01x08 - The Out-of-Towners

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The A-Team". Aired: January 23, 1983 – March 8, 1987.*
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Four former members of a fictitious United States Army Special Forces team were tried by court martial for a crime they had not committed.
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01x08 - The Out-of-Towners

Post by bunniefuu »

That sounds like a chopper.

You wanna hire the A-Team?

- Yeah. Gianni Christian is...
- We know who he is. Biggest hood in Vegas.

Yeah, I'm shaking all over.

I'm gonna play this guy
like Mr. Tony Vincent.

From the boardwalk?

- Mr. Vincent?
- Yeah.

What the hell is
he supposed to be?

You're a fed but
but a regular one.

Open season on the slimes
that k*lled Gianni.

One hundred grand to
whoever nails 'em.

That was like running an ad,

with 100 G's reward out there.

How are we gonna
get out of here?


Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was
sent to prison by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security
stockade to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted by the government,
they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem, if no one else
can help, and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire...
the A-Team.

I don't understand why we gotta come all the
way down here. This whole thing scares me.

That Chinese man at the laundry said we were
supposed to stand here until the bus comes.

That's what he said. I don't know. Maybe
this wasn't such a hot idea after all.

I don't like carrying
all this money around.

I guess that's it.

- Um...
- Somethin' wrong?

Uh, no, no. We were just supposed to be
meeting somebody on this bus, and it's empty.

On or off, honey.
Don't matter to me.

Follow me.

I don't like this.

You wanna hire the A-Team?

Uh... Uh, yeah.

We heard about you from some friends
in Arizona who were in Vietnam.

And, uh, they said, well...

We came to Los Angeles, and we've
been trying to locate you.

We found somebody who said to go to
this laundry, and we met a man there.

A Chinese man, Mr.Lee. And
he said to get on the bus.

Yes, I talked to Mr.Lee.

He told me you want us to rescue
your friend, Bruce Warfel?

Professor Warfel spent nearly two years
feeding mathematical probability theories...

into the ASU computer.

He thinks that he might have found
a system that'd beat roulette...

chemin de fer and blackjack,
even with a three-deck shoe.

It's a mathematical theory based on the
infinity concept of declining numbers.

Don't look at me. I always
hit at 15, stand on 17.

Okay, what else?

- Sue Beth.
- Oh, yeah. Uh...

He, uh, sent us this letter from
Vegas saying that the system worked.

And with the letter he sent this
photograph. And then he just disappeared.

The Xanadu Hotel doesn't even have a
record of him ever staying there.

We took the case to a detective agency when
the police couldn't turn up anything...

and, well, the detective we hired stayed on
the case about two days, and then he quit.

- Why'd he quit?
- He quit because of that girl in the picture.

- Who's she?
- Gianni Christian's girlfriend.

That's what the detective said, anyway.
And, well, Gianni Christian is...

We know who he is. Biggest hood in Vegas.
A real k*ller.

Yeah. Well, anyway, the detective
was warned to drop the case.

You see, we just have to save the
professor. His mind's a national resource.

That's lucky. His body's
a national disaster.

- Just a joke.
- I'm sure you're all very macho and everything...

but we happen to appreciate
other qualities.

I'm sorry about all you had
to go through to get to us.

But if you still wanna hire us, we'll
do our best to find your friend.

That's great.

Uh... Oh. This is the
money that he sent us...

out of his first
winnings in Vegas.

Oh, yeah.

Let's call Murdock and,
uh, give it a shot.

Pleasure meeting you, ladies.

Do either of you girls
know how to drive a bus?

Well, I was raised on a farm. I can
drive anything... a truck, combine.

Well, if you wouldn't mind, there's
a rental invoice on the visor.

Take the bus to the
address on it.

We'll be in touch.

That's the damnedest ten
minutes I've ever had.

A seven. Pay the man.

I got two... two hot dice...
two hot rocks.

Oooh, and a winner!

Another winner. Pay the sh**t.

And these dice are hot!

Seven again!

Let her ride. Daddy's
gonna buy a new Cadillac.

That's right. Xanadu Hotel.

Mm-hmm. A $200 floral display.

It's gotta be there in an hour.
Okay, here's the message.

Tony, you gave me the
last 20 years of life.

I owe you everything I am.
Anything goes wrong...

you tell me and a head rolls.

Sign that... Your pal,
Gianni Christian.

Oh, uh, G-I-A...

Double N...

Thanks. N-N-I.

Uh, Christian, yeah,
like in the Bible.

Right. Send that to the main desk,
Xanadu Hotel for Mr. Tony Vincent.

Have you got my charge number?

Wonderful. Bye.

Oh, I'm hot. I'm hot.

Them bones... Them bones...
Them shiny bones.

Murdock, you better change into your
wardrobe. We're gonna be there in an hour.

What I roll, Face?

- A couple of fours.
- Oh, another winner.

Hard eight. Pay the sh**t.

It was an eight.


Hood's from Atlantic City...
he just made the big time.

I'm gonna play this guy like
the world has passed him by...

until they licensed those
casinos on the boardwalk.

Mr. Tony Vincent...

is nouveau big time,
and he loves it.

It's really too bad you're
being chased by the military.

You're a terrific actor.

I'm also very macho.

You know, I've been looking through
these clippings on Gianni Christian...

trying to find a chink in his
armour, but I gotta tell you.

I don't think we"
re gonna find it.

This guy is a security nut. He's going to and from his
hotels either in a helicopter or an armoured limo.

- Yeah, but it could work for us.
- See, people who are paranoid are easily manipulated...

if you play on their very fears.

Gianni Christian practically
runs Las Vegas.

- That's absolutely terrifying.
- Yeah, I'm shaking all over.

- Face?
- Huh?

Oh, yeah. Terrifying.

Christian is not a
man to be crossed.

I'm sure he puts his pants on one leg
at a time just like the rest of us.

Besides, we're getting
paid for this one.

Tony? Tony, all I said was
Giorgio's has a store here.

That's all I said, Tony.

All you broads wanna do is burn money.
You spend it quicker than the Pentagon.

All I said was, Tony, that
Giorgio's has a salon here.

- Mr. Vincent's here to be checked in.
- I'm sorry. What?

Mr. Tony Vincent and party
from Atlantic City.

Uh, take a couple hundred.

- Throw it on a number or somethin'.
- I only said Giorgio's has a store here.

- I didn't say I wanted to buy nothin'.
- Get lost.

Hey, sonny, you gonna
check us in this joint...

or we just gonna stand around
and decorate the lobby?

- Mr. Vincent?
- Yeah.

- He with you?
- He's my protection.

We're supposed to be in here.

We don't... We don't
have a reservation, sir.

Nobody knew you were coming.

This is for, uh,
Mr. Tony Vincent.

That's me.

Here. Thanks, kid.

Obviously, somebody
knew I was comin'.

I can't read nothin' no more.
Read that for me.

Ah, let me see.

"Tony, you gave me the
last 20 years of life.

"I owe everything I am.
Anything goes wrong...

you tell me and a head rolls."

Signed... "Gianni Christian."

Hey, Gianni sent me
a pot of flowers.

Ain't that nice?

What a guy.

Mr. Vincent, we do have the
Elvis Presley Suite, top floor.

You're a good scout, kiddo.
We'll take it.

Hey, you got that picture
Gianni gave me. Remember?

Gianni says he's got a special
chickola he wants me to try.

Not bad, huh?

Gianni can pick a
pony, can't he?

Yes, this is Elly Payne.

Yeah, Elly something.
That's what he said.


I want you to send Elly up to
the Presley place... the suite.

- Tell her Tony Vincent wants to have a good time.
- Front desk.

Here. Take the broad
to Giorgio's.

- Keep her away from me this afternoon, okay?
- Yes, sir, Mr. Vincent.

Send Elly Payne to me right away. And
have somebody try and find Mr. Martell.

We'll get the luggage.
You just close the door.

Better sweep the place for bugs.

That's right, Mr. Martell.
He just checked in.

- Tony Vincent, from the boardwalk?
- That's what he said.

Mr. Christian sent him a big
flower arrangement, some wine.

And telegrams arrived
just after he checked in.

Well, I've never heard of him, but it
could be legit. You know Mr. Christian.

Have someone from the switchboard put a
tap on that phone just to play it safe.

- I'll check it out with Gianni.
- Yes, sir.

Tony Vincent from the boardwalk?

- Xanadu Hotel.
- Tony Vincent's room, please.

I'm connecting you with
Mr. Vincent's room.


It's Langley, 1650 code lock.

Four score and seven years ago
our forefathers brought forth...

on this continent a new nation.

That's enough. Stand by for,
uh, computer voice check.

Identity confirmed. Switch to verbal
code six for transmit reevaluation.

Surveillance and set-up complete.
No recall.

- Fail-safe full on.
- A-1.

Drop the pill.

There goes Elly.

Well, they should take about an
hour to run this game on her.

You, uh, wanna shot some craps?

I really got the jazz. Boy, that was great
running the con on that hotel clerk.

- I thought I was pretty good.
- You were fine.

- Fine?
- Yeah. Fine.

- Clean, B.A.?
- It's clean.

- Better put the scrambler on the phone.
- It's just a toaster, man.

She won't know that.
Murdock, give me a hand.

We want her to think it's a command
centre for a government hit team.


- B.A., get behind the door.
- What about me?

I may need a lunatic.

Act normal. Hide
behind the pillar.

Put the lights down, B.A.

Door's open.

Mr. Vincent, you there?

Yeah. Close the
door and lock it...

and turn on the lights, doll.

Hi. I'm Elly.

I was told you like to party.

What kind of, uh,
party do you like?

I like a legal party.

Special Agent Tony Vincent.

Why, you creep. You
got nothin' on me.

Sit down and shut up, sister.
This isn't about hooking.

You're damn right it isn't.

Meet Special Agent Jones.

Be cool, mama, you
won't get hurt.

- What the hell is going on here?
- It's all over, Elly.

You're one of Gianni
Christian's old girlfriends.

I got 50 computerized
pages on him and you.

Now, if you wanna
cooperate with us...

maybe I won't let Bongo here...

do something really bad to you.

Come on, man. Now you
said I could take her.

You promised. Come on, man.

She's pretty, pretty...

Look, I don't know what you guys want.
I'm just a working girl.

We're from Washington.
We're a special hit squad.

We're in Vegas to take
out Gianni Christian.

We've been on him
for five years.

And that jerk stepped over
the line for the last time.

You're gonna k*ll him? You're
supposed to be the law.

We are.

We're the executioners.

Well, you ought to know one
when you see one, baby.

How many bodies have you
seen buried in Nevada sand?

Our records show you're an accessory
to the m*rder of Tommy G...

and you were actually
there when he was k*lled.

What can I tell you?

I wanna know how to get into Gianni's
back door without becoming a media event.

I wanna know his whole
security system.

I wanna know his daily
routine, minute by minute.

I figure a girl like
you knows about that.

If I tell you how to get
to Gianni, he'll k*ll me.

Let me take her.

You said if she
didn't help, I could.


So pretty.

- All right, all right, all right! Just keep this thing away from me!
- Thing?

Get him back, you hear?

I'll tell you what I know.

Speak up.

Verbal code lock
116, on and set.

Alpha set lock 48-6.

Transmit 1460.

Am I supposed to know
what I'm listening to?

It's what we got, Gianni. Came
right off the tap on their phone.

These guys are calling Langley.
You heard.

Sounds like some sort of code. Maybe
they're feds on some kind of operation.

Whoever he is, he's making
me look like a fruit sundae.

Taken the Presley Suite, room service
bills, credit at the tables.

I'll tell Jilly to drop on 'em.

Do it quietly, and
you bring 'em here.

I'm dying to see my old friend
Mr. Vincent from Atlantic City.

It should be a very
interesting reunion.


Maid. Maid, señor.

Sorry, mister. Towels.

Hey, lady, there's a "Do Not Disturb"
sign on that door for a reason.

Why don't you put the
towels in the bathroom.


or I'll put a hole in you
I could drive through.

- Who are you, her husband?
- Swallow it, punk.

You got no sense of humour, pal.

Bring his clothes.

We didn't bring any clothes.

Just a couple of toothbrushes
and my golf clubs.

- Me and Peaches ain't gonna need much to wear.
- Darling!

Come on, jelly bug.
It's our anniversary.

Now, you look it here. It's the very same
room with the view of the Starlight Chapel...

and the Xanadu Hotel
right across there.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Thanks, pal.

Close the door on your way
out and hold our calls.


- No wonder I never married.
- Thanks.

- What do you think? Look like
a three wood to you? - Uh-huh.

I'll get the lights.

That's the place.
Right on the top.

I grabbed this thing out of the room, Mr
Christian. It was attached to the phone.

I think it's one of them scramblers.
I seen one just like it once...

on Mission: Impossible.

And a couple of charts.

Big shot, Mr. Tony Vincent
from Atlantic City.

You come in here. You make a mess in my own house.
You trying to make me look like a jerk or what?

You got a light?

Your name swings open a lot of
doors in this town, Gianni.

It also swings closed
a lot of caskets too.

Now you're not gonna do that.
You're not that dumb.

I figured the minute I tipped you I was in town, you
were all over my phones, right? Wondering who I am?

You know I called Langley, and you know I made
it too easy for your monkeys to pick me up.

Hey, maybe we just oughta have Jilly
dump this jamoke down a gopher hole.

You're a fed, but
not a regular one.

Look at this, charts...

showing my movements to
and from the hotel...

to my house, vantage
points, lines of fire.

Looks like somebody's being set up...
for a hit.

- But feds?
- We always suspected.

- No one ever knew who hit the Montana brothers.
- And Crazy Tommy T.

You think he drowned on a fishing trip? We sent
him over Niagara Falls with a rubber duck.

And I'm the next target?

What's to keep me from
blowing you away right here?

Because right after that,
you'll get into your...

secret elevator over here,
and the cable snaps.

Or when your limo pulls
out to take you home...

it blows up.

And for a backup, someone who knows
that limo always goes home empty...

puts something loud and noisy
in that blue Chevy Nova...

in slot number two with the
fake employee's name on it.

Or maybe, uh, you're just
looking out the window.

A hole in one.

Get out of here!

- But...
- Go!

Now, let's talk about
why I'm really here...

and why you're not
breathing dirt, Gianni.

- Bruce Warfel.
- Warfel, the math guy?


When I came down here scoping
you out for burial...

I found out you got this
slide-rule genius with the system.

A good enough system...

that maybe a retiring
fed could use it...

to cushion his twilight years.

This kind of government
work doesn't pay that much.

It's just fun.

And you want me to hand over a guy
who could wipe me out in the casino?

What kind of a choice is that?

You don't understand, Gianni.
You're dead.

You're a wash if I leave
town without Warfel.

Besides, I'd be willing
to leave your community.

I'd take Warfel
to Atlantic City.

- You're out of your nut.
- Shut up!

You think these guys are fooling around.
It's not you they're gunning for.

I'll be at the blackjack table
nearest the front door...

tomorrow afternoon at 6:00.

If I decide to
make the exchange.

If you don't...

at 6:15 that's you.

Think it over.

Life is short.

Hey, Frank.

Cheap jerks. Anything to save
themselves a lousy buck tip.

Hey, man, what you doing
banging on my ride?

Huh? Oh. I...

- I just was wondering if you wanted us to park it.
- No!

Oh. Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

- It's five after. They're not going for it.
- I'm going in after Hannibal.

Not yet, B.A. They'll go for it.

They have to.

He looks okay.

Well, howdy, Professor.

How they been treating you?

- Um, fine. Fine.
- Good.

Come on.

- Now who are you guys? What do you want now?
- We came to take you home.

Home? You really mean it?

Save your questions until later.

Hiya, Professor. Regards
from Sue Beth and Darlene.

Sue Beth and Darlene? They
must be worried sick.

- How are they? Are they okay?
- Terrific.

It's Gianni! Gianni Christian!

So, uh, tell me, Professor.

All the chicks at Arizona State
look like Sue Beth and Darlene?

Thinking about going back to college and
getting that education you never had?

Maybe for a week or two anyway.

- Am I really going home?
- You sure are.

I told you everything
would go down smoothly.

B.A., can't you get anything with some
funky kind of sound on this thing?

Just moments ago, casino owner and reputed
underworld crime czar, Gianni Christian...

fell to his death from the penthouse suite of
one of his luxury hotels here in Las Vegas.

Police already have a lead
to the suspected murderers.

Four mystery men and a woman who
arrived in town yesterday afternoon...

reporting to be
friends of Christian.

The leader of the group called
himself Tony Vincent...

from Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Police have already verified
this is an alias...

but they hope to know Vincent's
true identity shortly...

from a photo taken by one of
the casino security cameras.

I don't think we're getting
out of this burg very easily.

We have a smokey to
the left, Hannibal.

Hold it, B.A. If we run this
light, he's gonna be on us.

This is X-Ray 16.

Have 187 on Xanadu Hotel suspect. Vehicle
in sight on Desert Valley Drive.

- We've been made.
- Hang on, everybody.

B.A., did you lose him?

What? Are you kidding, sucker?

Better slow down so we
don't attract attention.

We gotta find
someplace to regroup.

This isn't going down
very smooth, is it?

It's not enough having the mob
and the cops looking for us.

When Hannibal's photo
gets run for I.D...

the computer's gonna spit it out onto Colonel Lynch's
desk, and he's gonna trail smoke getting here.

Cheer up, Face.

Remember, it's always darkest just
before it goes totally black.

Carmine and Mr. DeSapio are
even coming out from New York.

- Well, we'll try to have Vincent and his g*ng before they get out here.
- You make sure you have them!

I want those guys.
You spread the word.

Open season on the slimes
that k*lled Gianni.

One hundred grand to
whoever nails 'em.

They were real nice to me,
everyone in the casino.

The more I won, the more
they would buy me drinks...

and let me go to the shows on
the house and bring a guest.

- Elly.
- Yeah, Elly.

What a sweet girl. She
reminded me a lot of Sue Beth.

Took real good care of me.

I remember one night, I was
feeling a little giddy.

And I hadn't had anything stronger
to drink than orange juice.

Anyway, I remember Elly told me
to go upstairs and lie down.

And I did. And the next
thing I remember...

I woke up in this house somewhere, and there were
these two big guys, and they wouldn't let me leave.

- And they tried to get your system out of you.
- No, not them.

But this guy they would bring around.
They called him Mr. M.

- Martell.
- He would make me explain my system to him.

It's not a complicated

If you understand the coefficients of
prime-based numbers in random patterns...

But I... I guess math wasn't
one of his interests.

Did you try primary
trigonometry or logarithms...

founded in remedial calculus?

Yes, I did, but he
couldn't grasp it.

Hmm. Oooh, watch out, Woody.

They tried to do that to me.

Sometimes he'd get really angry
and start yelling and screaming.

I'd think he was gonna hit me.

But then he'd calm down, and I'd try
to explain it to him further...

but I don't think he
understood what I was saying.

Probably what kept you alive.

They were trying to figure out if you were
just a guy who thought he had a system...

was running into a stroke of
luck, or if it actually worked.

Here is a special
news item break.

Just handed to me from
the KJJV newsroom.

Hey, Hannibal, don't we know
this guy from someplace?

- Oh, wonderful!
- Police officials believe the suspects are still in this area.

One interesting twist to this situation,
although it is strictly rumour...

is Christian's associates have
offered a $100,000 bounty...

to anyone who can produce the missing
Tony Vincent or his accomplices.

Local police advise all
would-be bounty hunters...

not to take the offer seriously.

Great. That was
like running an ad.

With 100 G's reward out there,
every cab driver, hit man...

or half a wise guy looking for a quick
score is gonna be gunning for us.

That's... That's illegal!

You can't place a bounty on a human being's
head like... like this is the Wild West.

- Sure you can.
- Who did k*ll Christian?

Somebody who wanted
the opportunity.

I'd snuff out his lights
unless he snapped to.

Somebody grabbed the chance and
chucked him out the window.

You're right, Hannibal. I hung
by to keep an eye on the van.

A couple pin-striped suits came along and
spotted it. Started checking it out.

They didn't seem
like cops to me.

Well, I'm not worried about the cops.
We'll get by them.

But with that reward out and the
whole syndicate on the streets...

this town is covered
with a blanket.

- How are we gonna get out of here?
- We stack the deck in our favor.

- I got a plan.
- I hope this plan is better than your last one.

The last one worked. We
got Professor Warfel.

But this one's gotta
get us out of town.

- That's what I do best.
- Guess who.

I couldn't believe it. When Gianni decided
to hand Warfel over, I begged him...

"Gianni, don't trust this bum."

Gianni... What can I say?

He was becoming a little infirm.

He let this guy back
him down, scare him.

Scuzzball goes and
kills him anyway.

He was breaking. He punked out.

Maybe this guy Vincent
did us a good turn.

Listen, Jackie, we all know how
much you meant to Gianni...

and what he meant to you.

I'd like you to know how
right we feel about it...

is that you be considered to be in line for a place
on the committee, and I speak for all of us.

It's an honor. Of course, I'll
continue to run things around here...

until the committee can come to
some sort of decision as to...

how to cope with Mr. Christian's
unexpected demise.

Then naturally, if
you want me to...

I'll stay on in
whatever capacity.

You're pretty quick to step into
Gianni's shoes, Jackie boy.

I only do what's asked
of me, Mr. DeSapio.

- No, thank you.
- Thank you.

- Oh, Pop. Pops.
- I'm terribly sorry, sir. I'll get a towel.

And what about this Vincent?

Now, we can't just let anybody
smack us openly like this.

I told Gianni let me take care of him in
the first place. Now I put the word out.

He knows he's got me
to tango with now.

I'll bet you if he's not already
dead, he's all the way to Timbuktu.

I missed the plane, Jackie boy.

And the sh**t said,
"Let it ride."

Don't reach for anything
unless you wanna see...

everybody's brains
all over the rug.

I admit there probably isn't enough
of them to make a big mess...

but please, don't move.

It wouldn't look good on the
annual stockholders' report...

to have three of its board
of directors die in one day.

Give me those chopper keys.

- Open it up.
- What?

You'll never make it out of the hotel.
Mr. Christian set up a security system.

Nobody can get into that
elevator without the code.

- We had an electronics expert work on the fuse panel in the basement.
- Take him, Face.

Now, anybody tries to stop us, and smiley here
comes back with a couple ounces of lead in him.

I'd spread that around
town real fast...

in case some amateur hungry for
the reward tries something.

We don't like to be followed.
Show him.

- Go get 'em!
- There's a staircase that goes to the roof!

I thought you were going
up to the helicopter.

I like helicopters. Do you like
helicopters? I love helicopters.

You're never gonna make
it to the freeway.

Come on, Jackie boy.

They won't do anything to endanger the
life of their new capo di tutti-frutti...

unless they find out you chucked your
buddy out of a 30-storey window...

like yesterday's newspaper.

They must be headed for the garage.
Come on!

You had that planned
all along, didn't you?

I was just a convenient
excuse, right?

You made it so easy for me.

Just as easy as it's gonna be to
take care of you when this is over.

- So much for Amy's exclusive.
- I'll deny that. That's no good.

Not in a court of law, but with the
boys upstairs... Come on, Jackie.

You guys are dog meat.

- Elevator's all set to go back up.
- What do you think of Christian's limo?

She's okay. She's got an inch of armour
plating and the glass is bulletproof.

Murdock, here are the keys
to the chopper on the roof.

- Take the professor on back to Arizona.
- I really haven't had a chance to thank you.

Send us a postcard, Professor. Or
better yet, send Darlene instead.

- Okay, B.A., hit it. - Go for the
tires! It's an armour-plated car!

Better put some English on it, B.A.
We got some party crashers.

Give me a break. With all this armour,
this thing corners like a semi.

Well, take it easy. Remember,
black is beautiful.

Not on you, it ain't.

That sounds like a chopper.

- Looks like the cavalry is here.
- Do it to 'em.

Look out!

- Now where'd he get this?
- I don't know. Maybe they got some more.

Well, well, well.

- An Ingram with an extra clip.
- Do you believe these guys?

Open the roof, Face.

Now, if that guy comes to,
give him a concussion, huh?


Give me another clip.

- Man! Hey, Cliff, you okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.

Oh, thanks.


Hannibal loves the jazz.

Hey, guys. Notice
who got the banner?

- Come on, kid. We'll buy you lunch.
- Oh.

Four of Martell's buddies helped break him loose
when they were transporting him back to Nevada.

I don't think they broke him loose
because they're his buddies.

You don't? They helped
him escape to k*ll him?

Well, if they read the note I left,
which they would have by now...

Mr.Jack Martell is probably
part of the foundation...

of one of the new
high-rises on the strip.

The cops will find out he k*lled Gianni,
which means that nobody's chasing us...

except Lynch.

Okay, why are you
guys really here?

- I got worried when you called and said you were coming by.
- Have you seen Murdock?

- Isn't he at the hospital?
- Nope. We haven't heard from him since Vegas.

- You're kidding? I hope he's okay.
- Mama, he ain't been okay his whole life.

Well, I did talk to Sue Beth and Darlene, and
they said Professor Warfel got home safely.

So that means Murdock made
it as far as Arizona.

I'm gonna quit worrying
about Murdock.

He's probably just
trying to thumb a ride.


Tucson Tower, this
is Trans Global 39.

We've got a civilian down on runway 21.
Looks like he's hitchhiking.
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