13x08 - Suì-Fēng, Surrounding the Zanpakutō

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x08 - Suì-Fēng, Surrounding the Zanpakutō

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

So the manifested Zanpakuto are being controlled by Muramasa?

Well, it's apparently not that simple.

His power is not really mind control.

He amplifies any dissatisfaction that a Zanpakuto has

and uses that to lead them on.

Which one of us is truly the strongest?

If I can find that out, I will gladly cross blades with you.

In order to get our Zanpakuto back,

we need to fight them and have them surrender to us once again.

I see.

In any case, we found one way to solve this issue.

This is good news.

Yeah, but

It's going to take a lot of time for all of us to find our Zanpakuto

and make them surrender to us.

Will the enemy stay quiet while we do that?

I think not.

We've got to do it anyway.

I'm coming in.

Ah, you're here.

What did you want?

I heard you made your Zanpakuto surrender.

I called you here to find out if you learned anything from them.

I see

They don't remember anything, though.


I'm hungry, Renji!

Shut up!

You really don't

“ remember anything?! “ You shut up, Renji!

Not a single thing!

“ You guys “ This is boring!

“ You're too stupid. “ I'm hungry, Renji!

“ Well, we're your Zanpakuto, “ This is boring!

“ after all. “ I'm hungry!

Are you trying to say

“ that I'm stupid? “ This is boring!

Stupid Renji!

“ You could say that. “ Stupid Renji!

“ Shut up! “ Stupid, stupid, Renji!

Hurry up and turn back into Zanpakuto!

I don't want to!

We can't tease you if we're Zanpakuto!

You bastard!

Catch me if you want me to turn back!

Hey! Get back here!

Why should I?!

Stay still, damn it!

Oh, my. You're full of energy.

But this is Squad Four's barracks.

You mustn't romp around like a child

Lieutenant Abarai.

I hear Zabimaru lost to a Soul Reaper.

Yeah. Getting beaten by a Soul Reaper

How pathetic!

You think you can say whatever you want

just because you won your battle?

You only fought a third-rate Soul Reaper!

Your former partner was even worse.

He was the Squad Two lieutenant, right?

I'm surprised you used to work for him.

You bastard! I'm really embarrassed about that!

Stop it, you two!

None of that matters.

We just have to clobber those guys who piss us off.

I really hate guys who only know how to fight.

You're one to talk. You're just as silly as they are.

What do you want, Tobiume? Stop making jabs at me.

Oh, did I hit a nerve?

You're really not cute.

That's why men always run away from you.


Men never go near you because

you always wear that smelly perfume.

What?! You act so innocent,

but men don't go for that nowadays!

Men like stuff like this!

Who'd like a dark-tanned beast like you!

What did you say?!

What of it?!


Save me! Tobiume is picking on me!

Hey, Haineko! Stop telling lies!

See how scary she is?!

You're doing it again! Get away from him!

He doesn't like that!

What's all the fuss?

It's nothing. Right?


Oh! Wait up!


I heard you let a Soul Reaper get away.

That's not like you.

Ichigo Kurosaki He has a special power.

He's just a Substitute Soul Reaper!

If he shows up in front of me, I'll shred him into pieces!

No If possible, I want to capture him alive.

Oh yeah?

I don't mind doing something like this once in a while.

Sounds like fun.

I'm up for that.

Well, I'm sure it'll be a good way to pass the time.

He's in as well.

You were pretty reckless.

It'll take a while for you to heal.

Take it easy and rest up.

Thank you very much, Lieutenant Kotetsu.

Ichigo I'm sorry.

Rukia Why did you go back by yourself?

As I said before, there's no way that Byakuya would die so easily.

I am well aware of that.


I have an indescribable anxiety.

Leave Byakuya to us.

We'll find him.


Ah! There you are!

I finally found you.

I hear you got back your Zanpakuto.

Tell me all about it.


Don't let your guard down!

I know that.

What's wrong?!

Jeez, you've got to be kidding me.

Making me go check the past archive records

to see if a Zanpakuto called Muramasa ever existed

Honestly, what a pain.

He shouldn't complain.

He jumped at Captain Ukitake's request

because he didn't want to do an investigation of Seireitei.

Did you say something?

“ Nothing, sir! “ Nothing, sir!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Are you all right, Lieutenant?!


Who put this thing here?


Oh, my!

What is this?!

What's going on?

Who's there?!

How pathetic.

They're not even good for warm-up exercises.



“ Delicious! “ Delicious!

Could it be that you're

That's right. I'm the mighty Gegetsuburi!

I see, I see So you're Gegetsuburi.

You truly are my Zanpakuto!

You look pretty stylish!

Huh? Have you ever looked in the mirror?

You're balding!

I'm not balding!

This is a hairstyle!

That's lame.

You're the reason why my manifestation looks like this!


For someone who's supposed to be my Zanpakuto,

your taste is pretty messed up!


Want to fight?

Heh! I'm going to make you surrender to me!

Try if you can!

Stay out of this, Hozukimaru!

I don't like interfering with other people's battles anyway.

Oh, no. Did I kick the wrong one?

Looks like it.

It's no big deal. It's just Omaeda.

Anyway, I never expected to find Zanpakuto here.

This is perfect. I'm going to show you the results of my training!

Who the hell are you?!

I missed you, partner!


That w*apon

That's right!

I'm Hozukimaru!

Are you really Hozukimaru?

Want to confirm it?

How do I do that?

However you want.

Let's see

Well, it's been a while, so why don't we do "that"?


If you're really Hozukimaru,

you should be able to keep up with me.

I see "That"

Let's do this!


“ Luck, luck, luck! L-L-Luck! “ Luck, luck, luck! L-L-Luck!

“ Luck, luck, luck! “ Luck, luck, luck!

“ Luck! “ Luck!

“ Luck, luck, luck! “ Luck, luck, luck!

“ L-L-Luck! “ L-L-Luck!

“ Luck, luck, luck! “ Luck, luck, luck!

“ Luck! “ Luck!

“ Luck, luck, luck! “ Luck, luck, luck!

“ L-L-Luck! “ L-L-Luck!

“ Lucky! “ Lucky!

What the hell are you two doing?

What? Did you forget about it, Ichigo?

It's my "Lucky Dance"!

I showed it to you the first time we fought!

You did?


Anyway, your dance was perfect.

You are, without a doubt, Hozukimaru!

This is perfect.

If I defeat you, my Zanpakuto power will return.

Will you be able to?

I'm going to give it a try.

You're open for an attack!

I missed!

What's the big idea?!

It's your fault for not paying attention in battle!

What a cheater.

Winning is all that matters!

If you're my Zanpakuto,

you know my rules for fighting, don't you?

Of course.

Battles are always fought one-on-one.

Whoever dies

no regrets!

What's wrong?!

My Zanpakuto can't be this weak!

Don't be hasty!

We've only just begun!

So you can fight!

You're really blood-thirsty, aren't you?

We both are.

This is where the real fight begins!

In that case, I should start getting serious.

Huh? What's that?


Are you all right?! Hey!

You again?!

Stop sneaking around and come on out!

As pitiful as he is, my Soul Reaper partner

is a member of the Stealth Force, after all!

I see

That's how it goes!

That's not going to work!

This is nothing


Are you all right?

What's this?

Is this all you've got?

You bastard!

Wait, Ichigo!

Don't interfere.

This is my battle.


Stop right there!

We've surrounded the area.

Sorry, but that's the situation.


Wait, Captain Ukitake!

This is my battle!

This is no fun.


I said, that I'm done for today.

You can't do that.

What are you doing?! Hold him down!

Yes, ma'am!

Wh-Where is he?

He's gone!

Don't let him get away! After him!

It's no good.

His Spiritual Pressure is already gone.

Captain Soi Fon!

What should we do with him?

Shall we hand him over to Lieutenant Omaeda?

Where is Omaeda!

Over here!

He's unconscious, though.

Lieutenant! Pull yourself together!

There's no need for that.

Leave him!

My, my You sure are strict.

For the time being, I think we should hand that Zanpakuto over

to the Department of Research and Development.

That's fine.

Come to think of it, where's Ichigo?

Isn't it obvious?

Don't think you can get away from me.


That was !


Huh? Where's Gegetsuburi?

I sent him to the Department of Research and Development.

Oh, thank you very much. Wait, what?!

Don't worry about Squad Two.

From now on, you can focus on your family business instead.

What's going to happen to me and Gegetsuburi?!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Food tastes best after a training session!

Today I'm having


What is this?!

Hey! Don't let my frog loose!

You still have much to learn

What happened to the food inside?

Perhaps the frog ate it.

My lunch
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