13x01 - A New Enemy! The Materialization of Zanpakutō

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x01 - A New Enemy! The Materialization of Zanpakutō

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.


How long do we have to stay in a place like this?

I'm so bored.

I'm going to take a look outside.


Everyone is not here yet.

"Everyone," you say?

How many more are coming?

Well, I'm not sure.

Who cares about the numbers?

In fact, I wouldn't mind doing this all alone.

Shut up.

There's no need to rush into things.

I'll say.

A man without patience is so unattractive.

Welcome back.

We have a new friend.

Look after him.

Hey, he's pretty good looking

Listen, how long are we gonna hang around here?

Just bear it a little longer.

The rest of our comrades will awaken shortly.


The age of Soul Reapers will soon end.


Can't you hear, Ichigo?

This is my


Can't you hear, Ichigo?

What is it? Sure, I hear your voice

Not my voice


I don't hear anything.

What're you talking about?

Then forget it.

No, I won't. Hey, Old Man!


Roar, Zabimaru!

Scatter, Senbonzakura.



Hihio Zabimaru!

“ Yeah! “ Lieutenant!

“ Way to go! “ You can do it!

You haven't forgotten, have you?

When Senbonzakura is controlled directly with my hands,

it doubles in speed.

Your slow Bankai is no defense against it.

Here I come.

Hear my voice.

Hikotsu Taiho!

You used your Bankai there, didn't you?

Captain? Is something wrong?



Wow, that was a great match.

Lieutenant Abarai, your skills have improved.

Thank you.

Oh, Captain!

That's all for today.

Ah yes sir. Thank you very much.


If you'll excuse me.

What's wrong with him?


What's wrong?

What was that just now?


Just come on out already!


Come out, Haineko!

Are you refusing to listen to me?!

What part of me is an old lady?!

You'd better watch your mouth!

“ Hey “ Hey, are you listening?!

You are so fresh!

Lazy! Spoiled! Moody!

I'd like to see the face of the person

who forged such a hopeless Zanpakuto!


What're you hollering about?

Don't scare me like that.

I was just talking with my Zanpakuto.

That was talking?!

Excuse me.

Hello, Rangiku, Shiro.

Hinamori. Isane.

Will you stop addressing me like that

What brings you two here?


It's a notice for a lieutenants meeting.


Something wrong, Shiro?

Are you two doing this on purpose?!


What do you think you're doing here?

Oh, that?

I'm communicating with my Zanpakuto.

Our enemies are becoming more cunning lately.

So we'd better hone our skills too.

And yet that Haineko!

She refuses to manifest today.

She's so useless.

You shouldn't badmouth your Zanpakuto like that.

You must be more magnanimous towards it.

When I was feeling depressed, Tobiume was so concerned about me.

That's when I thought

I'm not alone.

You mean, even your Zanpakuto worry about you?


Speaking about Zanpakuto

My Itegumo has also been slow to respond

these past two or three days.

Yours too, Isane?

Yes. This has never happened before.

At least it's your first time.

It's constant with Haineko.

It's the first time, that's why I'm worried.

Oh, Shiro.

Where are you going?

Stupid, I'm still on duty.


But we brought over some sweet baked beans

that we received from Captain Unohana.

Let's have a tea break, Captain.

These are your favorite treats, right?


I wonder

What happened back there?

This is it.

We've reached our destination.

Let's start!

Let's start!

Who is it?

Who's there?!

An urgent summons?

What could it be at this hour?

What the ”?

An urgent summons?



Captain Hitsugaya.

What's going on?

Calling us out to a place like this

I'm not sure either.

No one had heard about this meeting.



Hey Kuchiki!

You were summoned too?

Yes. I don't know why, but I was called out too.

This certainly is an interesting group of faces to be here.

Are you two standing in for Captain Zaraki?

We've never been summoned as the captain's stand-ins.

But our captain and lieutenant are away.

So if you tell us to stay and listen in, we have no choice.

Yeah? Where'd they go?

I'm not sure. It happens all the time.

Why did the Head Captain call us out at such an hour?

Damn This fog is nasty.

Lieutenant Sasakibe. What's going on?

Where is the Head Captain?


Stay alert for the slightest presence.

He's in cardiac arrest. He's in danger!

Start resuscitation immediately.

Yes, ma'am!

The Head Captain isn't coming here.

Who the hell are you?!

You said the Head Captain isn't coming


What did you do to Sir Genryusai?!

You refuse to answer? Well then

I'll beat the answer out of your body!

The guy's quite interesting.

Want to go for it, Ikkaku?

Stop. Can't you see my Captain is fighting right now?

Try to interfere, and you'll get hurt.


Kokujo Tengen Myo-oh!

You will tell us where Sir Genryusai is!

Your attack won't reach me.

Don't kid yourself!

Look out!


What just happened?!

A Zanpakuto att*cked its master?!

No way

What's going on anyway?!

This is interesting!

Who are you?

Are you Tenken?




Let go, Ayasegawa!

Rein over the frosted heavens! Hyorinmaru!

Sting all enemies to death!



I can't do Shikai!


Roar, Zabimaru!

Growl, Haineko!

Extend, Hozukimaru!

What's going on?

I don't feel any Spiritual Pressure in my Zanpakuto!

Why Tobiume?!


Indeed The Spiritual Pressure is definitely gone.

What's the meaning of this?

It's simple.

You are no longer one with your Zanpakuto.

I freed them from the Soul Reapers.

Our Zanpakuto?

Is that even possible?


What did you do?!

It wasn't me.

It's your Zanpakuto who are doing the destruction.


The Zanpakuto have been released from the Soul Reaper's spell!

What is it?!

Put out the fire! Quickly!

There's something over there!

Who is it?!

Is it a ryoka?!

What is he?!

So easy!

He's so barbaric.


Hurry and make a run for it.

I'm sorry, but I have no time to play with you all.

Forget it. You guys are no match for me.

Let us go. We are summoned.

This was just an introduction.

So you would understand the power of my comrades.

And this is the true appearance of the Zanpakuto

which you deluded yourselves into owning!

The Zanpakuto manifested themselves?!

That's insane!

Is that possible?

Oh dear

Out of the way!



Just who are you?

My name is Muramasa.

Tonight marks the end of

the Soul Reapers' reign over the Zanpakuto.

From here on, the Zanpakuto will rule over the Soul Reapers.

What are you upset about, Ichigo?

I bet I don't get much screen time for this new story arc, am I right?

Isn't the next episode where you get to show off some action?

I doubt it

Pretty skeptical, aren't you?

You'll end up losing more screen time with that sort of attitude.

I'm very sorry. I promise to do my best in the next episode!

Today's segment is on Ichigo Kurosaki's Zangetsu.

Zangetsu is a type of Zanpakuto that is always in released form.

Its Bankai is Tensa Zangetsu.

Getsugatensho unleashes a slashing attack

using ultra-condensed Spiritual Pressure.

Its manifestation is a man attired in black from head to toe.

That's today's lesson on Zanpakuto.

You will find it useful for this story arc.

Oh So that's what this is for?
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