10x13 - Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Who's the Strongest?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x13 - Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Who's the Strongest?

Post by bunniefuu »

Ichigo and his group had been defeated by the formidable Espada

when the captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads arrived.

Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto

had ordered them to go to Hueco Mundo.

And each challenged the Espada to a battle.

Byakuya and Mayuri had won their battles,

but Kenpachi was still locked in a fierce match against Nnoitora.

Nnoitora's Hierro was considered the hardest among the Espada,

and Kenpachi was facing an uphill battle,

as he was unable to cut through it.

However, upon seeing Nnoitora dodge an attack,

Kenpachi realized that he can be k*lled and relishes the fight.

Nnoitora overreacts and att*cks Kenpachi with his full force,

and cut off his eye patch.


You ripped off my eye patch, so I wasn't able to hold back.

Are you alive?

Or is it just that you haven't died yet?


I'm not going to die!

Pray, Santa Teresa!


Is that all you've got?

What's the matter? You've had enough already?


Six arms!

It's over Soul Reaper.


You can't!

He said so.

This is Kenny's fight.

You heard him, Itchy!

You can't interfere.


Isn't this great?! This is awesome!

This is how it should be!

It's over, you say?!

I've finally gotten a hole myself and now I'm even with you!

All right, let's get started


What is this?!

I'm the one cutting him!

He's the one who is bleeding!

And yet, he's

No matter how much I cut him

He keeps coming back!

I'm the strongest!

The strongest!

I'm the strongest!

You're an eyesore!

Just hurry up and die!


At this rate

I will really die, huh?


I don't enjoy dying.

Cripes I have no choice.

It's been awhile, but I guess

I'll try some Kendo.

What did you say?

When I first joined the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

the old man pigeon-holed me and made me do it.

No good! No good!

It just wasn't for me.

Kendo, the way of the sword.

It sounded so smug, I didn't like it and didn't use it.

But there was one thing I did like about it.

Did you know?

They say the sword is mightier

when swung with both hands rather than one.


What the hell are you saying?

Isn't that pretty obvious?!

Nope, it's not.

Come at me!

You don't know, do you?

Just how much


it is.

Has he given up?

He's just standing there like that!

I'm the strongest!

I am the strongest!

Has he given up?

He's just standing there like that!

I'm the strongest!

I am the strongest!

You're still alive?


You're one strong dude.


See ya.


What? Stop bugging me.

Where are you going?!

It's not over yet!

Are you stupid?

It ended, just now.

I'm under no obligation to finish off a guy who can no longer fight.

Is that so?

Then all the more reason.

It's not over yet.

Because I can still fight!

What's the matter?



You scared?!

Answer me!

Are you scared of me, Soul Reaper?!

What a pain.

Oh well

Come at me!


The annihilation of this colony was not part of your orders.

Why did you m*ssacre them?

Shut up.

No one told me not to k*ll them either.

Lord Aizen's orders were to find the Vasto Lordes.

Mass k*lling goes against his orders.

Not everyone approves of Lord Aizen.

The ones coming at us are elements of the rebellion.

k*lling them benefits Lord Aizen, don't you think?

Was it really for the sake of Lord Aizen?

Didn't it seem that way to you?

Besides, if I could k*ll them off,

they couldn't have been Vasto Lordes.

I think that goes along with following orders.

You're just overreacting because

one or two hundred Hollows were k*lled.

Think hard before you speak, Nnoitora.

Of those Hollows, we just happened to be

fortunate enough to evolve past that stage.

You still disapprove?

Then come at me.

If you think you can beat me.

You amaze me.

You're still a child.

Even after becoming an Espada.


Wait! You

I won't lose!

There's no way I can lose!




Why did you save me?

I didn't save you.

I simply stopped you from

your suicidal actions to prevent a shortage of Espada.

Nelliel I don't like you.

You should know that too.

So why do you follow me around?


you are weaker than me.

Quit joking around.

Every one feels sorry for me.

Don't they realize that only rubs salt in my wound?!

I'll show no mercy!

Whether someone is strong, or whether they're weak.

Whether someone is a mere child, or a beast.

I'll k*ll them in one blow!

So that they'll never have the strength to stand up again.



Nnoi tora?

I was born to fight.

Being pitied by others is a sign of weakness!

Nelliel, I'm stronger than you in every way!


Arrancar Encyclopedia.

We're talking about Nnoitora today.

The secret to Nnoitora's strength lies in his Hierro,

said to be the hardest in the history of all Espada.

With it, he can defend himself against powerful att*cks.

His Resurrección is called "Santa Teresa."


It seems he can produce a sickle from his arm.

How about a corkscrew or a bottle opener, I wonder.

Wouldn't that be convenient?!

Do you wanna get k*lled?!
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