03x10 - Trouble in Sherwood-Forrest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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03x10 - Trouble in Sherwood-Forrest

Post by bunniefuu »


♪♪ ♪♪


Can you show me what I've got
on that Newt Gingrich so far.

This story's going to k*ll me.

You really didn't need to
bring me all the way up, honey.

I told you it's no trouble.

One of a man's simple pleasures,

Walking his wife to work.

Morning, Corky.

And who have we here?

Gosh, I haven't seen you since

you were chugging
a bottle of champagne

and trying pull your wife's
garter off over her head.

Yeah, that was quite a night.

Sorry, I haven't seen you, Murphy.

I've been working pretty hard
on my novel.

Course, I'm not as far along
as some people would like.

But I am making progress.

Yes, Will has finally decided
what his novel is about.

It's the story of a young Dutch boy

caught between warring factions

during the American Revolution.


Well, I can see you all are
pretty busy here.

So I don't want to keep you
from your work, sweetheart.

See you later, Murphy.

So long, Will.

What time are you
going to be home tonight?

Well, I don't know.
I still have to ...

Well, all right.
I'll just see you sometime.

Hose 'em down.

Please, Frank.

You're getting in a little
late this morning, Corky.

But I guess we can make
allowances for newlyweds.

After all, newlyweds
sometimes have other things

on their newly wedded minds.

Well, I really got to run.

Lot of paper to fill up.

Really good to see all of you.
Take care.

I just have to
stop by my office, Miles.

I'll be right back for the meeting.

Oh, did you see that?

You could cut the tension
with a knife.

We're taking big trouble
in Sherwood-Forrest.

Come on.

Don't be ridiculous.

They were all over each.

Are you blind?

Will and Corky's marriage
has big problems.

How could you stand there
and watch what I watched

and not come to that conclusion.

Wait a minute.
I think I can straighten this out.

Murph, I know it's been a while.

But when two people kiss,
that's a good thing.

Sorry to keep everyone waiting.

But the sun was coming
through the frost on my window

and made such a beautiful
rainbow on my wall.

I just had to take a
moment to enjoy it.

Well, since Corky's in such
a positive upbeat mood.

Why don't we let her
start the meeting?

Oh, all right.

Let's see.

Next week I leave for Japan

for my piece on Tokyo's
new Disneyland.

I'll want to explore Walt
Disney's timeless characters

and the universal appeal

of the happiest
place on Earth.

Corky, are you all right?


Okay, so, um ...

Jim, do you have
anything new to report?

Well, let's see.

They're serving eggplant
in the cafeteria.

Oh, really?

Oh, come on, guys.

A woman's crying here.

How come men go stupid,
when that happens?

Come on, Corky.

Let's go to my
office and talk.


I have to go with Murphy?

To talk about a man problem?

That's right.
Come on now.

Come on.

Go ahead and sit.

So ...

There, there.

Oh, Murphy.

I shouldn't be bothering you.

You're busy with work.

You have things to do.

You really stink,
when it comes to giving advice.

Corky, it's not that I give bad advice,

It's that I have no real interest
in other people's problems.

I could give good advice,
if I wanted to.

And to prove it,
I'm going to help you through this.

Now, let's see.

Where to start.

Ah, so,

What's wrong?

I don't know.

It just seems that all
Will and I do anymore
is fight.

I see.

What we need to do then

is look at
the problem

in an analytical,
unemotional way.

like an good journalist.

Marriage trouble.

Trouble in a marriage.

What is a marriage?

Two people
living in one house,

joined for life.

Trapped really.

Same man
always there.

Crowding you.


That's not how it is at all.

It's just that we've
become stuck in a routine.

We need to find
the romance again.

You need to find
the romance again.

You're right.

When I get home from work,

all I want to do

is have some time to myself.

Will disappears into his den
with his writing.

We don't do anything together.

We need to do something fun.

Something we both can enjoy.

Absolutely. Enjoyment.

That's the key.

But what?


I don't know.

Maybe go on a picnic.

Or just take a ride or

have a dinner party.

We've never done that, Murphy.

Will and I both love to cook.

Oh, Murphy,
this is a great idea.

Thank you.

Well, it's a gift.

Just don't tell anyone,
or they'll all come looking for advice.

Oh, there's so much to do

and not a whole lot of time.

Let's see,
I leave for Japan on Tuesday.

If I finish my research over the weekend,

I can cook and shop on Monday.

and fit it in on Monday night.

This is perfect.


you're all coming to my house
for dinner on Monday night.

Jim, bring Doris.

Miles, bring Audrey.

Frank, you're going
to have to miss football.

Monday night?

But the Raiders are playing the Lions.

I know this is short notice.

Murphy says it'll save my marriage.

Oh, I have to call Will.

He'll be so excited.

Greetings, Will, my good man.

There was no
mistaking our destination.

We could smell that delicious roast
all the way down the hall.

Are we early?
We can sit in the car.

No, no, no, no.
Please, please, come in.

I guess I lost
track of the time.

Corky's not here yet.

Looks like she's
running a little late.

As usual.

Look, I know this is very rude,

But I'm right in the middle
of a very difficult paragraph.

Oh, please.
By all means.

Have some wine open.
I'll be with you all in a minute.

I suppose I should
put these in a vase.

Looking for something, Jim?

No, what makes you say that?

You are looking for the silver fruit bowl
we gave Corky for a wedding present.

I am not.
That would be gauche.


(football on television)

Well, hello, Frank.
Yes, hello.

And, welcome.

Get rid of the ball.
Get rid of it.

Oh, man, why don't
you just hand it to him?

If you're wondering,
Will is in the den writing,

and Corky isn't home yet.
But she should be along soon.

There's some open wine,
if you care for any.

A pleasant little Chardonnay.

No thanks. Is there any chips around?
I missed lunch today.

There don't appear to be any hors d'oeuvres.

Excuse me,
while I fill this with water.

I'll go with you.

Maybe our bowl is in the kitchen.



Hey there, Frank-o.

Hello, Frank.

Will's in the den writing.
Corky's not home yet.
Be along soon.

Wine's open.
Pleasant Chardonnay.

How are you?

Oh my,
look at this place.

So much more of a home,
now that it's filled with a couple's love.

Not like my place.

Or Miles' place.

Two separate places.




Hey guys.
Where's Will and Corky?

There's no one around,
there's nothing to eat.

Oh well,
Corky's probably running late and

sounds like Will's working.

Is that a roast?

Smells like it's doing just great.

I'm sure that the happy couple
will be along any minute.

and an evening of joy
and merriment will ensue.

I don't know about you guys,
but I am starving.

They've got to have some corn flakes
or something in the kitchen.

Call me when the commercial's over.


I understand you had a lot to do
with this party, Murphy.

I found some trail mix
on top of the fridge.

Not bad.
That's our bowl!

A hand-crafted sterling
silver bowl from Tiffany

as a receptacle for trail mix.

Oh, dear lord.

At least it's food.

God knows, when we're
going to get fed around here.

Anybody want some?
No, thanks.
I have complete faith.

My plan will work.

So I'm saving room for a delicious meal,

made with warmth and love.

Oh God,
you're all here waiting for me.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

Not to worry, we only just
got here ourselves, moments ago.

Where's Will?
He should be entertaining all of you.

And what's the cat
food doing out here?


Where've you been, Corky?

Well, I got hung up at work,

and by the time I got to the market,
it was packed.

Thought you would have called.

Well, sweetheart,

I couldn't find one of those phones
so conveniently located by the checkout line.

But you're here now,
and we're all together.

So what do you say we bring
out some of those hors d'oeuvres?

You didn't put out the canapes?

Nope, you are hors d'oeuvres and
first course.

I am roast and dessert.

But we switched hors d'oeuvres
and dessert this morning, remember?

Corky, I told you if you talk
to me while I writing, I don't hear it.

Hey, I have an idea.

Why don't the two of you go into the
kitchen and start dinner together.

Doesn't that sound like
a fun activity to share?

I'm sorry I was late.

Not your fault.
You were working.

Little kiss.
Go ahead.

Come on, honey.
Let's go cook.

Another lousy game.

When am I ever going to learn?

Do you realize how many Monday
nights I have wasted watching football?

I'm switching to something else.

Is Gunsmoke still on?

So Murphy, I guess
you're not satisfied with

giving bad parties
at your house?

No, you had to branch out

into other people's homes.

Look, I'm starving, too.

But I don't want anyone saying anything
negative to Will and Corky.

As far as you're all concerned,

we're having the time of our lives.




First course,
shrimp dijonaise,

as only my beautiful
wife can make it.

Hope we haven't kept
you waiting too long.

Oh, is it time to eat?

Why we've just been having
the most interesting conversation.

We lost all track of time.

Miles was telling us
about this recurring dream

he has in which
Herman Goerhing chases him

across the Alexanderplatz in Berlin,

waving a seven tier chocolate cake

and shouting, "Come to the party!"

Miles wakes up screaming
and he's unable to sleep

for the rest of the night.

Of course,

None of this would happen,

if you had a woman
around to help you.

Right, Pookie?

Bon apetit, everyone!

What is this?
There's nothing on my plate.

Shh. It's nouvelle cuisine, Frank.

So Will, Corky,

this is just lovely.

You placed the
pea just perfectly.

You got a pea?
Where's my pea?

Well, I'll get the roast.
I hope you're all hungry.

I'll help you bring it out, sweetheart.

Jim, I'll give you $
for your shrimp.

Get away, Frank.


Ah, yeah.

Now, before we jump
into this beautiful dinner,

I say we take a moment to admire

that which Will and Corky
have made together

in love and companionship.

And may I just remind everyone,

once again, this was my idea.

All right, I'd like to hand over my utensils

to a man my wife assures
me is a master carver.

Jim, would you do the honors?

I'll do my best, but I

normally use a good tungsten blade.

These electric knives are the
silliest contraptions ever invented.

Miles gave it us
as a wedding gift.

That's right. I was going to get them

a $ cat bowl, but you'd
already taken care of that.

I hit a bit of gristle.

I'll try another spot.

Good lord!

It's frozen solid.


Did you defrost the meat,
before you put it in the oven?

Well ...

Actually, I forgot.

So I put it in a little early,
and I thought it was going to
cook all the way through.

Well, you were wrong, Einstein!

How could you forget to defrost?

That's something
not even I would do.

You reach into the freezer,
put the meat on the counter,

and that's all she wrote.

We're talking basic physics here.

A big old frozen slab
of meat won't cook.


Please. I'm the one who
should be handling this.

Will, could I speak to you
for a moment in the den?

Sure. Run off and
leave us here to die.

It's : and all we've had so far

is a shrimp, a pea, and cat kibble.

This isn't a party.

It's hell.

There you are.

I've been trying to call
your house for over an hour.

I wanted to apologize for
yelling the way I did.

I think low blood sugar

and PMS all converged to ...

Corky, why do you
have your pillow?

Oh, Murphy.

Will walked out.

But then he back

because he didn't have
enough money for the hotel.

So I left.

But I'm afraid to check into
a hotel without luggage.


I have an announcement to make.

I, Murphy Brown,

don't know anything
about relationships.

You were right.

I stink at this.

Don't ask me any hard questions

because God knows
what could happen.

Have you ever felt so empty

you couldn't cry anymore?

Corky, that's a question.

I told you.
I not the best person ...


I'm scared.

Okay, let's talk.

It was all going
to be so perfect.

Me and Will

breaking all the rules.

I'd have this great career,

and I'd support us,
while he wrote his novel.


It's not exactly going
the way we planned.

We're two separate people,

living two separate lives.

We even have
separate bank accounts

because he's too proud
to take any of my money.

It's our money, Murphy.

Why does he have such
a hard time with that?

Oh, right.

You don't know.

Yeah, right.

You know

My mother always told me

I could have
everything I ever wanted.

Wonderful career,

the perfect marriage,

a house full of children,

But who's going
to be their mother

when I'm at the office
till : every night.

And how am I going
to be there for Will

every time he needs me to
tell him he's a brilliant writer.

I think my mother
was wrong.

You can't have it all.

But you figured this out already,
didn't you?


(paint brush clatters to floor)

Oh, look.

It's me.

It probably looks
like I was eavesdropping,

but that's not
what it was at all.

So you have a
marital problem, huh?

They're having a
midnight madness sale

at Ed's Paint.

You get a free painter's
cap with every purchase.

So, bye.

No, no, no, no.

I must speak
my mind on this,

or I'll regret it
till the day I die.

It's all right, Murphy.

I want to hear him.

Hold this.

Forgive me for saying this,

I don't think you're considering

the guy's point of view here.

Oh, great.
Here we go.

All right, first of all,

we come into this world

where everybody says,

Ah! It's a boy.

Now let's start
teaching him about

winning, money, power.

And make sure he learns
how to laugh like this.

(laughs loudly)


you give it a shot.

And you find that's it's not ...

it's not working
for you because

you realize that
deep down inside

you're an artist.

and all you
really want to do

is paint

or write.

But you
don't have the courage

to take the leap

until you meet her.

And she gives you
that courage.

And you
love her for it.

and you

you want to give
her the world.

But you can't even
afford a simple greeting card.

because now
you're and artist.

And she's this

big, successful
career woman.

And, you know,

what does she
need you for?

Or maybe
she doesn't.

and that,

that is
your worst fear.

because all
you really want

is for her to think
that you're great.

That's all
I have to say.

Will's never said
these things to me.

Well, nobody
talks anymore.

You have to talk.


I fly to Tokyo tomorrow.

I'm going to be there
for two weeks.


On behalf of those of us who

long ago gave up
trying to have it all,

Do me a favor, okay?

Don't give up
trying to have it all.

Maybe one of us
can buck the system.


Do you think that

Miles will be very upset
if I don't go to Tokyo?

You just leave
Miles to me.

That seems to be

the one relationship
with a man I can handle.

This is so hard.

I don't know
what's going to happen.

I liked your story, Eldin.
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