03x40 - Battle for the Bronze — Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x40 - Battle for the Bronze — Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Marik, I occupy
your body now!

I know and I've returned
to reclaim it from you!

I'm afraid
you're too weak now!

I told you
you were too weak!

Time for me to banish
what's left of you

Into the shadows
where you belong.

stop this at once!

Sister, it's too late!

this has gone
far enough marik.

Welcome, pharaoh.

Our battle will begin
sooner than I thought.

It's time I gave you
a firsthand look

At the difference
in our skill levels

So stand back, wheeler!

I'm just getting'
warmed up!

My blue-eyes white dragon,
return to the field!

Now it's time
for me to use my dragon
to finish you off!

And expose you as the failure
you truly are!

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

You were a fool
to challenge me, wheeler!

Now maybe you'll realize
what I knew all along!

You are worthless!

And you shouldn't have been
in my tournament
in the first place.

Now then, go ahead
and make your move.

'Cause you've wasted
enough of my time already!

Look! I finished
in da top !

And so did you!

And once I win this duel
I'll outrank you!

My move!

Joey, voice-over:
if only winnin'
were dat easy!

But first, I gotta
destroy his blue-eyes
white dragon!

Dis card could help,

But it's gonna take
a little luck
and a lotta faith!

Now, I summon
baby dragon
in defense mode!

Dat's all folks!

Alright, joey's gonna
need our support.

So where's yugi?

N' tea?

They shoulda been
back by now!

Yeah that's not cool!

Joey needs all of us!

so marik's good side
does still exist!

Ishizu: yes.

And he was able
to confront his dark side

By controlling tea's body.

But the good marik is weak.

And he'll grow weaker
with every passing second

Until the shadows
engulf him.

Please, pharaoh,
don't allow the evil within
my brother to prosper.

You can destroy it.

By defeating marik
in your next duel!

And stopping him
from gaining your power!

I will.

Thank you, my pharaoh.

I know that
you will prevail.

You have to.

the world will crumble.

Ishizu's right!

Yes, if we are victorious
against marik's dark side,

We'll gain all
egyptian god cards.

But if we lose,
they're his!

And he'll also get
the millennium puzzle,

Giving him
everything he needs
to absorb your power!

I promise you,

I shall save the world
from marik's evil, ishizu!

And save your brother
from himself.

I just hope
that defeating him

Will also reverse
the damage that's been done.

So do i.


Hey, what's going on?

Why am I up here?

Are you alright?

Yeah, but I still don't know
how I got here.

The last thing I remember
is watching joey duel kaiba.

Kaiba: my blue-eyes is ready
to devour you, wheeler!

This doesn't look good!

Yeah, joey's life points
may be protected right now,

But none of his monsters
are strong enough to attack!

He better think
of something, and quick!

Time to erase what's left
of your life points.

Wit what!?with this wheeler!

Stop defense!

Switching your knight
into attack mode!

He's wide open now!

Yes! Now seto's gonna win!

Blue-eyes white dragon!

Wipe out joey's knight
and the rest
of his life points!

It's over!

I told you,
you're way out
of your league!

Don' be so sure!

Watch dis!

Now reveal trap card!

Oh no!

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Meet nutrient z!

It works whenever
I'm about to lose ,
or more life points!

It gives my strength
a , -point boost

Before your attack hits!


Pretty swift thinking
there, joey!

Yeah! Now you have
more life points
than kaiba does!

So what was dat
you're were sayin'
about me?

I said you're an amateur!

I'll place one card facedown
and end my turn.

Making one decent move
doesn't impress me, wheeler.

The next turn
will be your last!

Wheeler, voice-over:
it's a long shot,

But I know
I can beat kaiba

And shut him up for good!

I just need ta draw
da right card.

And if I don't, he wins!

A'right! My move!

Joey, voice-over:
only one card
can save me!


Read it and weep, kaiba!

I play time wizard!

Your plan will never work!

Oh no?

We'll just see
about dat won't we?!

I still got
one more chance
to take you down.

So, time wizard, go!

Joey, voice-over:
if dis works,

Kaiba's blue-eyes
will crumble

While my dragon grows!

It's too risky!

Joey could lose
all his monsters!

Mokuba, voice-over:
and seto could lose
his blue-eyes!

Joey, voice-over: come on!

Tristan, voice-over:
no skulls, baby! No skulls!

Kaiba, voice-over:
he's finished!

Joey, voice-over: no! No!


In your face!

Danks to my time wizard,
da calendar is speedin' up,

Causing my baby dragon
to age a thousand years!

And with age
comes experience!

They grow up so fast
don't they?

But there comes a time
when you gotta let go!

So, good-bye, baby dragon,

Hello, thousand dragon!

That's too bad!

I guess time just wasn't
on your side, kaiba!

Now let's see
what a thousand years
does to your dragon!

Kaiba, voice-over:
if he thinks
he can win the duel

With this little stunt,

He's more of a novice
than I thought.

I did it?

All right!

Looks like time
took its toll
on kaiba's blue-eyes!

Take a close look
at the field, wheeler!

Now blue-eyes,
return to me!

Say whaaaaat?

Oh, man!

No way!

Ol' blue eyes is back!

Thanks to my interdimensional
matter transporter,

My monster dematerialized
just before your time wizard
was able to affect it.

And now he's back!

Just in time to tear
your thousand dragon
to shreds, wheeler!

Excellent move, seto!!

That's nuts!

Joey had this duel won!

You may depend on luck
to win your duels,

But I depend on my skills.

That's the difference
between us!


You really k*ll me,
ya know dat?

You've lost it.


I just find you

Come on!

I mean
lighten up, man!

Look, you and I
are fightin' a great
duel right here.

So relax and have fun!

I don't have fun!

Den I guess
you're an even more
miserable person

Den I thought
you were, kaiba!

You don't know
anything about me!

I duel to gain power
and to be the best

Not to have fun!

But when yugi beat me,

He stole my glory
once again!

You were good,
but yugi was betta.

I just don't see
why you can't
accept dat!

I wouldn't expect
someone like you
to understand.

What's dat mean!?

Let's just move on,

My move! Now!

I'll discard
my thunder dragon

In order to activate
its special ability!

This lets me draw
two more thunder dragons!

Then I'll use polymerization
to fuse them together!

Now, meet my twin-headed
thunder dragon!

Next I play quick attack!

This card allows
my new monster

To attack you

You have no chance
against my dragons!

This duel's over!

Thanks, yugi.

I'm still a little
freaked out
about all this.

I mean, I never sleepwalk.

not during the day,

And for over a mile!?

Yugi, voice-over:
maybe I should tell tea

That marik took over her mind

So he could confront
his evil side!?

On second thought,
maybe not.

Hey, wait,

Did joey ever finish his duel
against kaiba or what?

No. I left while the duel
was still in progress!

If we hurry
we should get there
before it ends!

I'd never let
a hack like you
defeat me!

Twin-headed thunder dragon,

Attack his
thousand dragon now!!

He's my last hope!

Now for your life points!

Blue-eyes white dragon,

Attack him directly
and wipe him out!

Looks like I win!

Joey, voice-over:
I guess dis is it!

That's right!
Bow down in defeat!

You did it, seto!

Hey, joey, you did ok

But you're still no match
for my brother,
right, seto!?

Out-dueling joey wheeler
is no cause for celebration.

I could have beaten him

What a waste of my time.

Hold on, kaiba!


Wheeler, can't you just
let it go, it's over.

No! It's not over, kaiba!

It's never over.

Not for me, anyway.

You may have beaten me
in dis duel,

And you may even beat me
in the next duel, too,

But I'm gonna keep comin' back
until I win, kaiba!

Dat's cause joey wheeler
doesn't give up!

You'll never have the skills
to defeat me.

Oh, yeah!?

I'll show you some skills,
ya stuck up punk!

forget him, joey!

Duke: yeah, he's not
worth the effort, man!

You guys are right!

I dueled my best out there!

And I made dat rich boy
sweat a few times, too!

Yeah, let's go!

Hey, come ta think of it,
where's yugi and tea?

They didn't stick around
ta see my big finish?

Dat's not cool!

Let's go, mokuba.

There's no reason
to stick around
this dump anymore!

Mokuba: but there's
still one more duel!

Kaiba: what do you want,

I would advise you
to be present

For the final duel
of your tournament,

Yugi will need
your help

To defeat marik
and fulfill
his destiny.

No thanks, as far
as I'm concerned I'm done.

Battle city's over for me

And the sooner
I put this all behind me
the better.

I've had about all
I can take of you people.

So leave me alone
and have a nice life.

Kaiba, wait!

Walking away now
is a huge mistake.

And why is that, ishizu?

Let me guess,
you read about it

In one of your
ancient fairy tales?

Come on, mokuba!

Your future's at stake!

And deep down you know that
as well as I do, right?

I know you are able
to read the ancient
egyptian text.

And you're well aware
of what is written
on the stone.

The sorcerer may have been
the pharaoh's rival,

But he was also his friend!

The sorcerer is you, kaiba.

And you must do for yugi

What you did for the pharaoh
, years ago--

Help your friend!

Without you
he can't save the world
from destruction!


Don't you realize that
if you continue to deny
your ancient heritage,

The entire world
will suffer because
of your stubbornness!

Your rivalry with yugi
has been in existence
for thousands of years!

And it will continue
to exist for eternity!

As a skilled sorcerer,
you constantly
challenged the pharaoh,

his skills in battle.

And it was
with your help

That the pharaoh
was able to save
his people.

History is now
repeating itself, kaiba.

Yugi needs you!

That's enough, ishizu!

I hosted this tournament

So I could become
number one!

Not to help yugi!


You were destined
to organize
this event, kaiba!

And you had
no choice
in the matter!

You were guided by
a force beyond
your control.

And if you leave now,
you'll be turning
your back on mankind!

Kaiba: that duel tower
stands as a symbol

Of my hatred for my father!

I can't stand
the sight of it, ishizu!!

I see.

That's why you must go?

To run away
from your father!?

Don't you realize
that this is about more

Than just you
and your family, kaiba!?


I designed
this whole tournament!

And I was robbed
of my victory!

But I can still
bury my past

By destroying
that duel tower!

prepare for detonation!

Mokuba! Did you hear me?

I heard you,

But I don't think
destroying the tower's
gonna solve anything.

All it's gonna do is
cause more destruction,

More anger,
and more hatred.


I think what yugi said
about you is right!

You're filled with hate!

Yami-yugi: you battle
for all the wrong
reasons, kaiba!

Fueled by your anger,

Your hate,
your jealousy,

Your rage, and lastly,
the denial of your past!

And you'll never
be a success, kaiba,

Until you defeat
the monsters inside
your heart!


You really k*ll me,
ya know dat?

You've lost it.


I just find you

Come on!

I mean lighten up,

Look, you and I
are fightin' a great
duel right here.

So relax and have fun!

Why don't you smile anymore!?

I know our childhood
wasn't the best

But at least
we had fun sometimes!

And now you're always
in a bad mood!

And I want it back
the way it was!

Those days are over!

They don't have to be!

You can change!

Instead of causing
more damage

Why don't you
help yugi win

And prevent more damage?

If you know the secret
to defeating marik,
then tell yugi!

Kaiba, voice-over:
how can I help yugi
win my tournament!?

The reason I organized
the battle city tournament
was so I could defeat him!

well, look who finally
decided to show up!

Tea: is your duel over?

Yes it's over!

What's da big idea
walkin' out on me
when I needed ya?!

It's not what
you think, joey.

don't worry about it, guys.

Joey got his butt kicked.

The only thing you missed
was seeing kaiba
make the poor guy squirm.

Awwww, joey,
you lost your duel?


Come on, tristan,
joey did a pretty good job!

Kaiba just did
a much better job
that's all!

You'll get him next time.

Or the time after that.

Joey: look,
can we just drop it!?

Let's all focus on yugi,

He's about to fight
da duel of his life

Against dat evil freak,

Marik, voice-over:
soon all egyptian god cards
will belong to me,

And the world will cower
at my feet!

Ah! The pharaoh has arrived!

He'll soon learn
what suffering
is all about,

As he joins his friends
in the shadow realm!

And before long
the boundless power
of the ancient ruler

Will course
through my veins!



You have no idea
who you're
messin' wit!

Just be careful
out there, yuge.

And remember,
dis nutcase plays by
his own rules.

Yeah, just think a' mai.

Havin' her
in da shadow realm's
bad enough.

But if you beat
dis freak, yugi,

You'll save mai--
not to mention
the entire world!

I'll do my best.

Marik, voice-over:
that fool thinks having
two egyptian god cards

Will give him the advantage.

But even slifer
and obelisk together

Are no match for
my winged dragon of ra!

I'm afraid yugi's chances
of defeating marik

And winning the tournament
are slim.

Marik's too tough.

But as mokuba said,
I've figured out

The only way to beat
his winged dragon of ra!

There's one card.

Just one that can do it!

This all-powerful card
lives in my deck
and my deck alone!

But it's not just a matter
of holding this card.

It has to be played
in a certain way

In order to take down ra.

Hey! Where ya goin'!?

To the top of my duel tower.

Mokuba: does this mean
you're gonna help yugi
win, seto!?

Just follow me.

Kaiba, voice-over:
I could just stand by

And watch yugi fall
at the hands of marik.

I have to admit
I'd enjoy seeing
yugi lose.

But it might
be interesting

To see if he has
what it takes

To properly
use this card.

Ishizu: I hope
you've made the correct
decision, kaiba.

Raise the platform!

The final duel
of the battle city

Is about to begin!

Kaiba: hold on, yugi!

I've got something
you need!

Yami-yugi: really?

And what's that, kaiba!?

Take this!

Kaiba, voice-over:
this is the ultimate test
of yugi's skill.

If he plays this card correctly,

There's a slight chance
he'll defeat marik.

If not, it's all over!
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