10x16 - Thump! A Kemari Tournament Filled with Hollows

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x16 - Thump! A Kemari Tournament Filled with Hollows

Post by bunniefuu »

Rurichiyo, princess of the Kasumiohji Clan,

a high-ranking noble family of the Soul Society,

was supposed to have returned to her mansion as head of the clan

once the internal strife had been resolved.

However, Rurichiyo appeared once again in the World of the Living.

Rurichiyo, who wanted to hold a kemari tournament

in order to cheer up her subjects,

had a difference of opinion with Kenryu,

who believed that mending relations with other noble families

and the people in power was more important,

and Rurichiyo ran away from home.

Kenryu, however, felt responsible

for being unable to persuade Rurichiyo

and decided to commit su1c1de.

When she became aware of this,

Rurichiyo realized how important Kenryu was to her,

and stopped him from committing su1c1de.

You moron!

L-Lady Rurichiyo

You really are a moron!

Do you really think doing that is going to make me happy?!

Protecting my retainers is my responsibility.

I cannot let you die!

Is that understood?

Then, Lady Rurichiyo

They sure are a handful.

You're telling me.

My, my I guess I will have to give in just this once.

I am so happy that you understand.

I won't have to lose my life for something as silly as kemari.

As silly as kemari?

What do you mean by "as silly as"?

Are you finding fault in my idea?!

No I you know a mere pastime like kemari is

A mere pastime?!

Umm no, I mean

At any rate, kemari is out!

You don't understand because you have never done it!

I have, that's why I'm saying this!

I can do something like that better than you, Lady Rurichiyo!

If you are going to talk like that, let us have a kemari competition!

We shall settle it with this!

Let us say the loser never says anything again!

I wouldn't have it any other way!

How do things get this way?!

So we're participating in this thing too?

Don't complain, Ichigo Kurosaki.

Consider it an honor to be able to participate

in a noble family's kemari competition.

You've got nerve saying that when you forced us into it.

But what's with these teams?!

Sorry, Ichigo.

I couldn't refuse on account of our relationship as nobility.

I was your enemy from the start.

I'll always be together with Rukia!

That's how it goes.

Good grief

This team looks like we're short a member.

What'll we do?

I'm glad you noticed, Ishida.

One of us, whose duty is to admonish Lady Rurichiyo,

has betrayed us.

Unlike Kenryu, Enryu is always on my side!

The truth is,

I want to be on the same team as Lady Rurichiyo too.

That Enryu

Well, anyway

I suspected this might happen, so I've readied a powerful helper!


You're as good as home. Leave it to me!

I asked Urahara Shop to help me find the best helper!

The Kasumiohji Clan is a major customer,

so I have to treat them accordingly.

That's how it is, so thanks for your help, Yoruichi!

Mr. Urahara! Why are you here too?!

Didn't I tell you?

Our store is the top sponsor of this competition!


We have arranged for the referees, as well.

How do you do?

I'm going to watch you very closely, so be ready for it!

You can't be serious.

We will now explain the rules.

Miss Kuchiki.


Kemari is a peaceful ancient sport of Japan played using a ball.

Players kick the ball in the air to a set height

without letting it fall to the ground


by passing it.

Those are horrible drawings, as usual.


All you do is keep kicking the ball within the open space

marked by trees called kakari at each of the four corners.

The rules are extremely simple.

In essence, it's a game where keeping the ball up

and assisting each other are important.

But then there'd be no end.

And that's why

For this competition, we're using a special Kasumiohji Clan rule!


It's nothing all that difficult.

The side that drops a pass loses.

The referees will make the decision.

Do you understand, Lady Rurichiyo?

Of course!

If you win, Kenryu,

I will obediently return to the Soul Society

and do what you say.

If I win, we will hold a kemari tournament.

Is that okay with you?!

That's fine.

Though there is no doubt I will win.

Will it really go as you think?

For this competition,

we've marked the entirety of Karakura Town with kakari.

For the duration of the -minute time limit,

we've set the conditions to be identical to

an Area Freeze and Konpaku Protection,

so please do not go outside the kakari.

What do you mean by "time limit"?

If we keep it frozen for too long, the Soul Society will reprimand us.

Is it okay to do that?

Men shouldn't worry about details!

She's right.

It's much easier to put all your effort into it if there's

a time limit rather than letting it drag on without a resolution!

No doubt.


If everyone's ready, we'll begin.


You put too much strength into it!

Oh yeah!

Lady Rurichiyo!

What do you think of that?!

That's nothing!


Both team captains are going at each other from the very start!

All right! Let's do it, Ichigo!

Got it! You can count on me!

No, you don't!


That's dangerous!

I forgot to mention that it's okay for those without the ball

to obstruct the opposite team.

Say that at the start!

What are you doing, Ichigo?!



The ball's about to go outside the kakari!

This is where I come in!

Everyone might have forgotten,

but I am a Mod Soul, a reinforced leg strength model!

Kon Kick!

How's that?!

I said no going out-of-bounds!

Kon went out-of-bounds

and was blown away by referee Jinta's attack!

There'll be trouble if the Soul Society finds out

that the barrier is being used as a kakari.

To keep it a secret, they must not go outside the barrier.

That's right!

It's that idiot's fault for going out-of-bounds on his own!

There'll be trouble if they find out?

Why the hell are we taking so many risks here?

Got it! Kuchiki, I'm passing it to you!

I am not going to let you!

Come on, Enryu!

What the ”?!

A nice play by Enryu!

Daichimaru is a defense-type Zanpakuto

that can "flip the mats" around in any location.

Even if there are no mats, it can block an opponent's attack

by hardening the surface and standing it up.

What do you think of that?!

Why're you shouting all of a sudden?

Because Enryu is embarrassed to have others hear his voice.

What good is it going to do to scare your teammates?!

Kurosaki! The ball!

Chad! Pass it here!

Go easy!

Ichigo! Go after it using Flash Step!

Guess I'll have to!


I won't lose to you in a contest of speed!

We'll see!

I'm limited in this form.

Okay! Made it with time to spare.

You underestimate me if you think you can overtake me

with such a slow Flash Step, Ichigo!

Put your clothes on!

Looks like Yoruichi transformed!

No problem.

It's his fault for getting caught off-guard!

Lady Yoruichi! Pass the ball here!

Oh fine.

Take care of the ball while I put my clothes on!

What're you doing?!

Sorry I think I used too much strength.


Good job, Orihime!

Did you see, Kenryu?! Our teamwork!

That's nothing!

The real contest starts now!

The way it's going, I won't ever finish.

Ruricchi and Kenryu both went to the World of the Living

and haven't come back.

I wanted to go to the World of the Living too.

Lord Shu! I brought more documents!

There's still more?

Well, about that



I know!

Wait, Kurosaki!



Kurosaki, now!

Thank you, Inoue!

No, you don't! Come on, Kon!

Dance, Sodenoshirayuki.

What're you going to do, Sis?


Grit your teeth!





That was brilliant, Miss Kuchiki!

My nose is bleeding.

You must not go outside the kakari!

Bakudo Number Part : Bankin!

My body!

After all, we are doing this

without telling the Soul Society, so

And I keep asking why you all are eager to do something illegal!

What's this about keeping something secret

from the Soul Society?


What's all this commotion about, Ichigo?


Umm well it's umm

There have been some strong adversaries lately,

so I'm retraining Ichigo.

Special training Is that it?

Yeah You came at the right time!

Someone got injured a while back.

Will you lend us a hand?

I don't know what's going on, but it seems interesting.


Madarame taking the place of Kon!

Hey, wait! We won't agree to that!


We will allow the substitution.


I see you liked the candy

made by the candymaker from the Kasumiohji Clan.

You are a sneaky one, Kenryu.

Not at all.

I'm no match for you, Mr. Urahara.

It's been a while since I've taken you on!

On guard, Ichigo!

Is this for real?!

Wait a

Don't hold back, you!

Why you


Now the real fight starts!

Extend, Hozukimaru!

What does Kurosaki think he's doing,

not bothering to kick the ball?

Beats me.

Hang in there, Kurosaki!

Looks like everyone's forgotten the original intent.

That's a big problem.

Does it really matter?

You really are persistent, aren't you!

Back at you!

Let's put an end to this contest already!

I'm telling you that if you admit you've lost, it'll be over!

Restoring the clan as soon as possible is what's important.

I've told you repeatedly that

providing recreational activities can still be done after that.

Why won't you understand?!

Not yet!

Lady Rurichiyo Why are you so determined to

That's obvious!

Because I want to see smiles on everyone's faces!

Ever since I returned to the mansion,

everyone has been giving up sleep to work hard on restoring the clan.

But there are still many things that are too difficult for me,

so in the end, I am putting a burden on you and the others.


I know!

It cannot be helped because I am still a child!


I thought very hard, wondering if there was something I could do!

Some way that I could make my subjects,

the staff at the mansion, and you smile.

I thought my very hardest!

Lady Rurichiyo

A Hollow?!

Did we exert a bit too much Spiritual Pressure?!

This isn't good!


Lady Rurichiyo!

Shake, Daichimaru!

Lady Rurichiyo!

Lady Rurichiyo! Please get away!

No! I'm not leaving you behind, Kenryu!

“ What? “ Huh?!


Lady Rurichiyo, are you hurt?

No, I am all right.

By the way, what about the kemari ball?

When the Hollow att*cked, it went somewhere.

Which means it fell on my turn.

So this contest is

Is this the Senkaimon?!

Oh, here you are!


Why did you come to the World of the Living, as well?

I wanted to show this to you Ruricchi.

These are letters from your subjects.

Remember you once mentioned you would hold a kemari tournament?

No details were released for the longest time,

so we received many letters from everyone.

See, look!

Isn't that great, Ruricchi?

Your idea wasn't a bad one, after all!

Everyone is looking forward to the kemari tournament!

I see.

But the kemari tournament

Lady Rurichiyo

There could be no more definitive outcome to the contest.

It is clear for anyone to see that I lost.

We will cooperate with all our effort to put on the tournament!

Kenryu! Enryu!

That's how it is!

I have preparations for the kemari tournament that I must attend to,

so I must return immediately.

Sorry for causing a commotion.

Ichigo Kurosaki, we've put you through a lot.



So in the end, what was all this?!

Starting in the next episode, we're going back in time years.

I'm embarrassed to say this,

but it'll feature me when I was very young.

Huh?! Then what about my scenes?

Don't worry.

They booked you a regular spot

in the Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers segment.

So that's how it's gonna be?

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

What're you guys doing?



Ichigo can't read the name of the store.

This character, eh?

It's "Gingokiburi"!

There's no way he'd use the word for "cockroach" in the store name!

And don't you go making an "oh, I see" face too!

Then, "Ginnamekuji"!

That's what I said earlier!

That doesn't make it right!

Ginooyama mayuga!


Get out of here already, you guys!
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