03x39 - Battle for the Bronze — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x39 - Battle for the Bronze — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "yu-gi-oh!..."

Check dis out!

Gearfried, attack
his ryu-kishin
right now!

Sorry, wheeler...
You're through!

Because I can
activate this card!

My crush card trap!

First it destroys
your monster on the field,

Then the virus spreads
to your hand!

Then...your deck!

every strong beast!

Why don't you
just admit

You're in
over your head, wheeler!?

I'll find a way
to beat you, kaiba!

Tea, are you
all right?

Tea and marik:

It's me again.


Your good side
is back!

The time has come
for me to step in

And reclaim my body,

No. It's
far too dangerous!


Don't go! Please!

Come back!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: looks like
you're defenseless
now, kaiba!

Ha! Dat's da breaks!

And you said
I didn't belong
in your tournament!

Care to
take that back?!

Yeah, you tell him, joey!

He just might beat
that rich snob
after all!

Yugi: joey's doing
awesome against kaiba!

He's become one of
the greatest duelists around!

He could have won
this whole tournament

If it wasn't for
marik's shadow game.

winged dragon of ra,
drain his soul!


The shadows await!


Ah! You're standing!

But how!?



If he succeeds in
attacking my life points,

I'll lose the duel
and my egyptian god card!


Dis...is it.

Here goes nothin'.

dis guy...

Can wipe marik out!

Now...i summon...

the iron knight!


This can't be

hurry up and call
your attack, joey!



Tristan: get up, man!
Get up!

All he had to do
was yell "attack!"

And joey would have
won the duel.


But in his heart,

Joey knows that
he's a great

Worthy of
the battle city crown.

Joey's dueling pretty well
against seto!

But he'll have to
do better than that
to beat him!

Hmm. Well,
congratulations on
making one good move!

There is a first time
for everything!

Watch it, pal!

I'm not your "pal,"

If I were, I'd be
standing over there

With the other geeks,

Cheering my pathetic
heart out

For the obvious
loser of the duel!

Did you forget
that I destroyed

Every powerful monster
in your deck!?

he's right!

Danks ta
his crush card,

The only monstas
I got left

Have less than ,
attack points!

But I gotta
keep fighting!

If I let kaiba
get da best 'a me,

He'll never let me
live it down!

And I gotta
put dat punk
in his place!

you can do this, joey!

danks, yuge.

I needed dat.

Ha! You don't
have a clue, do you?

Now let's duel!

It's time I gave you
a firsthand look

At the difference
in our skill levels,

So stand back, wheeler!

I play...

Blade knight...
In attack mode!

Now attack his swordsman!

Whoa, that's rough!

He just lost half
his life points!

One more attack like that,
and joey's done!

Yami-yugi: he'll
pull through.

let's just hope so!

Now... I shall place
one card facedown.

You have no chance!

I'm just getting
warmed up!

So watch out!

Yami-marik: I must discover
what happened up here today!

When the two
egyptian gods clashed,

Something was released!

The force created
by these two behemoths

Caused my millennium rod
to activate!

According to the pharaoh,

He and kaiba were shown
a vision of the past.

But what did they see?

And why is my millennium item
serving anyone but me!?

Only I should control
the millennium rod!

I command you to obey me now!

Hear me!?

Show me the ancient images

That you showed
the pharaoh and kaiba!


You should be
more careful with this.

Pardon me?

Joey: my move,
rich boy!

Here goes!

What do you say
we try...this!

Check it ooout!

I summon
little winguard

In attack mode!

Ha ha ha!

What's up
with that!?

Joey's monster
is weaker
than kaiba's,

But he played it
in attack mode,

Yeah. He just broke
the most basic rule

Of "winning
at duel monsters!"

What are you thinking,

Is this some lame
attempt at a strategy!?


Why doncha judge
for yourself?

I play the magic card
legendary sword!

The monster that
holds this sword

Gains attack
and defense points!

Great move!

Now you can strengthen
your winguard!

And take down kaiba's knight!

little winguard,

Draw your
legendary sword!

Well, I activate this!

Absorb spell!

Oh, boy.

Now the magic card
you just combined

With your winguard...

Is transferred
to my blade knight,

Making my monster
even stronger!

You stole
my legendary sword!


And my attack

That was
a third-rate
strategy, wheeler,

Just as I suspected!

You could never
defeat a duelist
with real talent!

Well, next time
I'm duelin' someone
wit talent,

I'll rememba dat!

Now I'll place
one card facedown.

Your move, kaiba!

I hate to admit it,

But kaiba's
a tough customer!

Yeah?! Well,
joey is, too!

Take a good look
at his eyes, duke.

Joey is determined
to win this duel

No matter what!

Hand over that item!

You are meddling
with forces

Beyond your control!

Return it!

Aah! Aargh!

What's going on?!

No one can use
the millennium rod but me!

Yugi, thinking:
what's the deal

With the puzzle?!

It's glowing!

I have
a strange feeling

That whatever's
causing this is not good!

Yami-yugi: tea!


Something's wrong
with tea!

We've got to go
find her now!

I'll be right back,

Stay strong!

You may think
I'm going to attack
your pitiful winguard...

But I've got other things
planned for you, wheeler!

And I'm afraid
they're much worse

Than anything
you could ever imagine!


Watch and learn,
you amateur!

I activate the magic card
enemy controller!

Here's how it works!

I drop
a thousand life points...

To take control of
one of your monsters!



And now it's show time!

Your puny warrior
is mine!

You're wide open,

Now to play
one of my magic cards!

It's called cost down,

And it lowers the level
of one my monsters,

Making it easier to summon!

Eh! No way!

Now I shall
summon a monster

That usually requires
two sacrifices

By sacrificing
only one card!


All right!

Prepare to meet
my ultimate beast!

I sacrifice
your little winguard!

In order to summon
this card!

My blue-eyes white dragon!


How can I protect
myself from that?

Now you're

So one attack
by my blue-eyes...

And you lose the duel!

You should have quit
when you had the chance!

Blue-eyes white dragon,

Attack his life points



And do it fast!

Hold on, tough guy!

I activate this!

My scapegoat card!

Oh, no!


But your attack
failed, rich boy!


Joey's scapegoat
absorbed kaiba's

Duke: and he's
still got
scapegoats left!

Too bad!

My life points
aren't goin' anywhere

As long as dese guys
are on da field!


Well, they won't be
for long!

Blade knight!

his second scapegoat!

Hey! Why did
your blade knight

Just gain
more attack points?!

Because blade knight
has a special ability,

That's why!

It gains
attack points

When I have one card
or less in my hand.

So now it has
a strength of , !

And my blue-eyes
has , attack points!

And thanks to
the devastating effect

Of my all-powerful
crush card,

You have no monsters
with more than , !

kaiba may be
an arrogant jerk,

But da guy
does have a point!

It's your move now!

how can I take down

Two of kaiba's

Wit a deck
full of wimps!?

You're goin' down...

Look out!

not exactly what
I was hopin' for,

But I guess it
can help guard
my life points.

First, I'll place
one card facedown.

Den I'll play
battle warrior

In defense mode.

And dat's all
for now.

That pathetic monster
won't slow me down!

Well, we'll just see
about that!


So you left
a piece of your mind

Inside this girl?

How sad.


And it's
my responsibility
to stop you.

Is that so?

Don't you realize
that you don't exist
anymore, marik?

I occupy your body

I know,
and I've returned

To reclaim it
from you!

I'm afraid
you're too weak now!

I'm the real you,

And you're nothing
but a small piece
of my memory...

Thanks to odion!

Because of his accident,

I was able to
emerge again!


Ha ha ha!


I told you
you were too weak!


ha ha ha!

Sorry, marik,

But it's time
for me to banish
what's left of you

Into the shadows,
where you belong.

Ha ha ha!

I'm afraid there's
nowhere left for you
to run now.

You won't
get away with this!

You're in
no position
to make threats.

I drove you out

Now it's time
to finish the job.

Ha ha ha!

Marik: that's
what he thinks!


You're just
prolonging your demise!




You're nothing
without odion
to protect you!

It's time to end
our little game.

You'll never meddle
in my affairs again!

Ha ha ha!


It's over!

Ha ha ha!

Ishizu: stop this at once!


Stay out of this,


This doesn't
concern you!

Then again,
I could banish you both.

Ha ha ha!

Be gone!

You're not
my brother!


It's too late!


Tea and marik:
I have grown weak,

Stop him...

But forget me.


Marik, get up!

I'm the only marik

I occupy his body,

Now it's time
for you to go!

Prepare to reunite
with your father!

In eternal darkness!

Ha ha ha!

I'm going to enjoy this

Yami-yugi: hold on!

Look at this...

I'm quite popular

All right...

This has gone
far enough, marik.

Welcome, pharaoh.

Our battle will begin
sooner than I thought.


two great forces
are now colliding!

On second thought...

I don't want to
end this just yet.

That would be
too easy, pharaoh.

And I have something
more fun in mind.

Ha ha ha!

So until then,
good day!

When we next meet,
your power will be mine!

Ha ha ha!

Yugi: look!

What's tea doing
up here!?

Is she all right?

Tea's been through
quite a bit,

But she should be
fine soon.

But why would she
have come here
in the first place?!

Poor girl.


My brother's good side
still lives.

I know.

But there's more.

He lives
within tea's mind.

[Yugi gasps]

But soon,
he could be gone forever!

You're no match
for my monsters,

And it's my move!

I play the magic card
card of demise!

This card marks
the beginning
of the end

For you, wheeler!

And why's dat, kaiba!?

Because I draw
cards now!

But in turns,
I lose my entire hand!


Of course,
I plan to destroy you

Long before that!

And just
how are ya gonna
do dat, kaiba!?

Let me make my move,
and I'll show you how!

I summon kaiser seahorse
in attack mode!

Kaiser seahorse,
attack his scapegoat now!

Now, blade knight, go!

And now for my blue-eyes!

his battle warrior!


Oh, man!

Now joey
doesn't even have
one monster left!

And if he doesn't
do something soon,

Kaiba will wipe out
his life points!

That's enough for now.

So why don't you
go ahead and try

To get yourself
out of this mess?

Unless, of course,

You've come
to your senses,

In which case,
you'll just give up,


I guess you don't
know me very well.

But joey wheeler
doesn't quit!

Especially when
he's up against

Stuck-up rich punks
like you!

Fine...this will all
be over soon enough.

Dat's right!

As soon as I
wipe you out, kaiba!

dis could be
exactly what I needed!

Now I activate
pot of greed...

Which lets me
draw two cards.

I just hope

Dese two cards
can help me out!


Huh? Dat's what
I'm talkin' about!

I activate this!

It's graverobber!

Ha ha ha!

And now...

I can take
any magic card
I want

From your graveyard!

Oh, no!

And I take dis!

Enemy controller!

Dis is the magic card
you used against me

You entered
a command code

And took control
'a my monsta!

Ha ha ha!

But I'm gonna use
a slightly different
command code

Than you did, kaiba!


You still have to pay
, life points!

Up! Left!

Down! Right!

Now instead of
your monsta,

I can destroy it!

You can't!

Say good-bye
to your blue-eyes!


If I were you,

I'd keep dose eyes

'Cause I'm gonna play
monster reborn!

You what!?

Now I'll
bring back a monsta!

It's the same one
I just sent
to your graveyard!

My blue-eyes!

Yeah, man! I knew
you could do it!

Now, that
was impressive!

Kaiba's in some
serious trouble!



Now, blue-eyes
white dragon,

his blade knight!

With white lightning!


You'll regret that,

I'll start
wrappin' dings up

By playin'
hayabusa knight
in defense mode!

Den I'll play
dis card,

on da field.

And dat's gonna
end my turn!

Like dat!?

You know, da way
I took your favorite
card from ya?

It looks good
standin' here
behind me,

Doesn't it?


You made a big mistake

By taking my blue eyes
away from me!

Now it's time for me
to end this duel.

this is unacceptable!

There's no way I'll allow
a third-rate duelist
like wheeler

To use my blue-eyes!

Are you aware of
the special ability

Of my kaiser seahorse,

All I have to do
to activate it

Is send him
to the graveyard!

Then I can summon
a light attribute monster

From my hand
directly to the field!

What's your point!?

I sacrifice
my kaiser seahorse!

So I can summon
blue-eyes white dragon!



Now we each have one!


It's his blue-eyes
against mine!

Blue-eyes, attack now!

There's no way
I'll let you
control my monster!


Ha ha ha!

Needs to chill!

Who knew kaiba'd
get dat worked up

Over one little

I'm afraid
I'm not through yet.

It's time to
welcome my friend
back to the field now.

With what!?

Monster reborn.

Now, my blue-eyes
white dragon,

Return to the field!

I'm the only one
with the skills necessary
to wield a blue-eyes!

Now it's time for me
to use my dragon

To finish you off!

And expose you
as the failure

You truly are!

You have no business
being here!

And soon
you'll learn that
the hard way!
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