raider, attack
his life points now!!!



Joey doesn't have
any monsters

On the field
to protect him!

That's not good!

Ha ha ha! Say good-bye
to those life points!

I'll protect you!

And I'll do it by activating
my trap card--

The regulation of tribe!


Aah! Huh?

Oh, no!

Oh, yes!

Thanks to this trap card,

I can stop the attack
of one type of monster!

I choose beast warriors!
Like vorse raider!


Danks, yuge!

Joey, you and I are a team,

And I'll always protect you!
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