02x15 - Subpoena Envy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x15 - Subpoena Envy

Post by bunniefuu »

Nahum did you see his eyes shift mr.

Olsen I have a lease agreement showing

that ships involved in toxic dumping off

New Jersey can be traced back through

dummy corporations to you here at Rico

chemical lease agreements obtained from

an anonymous source within your company

source never expected a source you see

that bead of sweat right here see it boy

I could look at this all day

did you use any time for lunch my golly

you're right oh I see you're all jealous

okay fine you'll just have to wait to

see it on the Emmys excuse me miss Brown

oh boy here we go again okay first of

all you're 20 minutes late not a good

sign on your first day and if you are

any of the following a smoker a

manic-depressive a trivia expert a nest

graduate a fan of Donald Trump or a

collector of n*zi memorabilia this isn't

going to work

I'm not here to work for you thanks God

you've been subpoenaed to testify before

a grand jury what I love your show bye

Justice Department is starting an

investigation into Reiko chemicals want

me to testify they're after my source

I've been subpoenaed you brought honor

to all of us at FYI I'm so proud of you

you call yourselves Newsies a problem

here Murphy you can't tell them your

source of course not I have to uphold

the cause of journalistic integrity and

protect the freedom of the press but if

you refuse to testify you to go to jail

Asians Murph I'm happy for you

what's this drink do I detect a little

subpoena Envy I can't help it it's

something I've always wanted the

accolades the media coverage not to

mention the dinner they throw for you at

the Press Club can I smell it

guys I'd hate to rain on the parade but

don't you think we might be jumping the

g*n here I mean how many journalists

really go to jail anymore who's the

judge Norman Whitley chauvinistic

conservative sexist I'm in

are you evil will do anything to get out

of this a great send-off could've been

me this party could have been from me

we'll stop it Frank it's getting old

Murphy I met with legal they're putting

together a strong appeal they assure me

they will have you out in a couple of

hours hey don't spring me too fast give

me time to down some chow and a mess

hall it'll play better on Council you

people are so strange I am sorry but I

hate the idea of you being in prison

Murphy they'll call you names like fish

and squeal and then some cool matron

will throw you into this big cement room

hard and embittered woman and chances

are by then I'll be more interested in

you car key

mr. Fredricksen you can't just show up

here it's very dangerous I know but I

had to talk to in my office

mr. Fredricksen an anonymous source

shouldn't be showing up in a reporter's

office I know but I heard they were

gonna throw you in jail until you reveal

who I am is that true

well yes but it's all part of the job it

gets a little dirty sometimes a little

rough but what can I say Ms Brown when I

brought that evidence I didn't think it

lands you in the pen I'm not gonna let

that happen

I'm gonna go to that judge and come

forward right now hey let's not be rash

about this mr. Fenner if you come

forward your days and shipping and

handling would be over I know but didn't

you tell me you were up for a promotion

well you can kiss that goodbye but put

you in jail doesn't seem like the right

thing to do right what could be more

right than providing for your family

your lovely wife Brenda wasn't it and

how many children did you say you had

four five one one no siblings to rely on

your child needs you mr. Fredricksen now

why don't you just let me take the rap

on this one really this is my job this

is what I'm paid to do well I suppose

you're right of course I'm right now why

don't you go back to work and stop

worrying about me I'll be fine as brown

you are a remarkable woman I will never

forget this oh go on

and this is our recreation center this

is where ladies like to socialize when

they're not involved in other activities

ah wait a minute I think there's been a

mistake I was supposed to be transported

to a prison nestled brook is a federal

minimum security facility the board of

Corrections thought that because of who

you are you'd be much safer here than in

a county lockup look I don't mean to

complain ivy but supposed to be doing a

hard time you know the pen of the river

in the big house oh that's cute actually

you'll be in bungalow 3 it's past the

tennis courts and just before the pool

well I guess that's everything dinner is

at 6:00 in the Monticello room

hello hello yes Sherman Murphy Brown so

what are you in for insider trading

Sydney Lewis eight counts of

embezzlement I didn't do it I wish you'd

stop introducing me that way back it was

a setup I didn't do it

Murphy I believe we met once

Millicent Bain right congresswoman Bain

you siphoned half a million dollars from

a school bond and do you reelect ssin

campaign yes well that was a long time

ago long before I knew the Lord

and why are you here Murphy oh it's a

First Amendment case I'll just be here

for a couple of hours long enough to

have my press conference you'll be

hearing about it soon so what's the

story on this place well uh women are

committing more and more white-collar

crime isn't it wonderful

we're finally starting up the economic

ladder we've come a long way baby

believe it my summer camp was rougher

than this place well perhaps you didn't

realize we also have jobs around here

it's considered a major part of our

rehabilitation yeah I work in a

videotape library no one rewinds they're

such animals

it's crochet look do you want to join us

for making lap ropes for a nearby

convalescent home it's just a little

thing we do to give something back to

society gee I think I'll take a pass

I've got to prepare for my interviews so

I'll just leave you to your arts and

crafts maybe you want to knit a shovel

and dig your way out of here

this can't be the right place there's an

ice sculpture class on the front lawn

for God's sake June you must have come

from my press conference we've come to

lend you a moral support Murphy you'll

understand if I don't look up I've never

been in a prison before and I'm trying

to deal with my fear and disgust

this is nice kind of puts a damper on

the martyr thing do you mind so where's

the press setting up not in front of the

tennis courts I hope funny thing they're

not showing up what talk about your bad


those First Amendment stories are hot

this week seems that a performance arts

student in Arkansas did an erotic

interpretation of the Last Supper the

university pulled his grant he's suing

so so a naked Pontius Pilate makes

better copy than an anchorwoman doing

time in the faculty lounge at Bryn Mawr

please Murphy how can you defend the

Constitution in a prison that serves

breathe Edward Amuro never ate three hey

I'm sorry how do you think I feel I'm

sitting here with the committee to free

Ivan Boesky looking at the floor Corki I

can't help it I love your carpet boy

this really stinks come on let's get out

of here Oh Murphy my appeal did come

through well it's not gonna be much

longer Murphy that darn legal system

it's just a little trickier than we

thought oh wow they've got one of those

stri masters one of those

miles I don't want to stay here

they make us get up at 7:00 we have to

make our beds I have a roommate who has

an autographed picture we all know

Helmsley on the one

Murphy all you can do is try to be

patient and top it out this is great

let's see what this does

I hate this place Oh Murphy

it is horrible here I might have to use

the sauna after this

you don't understand this place isn't

what it seems tomorrow they're gonna

give me a job

oh come on Murphy how bad get a job here


I'm sorry the warden can't be disturbed

yes I can take a message

could you talk a little slower please I

don't know shorthand reprieve wait a

minute that doesn't look right i before

e hey slow down okay I did ask you

nicely and now I'm telling you slow down

hello governor Murphy yes warden perhaps

you'd care to explain this to me it's

that letter you asked me to type I made

a few changes

Murphy you do not punch up a lead on a

letter revoking someone's parole look at

these typos there there there

you've been doing this for a week now

you're still not getting it what exactly

is your problem well it's not so easy

trying to type something when someone is

constantly interrupting you with phone

calls to be made and pestering you for

files she could easily get herself

perhaps you'd rather spend the rest of

your time here gutting trout in the


hey there chain g*ng girl

here's that change of clothes you wanted

finally give it this is nice I

particularly like that color selection

for the East Wing move dusk excellent


what is this

I found it in the back of your closet

behind all those boxy suits you always

were I don't know why it'll wear more

often it was a Halloween costume from

ten years ago I went as a hooker I asked

you prepared a always men hate pantyhose

you walk in the bathroom the first thing

you see these two sugary little legs

hanging over the shower rod like

creatures that are alive you look away

but it's too late

the mood is gone Elvin I want you to go

back to my house and bring me something

I can wear without being mistaken for

Jessica hi I can see your rehabilitation

still has a long way to go I'd like to

leave oh and don't feel you have to

hurry home because I took up the

floorboards in your foyer and I don't

think you can make the jump obviously

we'll need to review the intercom

procedure but first I am still waiting

for that letter

I'll need lunch reservations for 1:30

and get me a first cup of coffee this

one is stale

hello mr. Fredricksen this is Murphy

Brown okay you know we have a talk since

that day you came by the office and I

thought maybe you'd like to stop by for

a little visit and we could just you

know chat they say you can say that


just give me boardwalk which one very

large very red hotel which makes the

rent thousand dollars listen

Murphy maybe we can cut some sort of a

deal I had to liquidate my hard assets

to fight off this hostile takeover

Marvin gardens well excuse me I was just

trying to thin our economies bloated

middle management inside trader dope in

an inside track

a minute Sydney what do you think you're

doing nothing I was just making change

just making change my eye you're

skimming money from the bank and you're

real good at that aren't you

I didn't do it okay congresswoman I'll

take your railroad and we're even a

little bailout from the private sector

roll the dice Beth just give me mu I'm


me too me too quitters yes mr.

Fredricksen I came as soon as I could so

this is where they put you it's nice

don't be fooled mr. Fredricksen it's

still a jail and I'm a prisoner stripped

of my personal freedoms do you mind

Edna we'd like a little privacy here's

why I asked you here mr. Fredricksen we

have a little problem we do yeah you

know when we decided you shouldn't come

forward to testify it made sense but

that was many many days ago and now I

heard they're having trouble bringing an

indictment against Rako it looks like

the bad guys are winning that doesn't

seem fair no it doesn't we need to do

something do you have any ideas mr.

Fredricksen no not really

okay well looks like we should just sort

through this and see if we can't come up

with something now I guess I could cave

in and give your name to the judge but

now that would be turning my back on

freedom of the press so that leaves us

with what

what hey you know what this is starting

to sound like I think your original

instinct was right

you can come forward and nail these guys

really nail them

doesn't that sound right no not coming

forward was the best thing I ever did

that that promotion that we talked about

well I got it plus the a company car

into four weeks vacation and and with

the salary that they gave me I got some

new power tools and and a brand new

stereo system it's not as nice as the

one you've got here but it's nice but if

you don't come forward nothing will

change I'll still be here waiting Miss

Brown I know that is the one thing that

has been bothering my conscience now

that I see this I mean this is really

nice it's not what it seems

last night my cable went out I'm sorry

Ms Brown I know that my testifying would

speed things up for you but but I've

come too far to do that I hope you


you're by this Brown no I don't

understand hey get back here you you

little rat

snitch Stewie

our son will calm out

bet your bottom dollar event tomorrow

they'll be

two more just remember when you speak to

keep your voice down you don't want to

startle her

Murphy Murphy grandpa I have good news

happy news the judge heard your appeal

and granted your release he ruled that

your First Amendment rights outweighed

the courts need for the information do

you understand

it's over after all these weeks I'm free

I can't believe it come on Murphy I'm

taking you home I have to say goodbye to

some people

well I'm getting out just like I said


you know we've shared some pretty hard

times together but I believe that when

you look back on this you'll come to

understand that my time here meant

something freedom of the press is not

just an abstract principle it's the

backbone of our society I believe it was

Oliver Wendell Holmes who once said the

dam blocking the TV I'm ready to go now

miles well warden looks like I'm getting

out of this stinking toilet oh no you're


we have a problem a big problem what oh

I think you know your was $45 in late

videotape charges

hey're miles $45 are you kidding

you can buy a brand-new tape for half

that I think you should wait this
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