02x15 - Little Miss Dangerous

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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02x15 - Little Miss Dangerous

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Cat?
Yeah, babe?

I got a guy.

I got him up to $90.

We got another show.
I'll be right back.
He's a sailor.

You're not a whore,
you're an actress.

You're an angel.
It's $90.

Forget the bucks.
How are you feeling?

Why are you always
asking me that?

I just hope you're
feeling okay, that's all.

I feel okay.

I feel fine.

Cat? Can I go?

You're gonna go
whether I say yes or not.

I'll be back
in 15 minutes, okay?

I'll be waiting
outside, okay?

It's gonna be great.

Watch it, lady.
Young man....


Come on, baby, come on.
Let's go home.

It's time
to go home now.

The ritual again included
burning the victim's clothing.

The lab confirms
a four to four-and-a-half
inch blade...

with the previous victims.

Any signs
of any kind of struggle?


What about those drawings?

Psych report's pending.

All primary personnel
are now on 1 2-hour shifts.

And all days off are cancelled
till further notice.

Familiarize yourselves well.

This is our top priority.
Work the prost*tute theory.

One of these women
might be k*lling
her customers.

Wonder if they painted
each other?

You're gonna hear
from my lawyer.
Yeah, right.

You're gonna hear
from my lawyer.

Did you get the k*ller?
Come on.

Does this crackdown
mean that you are gonna
step up...

the investigation
on the Crayon k*ller?

Actually, we are recruiting
for the bowling league.

We're looking
for a few good men.
Yeah, like Two Tone here.

A guy who really knows
how to keep himself
out of the gutter.

Right, man?

these killings are hurting
everybody's business.

And there's some girls
who's babies are not
gonna eat tonight because...

their dates
are too frightened
to come down here.

I'm not talking about myself.
I got some good stuff
tucked away.

I'll take your word for it.
If I see anything,
you'll be the first to know.

Thanks, honey.


So what do you do?
I work.

What do you do?
I work.

Yeah, I bet.

Ahem, well...

I work at Sex World, but...

I want to be an actress,
so when I'm not there...

I watch a lot of TV
so that I can see what
the other actresses are doing.

Tonight I was just out
getting some air.

You got any ID?

No. Somebody
took it when I was doing
my act the other night.

But I think
I know who it was.

What's your name?


What's your last name,

What's yours?

Nice to meet you.


So, when were you born,
Gonna send me a card?


June 21, 1967.
I'm 18.

Are you sure?
I'm sure. You don't
have to believe me.


I want you
to take this number.

Give a call in the morning.
There'll be someone there
that can...

help you find a job
and a place to stay.
I have a job.

They'll find you
a better job.

Come on, just take it.

even if you throw it away,
just take it.

Do me a favor.

Whatever turns you on.
I got to go.


What are you doing?
That kid.

That's a woman
in a miniskirt, not a kid.


They just get younger
every year.

Pal of mine, we just get
older every year.

Yo, mama. What it is?
What are you doing,
you packing it in?

I'm packing,
but I ain't taking it home.

I got to go downtown
to run some backgrounds.

Add another one
to your list.

What are you gonna do for me?
Hey, woman.

Those clothes have
gone to your head.
Give me that name.


Feels nice, Cat.

It always feels nice
when we're together, baby.

But things have got to
where we've got to
make a change.

We can't let
what happened
ever happen again.

You're gonna
have to stop it.
Stop what?

Nothing, baby.

We're gonna
have to leave this place.

Gonna have to make
a brand-new start.

You know...

I've been thinking.
I know this is gonna
sound a little weird, but...

I've been thinking,
and the more I been
thinking about it...

the more I realize
that maybe it wasn't....

I don't want to let
what we have slip away.

You know, life is short.
You know what I mean?

That's why I want to say...

will you marry me?

What do you say, baby?
Take our show on the road?

I'm not ready
to get married yet.
You know that.

And we have a home already.

Aren't you happy here?

Yeah. I'm happy here, baby.

Sonny? Gina.

I found someone you might
want to talk to.

The key is to find
magnetic north.

Then reception is no problem.

All the voices of the universe
become one.

Gable knew it, Wells knew it.

All the stars knew it,
and the Europeans.

You're absolutely right.

Don't fall in love.
She'll break your heart.

How you been doing,
Hanging in there, handsome.

You know something?

Truffaut and I were born
on the same day.

No kidding.
Oh, yes.


tell him about the guy
you saw the night before last.

Was that a European movie?
No. Not a movie.

You know, the guy
you saw waiting outside
when the sailor got k*lled?

Yes. He walked right through
my living room.

Do you know
what he looked like?
He was weird.

Very weird. You know.
Would you like these?

Isn't that nice?

Big. Blond. Nervous.

Nearly knocked me down
when he went in.

And then when he came out,
he had someone with him.

But I wasn't paying attention
because the landlady
started screaming...

and the cops were coming--
That's all right.

Do you suppose that
you'd recognize him
if you saw him again?

I don't know.

I hope so, because he....

I have something to give him.
Yes. He dropped it when
he came out.

I have it. It's somewhere
around here. Where is it?


Got to be here.
I saw it.

Why can't I find something
when I want it?
I know it's here.

It's here.

Ah! I think I found it.
Here it is. Found it.


That's trash, it isn't art.
But that's what's
selling these days.

Couple that just came in here.

Thank you.

Is it worth a beer to you?

It sure is, darling.

You never bought me one
that easy.

You never asked.

Jackie. It's Ricardo.

b*at it.

Det. Tubbs?

Detective? Oh, jeez!

This is not
what you think.

This isn't
what it looks like.

This is not
what you think.

Don't take off your clothes.
It's quicker
than posting bail.

I'm not gonna bust you.

Well, then,
what do you want, Ricardo?

Did you call that number?
No, I tore that up.


Look, I can
take care of myself.
I have my own life...

my own home.

Nobody can kick me out
'cause I pay my rent.

Yeah, I noticed.

Sex doesn't affect me.

I'm just
a physical substitute.

I've been used to that
my whole life.

Come on outside
after you put your clothes on.

Here you go, darling.

You stay away
from those Fifth Street winos.

I'm the jealous type.

You, sir,
are a gentleman.

Don't tell anybody,
you'll ruin my reputation.

You're also very lucky.
There's the fellow
who dropped that picture.

Are you sure?
Oh, yes.

He ain't a blonde.
It's him. It's the artist.

Okay. Okay.

So should I apologize
for tearing up
that piece of paper?

Yeah. Come on.

So? So how old are you?
Old enough to know better.

Better than what?
Let's go get
something to eat.

'Cause I'm hungry.

Yeah, I'm always hungry.

Where we going?
Just going to get
something to eat.

Hey, this isn't work.

Hey, thanks anyway.
Come on, baby,
you come eat with me.

Excuse me.

Back off.
Stop it. Stop it, Cat.

Lighten up. I'm a cop.
I don't give a damn
who you are.

Shut up.
You got nothing
On Me, Man.

Good. Just who I was
looking for. Nice job, Rico.

I don't know
what you're doing, man.

You are getting arrested
for assaulting an officer.

And that ain't all.
I'll tell you the rest
on the way downtown.

I love you, Jackie.
Now you go home, you hear?

You go home
and you stay there.

Shut up.

I'm gonna sue you
for false arrest.


I don't know a thing
about any damned drawings.

Don't damn me.
You're a liar.

What does Cat stand for?

Stand for anything, man.


Any kind of cat you got,
I'm up for it.


That's the last thing
I'm gonna say to you.

Where were you
three nights ago...

between 11:00 and 2:00?

Look, man, we've been
through this. I told you,
I was at the theater.

I'm a performer.

You got nothing on me, man.

This is rigged.

You're putting the finger
on me just so some cop
can steal my girl.

The person that gave us
the drawing said...

you were outside the hotel.

Maybe this person
caught my act and they were
dreaming about me.

Maybe they saw you
drop that drawing
on your way out.

After you k*lled that sailor.
It wasn't me.

No. I don't
go into those places.


You just go around
k*lling johns...

while Jackie pays your rent
on her back!
No, damn it.


He ain't gonna
steal my girl.

He's not trying to.

You see, it bothers him...

that someone so young
is turning tricks.

Tell me about it, man.

There was this guy,
he was gonna put her
in a snuff flick.

You know,
knight on a white horse thing?
I saved her.

Look, I've tried to make
her life the best I could.

You really love her?

More than my own life.

I'm still waiting
on questioned documents.

I got background
on the McSeiden girl.

Both parents are dead.

She's been in
a state orphanage since age 6,
and she ran away a year ago.


That's worth a thank you,
Trudy, or...
All right.

...maybe dinner, wine.
Yeah, thanks,
Trudy. Thanks.


Can you hold on
just a second?

What's so special
about this kid?

Look, I'm trying to get
a rundown on this drawing
we found last night.

And I'll have to talk
to you later. Yeah.

Okay. You got the prelims?

On the drawing?

It's a.... It's a match.

Hey, man, thank you very much.
Very much.

Don't get your hopes up.
Cat's gonna walk.

Bag lady couldn't identify him
from the line-up.

Man. He's not right.

That doesn't make him
the Ripper.

Come on. Castillo wants
to talk to us.


Give me a minute.
Make it quick.

What are you doing here?

We never had that dinner.
I was wondering
if you were still hungry.

Jackie, I'm working.

But I did want
to talk to you. Listen...

can you get away from Cat?

Come here.

I'm gonna give you
an address...

of an apartment,
and I want you to go there
and spend the night.

I'll be by later on, okay?
I'll be ready.

No, I don't mean it like that.
Here's the key.

I just don't think
that you're safe with Cat.

I'll explain later on tonight.
Whatever you say, Ricardo.

What are you doing here?

Did you come
to see him?

You did, didn't you?

Pal, let's take it
to the street.

Get your hands off me,
I'm free! Jackie!

We were discussing Cat.

Give me your reading.
I think Cat's wrong,

and I think
he should be watched.
So do I.

Then watch him.

And do your social work
on the outside.

And they tried at five
different foster homes.

Jackie always ended up
back at the orphanage.

Doesn't say why.
But I can guess.

Can't say
you haven't heard
that one before.

Yeah, it's a sad song.

And every time I hear it,
it's even sadder.

It's not number one
on our charts, is it, Rico?

God, you always bring me
to the nicest joints.


Hey, baby, don't move
those cute little hips away
so quickly.


Cute thing like you,
I could be jumping jack flash
right here in the car.


Let's go.

All right.

Cat comes on
in about 30 minutes.

And in an hour,
and an hour-and-a-half.

The guy's a real trouper.

You sure you want to know
how he and Jackie
pay the rent?

at the 95th Street
safe house.

I gave her the key.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Sex World.

The world of the greatest
pleasure, sex,
you know what I mean?

The pain and pleasure
of hidden love.

Hey, Larry, there's
somebody in that car.

Guess who, guys?

Yeah, the lab says
the s*ab wounds
aren't more than an hour old.

If Cat can do this
strapped to a stage...

he's got a hell of a career
ahead of him.



How you doing?

Okay. I missed you.
You did?

I brought you
some fruit.

Here it is, Jackie.

Thank you.

Let's toast.
To what?

I was thinking
about you today, at work.

What about?

I was thinking about you
growing up in an orphanage.



why did you leave so soon?

Ran away because
I didn't like being there.

Shame on you.
You ran away?

I'll be doggone.

They kept sending me
to different foster homes.

So I left.
So none of the homes
worked out?


They all had a little girl
who d*ed, and they couldn't
have any more children.

Or they thought that
having a kid...

would make up for all
the things that were
wrong with their lives.

I was just
a physical substitute.


They never wanted me for me,
which I can understand.

What do you mean by that?

I wasn't good enough
to be loved.

Guess what
we get to do tonight.
As long as it isn't paperwork.

MO files.

Jackie. Baby?




You seen Jackie?
I haven't seen
anybody, man.

It's showtime.
You got a show to do later.

Yeah, but I can't
go on without Jackie.

Showtime, baby.

Jackie! I love you!

Give me back my girl!

Ritualistic sketches

obsessive component consistent
with inadequate personality.

They actually
pay somebody
to write that?

You want to go halves
on a couch?

Only if I can
go to sleep on it.


Baby, where you been?

You didn't come
to the show last night.

And you know I can't
do it without you.

It doesn't matter
what you say, Cat.
I'm leaving.

Where are you going?

It doesn't matter.
I'm just going.
Hey, we got plans.

Hey, we're gonna go to L.A.
We're gonna get married.

We'll do work out there,
and we'll get to meet
a lot of people.

You can't do it
without me.

They'll catch on.
They'll hurt you.

He'll hurt you.

You know I'm right. Jackie.

Jackie, I love you.

Cat, I'm sorry.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Good news?

Yeah, I got a couple
of different halfway houses
that'll take Jackie.


Someone left this
downtown for you.

I don't know.
There's a card in there.


I got to take care
of something right now.

Good luck.

Yeah, Crockett.

It's Cat. I'm gonna give you
the deal of your life.

All right, let's hear it.

I'm gonna give you
the k*ller. Yeah.

On a silver platter.

You and your buddy
will get your names
in all the papers.

What's the deal?
You forget about Jackie...

and you leave us alone.

You understand?
Okay. Where are you?

Meet me in an hour.

In the alley behind
the Ardmore Hotel.

Look at you,
you didn't even
finish your sandwich.

I wasn't hungry.

Did you really
like the flowers?

Yeah. I really
liked the flowers.

We got to do some talking.

About your future.

Well, I'm gonna stay here
with you, right, Ricardo?

You gotta have some new things
happening in your life.

Now, I've already contacted
a couple of places that are
interested in talking to you.

Don't you want me?

Yeah, I want to help you
to help yourself.

You can change your life,

I'm gonna take
a couple of days off.

you and I will get together
and go check these places out.

What do you say?


Will you at least
stay here with me tonight?

I'm scared in this house.

Okay. I'll sleep
on the couch.

No, I'll sleep on the couch.
I slept here last night.

Kiss me.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Why are you doing this?
What are you doing?

What are you doing to me?

I'm not doing anything
except trying to be
your friend.

You gave me a key
to this house.

You talk to me.
Come on, Jackie.

When I used to work
in New York...

I knew a lot of girls,
they were in the same place
you are.

And I remind you of them.

Haven't you ever had
a friend?

Someone who believed in you?

Well, I'm your friend.

Trust me.

You don't have to
be like them, Jackie.

You got to get some sleep.
We got a lot of work to do.

Okay, nice and easy.

Take a walk.

Okay, man,
put your hands on the wall
where I can see them.


Okay, man,
where's my girl?

You are making
a big mistake, pal.

No, you are making
a big mistake.

If he thinks he can steal my
girl away from me...

just 'cause
he's some slick cophead...

I got things
he ain't never had, man.

Yeah, I saved myself for her.
Now, where is my girl?

Freeze, police!
Don't move!
I'm a cop!

Stay right there.
Keep them up.

Don't move, now.

I brought you some juice.
You never give up, do you?

You know I'm going
out on a limb for you,
don't you?

You believe me?


Okay, time to go to bed.

All right.

Have sweet dreams.
You, too.

And don't forget
to say your prayers.

Good night, Jackie.



The girl is the Ripper.

Get every cop you can
to the safe house
as soon as possible.

The phone is
out of order.


What are you doing? Jackie?

I understand.

I think I've learned.

I don't want to hurt you.

I love you.


Crockett, sh**t the lock.

Get out of my way, Crockett!!

Jackie, no!

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