11x02 - 12th Division's New Captain, Kisuke Urahara

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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11x02 - 12th Division's New Captain, Kisuke Urahara

Post by bunniefuu »

One hundred ten years ago

At that time,

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads had different members,

but there were some very familiar faces.

The captain of Squad was Shinji Hirako

who currently resides in the World of the Living as a Visored.

Other Visoreds also held positions as captains and lieutenants.

Furthermore, Aizen was the lieutenant

under Hirako in Squad .

At that time, Squad captain Hikifune

was promoted to the Royal Special Task Force

and left her position open.

Yoruichi Shihoin, who was the captain of Squad at that time,

personally recommended the Third Seat in her squad.


Umm Don't tell me I'm the last one?

I'm sorry I'm late.


Nice to meet you all.


Looks like we got a pretty loose one this time.

Like you should talk.


May I enter?

Don't act like a wimp!

You're now a captain!

Stand tall and enter, Kisuke!


Yes, be quick and enter!


We shall proceed with the installation ceremony.

I'm sure the rest of you captains have heard.

Seven days ago, Squad Captain, Kirio Hikifune,

was ordered to relinquish her position

due to a promotion elsewhere.

As a result, a search had begun for a new squad captain,

and notice was sent to other captains.

The following day,

upon Squad Captain Yoruichi Shihouin's recommendation,

the Third Seat from her squad was summoned.

And yesterday

I, Genryusai Yamamoto,

along with the three captains who were present,

conducted an exam to evaluate

his qualifications to become a captain.

We found no complaint in his abilities and character.

Therefore, former Third Seat of Squad ,

Kisuke Urahara is promoted to captain of Squad .

Umm And so

I'm your new captain.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

I won't accept this!

I already don't like the fact that

Captain Hikifune is gone so suddenly!

But you're from Squad ?! That's the Stealth Force!

Someone who spent his time secretly k*lling people

can't possibly make it as our captain!


You're going too far in front of the captain.

What's that?!

I'm just bluntly saying what you're all thinking!

Don't you guys feel the same?!

How can we follow this new wimpy jerk?!


That's not

What's so funny?!

I just insulted your old squad!

Why don't you react?!

Aren't you angry? You coward!

Well, I'm now the captain of Squad .

That's what I decided when I woke up this morning.

"Once I get out of this bed, I will belong to Squad ."

I decided to become someone

who would get angry at criticisms of Squad .

To be able to choose what upsets you and what doesn't.

I believe such things constitute "being able to start over."

Don't you agree?

What's that supposed to mean?

So silly!


What the hell is he wearing underneath those hakama trousers?!

Cripes That baldy

Now how can I get back at him?


W-What's going on?!

We're moving. Moving.

Move? Who's moving?

Captain Urahara's moving.

Don't call him captain!

Makes me wanna puke!

And what's with all this furniture?!

There's so much junk!

Oh What's the matter?

What're you gonna do with so much stuff?!

Do? Well, my promotion was so sudden

And I felt bad asking the squad members

to help me with something personal.

But as you can see, I couldn't manage by myself.

I won't accept this!

Oh, didn't you say that earlier?

And I'll say it over and over again!

I refuse to accept all this stuff! Ever!



You seem to be all right.

I'm not all right! Baldy!


Damn! I can't stand this! I can't stand this!

I can't stand this!

Every time I say it, I can't stand it even more!


Are you really all right?

About what?

You're not hurt?

Here, a first-aid box.

I'm the lieutenant of Squad !

I'm not a wimp like you.

I wouldn't even get a scratch from that.


Now, now, let's tend to that.


Tend to your own face!


Thank you all for helping me move in yesterday.

I know I had a lot of things,

but I was able to fit them all in the captain's quarters.

Are you crazy? How could they all fit?

No, really. They fit. Wanna come and see?

As if!

And umm

Stop saying "umm "

That's so irritating!

Oh sorry.

And? What is it? Speak up!


Huh? What was I going to say?

How should I know?!

Oh! Right, right!

About the objectives of Squad from now on

I thought about it all night.

About what we should stand for.

Oh? Let's hear it then.


I'm still thinking.

“ Huh?! “ Huh?!

Still thinking?


Still thinking?

And anyway

I have lots of things to unpack,

so I'd like you to wait a bit longer

and give me time to think.

Are you some kind of kid?!

"Still thinking"?!

What is that supposed to mean?!

What's with that face?

I always look like this!

What're you staring at?! Baldy!

I'm not bald, idiot.

You probably heard the rumors and came to make fun of me.

Didn't you, baldy?!

Why would I do that?

I'm just catching some sun, idiot.

I could care less about your squad, idiot.

Quit calling me "idiot", you idiot!

I was going to tell you something.

Now what was it?


Quit saying "umm" when you're around me!

Oww What's the big idea, Hiyori?!

Hey! Stop right there!

What's with her?

She's so upset.

Nice weather.

It sure is.

You got that right.

Oh C-Captain.

E-Excuse us!

Oh no, at ease, at ease.

Don't worry about it.

When things are slow like this, you get so relaxed.


Well, I guess it's okay.

It's not like we've been ordered into action.

There's nothing to do, after all.

You're right.




Not "hello"!

What're you doing?!


It's just so peaceful.

And serene

You're just sitting there in a daze, you idiot!

That's true, but

And you two!

This idiot's contagious loose manners

have infected you both!

Now now

In our long span of life,

relaxing moments like this are very important.

You're too relaxed!

If this goes on, our squad will be known as the hangout for losers!

Although I don't accept you as the captain,

if you're "someone who would get"

"angry at criticisms of Squad "

then show me what you've got!



How about we do this with our bare hands?

No need to use our Zanpakuto.

Spar with the lieutenant without weapons?

That's so reckless.

All right! Here we go!

Go ahead. You can attack me from any direction.


He's so weak.

He didn't even have time to dodge.

“ Captain! “ Are you all right?!

That guy

He totally read my move!

And yet, well aware that he would get hit, he moved back.

Could he have done so to spare me embarrassment from the others?

Why? What kind of man is he?

I don't get it.

As expected

You seem bored.

Oh, Captain Hirako

Just call me Shinji.

We're both captains.

What do you think of Hiyori? A pain in the butt?


She was close to Captain Hikifune thought of her as a mother.

It'll be hard to win her over.

You're right.

I want us to get along, but

It's just not going as smoothly as my predecessor.

Are you being truthful about that?

I don't like to act like I know it all.

But hear me out as one who's been captain a bit longer than you.

Those who rule can sympathize with those who serve,

but they must not show it.

Do things the way you like.

And if no one follows,

then you just weren't the right vessel to lead them.

And besides

You don't look the type to be much good at

thinking about how others feel.

Well anyway

Don't let this bother you too much.

You and I seem to share something in common

and I couldn't help but be a busybody.


How long are you going to stand there and watch Sosuke?

I'm impressed.

How long have you been aware of me?

From the time you were in your mama's womb.

Let's go.

Yes, sir.


What is it?

You're a frightening man, after all.

That's my line.


It's just as you said.

Being a captain looks like fun.


What the hell is all of this?!

Oh, good morning, Hiyori.

Just where do you think this is, you?!

This is the captain's room!

The captain's room!

You can't just go and do your own renovations!

It's okay.

I mean, it's my room.


Besides, it's not a renovation. I just did a little rearranging.

How is this "rearranging"?!

There's absolutely nothing of the old room left!

It doesn't have to be right away.

Just a little at a time

Just try to understand me a little at a time.

And I'll try to understand you a little at a time, Hiyori.


No way!

Oh yes

I have a favor to ask of you, Hiyori.

W-What is it?

I want you to come with me right now to the Maggot's Nest.

Maggot's Nest?!

A sad voice resonates deep within Seireitei.

An ominous shadow beyond the gate.

Next time, the young girl sees!

A cursed labyrinth spreads underground.

The mystery of the Maggot's Nest!

Don't miss it!

What the hell are you talking about?

Is that supposed to be a promo for some sort of suspense-horror movie?

Substitute Soul Reaper Work Journal!

The Combat Pass certifies that one is a Substitute Soul Reaper.


A Hollow?

Don't use the Combat Pass so freely!

Or you'll have trouble dealing with the body

after you transform into a Soul Reaper.

If you use a Soul Candy, you won't even have to leave class!

Kon! Take care of the rest!

You can count on me!

Take that!

Sorry, Ichigo.

What the hell did you do?
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