03x41 - The Final Face Off — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x41 - The Final Face Off — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh..."

Marik: soon all
egyptian god cards
will belong to me,

And the world will
cower at my feet!


You have no idea who
you're messing with!

Just be careful
out there, yug?

This nutcase plays
by his own rules.

I'll do my best.

Kaiba: I'm afraid yugi's
chances of defeating marik

And winning
the tournament are slim.

But as mokuba said,

I've figured out
the only way

To beat his winged
dragon of ra!

There's one card
that's can do it.

This all-powerful
card lives in my deck

And my deck alone!

Where you going!?

To the top
of my duel tower.

Roland: the final duel of
the battle city tournament

Is about to begin!

hold on, yugi!

I've got
something you need!

Yugi: and what's that,

Take this!


Kaiba, thinking:
this is the ultimate
test of yugi's skill.

If he plays this
card correctly,

There's a slight chance
he'll defeat marik.

If not, it's all over!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

why did kaiba give me

His fiend sanctuary
magic card?

He said it was
something I'll need.

But can I trust him?

Kaiba: use it wisely.

Yugi: what is the meaning
of this, kaiba!?

That's for you
to figure out!

that magic card is
yugi's only chance

Of defeating marik's
egyptian god card,

The winged dragon of ra.

But even if yugi does
figure out how to use it,

His chances of winning
this duel are pretty slim.

Ra is a card
like no other!

And although yugi holds two
egyptian god cards himself,

They pale in comparison
to marik's winged dragon.


If you want to
win this duel,

You'll use that card...

Instead of counting
on the support

Of your little fan club.

what does that mean?!

Doesn't he get that

We're all fighting
the same enemy!?

He did give yugi
that card.

Yeah, but I don't
trust him.

If I were you,

I'd toss that card right
off the tower, yug!

Look, yugi.

No one said you had
to use the card,

So feel free
to give it back.

Joey: no! What are
you doing, yug!?


We may not
always agree...

But I still trust you.



The last duel's
about to begin...

prepare your cards!

Marik ishtar will
face yugi muto,

And the winner will receive
the battle city crown!


I have been waiting
for this moment

For my entire life!

Soon your infinite
power will be mine.


Not only will
I defeat you...

I'll free you

From the darkness
that controls you!


Now that
I'd like to see,

So come and get me!

He's gross.

Take him down, yugi!

Yeah, it's all
you, man!

I know that yugi has
two egyptian god cards

And marik only has one...

But yugi's are
gonna be tougher

To summon to
the field!

And why's that?

'Cause in order to summon
obelisk and slifer,

Yugi's gotta sacrifice
a total of monsters!

But marik has
a way of summoning

The winged dragon of ra
with just one card, remember?!

I activate the magic
card monster reborn...

To bring back ra!

Show yourself,
my great beast of the sky!


Prepare to witness
its true form!

The winged dragon of ra
has transformed

Into egyptian god

Now my beast can
instantly destroy

Every monster on your
side of the field!


egyptian god card

Has so many
special abilities

It's almost
impossible to beat!

That's not good.


Joey, thinking:
wait a sec...

Kaiba said that
his fancy computer

Figured out all the secrets
of the winged dragon of ra!

So, maybe the card
kaiba gave to yugi

Can help him defeat marik!


Please cut and shuffle
your opponent's deck.



Shuffle well, pharaoh!

And hope with
all of your soul

That ra ends up
on the bottom!

Thank you.

For what?

Just because I gave
yugi a good card

Doesn't mean
he'll win.

He'll have to figure
out how to use it.

And even if he does,

He'll probably
lose, anyway.

Maybe then you'll
stop believing

That fairy tales
come true!

Yugi's no pharaoh,

And he's not destined
to save the world.

So, wake up and stop
living in the past!

I realized
a long time ago

That the only
way to succeed

Is to look ahead!

That is not true.

Just watch.

I assure you that
before this duel is over

You will believe me,

Mark my words!

yugi thinks I gave
him that card

As an act
of friendship.

That's ridiculous!

is for the weak!

Here's your deck,

Now it's time.

Time for the shadows
to consume your soul!



Destiny's on
my side today!

The whole world
is counting on me!


Your foolish confidence

Shows me that you have
no comprehension

Of the true horror that
awaits you in this duel.


Yugi, don't
listen to him!

Yeah, he's just trying
to psych you out, yugi!

Joey: wipe
the floor with him!

and make him pay for
everything he's done!

Roland: duelists,
take your places!

the final battle is here,

And the fate of mankind

Rests on your shoulders,
my pharaoh.

The evil that now
controls my brother

Must be expelled.

And you are the only one
capable of this task.

If he prevails,

The world as we
know it will perish.

Yugi: I will defeat
you, marik!

I'd like to
see you try.

Commence dueling!



Let the fun begin...



Tristan: I should have
seen this coming!

Oh, no,
it's another
shadow game!

Hang in there, yug.


Now then...

You've witnessed several
of my shadow games before,

But this one will
be different.

I've thrown in a few twists
especially for you!


hang in there, mai.

This is it.

Our last chance
to stop marik!

Marik: now, pharaoh,

It's time to reveal the first
of my surprises for you!

What's going on!?

Mai: please, help!

Marik :see someone
familiar, do we?

It's your dear
friend mai

Slowly slipping
into the shadows.

Once our duel ends,
she'll be gone!


I won't let this
madness continue, marik!


I'm afraid it gets worse.

She's not the only one
who's in danger here.

Why's that?

Just as I said...

I have several surprises
in store for you today.

Are you ready?

Meet my next victim!


[Marik laughing]

oh, no!

Huh? What?



[Marik laughing]

Do you understand
what's at stake now?

Lose the duel,

And yugi goes
to the shadow realm!


This is about
you and me,

So leave
him alone.

That's not true.

You're forgetting
my weaker half!

He's involved in
this conflict as well.

So, if I lose, the shadows
will take him!

No, you can't!

I just did!

The shadow realm will
claim an innocent soul

No matter who wins!

And now, let's duel!

I summon vampiric leech!

Attack him directly!




You've probably
figured this out,

But my leech can
attack instantly!


You just lost of your
life points, pharaoh.

But that's not all.



What have you
done, marik!?

When you lose life points,

Your friend will lose
a piece of himself

To the darkness!


That's madness!

That's ingenious.

Now when your life
points reach zero,

Not only will
I win the duel,

But yugi will
be gone forever!

And the same rule applies
to my former self!

I won't duel!

You have to!

He's right, pharaoh.

You must duel!

I'm in control of
this shadow game!


We're in my world!

I can banish yugi

To the shadow realm
any time I wish!

You'll pay for
what you've done!

I disagree.

It is you
who shall pay!

he may not realize this,

But when yugi's body is
consumed by the darkness,

The pharaoh will cease
to exist in this world!

For without a body,

He's nothing but
a wandering spirit!


Yugi: we can do this!

Ever since you
and I first met,

We've faced everything
together as a team!

This shadow game
is no different!

You're right...

I'm still right
here next to you...

And we can defeat
marik together!

He'll never win this!


The future of
so many depends
upon our victory.

We can't
let them down.

[Thinking] this is
the most important
duel we've ever fought.

If marik were to prevail,

He would gain all
egyptian god cards

Along with the key
to infinite power,

And innocent souls

Would be forever lost
in the darkness.

I'm now certain
the reason yugi

And I were
brought together

Was so we could win
this one duel!



Failure is not
an option!

That jerk!

Only marik could think up
a game this sick!

poor yugi.

If he loses, he'll be
gone forever!

You can beat
this guy, pal!


Now then,
it's still my turn.

So, I shall
activate another

Of my leech's
special abilities.

By discarding one card,

I can switch my leech
back into defense mode.

Then why don't
you choose a card

To dispose of so
we can move on.

Not to worry...

I already know
exactly what card

I'm sending to
the graveyard!

my plan is
working perfectly!

Now that my egyptian god
card is in the graveyard,

I can easily summon
it back to the field,

Thanks to my monster
reborn magic card!

Hold on, pharaoh...

I'm not quite done.

My leech moves
to defense mode.

And, finally, I'll place
one card face down!

Now go!

[Thinking] I know exactly
what marik's strategy is!

He transferred his
winged dragon of ra

To the graveyard.

Then he'll use monster
reborn to bring it back,

Just like he did last time.

It's my move!

All right...

I play my queen's
knight in attack mode!

He'll try to
summon monsters

To sacrifice for his
egyptian god card.

Yugi: now, attack
his leech, my queen!


Unfortunately for you,

My vampiric leech
was in defense mode.

So, I don't
lose points.

Yugi: I'll play
two cards facedown.

That ends my turn.

Very well.

Then I'll continue
my onslaught.



Joey: I have a feeling
marik's gonna summon

His egyptian god card

The same way he
did in my duel!


I've drawn just
what I need!

But before I use it,

I have one more thing
to take care of.

So, I summon
my juragedo--

In attack mode!


Now, my beast...

Destroy his
queen's knight!



Are you
all right?!


I'll be fine,
just win this duel!

Next, I'll place two
cards face down...

Now, it's your move!

All right,
here goes!


Oh, no!


This card lets me
move one magic card

From my deck
to my hand--

Once I've discarded
every card I'm holding!

So, I'll take the one
card I need--

My monster reborn!

You're through!

I'm afraid
you're wrong!

Reveal exchange!

This allows each of
us to draw a card

From the other's

Choose a card!


And hand over your
monster reborn, now!


All right!

Nice move, yug!

Take it.

With pleasure.



Too bad.

Now marik can't bring back
his egyptian god card.

little does he know

I have another
way to summon ra!

I'll use
monster reborn

To bring back
queen's knight!

And then I shall summon
my king's knight!


When king's and queen's
knight are in play,

Their special
ability allows me
to summon this...

Jack's knight!

Now I have monsters on
my side of the field, marik!

And you have only one!

I'm not impressed.


You're planning
to sacrifice

All of your monsters

So you can
summon slifer!

And when you do,
I'll be ready!

Come on!

He's bluffing, dude!

Attack this freak!

Yeah, marik's right
where you want him!

It's time to rock
his world now!

Hold on, guys!

Marik still has two
cards face down!

Yugi's gotta
be careful!

Marik: you just
said it yourself...

Your monsters
outnumber mine!


What are you
waiting for!?

Attack me!

once he att*cks,

I'll unleash my
secret w*apon!


Has the mighty
pharaoh realized

That there's no way
he can prevail!?



it looks like the pharaoh

Is afraid to attack.

I end my turn.

What's the deal?

That's it?

Yugi could have done
some serious damage

If he att*cked with
one of his knights!

Don't be so sure.

I think he did
the right thing

By chilling out
and waiting to attack, guys.

I agree!

He's got great instincts,

And he knew
the time wasn't right.

I'd do that, too.

Marik's definitely got
something up his sleeve.


My move!

I'll place one more
card facedown.

All right, now...

I could end
this shortly!


It would be
much more amusing

To extend this game
and prolong your suffering!

Since you're going
to lose this duel

When I play my
egyptian god card...

I've decided to offer you
some assistance, pharaoh,

So, you can play yours!


Therefore I shall
play this magic card--

Card of sanctity!

So, we must each
draw from our deck

Until we're holding
cards in our hand!

Just consider that a gift!

Now, select your cards!

And best of luck.

Who knows what
you'll draw!?


I'm afraid you're about
to regret that move.

Marik: have you drawn your
egyptian god card?

Or do you need more help?

I suppose I'll
find out soon.

I'll switch juragedo
to defense mode

And end my turn.

All right, marik,
my move!

Go ahead,

Summon your
egyptian god card...

If you can!

Let's see what
the great slifer can do!

Yugi: I sacrifice
my jack's knight,

My queen's knight,

And my king's

In order to summon
slifer the sky dragon!

Reveal yourself,
my all-powerful beast!


Just as I thought.

The w*r begins!

All right!

Way to go, yug!

Slifer's got
your back now!

And with ,
attack points,
you're set!

Marik's move backfired!

No matter what he does,
that freak is toast!

So, attack him
and win this duel, pal!

could this be the end?


Behold the power
of slifer...

And its
thunderforce attack!



Your monster's nothing.

I have this!

Reveal magic card--

Dark spell


Hey, seto,
what's that?

It's a rare card.

With it, marik can
move any magic card

He wants from
the card graveyard

Back to the field now!

Any one
he wants!?

Yes, and we both know
what that means!

And now...

I'll choose to play
monster reborn, pharaoh,

Which allows me to revive

My mighty winged
dragon of ra!

Now, my dragon,

Emerge in your
unstoppable phoenix mode!



Marik: my egyptian god

Has neutralized
the power of yours!

In this mode,

Ra is immortal
for one whole turn,

So nothing you
do can stop it!


That thing is nuts!

and I ought to know!

It knocked me out cold!

Thanks to the fiery
wrath of ra,

Little yugi will soon be
consumed by darkness,

And absolute power
will be mine!

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