11x04 - Muguruma 9th Division, Moves Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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11x04 - Muguruma 9th Division, Moves Out

Post by bunniefuu »

One hundred ten years ago,

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads of that day

were different from the present,

but there were some very familiar faces.

The captain of Squad was Shinji Hirako, who currently

resides in the World of the Living as a Visored.

Other members of the Visored also held positions

as captains and lieutenants in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

At the time, Kisuke Urahara became

the captain of Squad upon the recommendation of

Squad captain, Yoruichi Shihoin.

I am considering creating an organization

under the control of Squad

unlike anything ever seen in the Soul Society.

I'm calling it the "Department of Research and Development."

I want you to assume the seat of deputy department head.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

At about the same time at the Kuchiki Clan residence,

a young Byakuya practiced his swordsmanship.

At Squad 's barracks,

Kaien Shiba was being persuaded by Jushiro Ukitake

to be promoted to lieutenant.

Each, with their own motives, spent their days thinking of

the future of the Soul Society and the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.

But glimpses of the start of a nightmare were already showing.


Your skill is even better than I had heard.

How was our Third Seat?

Awful. No competition at all.

I see.

Glad to hear it.

After swinging back to the past and

giving a glimpse of a moment in time,

the pendulum swings several years forward.

The incident occurred nine years

after Kisuke Urahara became captain.

Hey. Good morning.


'Morning, Hirako.

I said you can call me Shinji.

You're such a pain.

'Morning, Mayuri.

I told you to be less casual and call me Kurotsuchi.

You are an irritating fellow.

What a pain in the ass.

Oh, by the way, have you heard about that story?

About what?


W-What was that for, Hiyori?! All of a sudden?!

You haven't greeted me yet!

What's with greeting the other two and leaving me out?!

Why do I have to greet you?!

This mouth! This damn mouth!

Oh yes, Captain Urahara, have you already heard?

Heard about what?

About the violent deaths in the Rukon district.

That's it!

That's what I was talking about!

Good follow up, Sosuke!

Violent deaths?


In the past month or so, there have been a series of incidents where

residents of the Rukon district have been disappearing.

The reason is unknown.


You mean, they went somewhere and never came back?

Are you an idiot? You call that running away.

If they ran away, who cares?

They can do whatever they want.

But this is different. They literally "disappear."

Gone, without a trace, leaving only their clothes behind.

If they died and became spirits,

the clothes they were wearing would disappear as well.

They didn't die.

They vanished alive, unable to retain human form.

That's the only explanation I can think of.

Alive, but unable to retain human form?

Sorry. I'm just telling you exactly what I heard from Captain Unohana.

I don't know what it means.

At any rate, Squad is already there to investigate.

Hey, hey!

Are you listening to me, Kensei?

What do you mean by "unknown"? Tell me, Kensei.

Quiet! Unknown means unknown! Quit babbling.

What's with you?!

There's no need for a captain to go

just to investigate something unknown!

It's unknown, that's why we're going to check it out!

An advance party went out! Ten people!

You could've just waited for them to report,

but you're so impatient, Kensei!

You show off!

“ Lieutenant, please, you're doing it again. “ I'm sick of this sick.

“ Captain! Please calm down, Captain! “ Stupid Kensei, you show off!

“ You know she's always like that! “ Stupid!

First of all,

when did I ever tell you to come along?!

You don't need to come along!

Go home, take a crap, and go to sleep, idiot!

I'm your lieutenant, so I always have to be with my captain!

You're the stupid one for not knowing that, Kensei.


“ Captain! “ Captain!

I'm sick of this!

I'm hungry!

I want to eat ohagi!

The kind with kinako on the outside!

“ What should we do, Captain? “ Nothing but kinako ohagi will do!

“ Ignore her! “ I want the big kinako ohagi!

If I don't get away, I'll end up like that.

I have to get away.

But I can't yell. My legs won't move.






Faster! Run faster!

What're you doing?! Run!

You have to get away right now!

A Hollow!

It's enormous!

What's that?

It's a child!

Let's go.

Damn it!

sh**t It won't let go!


Hey! Hurry and get away! You don't want to die, do you?

Back off, you guys!

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!

Blast away!


Is everybody all right?

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!

Hey! What're you crying for, kid?!

You're alive. You should be happy.


That's asking too much, Captain.

No, it's not.

Come on, stand up, kid.

What's your name?

Shu Shuhei Hisagi

Shuhei, is it?

That's a strong-sounding name. Stop crying!

Why're you crying again?

I said stop crying!

Good grief



Where the hell did you go during the battle?

In those bushes! I found this on the ground!

See? A shihakusho!

There were a whole bunch of these here! Ten of them!

Ten shihakusho?!

Captain, they must be

What, what? Are ten sets important? Tell me!

You idiot.

It matches the number in the advance party!

Huh?! But these were taken off over there!

How could they have been taken off with the sash still tied?

How could they have taken off their tabi socks

with their sandals still on?!


Yes, sir!

Contact Central !

Souls have vanished.

We have our first Soul Reaper casualties!

Yes, sir!


Yes, sir!

There's a possibility of an unknown pathogen

that disintegrates souls!

Request that Squad send lab personnel!

Yes, sir!



Have the main squad standing by and send tents.

We'll set up camp here tonight!

Yes, sir!

If this is the work of an enemy targeting Soul Reapers,

they will eventually target the Seireitei.

We'll crush them here before they get near the Seireitei!

“ Yes, sir! “ Yes, sir!

Get going!

Captain! What about me?

We're checking the area. Come with me!

Kid! You go on home! Before it gets dark!


What? Are you serious about camping out?!

Will there be ohagi for dessert?!

No. If you want some, get it yourself.

Kensei, you're a butt!

Nice. Very nice.

Hey! I'm still waiting for container number !

You're still over there?! Hurry it up!

For goodness sake, at this rate,

it'll be dark before you bring it here.

Oh, shut up!

I was being nice and helping you,

so that's no way to talk to me!

Cut it out, you worm!

What're you so angry about all of a sudden?

That side of you, quite honestly, is a turn off.

I said shut up!

Why do I have to assist you in the first place?!

I'm a lieutenant!

What's your rank? Tell me!

This is absurd.

I have no need for such a thing as rank.

Then I'll tell you!

You're third! Third!

Got that?!

I'm the lieutenant! You're third!

You mustn't order me around!

Do you understand?

Here at the Department of Research and Development,

I am the deputy department head, and you are the laboratory chief.

I outrank you.

If you insist on following squad rules,

then as long as you're here, you must obey me.



What is it now? Please try to be quiet.

I haven't had much sleep, you know.

Do something about this guy!

You haven't taught him well!


What is that?

Oh, you mean this?

It's a prototype of a new gigai.

You remember what Hirako said this morning?

About the incidents in the Rukon district

where he believes people were unable to retain human form,

and their souls would vanish.

Supposing that what he says is true,

I thought that if we were to place a soul

that was on the verge of disintegration into a human mold,

the soul would not vanish.

I'm trying to see if I could apply gigai technology

into making that mold.


Excuse me!

I am Izaemon Todo, Sixth Seat of Squad !

Is Kisuke Urahara, captain of Squad here?

I have come to convey a request from Kensei Muguruma,

captain of Squad !

I see.

I understand.

I will select personnel immediately and send them on their way tonight.

For the time being,

please go back and help Muguruma.

Yes, sir! Thank you very much!

Now then

You heard him, so Hiyori, please go there.

Why?! I don't want to!

Why not send someone lower in rank?

All you do is complain.

If everything is disagreeable to you,

why not quit being a lieutenant?

Why are you so disrespectful, Akon?!

You're asking for it!

It's ready, deputy department head.

Good work.

This really pisses me off!

Sorry about this.

Hiyori, you're the only one

I can confidently entrust a task like this to.

If there's anything you think you'll need,

you can take it, even from the captain's office.

A sample from the site of the vanishing souls

will be very valuable.

I'm counting on you, Hiyori.

Damn it!

I'm gonna demand more for expenses later!

Remember that!

Don't let anyone know about that, okay?

What took you so long, Todo?!

I'm sorry.

I was the only one who went directly to the barracks.

Forgive me.

I'll relieve you. Go inside and rest.

How can you be so lax?

Now that you're back, the three of us will keep watch.

We'll take turns,

one man at a time, every two hours.

Right now, Kasaki is resting inside with the captain and the others.

You take watch over there.

Okay, understood.

How could she fall asleep so nonchalantly

under conditions like this?

Hey, your collar's open.

Kensei, you pervert.

You're annoying even in your sleep.

Want me to whack you?

What happened?!




Damn it!

Keep your guard up, Kasaki!

The enemy is still nearby!

Mashiro! Wake up, Mashiro!


What is this?


Captain Hirako, why was Squad sent to investigate?

Kensei and Mashiro are constantly fighting.

It's so noisy,

the Head Captain hasn't been getting much sleep lately.

It's part of his solution to the problem.

Oh really? Look who's talking.

The Substitute Soul Reaper Work Journal!

Found her?


Damn! How far did she go?!

I'll search over there next!

Okay, do that!

Searching for Soul Reapers

who forgot their Soul Phone and came to the World of the Living

is an important job of Substitute Soul Reapers.

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