02x20 - Return of the Gooch

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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02x20 - Return of the Gooch

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now the world don't move
to the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you
got not a lot, so what ♪

♪ They'll have theirs and you'll
have yours and I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll
be fine 'cause it takes ♪

♪ Diff'rent strokes to move
the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪♪

Get it into gear, Arnold. You
don't want to be late for school.

I don't think I want to
go to school today, Willis.

- Why not?
- On account of the Gooch.

The Gooch? Is that bully
picking on you again?

I thought he was
your friend now.

Well, he has a funny
way of making friends.

He punches you
until you like him.

- What'd he do to you?
- Yesterday, he soaked my lunch
bag in the water fountain.

You ever try drinking a
ham and cheese sandwich?

Well, why'd you let him do it?

Arnold, didn't I teach
you how to fight?

Last year you were dancing
around like Muhammad Ali.

Yeah, but I was boxing
like Howard Cosell.

No, you were great.

Hey, come on. Show me some of that
fancy footwork I taught you. Come on.

Okay, now, throw a
left, and a right, a left.

Now look mean.


Now, that's what I call mean!

Yeah, while I'm looking mean, the Gooch
is slam-dunking my head into an ash can.

Forget it, Willis.

A little guy can
never beat a big guy.

Well, Arnold, you gotta do
something to defend yourself.

Yeah, I will. I'll turn my collar
around and tell him I'm a priest.

Come on. Let's go eat breakfast.

Arnold doesn't want to go to school today
because the Gooch is picking on him again.

- Is that true, Arnold?
- Yeah.

I thought you stood up
to the Gooch last year.

Yeah, but the Gooch is a whole
inch and a half taller than me now.

And you should see his knuckles.

They're all red from scraping
the ground when he walks.

Come on, now, Arnold. Aren't
you exaggerating just a little?

Not much. The Gooch
is a lot meaner now too.

He chews right
through his leash.

What in the world is a Gooch?

He's a bully in Arnold's class.

I hate bullies. They're always
picking on people and beating them up.

I hate v*olence. Every time I
see a bully, I want to k*ll him.

You know, Arnold, you're just going
to have to stand up to the Gooch again.

No, no, no, no. I do not want
him to fight the Gooch again.

That makes two of us.

I like my face the
way it is... on my head.

It's not easy when you're small
like me. You can't defend yourself!

- Arnold's right, Daddy.
- Well, that's not
entirely true.

The things that
people learn today for

self-defense are karate
and the martial arts.

That might be very
good for you. I could

arrange it if you'd like
to take some lessons.

They even teach 'em down
at the senior citizens' center.

Any mugger that comes up behind me
is gonna wind up singing in a boys' choir.

Yeah, well, Arnold,
karate's a great idea.

Yeah, look at Bruce
Lee in all those movies.

He wasn't very big, and he
took on five guys at one time.

He went... Pow! Pow! Pow!

Well, there's nothing I'd like better
than to pow, pow, pow the Gooch.

I'd give him a first class
ticket to The Twilight Zone.


Here in our school, Mr. Drummond,
we teach Korean karate, tae kwon do.

That means the
art of hand and foot.

Too bad you don't teach
the art of hit and run.

Pay attention to
Mr. Kim, Arnold.

I'll show you some basic moves.

First, the front snap kick.


This guy's got bionic toes!

Now, Curtis will show
you a basic chop.


I couldn't do that with an ax!

Well, you could work up to it, Arnold.
You could start with, uh, Popsicle sticks.

Arnold, imagine that this man is coming
at me in a dark alley. What do I do?

I don't know what you'd do,
but I'd get my tail out of that alley.

But, Arnold, when you're cornered
and must defend yourself, you do this.


[Exhales, Yells]

Well, that was very
impressive, wasn't it, Arnold?

That depends on whether
you're kicking or receiving.

Now you try it, Arnold.

Oh, no way. I'm too small.

You can do it, Arnold.

It's just balance and energy.

Here, let me show you.

Stand with your feet apart.

Balance is here at your hips.
And energy is there. [Giggles]

You're tickling my energy.

Ready? Now you chop.

Let me hear you kiyop.

Kiyop, the yell comes
from here, not from there.

All right. Try.

[Yells] Not bad.

Left hand out, step in with
your right foot... [Kiyops]


Now watch your right hand.

Let's do it together
for the last one, okay?


Left hand out, stepping in with
your right foot and chop. [Kiyops]

[Kiyops] Great!

Good. You scared me!

I also scared me.

Very good, Arnold. Very good.

Now, concentrate all your energy
there and on your foot and kick me.

I don't want to
kick you! I like you.

Arnold, at the prices
he charges, kick him.

Just a little
martial mirth, there.

Let's begin. Face me, Arnold.

Hands to your side. Bow.

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Okay. Here goes.

[Breathing Heavily]

[Yells] [Yells]

Did I do that?

Well, I think Mr. Kim
helped a little.

That's what I figured. He was
just trying to make me feel good.

Come here, Arnold. Sit.

Size means nothing.

My people have a saying,

"The smallest mouse can
bring down the biggest elephant."

My people have a saying too,

"Show me a mouse
that messes with an

elephant, and I'll show
you one dumb mouse."

Arnold will be down in a minute.

Now, remember, guys, he's only
been taking karate for one week,

so some of the things he's
gonna show us will be a little rough.

But let's all
encourage him anyway.

Well, I guess I'm ready.

Hey! Look at Arnold!
You look wonderful!

It's Mr. Karate!

May a dragonfly never find
a home in your underwear.

That is very
inscrutable, Arnold.

I didn't know those karate
guys fought in their pajamas.

This isn't pajamas.
Karate guys call this a gi.

Well, maybe one day
you'll be a black belt.

Well, I got the black part,

but I'm having some
trouble with the belt.

All right, what are you
going to show us, Arnold?

Show us some of your
moves, short but dangerous.

Well, first of all you do
what is called kyungye.

That's when you bow to
your opponent like this.

- Well, why do you do that?
- That shows you respect him...

just before you
kick him in the nose.

Then comes, uh,
chunbi. That's this.


- What does that mean?
- That means "begin."

And if you don't do it right,
it also could mean the end.

You did it just fine, Arnold.
Now, what else have you learned?

Well, I've learned
the block-chop-kick.

If a mugger's coming at me,
I'm supposed to go like this.

[Kiyops, Grunts]

That was great, Arnold!

That was just great. Wonderful.

What great? I'm supposed to
land on my feet, not my butt.

You'll get it. We're all very proud
of you. Aren't we, g*ng? Yes.

That's right, we are. Well,
that's what I learned so far.

That's terrific, Arnold.

You can karate and polish
the floor all at the same time.

You hang in there, Arnold.

I'll be in the den if you need
me, muscles. [Chuckles]

I bet you're not afraid of the
Gooch anymore. Right, Arnold?


Today, on the playground, he took
my shoes and buried 'em in the dirt.

- Well, what did you do?
- I thanked him and offered
to buy him lunch.

Arnold! Now that you know karate,
you shouldn't let him push you around.

Willis, I'm no good
at this karate stuff.

You just saw me. I
couldn't defend myself

against anything tougher
than my rubber duck.

But you just started.
You'll get better.

Hey, I'll tell you what. I'll help
you. You can practice on me.

Come on. I don't know.

Come on. You're
better than you think!

Okay, pretend like you're
coming down the street,

and I'll jump out at
you and throw a punch.

And then you block it with
one of those fancy kicks.

Well, I'll try. Go
ahead. Go ahead.

Well, all right.

♪♪ [Humming]

I'm gonna rearrange
your face, short stuff!

[Kiyops] [Grunts]

How was that, Willis?


Willis. Willis!

Oh, no! I "karated" my brother.

[Arnold] Dad! Dad! Help!

[Silently] Dad!

I'm sorry, Willis!

If you're unconscious, tell me!

Dad! What is it?

What's the matter,
Arnold? What's going on?

I was practicing karate!
I knocked Willis out.

Oh, no! Is he okay, Daddy?


I'm fine. I was just fakin'.

Is this your idea of a joke?

I was only doing it to build up
Arnold's confidence. Don't let on.

Good psychology, Willis.

Well, the next time, clue me
in. You scared me half to death.

Put me down for the other half.

Stand back, everybody!

Thanks. I needed that.


I'm sorry Willis. I'm
sorry I kicked you so hard.

I guess I don't know
my own strength.

You sure don't. You
know something, Arnold?

You've got a k*ller foot!

A-A k*ller foot?

Hey, Arnold, maybe you ought
to register that foot with the police.

And all this time, I thought my
foot was just for holding up my sock!

I'm glad you're
all right, Willis.

And, Arnold, you better keep that
k*ller foot to yourself from now on.

Oh, don't worry. My
foot'll never leave my leg.

My brother, the
tiger! I love it!

Arnold, you're the greatest!

Arnold, uh, I don't think you should
tell anybody else about your k*ller foot.

Why not? You don't want anyone
else to know you got a secret w*apon.

I got it.

Like Clark Kent doesn't go around
showing everybody his big "S."

You said it, bro.

Foot, I'm real proud of you.

You are one tough hombre.

Foot, I think it's time
the Gooch got his.

Foot, how would you like to
be called up for active duty?

Hello, Gooch! This
is Arnold Jackson!

I'm calling you out, Gooch!

Our playground ain't big
enough for the two of us!

Saturday morning,
8:00 at the playground,

you're gonna get yours!

I'm mean, Gooch, mean! [Growls]


Foot, don't fail me now.

Hey, Arnold, how did
your karate class go today?

Smooth as polyester.

We worked on our kiyops today.

That's what karate yells are called.
And guess who yelled the loudest?

I'm proud of you, Arnold. I
always said you were all mouth.

Now, see, most kiyops
are done like this.

[Kiyops] But I do it like this.


Arnold! You know,
even if you never lay a

hand on a guy, you can
blow out his eardrums.

Between my yelling and my
k*ller foot, I'm a pint-sized Godzilla.

Arnold, you didn't tell anybody
about your k*ller foot, did you?

Course not. It's my secret I
have a lethal w*apon in my shoe.

Oh, your friend Louie called.
His number's by the phone.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

You know, Willis, since I've
been taking karate, I feel taller.

You look taller.

You know, tomorrow at school,

I think I'll try using the high drinking
fountain without being helped up.

Uh, hello, Louie?
Yeah, it's Arnold.

That's right, tomorrow morning,
at the playground at 8:00.

Tell everybody. Don't miss it.

Right. Bye.

Tell everybody what, Arnold?

Well, now that I've
got this, uh, k*ller foot,

I challenged the
Gooch to a fight.

[Yells] What?

Are you crazy?

Willis, I'm tired of
being picked on.

When I get through with the Gooch, he'll
be carrying my books home from school.

If you fight the Gooch, they'll be
carrying you home from school.

Me? k*ller Foot Jackson?

Willis, dangling from my
ankle are the toes of death!

No, Arnold, what I mean
is, uh, well, uh, well...

You know... You know
what Dad said about fighting!

Dad doesn't have
to know. I got all my

classmates showing up
to watch me beat him up.

They're even bringing
refreshments. Ah, which reminds me.

I gotta keep up my strength. My
muscles are crying for a ham sandwich.


Willis, would you drop this
letter in the box for me, please?

Sure, Dad. Y... Hey.

Are you feeling okay? No, Dad.

I think I created a monster. Arnold
really thinks he knocked me out.

I know.

This morning he asked me if I could
take out an insurance policy on his foot.

I sure'd hate to tell him
that it's not true, Dad.

I don't want to hurt his pride.

But if I don't tell him,
he's gonna hurt all over.

What does that mean?

Arnold challenged
the Gooch to a fight.


After I told him not to go around
looking for fights? Where's Arnold now?

In the kitchen
feeding his muscles.

Arnold! Come out here, please.

Uh, can it wait, Dad? I've
got a ham on rye working.

Well, hold the mayo and
come in here a minute.


I understand that you
challenged the Gooch to a fight.

Every time you understand,
it means Willis snitched.

I'm resigning as your brother!

Now, Arnold, karate can
be a very dangerous thing.

You could hurt someone with it.

Oh, don't worry, Dad.

Underneath this mass of muscles
beats the heart of a pussycat.

That may be, Arnold, but you
are not going to fight the Gooch.

But I got to! I invited everybody
I know to watch me beat him up.

One kick of my k*ller foot and
he'll be the first man on Mars.

No, he won't, Arnold. Willis,
you're gonna have to tell him.

Tell me what?

Arnold, you don't
really have a k*ller foot.

What you talkin' about, Willis?

You didn't really
knock me out yesterday.

Oh, come on, Willis, don't be embarrassed
'cause your little brother flattened you.

I just happen to be a
little bundle of dynamite.

No, I hate to tell
you this, Arnold,

but I was just faking, just
to build up your confidence.

That is the truth, Arnold.

You mean I'm not tough?

This is just an
ordinary flat foot?

I'm sorry, Arnold.

You mean, these are just
run-of-the-mill little piggies?

Arnold, the purpose in learning
karate is not to get tough.

It's to build up your self-confidence. It
takes time. Sometimes it takes years.

Well, I'm confident.

I'm confident that by
tomorrow I'll be stuffed

and mounted over
the Gooch's fireplace.

No, you won't Arnold.
You're gonna call that fight off.

Now I mean that.

I'm sorry, Arnold, but I just couldn't
let you go down there and get whipped.

You understand.

Yeah. But what's worse than
taking a beating is not showing up.

My... My friends'll think I'm
chicken. No they won't, Arnold.

I'll be ashamed to
be seen in school.

I won't even raise my
hand to go to the bathroom.

I'll have to save
it till I get home.

That's ridiculous.

No, Willis, no matter
what Dad says,

I have to go down there tomorrow
and take my beating like a man.

- But, Arnold...
- I've got to do it Willis.

Just for my self-respect.
You can understand that.

Well, there must be
a way to keep your

self-respect without
losing your front teeth.

Ah, Willis, I gotta do
it. Just to save face.

You can... Don't tell Dad.

Can't promise you that.

Well, just remember, it was you
that got me into this whole mess.

[Clicks Tongue] You're right,
Arnold. I promise I won't tell.

But I'm going down
there with you tomorrow.


Well, I guess I'd better
go do some heavy prayin'.

Maybe God has a hotline.

Poor Arnold. He sure was taking it
hard last night about his k*ller foot.

Yeah, well, it's
very disappointing...

when you discover you're
not who you think you are.

[Sighs] For years I
thought I was tall and thin.

Arnold will feel much better
after he's had a good night's sleep.

Hey, where are the guys, anyway?
I haven't seen them this morning.

- Me neither.
- Daddy, do you suppose?

What? Oh, nothing.

I got a hunch I know
what you're thinking.

Well, Arnold wouldn't
deliberately fight after...

I'd better get down
to that school yard.

Hi, Dad. Hi, everybody.
Hi, Dad. Hi, everybody.

[Mr. Drummond] Hi, guys.

Willis, this was a great idea you
had to go jogging before breakfast.

You know, Arnold, we should do
this every morning. It's very healthy.

Yeah, it's very good for
the red blood "corpsuckles."

All right, knock it off.
Now, I want the truth.

You went down to fight
the Gooch, didn't you?

Well, yes and no.

Truth's in there
somewhere, Mr. Drummond.

Well, we're going to get at it. Would you
two guys like to explain that yes and no?

Well, yes, we went down there,
but no, there wasn't any fight.

Well, what? Did you
talk the Gooch out of it?

No! The Gooch didn't show up!

Lucky for me he must've heard
about my k*ller foot and got scared!

Arnold, you don't
have a k*ller foot.

I know that, and you know
that, but the Gooch doesn't.

Man, I dig being a little
kid with a big reputation!

Well, the little kid with the big
reputation has disobeyed his father.

Dad, uh, I guess
we're in trouble, huh?

Well, it took a lot of
guts for you to go down

there and face the
Gooch. So I forgive you.

You're the greatest,
Dad. [Chuckles]

Well, one of them.

I got to go call
some of the guys.

Look, Dad, the only reason
why I let Arnold go down there...

is because I knew the Gooch
wasn't going to show up.

How did you know that?

He found out about
Arnold's k*ller foot.

Well, how did he find out?

You know Arnold's karate teacher, Mr. Kim,
showed the Gooch what Arnold learned.

That's strange. How did the
Gooch happen to go to Mr. Kim?

Oh, uh, one of Arnold's
friends took him.

- Friends?
- A close friend.

Close enough to be a brother.

You could say that.

You're terrific, Willis!

You could say that too.

Hey, Dad! Yes, Arnold?

Can I have an advance on my allowance?
I'm gonna need some extra money.

What for? All the kids want
autographed pictures of my foot!


♪ Now the world don't move
to the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes to
move the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Mmm ♪♪
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