01x13 - Doogie the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Doogie Howser, M.D.". Aired: September 19, 1989 - March 24, 1993.*
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Follows a teenage physician who balances the challenge of practicing medicine with the everyday problems of teenage life.
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01x13 - Doogie the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Post by bunniefuu »

Keep this elevated
for the next few days...

♪ Jingle bell, jingle
bell, jingle bell rock ♪

All right, let's get him
up to the fourth floor.

You're gonna be fine,
pal. Merry christmas.

This is the stupidest
song in the world.

- Next.
- One of the patient's
mothers made this for us.

- It's just beautiful.
- Oh, it's darling!

- I get the front door.
- A lot of time
went into that!

I think I got the
master bedroom.

- What do we got?
- Take a pick.

Paul newman, albert
einstein, darth vader.

Come to the dark
side of the force.

Could I please have
a glass of water?

He was wandering l.a.x.

No i.d., No shoes. He
must have been mugged.

He's got a pretty
nice lump on his melon.

Could we get fingerprints,
run them through the d.m.v.?

Maybe we can find
out who this guy is.

He's got a left hematoma,
no external wound.

Luke, I am your father.

And together we'll rule
the empire if you'll tell me

- How many fingers
I'm holding up.
- Two.

Luke, go get your
father a glass of water.

Lord vader, we
can't give you water

Until we run some tests.

Let's get him to neurology.

The pediatrics staff meeting

Has been changed
to tomorrow at noon.

We've got four more
people down with the flu,

So I need four volunteers
for the night shift.

Mcguire, howser, cooper...

And solomon. Thank
you for volunteering.

- Oh, no.
- You gotta
be kidding!

And don't forget the annual
eastman santa pageant.

All residents, in costume,

Required to participate.

Dr. Canfield, I do
not participate.

I missed my kid's birthday,

My anniversary and thanksgiving.

Christmas is a
tradition in our home.

Christmas eve is a very
important night for my family.

And if you don't like it, tough.

All you can do is fire me.

My wife can k*ll me.

Trust me. I'd rather be fired.

Would anyone else like to leave
and betray their colleagues,

And disappoint the
patients in this facility,

Especially the children and
the elderly who depend on them?

Candy cane?

Let's get her down
to observation.

We lost lord vader, but
we've got all the exits covered.

We'll find him. You should
see his tracy ullman.

Probable m.i. And complaining
of pains in his right leg.

Pants him and get the
beard out of the way.

On three. One, two, three.

- Up.
- Hook him up
to our monitor.

Give me a blood
pressure. Alert the c.c.u.

Mcguire: I'll draw
some blood work.

Call the cardiologist on call.

He's been a patient here
before. Get me his old chart.

Spaulding: rhythm is regular,

Looks like his s.t.
Weight is elevated

And he has some
t-wave inversions.

You got my message.

You look like hell
and you smell worse.

I've been on duty for 30 hours.

What do you expect?

Plus now I have
to stay after work,

And hand out presents
to all our patients.

Want to give them a
present? Take a shower.

I need a favor.
Here's my credit card.

There's a necklace
that wanda's dying for.

You have your own credit card?

Just tell them it's
for wanda plenn,

And they'll know
what necklace it is.

You have your own credit card?

I called over and wrote
a letter of authorization,

So you can use it.

This is every c.d.
You ever wanted.

This is every scalper
concert ticket.

This is freedom to
do what you want,

To not have to ask your parents.

I think I'm going to cry.

- Can I depend
on you?
- Yes.

Can I use it to buy
something for suzy berlutti?

- No.
- I didn't think so.

You're going to at least make
it to samantha's party tonight?

- I can't.
- Doog! This is
a major blowout.

Samantha is friends with guys
who know guys in the music business.

- There will be
roadies there!
- I can't, I gotta work.

- Ditch!
- How?

You're the genius.
Think of something.

We have to give
away all those gifts?

We'll be stuck here all night.

But that's what
christmas is all about.

Douglas, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.
What's the special?

Tuna casserole.


He could have just
said he didn't like it.

I'm fine, really.

- I gotta get
back to work.
- Don't move.

I'll be right back.

Security to admitting.
Security to admitting.

Let's see what we
have here. Let's see.

101. That's it, kid.
You're out of here.

No, no, please, let me work.

Doogie, you're
flushed and sweating.

You've gotta go
home and get into bed.

You're not doing anybody
any good by staying.

Go on, I'll take your place.

No, I'll be better. I'm
feeling better already.

Let me stay.

I wanna work.

- I want to work.
- Dr. Howser...

We already have enough
people down with the flu.

If you're sick, I don't
want you infecting others.

Go home.


Yeah, yeah. When
do I get to tell you

What I want for christmas?

Nurse? Can you see
about my reindeer?

They were supposed
to be here by now.

And do you validate?

They hired a real
ding-a-ling to amuse the kids.

And a widescreen television,

And I want larry henderson
to break his leg in p.e.

I want you to give my dad his hair
back, so my mom won't leave him.

And I want any of the girls
in the robert palmer video.

It looks like no broken
bones, sport, just a sprain.

Hop in.

There you go.

Merry christmas.

Housekeeping to nurses' station.

Ho ho. Merry
christmas, young lady.

Is there anything special you want
santa to bring you for christmas?

Well, he doesn't have
to look like mel gibson,

But that would be okay.

He should love children,
skiing and szechuan food.

He has to understand
nurses' hours...

And can I meet him fast?

- I don't have a date
for new year's.
- Piece of cake.

Which reminds me,
you're out of cookies.

Which way's the cafeteria?

Merry christmas.

And I got my mom an ethel
merman c.d. She loves show tunes.

♪ I've got rhythm,
I've got music ♪

♪ I've got my man, who could
ask for anything more? ♪

Can't get decent lights.

They're made to self-destruct.

How many times has he tried?

Once. So far.

Drove all over
the city for these.

$20 A string.

Checked each one,
they better work.

I thought you had to work.

It turned out I didn't.

This year it'll be different.

Katherine, son.

Let's see how she looks.

Good luck, dad.

I better change for the party.

I am not going to get angry.

I will put on my jacket...

Get into the car.

I'm going to drive to the
store where I bought these,

And drive through their window.

Katherine: buckle up!

Come on, girls! Merry christmas!

How about a little
kiss for santa claus?

A little kiss for
santa claus, ladies?

Come on, I got a mistletoe here.

Ho, ho, ho, ho!

Merry christmas!

Ah, come. Sit on santa's lap,

And tell him if you've
been naughty or nice.

Ho, ho, whoa!

- You want some?
- No thanks.

- Do you wanna dance?
- Maybe later.

- Doogie, what's wrong?
- Nothing.

Everything's great. I'm happy.

Right, you've been
moping around here

Like it's the end of
the world for an hour.

That's how I express happy.

Are you mad at me?

No, I've just been working too
hard or something. I'm sorry.

Doog! You're here!

Can I talk to you
a sec in private?

No offense, wanda.

Doogie: wanda, will you
excuse us for a minute?

- Did you get it?
- It was amazing.

I just put the card on the counter,
and they gave me the necklace.

Is this a great country or what?

Thanks, vinny.

So how did you get out?

- I faked a fever.
- Genius!

That's great. Can you
teach me how to do it?

Easy. You just betray your colleagues
and lie like a miserable dog to them.

- Then what do you do?
- Vinny, you're gonna go
into sugar shock.

I need the rush.

I wanna stay up
all night and party.

With her.


He's definitely hyper.

- That's it!
- What?

Thank you, wanda. I
gotta get back to work.

- You just got here.
- I'm sorry, I know
you're gonna hate me

And I don't blame you. I hate
me. But I lied to everyone.

I told them I was sick so I could
come here, and now I feel worse.

I gotta get back. I got a
patient who really needs me.

It's the right thing to
do. It's mature and adult.

And I hope I never have to
do anything like that again.

Notify x-ray. I want
an a.p. Lateral, left leg.

What are you doing here?

Must have been something
I ate. I'm a lot better.

Go home. Merry christmas.

Mom, are there a lot of
presents under the tree?

- Jack, did they find...
- Did brian get more than me?

All right, all right. Bye.

- Jack, did they...
- Brian is a delinquent.

I am a doctor. He never
remembers mom's birthday.

- I do.
- Did they find...

He never calls nana
mcguire to see how she is, I do.

So who always gets
everything? Brian. I hate him.

Did they find the guy the
police brought in this morning?

He's been spotted in the building,
but no one's caught him yet.

We've got to find him. If
he has what I think he has,

He could lose
consciousness. He could die.

This isn't going to work.

How am I going to stay awake
long enough to hand out presents?

- Excuse me.
- Hi.

Do you know what time it is?

Almost seven.

I'm waiting.

My sister hurt her leg.


I took her and my nieces yesterday
and her leg is still swollen.

- You ski?
- I used to be
an instructor.

The kids wanted
to learn, and well...

I'm such a sucker
when it comes to kids.

- They're the greatest,
aren't they?
- Mm-hmm.

End of a long day, I bet.

Can't believe the
hours you guys keep.

But, boy, do I
understand how hard it is.

My mother was a nurse.

- Curly spaulding.
- Mel gibson.

I know. Happens all the time.

It's just coincidence.

So tell me, curly spaulding,

Where can a guy get great
szechuan while he's waiting?

And how would I
get you to join me?

- Ask.
- Will you?


- This might be forward.
- Good.

I'm sure you're booked
for new year's, but...


What about new year's?

This might burn a little bit.

Go on, make my day.

If this kicks in, he should
be lucid within a few seconds.

Can you tell me who you are?

- Paul newman.
- What?

He told me he was mel gibson.

I can't believe I was wrong.

No, my name is paul newman.

As in newman bars,
stools, and dinettes.

Oh god, what's wrong with me?

That's what we're
going to find out.

This has been happening
for over a week.

We're going to run some tests.

We should also draw simultaneous
insulins, proinsulins, and c-peptides.

Also order a body c.t.u. With five
millimeter slices through the pancreas.

I've got to call my wife. I'm
supposed to be in chicago.

Your wife?

Does this mean our
date's off for new year's?

Yes. Oh! Yes!

My turn.



Gluing that on, dr. Canfield?

Every year some kid
tries to pull it off.

It's a miraculous recovery
you made, dr. Howser.

I know it's been a long haul,

But we've got a lot
of gifts to give out.

We'll start at pediatrics
then go to geriatrics.

And if we don't make it
to the psychiatric ward,

We'll just tell them it's
christmas on tuesday.

What a way to spend christmas.

♪ On the first
day of christmas ♪

♪ My true love gave to me ♪

♪ An asthmatic in the e.r. ♪

♪ On the second
day of christmas ♪

♪ My true love gave to me ♪

♪ Two fatty livers ♪

Both: ♪ and an
asthmatic in the e.r. ♪

♪ Seven giant colons,
six small intestines ♪

♪ Five prolapsed hemorroids! ♪

♪ Four gastric ulcers ♪

♪ Three yellow gallstones ♪

♪ Two fatty livers ♪

♪ And an asthmatic in the e.r. ♪

Attention all
available personnel,

Level one disaster coming
into e.r. A four-car accident.

Let's go, people!

See if the skull films are
out, and call c.t. And tell them

There's an emergency
head coming over.

- Keep a careful eye.
- Take this patient down
to the cast room.

Page the ortho
technician. He's at dinner.

Keep the dressing dry.

- There's a hematoma
in the right chest wall.
- He must have broken ribs.

- No breath sounds
on the right side.
- His trachea's shifted left.

He's not moving his right chest.

- Pulse is 11o.
- We've got a tension

We have to decompress this kid. Get
me a needle and a chest set-up, stat.

Get me some local anesthetic!

No time. Save it
for the chest tube.

He'll still need some sedation.

We're gonna need
to hold him down.


Don't be afraid.

Doogie: breath sounds are
equal. Lung sounds are clear.

Blood pressure's coming back.

His pulse is slowing.

My sister says you're not real.

She's a dip. I knew you were.

I am indeed.

Mr. Newman.

I may be crazy, but
shouldn't your head

Be on the wall of some lodge?

So, give me the bad news.

As I suspected, you
have an insulinoma.

Something in your pancreas
is secreting too much insulin.

We suspect it's a tumor.

Are we talking cancer?

These kind of tumors
are almost always benign.

See, you aren't getting
enough sugar to your brain,

And that's what caused
your behavioral changes.

But we have to schedule
surgery as soon as possible.

I know this isn't the way you
wanted to spend christmas.

I'm sorry.

Are you kidding?

This is the best
christmas I ever had.

For the past 10 days I've been
thinking I was losing my mind

And that my life was
going to fall apart.

I was scared to death.

Now you're telling me
that I've got a good shot

At getting back on track.

Excuse me.

I left my mom's gift
in the locker room,

And it's gone. You see it?


Who'd want to take
an ethel merman c.d.?

Newman: ♪ I've got music ♪

♪ I've got rhythm ♪

♪ I've got my man who could
ask for anything more? ♪

- ♪ Old man trouble... ♪
- Nurse, he'll need another
50cc of glucose.

♪ I don't mind him, you won't
find him round my door ♪

♪ Hello! ♪

Howser: I have
restrung every string,

Made four trips to the store,

Spent $180 on christmas lights,

And everything is working.

Doogie, would you plug
in the tree for me please?

Darling, turn down the lights.

Shall we stand back,
raise our glasses,

And toast our tree?

Boy, it's past my bedtime.

This is one of those moments

When a man needs to be alone.

- Wanda!
- My parents will k*ll me

If they find out
I'm not in my room.

My parents will k*ll me if
they find out you're in my room.

So you're not mad at me?

- No, I understand.
- I didn't want to go
back to work.

I know, but I think
you did the right thing.

Thanks for understanding.

Oh, wait.

Merry christmas.

Here. Here.

I love it.

How did you know?

Just one of those things.

This is how I felt
when e.t. Left.


You guys look so
good when you kiss.

You know what's great?

You don't close your
eyes when you kiss.

- It's very sexy, wanda.
- Vinny!

Look, I got a christmas hickey.

Isn't that a zit?

I think it's dirt.

No, you're right, it's a zit.

It's a hickey! And I'll never
tell who gave her to me.

- Ellen pressman.
- Vinny.

- Merry christmas, doog.
- Thanks, vinny.

On donner! On blitzen!

On vixen, on guido!


So, do you want your
present now, or tomorrow?

Now. No, tomorrow.

No, wait. Today.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, because...

After I've finished
opening presents here,

I still have one more
to open with you.

- I love presents.
- Me too.

I've got to go.

I love the necklace.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I love you, doogie howser.
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