03x01 & 03x02 - The Bank Job

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x01 & 03x02 - The Bank Job

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Hey, guys, you
better get a move on.

Kimberly's all ready, and her
girlfriend tootie will be here any minute.

Ok, dad.

Arnold, dad's here!

Arnold: ok!

Are you still foolin'
with your hair?

You're gonna be
bald before you're 15.

And then the girls can run
their fingers through my scalp.

Arnold... Is ready...

Papa sao.

Get him... The shrunken shogun.

Big-mouth brother
dishonor brave samurai.

Must now commit seppuku.


Aahhh... Aahhh...

Aaahh! Aaahh! Aaahh! Aah!


Uhhh... Uhhh... Uhhh...

You think he died from the
rubber dagger or from overacting?

Well, I guess we'll have to go

To the amusement park
without our dead samurai. Yep.

No... Way!

Hey, then get changed,
and let's get moving.

Boy. I can't see why I
can't go with this on.

It's more comfortable.

It's easier to get
on and off the rides.

Don't jive me, little brother.

I know why you're
all dressed up.

To impress tootie.
You got a crush on her.

Are you kidding?

Then how come you wrote her a
letter when she was at summer camp?

Well, I just happened
to have an extra stamp,

And I felt like licking.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Tootie's got your
eyeballs all steamed up.

Willis... I just think
she's nice for a girl.

I mean, I'm not ready to
swap sandwiches with her.

And besides, she's
older than me.

Arnold, older women and
younger men are in now.

Willis, this woman
is 12 years old.

And she's also taller than me.

So what? That
doesn't matter, either.

It's the man
himself that counts.

You know... Maybe you're right.

I mean, if the woman likes you,
what difference does it make

If you only come up
to her adam's apple?

Now you got it.

You may be small,
but you got macho.

Yeah. That's me...

Mucho macho!

Do you think it's possible
that tootie likes me, too?

Anything's possible.

How do you find
these things out?

Well, when a guy spends a
lot of time with a woman alone,

He gets to know
by the way she acts.

What does she do,
drool all over you?

No. They give
you little signals.

You mean like if you
take her for a soda,

And you try to sneak a kiss, and she
doesn't stick a straw up your nose?

Something like that.

Hey! I think I'm gonna ask
tootie to be my date today

When we go to the amusement park,
and I'll take her on the roller coaster,

And I'll see if she'll hold
my hand while I'm throwing up.

That sounds real
romantic, arnold.

Hey, g*ng! Am I
the only one goin'?

We're all set.
We're comin', dad.

Willis, will you go on the
roller coaster with me?

Yeah, I'm goin'. Definitely.
That's gonna be fun.

Let's get the show on the road.

Where's arnold?

In the bathroom drowning himself

In the aftershave lotion.

Aftershave lotion?

Yeah... Royal bull musk.

Royal bull musk? Where'd he get

A dumb thing like that?

Out of my medicine cabinet.


Sorry, daddy.

That "dumb thing"
cost $18 a bottle.

Why would a 9-year-old boy be
putting on aftershave lotion?

To catch a 12-year-old girl.

He's got a crush on tootie.

Well, I hope he doesn't put on

Too much of that
aftershave lotion.

Why? Does it drive
the women crazy?

No. It attracts flies.

He said he's gonna ask
tootie to be his date today.

Oh, he is?

Well, maybe I'd better
have a word with her

So she doesn't turn him down.

Well, listen. I don't
want either of you two

Kidding arnold about this.

You understand?

Ok, dad. But it's hard not to.

He says he's gonna
tease his hair

And try to make him look taller.

He's gonna need a 2-foot afro.

And he's also wearin' my boots,

And he stuffed 'em
with 2 decks of cards.

I'm ready.


Where's tootie?

She'll be here any minute.

Ah. Good. Whoop!

Too much wax on those stairs.

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Too much wax on
these socks, too.

Now, who's been playin'
cards in these boots?

Arnold, you're makin'
a fool out of yourself.

You noticed, huh?

Look, son...

We understand
why you're doin' this.

But you're tryin' too hard.

Just be yourself with tootie.

Yeah, arnold. She thinks
you're nice just the way you are.

That's probably her right now.

Well, I'd better get upstairs
and put on my own shoes.

Hi, mr. Drummond.

Hello, tootie. Come on in.

Hey, tootie! Hi,
tootie. How are ya?

Nice to see you again.

How was your summer camp?

Terrific. I got poison ivy.

Getting poison ivy is terrific?

It is when everyone
else gets diarrhea.

Hi. Philip drummond here.

Would you ask my chauffeur
to bring the car around, please?

Thank you. The car'll
be here in a minute, kids.

Hey, tell her
about mr. High-hair.

Oh, yeah. Hey, tootie, arnold's
kinda got a crush on you,

And he's gonna ask you
to be his date for today.

Me and arnold? Talk
about an odd couple.

But I'm really flattered.

See, he feels kinda funny

Because you're, you
know... Older than he is.

Not to mention taller.

Well, I can't do
anything about my age,

But if it'll make him feel
better, I'll walk on my knees.

Gee, what's that strong smell?

It's me!

Arnold and I use the same
brand of aftershave lotion.

Gee, arnold...

It makes you smell really tall.

It does?!

It's good to see you, arnold.

She can't keep her hands off me.

Isn't there somethin' you
want to tell her, arnold?

Oh. Why don't we all go get
our sweaters and jackets.

Good idea. Good idea.


What did you want
to say to me, arnold?

Just... Hi.

I sure am excited about going
to the amusement park today.

Aren't you?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

You know, I thought
amusement parks are 'musing.

Oh, and speaking
of amusement parks,

I... I was wondering
i-if... You know,

If you... If what?

Well, i-if, uh...

Um... Uh...

If what?

If you'd be my
personal date today.

I'd love to.

I knew you wouldn't.

Arnold, I said yes. I'll
be your personal date.



In that case, I'll
be your date, too!

Ok, we're all ready. Let's go.

Boy, this is gonna be fun. Yeah.

Uh... Dad. Yes?

Would you mind makin' a
little stop along the way?

Oh, what for?

This. I wanna get some
money from my bank account

For me and my date.

Oh, no, arnold. I
have my own money.

Oh... Oh, arnold, uh,

We don't have to
stop at our bank.

I've got plenty of
money for all of us.

You know, this is my treat.

Now, dad...

When a man takes out a woman,

He should pay for
it with his own money.

But if you insist on treatin'
somebody, you can treat me.

Well, we'd better hurry, then.

The bank closes at
noon on saturday.

We'll just about make it.

All right.

Tootie, shall we?

My limo's waiting downstairs.

Ah-ah. Ladies first.

Here we go.

Shall we, kimberly?

My helicopter's double parked.

Arnold. Wait a minute.

I think I can handle
this myself, dad.

They'll let me take $12
out with my bankbook.

Well... I think I'd better
go with you anyway.

But, dad, it's my
money and my date.

Next, you'll wanna come
along in the tunnel of love.

I'll go with him,
dad, just in case.

Oh, ok. Go ahead.

Don't take too long, arnold.

I hope she's not
after me for my money.

Good night.

You just made it, boys.
I'm about to lock up here.

Ok. We won't take
long. Hurry up, arnold.

All right.

Can I make a withdrawal?

Only if you have
money in the bank.

Well, I have an account here.

Ok, we're in business.

Uh, how much would
you like to withdraw?

Well, I'd like $2,000,
but I've only got 12.

You want to
withdraw the whole 12?

No. I better leave
a little nest egg.

Make that... 11.50.

Good thinking. Ok, here
you are. Just sign this.

All righty.

Let me give you a hand, bro.

Bend over.



And... There.


Ok. And here's your 11.50.

Thank you, my man.

All right.

Wait a minute.

I just remembered
something. What?

When I opened my account
here, I didn't get my free toaster.

So what?

So I'm not leaving
until I get my toaster.

Where is the manager?

Oh, no.

'Scuse me. 'Scuse me!

A-are you the manager?

Somethin' tells me
you're not the manager.


This is a holdup!

What you talkin' about, mister?

Ok, move it, folks.
Don't try anything funny.

Don't trip any
alarms. Come on, lady.

Move it in there!
Move it in there!

All right, all right, all right.

Everybody, quiet.

Now, these ain't water
pistols we got here.

Real b*ll*ts come
out of these g*ns.

Hey, listen... Forget
my free toaster.

We gotta get to
the amusement park.

Yeah. Ha... Have a nice day.

Hold it, you two!

Now... Rule number one...

Nobody moves...
Unless I tell 'em to.

Yes, sir. I never argue with
a guy wearin' pantyhose.

You got a g*n, you can
wear a girdle if you want.

Just stay put, folks, and
nobody's gonna get hurt.

We're gonna get
the money and run.

We're gonna get the
green and we won't be seen.

Now, we don't want
to hurt anybody, so...

Shut up, thomas.

Cover the cameras.

Cameras. Right.

Thomas. Relax.




I'm mr. Gibson... The manager.

Now, I assure you that
none of my employees

Or I will do anything foolish.

And none of his
customers will, either.

Mr. Gibson: we... We just
want you to get out of here.

We... We don't want any trouble.

Now, what do you want us to do?

Mr. Gibson...

You and your
friends just be calm...

And behave yourselves.

Thomas, lock the back door.

Back door's already locked.


What do you mean, "good"?

Check it, thomas.

Oh. Check it. Right, woody.

All right, folks.
Now, while I'm gone,

Nobody tries
anything funny, huh?

'Cause woody means what he says.

You cross woody, he gets nasty.

Knock it off!

See what I mean?



Willis... What we
get ourselves into?

What did we get ourselves into?

You're the one who wanted to
come in here and show off for tootie.

Big shot. Diamond jim jackson.

Well, it's your fault.
If you didn't tell me

I had a crush on tootie, I
never would've known about it.

Well, if you hadn't asked for that
dumb toaster, we'd have been out of here.

Listen, I need...
You don't have no...

All right. Knock
it off, you two!

Arnold jackson
knocking it off, sir.

Like the man said, woody,
the back door is locked.


Now, mr. Gibson...

Let's get the money
out of the vault.


Help him get the money.

Thomas, take 'em in.

Ok, this way. This
way. Come on, move it!

Move it! Move it! I
ain't got all day, lady!

You, you, down. Thomas.

I want all the
money in the bank.


Well... There goes my $11.50.

You got crook insurance?

Kid. I'm not gonna
warn you again.

Shut... Up.

Yes, sir. I'm a one-warning man.

I'd better go and see
what's taking them so long.

Arnold must be getting
all of his money in pennies.

You know, arnold's really
tryin' to impress you, tootie.

I hope he understands this
isn't a... A permanent relationship.

It's just one mad fling
at an amusement park.

Everybody, quiet. Quiet.

Get up!

Now, you tell 'em you're closed.

Sorry, we're closed.

Uh, let me in. My 2
sons are in there.

I... I said we're closed.

Well, what in the world's
takin' them so long?

Please, let me in.

Uh, tell mr. Gibson
it's mr. Drummond.

What do you want me to do?

Get up.

Woody: move it!

All right, let the dummy in.

Hey, watch your language.
That dummy's our father.


Thank you. Hey, boys,

What is taking you so
long? We've been wait...

Behind you. Oh!

Now, mister...

Stay put and shut up.

If you don't want to get hurt,

Don't try to be a hero.

Don't worry, he won't.
We're all cowards.

Dad's the biggest one.

Better cooperate, mr. Drummond.

Don't worry, I will.

You can have any money I've got.

But just don't harm my boys.

Come on, move!

Put the bread on the table.

Ok, move up there. Clear up.

Come on, lady, move! Move!

Where'd that dude
come from, woody?

I had to let him in.
These are his kids.

His kids?

Man, that bussing's
really workin'.

We're adopted.

You put that g*n away,
maybe he'll adopt you, too.

Uh, look, gentlemen...

Shut up.

Thomas, get the rest of
the money out of the vault,

And let's get outta here.

There isn't any
more money. This is it.

What do you mean,
there's no more money?

They said there's no more money.

Oh, well! They wouldn't
lie, would they?

In that case, we could've
just knocked on the front door

And asked them if
they had any money.

They say "no," we coulda
gone to the movies.

I'm sorry.

I'll handle the vault. Ok.

You start loadin' this dough...

And you keep a close
eye on these people.

You three, into the vault.

You want me to see who it is?

Yeah. Yeah.

But nobody else gets in.

We're not runnin' a hotel here.

Sorry. We're closed.

Uh, yeah. My dad and
brothers are in there.

Uh, they'll be out soon.

Let us in.

I can't.

Uh... I mean we're closed.

Can you tell him
to hurry, please?

Yeah. Y-yeah, sure.

Is there anything wrong?

Oh, no. No, no, no.
Everything's fine.

Woody: ok, move it.

Get... Sit down.

All right. All right. Ok.

Thomas... Start loadin'!

Now, move it.

Mr. Drummond.

That was your daughter
and another girl.


Thank goodness
they didn't let them in.

Yeah. W-women panic.

They can't face
danger like us men.

Right, arnold?

Only if that "us"
don't include me.

Just stay calm, guys.

All they want is the money,

And then they'll get outta here.

Hey, thomas, man,

How could you do
somethin' like this?

You make it tougher
on the rest of us.

Don't give me
that jive, kid, huh?

There's a lot of good
brothers out there,

But you're the one
they're gonna remember.

Well, thank you.
Tellin' a hungry man

He shouldn't have money to eat?

Listen... I was
hungry once, too.

I came from the
poorest part of harlem,

But I never picked
up a g*n in my life.

What part of
harlem are you from?

Me and willis are from harlem.

Arnold... You
can tell him later.

What part of harlem
are you kids from?

I'm from there, too.

Hey, we from 124th street.

124Th street? You kiddin'!

Hey, you know crazy harold?

Know him? I was there
the day he bit the horse.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

That's crazy harold,
all right. Ha ha ha!

So, where you kids live now?

Oh, in a big penthouse
on park avenue.

Oh, yeah? What's the address?

Woody and I'll
stop by one night.

Oh... You wouldn't like it.

It's an old penthouse.

The building's condemned.

Uh, uh, uh, uh.

Over there.

Gibson. Get another briefcase.

Hey, woody. Hey, these kids,

They used to live in harlem.

Yeah. On 124th street.

They even knew crazy
harold. Ha ha ha ha!

What are you doin'?

I'm robbin' a bank, and you're
playin' barbara walters.

Get over there.

Now let's get the
hell outta here.

Good idea.

Nothing personal.

Thomas... Will you watch it?!

I-i'm sorry, woody. I'm just...

Just a little
nervous, that's all.

Look. Relax.

We got it made.


Yeah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, I love ya, abe lincoln.

You've always been my
favorite president. Ha ha ha!

Get the one on the floor!

All right.

That's it.

Shall we?

After you.

So long, folks.

If I ever rob a bank again,

I hope I get customers
as nice as you.

Now, I want everybody...

Attention in the bank.

Attention in the bank!

This is the police.


This is captain burns speaking.

We know you are in there,

And you are surrounded.

Why don't you come
out, give yourselves up,

And nobody will get hurt.

What do you say in there?

They're all over the place!

And one of these wise
guys tripped an alarm.

I didn't do it! It wasn't me!

None of us did it.

Probably him... Mr. Straight!

No. You think I'm crazy?

I... I got a wife and 3 kids.

I'm a bachelor... But
I'm not crazy, either.

How 'bout it in there?

Are you coming out?


It doesn't matter how
the police find out.

They're out there now.

Now, why don't you do the sensible
thing and give yourselves up?

What, are you kiddin'?

I'm runnin' this show. I'm
runnin' this show, not the cops.

And I got somethin' they want.


Oh, no.

I'll leave.

And if we get it...

You get it, too.

My father and
brothers are in there!

What's gonna happen to them?!

Now, relax, girls. We'll get
them out of there, I promise you.

You were smart to call
us when you got suspicious.

All right, in the bank, you
hear me? What do you say?

I want those
people out of there.

Now, why don't you be smart and give
yourselves up before somebody gets hurt?


Woody, maybe he's right, huh?

Really, it's the
smart thing to do.

Yeah, and if you don't,

It'll make it tougher
on you in jail.

Yeah, the screws will throw
you in a hole and shave your head,

And you'll have to make license
plates for the rest of your life.

You left out about the part where
pat o'brien reads a bible to jimmy cagney.

Give up. Now, why
hurt innocent people?

What do you think, woody, huh?


No, no. I've been in the
slammer too many times.

Once more, they
retire my number.

Come here, kid.

I... I think he's
talking to you, willis.

I mean you, mouth!

What do you want with him?

They're not gonna sh**t
at a guy holding a kid.

Now wait a minute!

Leave my brother alone!

You shut up and get back there.



Open the door. Dad!

Mister, I'm too small to
be a b*llet-proof vest.

Look! They're
opening up the door!

I'm coming out,
and I got a hostage!

Woody: no, no! No, no!
You get 'em out of here!

You get 'em out of here!

Captain: all right. You
guys by the door, back off!

All you officers, back off!

All right. Don't anybody get
nervous fingers on those g*ns.

There's to be no sh**ting.
Is that clear? No sh**ting!

All right, girls, you
better move back.

And don't you cops get
any ideas with those g*ns.

You take a shot at me,

My buddy inside takes a
shot at those hostages.

There'll be no sh**ting.
You have my word,

But I've got to know those
people in there are ok.

Are willis and daddy
all right, arnold?

Yeah, they're ok,

But they're not
dancing or anything.

Shut up, kid.

Shutting up, sir.

Look... Everybody in there's ok.

Now... You guys are gonna
help us get out of here.

I'll let you know
how when I'm ready.

Don't call me. I'll call you.

You do that.

We're going back in.

Uh, wait a minute.

You wanna take a walk
around the block or something?

Just thought we
could use the exercise.

We're never gonna
get out of here alive.

You mustn't think
that way, lillian.

We're gonna be all right.

Sure. We'll be fine.

Today, my horoscope said
"entertain friends in the evening."

What have you two decided?

I wanna get this over with.

It's been more than 2 hours.

How much more of this do
you think people can take?

I can't take any more.

I gotta go to the bathroom.

It can wait, kid!

No, it can't. When arnold
has to go, he has to go.

Ok, woody?



Anybody else?

Well, since you asked.

You can use the
one in my office.

All right. The kid goes first.

Willis, you take arnold.

Come on, arnold.

Ok, now, arnold. Now hurry up.

Willis, this is one
thing I'd like to do

Without being ordered around.

Arnold, look.

I am looking. I always look.

No. I mean up there.

There's a window.

Hey, yeah.

If we could get
up to that window,

We can tell the cops to come this
way and save dad and everybody.

But, arnold, there must be a reason
why they haven't already done that.

Yeah. Maybe they're too
busy writing traffic tickets.

I got an idea.
Stand on the toilet.

I don't stand on the
toilet to do my thing.

No, arnold. I want you to stand on
it so you can get on my shoulders.

Oh, right, right!
Oh, okay. Okay.

Wait. Let me take my shoes off.

Hurry up. There. There we are.

And while you're up there,

You better not do your thing.

Willis, if you don't hurry up, I'm
not responsible for what happens.

Now stand up.

There. I think I can reach it.

Good. Now open it up.

I sure this plan works.

Uh-oh. Willis.


We need another plan.

There's bars across the window.

That figures.

What do you see out there?

Oh, man, what a terrific sight.

What? A bunch of cops?

No, a hamburger stand.

Aren't there any cops?

No. I can't see any.

All right. Well, come on down.

All right.


Well, I guess there's
nothing we can do.

Yeah. Except what
we came in here for.

Woody, woody, we gotta
come up with something.

I mean, the longer we're in here,
the antsier the cops are gonna get.

I'm thinking. I'm thinking!

I know. I know.

We can make them
give us a car and a jet

And have them fly us to one of those
foreign countries that hates america.

That gives you
plenty of choices.

Could I say something?

Butt out, mister! Right.

Are you out of
your skull, thomas?

The driver of the
car will be a cop,

The pilots will be f.b.i. Guys,

And the stewardesses
will be on the swat team.

In two seconds, you and
me will be full of holes.

Well, I didn't say
the plan was perfect.

So what are we gonna do?

I mean, maybe there's
no way outta here.

Yes, there is. Yeah, there is.

If we have to,

We shove all these
characters out in front of us,

And we blast our way out. Oh!

Woody, that's crazy.

They'll get us and them.

Yeah. Yeah.

What a way to go, though, huh?

And we take a bunch
of cops with us.

Listen, you guys,

I think maybe I've got an idea

That just might
get you out of here.

Yeah? What's that,

We wait 'til christmastime,

Have santa claus take
us out the chimney?

We can at least listen
to the guy, woody.

What do you got in mind, mister?

Well, it just happens that
we came here in my limousine.

It's parked right outside.

Now, I can get my chauffeur
to drive you to the airport.

Then maybe I can arrange to
have our company jet and pilot

Fly you to... Cuba.

You expect me to believe
that cockamamie story?

Look, you can check out
my wallet and all my cards.

My name is philip drummond.

I'm the president of one of the
largest corporations in the country.

Now, that's true.

I can vouch for mr. Drummond.

I can let you check his
bank records if you want.


See if that limo's
still out there.


Athletic club. Tennis club.

Opera sponsor?

Well, it looks like
you're loaded after all.

I guess you won't be
needing this, will you?

The limo's there, woody.

I don't know.

I don't know. This guy's
got some trick up his sleeve.

No, I haven't.

Look, to guarantee you
that there'll be no tricks,

You can take me
with you as a hostage.

Hey, that sounds all
right to me, woody.

What do you think?

You got a deal, mister.

Yeah, you got a deal, mister.

But you get any funny ideas...

And you're a dead man.

Don't worry. I won't.

I, uh, I got
accustomed to living.

But there's just one condition.

I want my boys to
know about this.

I want to be the
one to tell them.

Yeah? Well, I want you to tell
the cops out there what you want.

No. Please.

If the boys overhear me saying
that, they'll have questions.

Let me get on to the
police on the telephone, ok?

Woody: all right.

We're out.

Willis went, too.

Why don't you just announce
it over the bullhorn, arnold?

Uh, mr. Woody,

When is this robbery
gonna be over?

It's real important.


I'm hungry.

Look, kid...

He can't help it.

Arnold's always hungry.

He's a walking stomach.

Arnold's got a good idea.

Why don't you order
food for all of us?


Yeah, sure. Ok.

I'll tell 'em to bring up
some food for everybody.

You kids come here, both of you.

It's ok.

Woody: come on.

Hey, wait a minute.

Why don't you just take me?

No, willis. I'm going, too.

But would you mind
if I stood behind you?

Come on. Guard, open that door.

And how old are your
brothers, young lady?

Well, arnold's
9, and willis is 14.

You think they're very
frightened in there right now?

Well, of course
they're frightened.

Wouldn't you be?

Those crooks have g*ns.

You think your brothers
are, uh, afraid of being shot?

You ask the dumbest questions.

Come on, kimberly.

Now back to you, connie.


We got a direct hookup
now from here to the bank.

Good. Stay with it.

Hey, they're coming out again,
and they've got willis, too.

Hi, arnold! Hi, willis!

You ready to do
some talking now?

Yep. What's on your mind?


Hamburgers? What about pizza?

How about hot dogs?

Just a minute. Captain...

One of the hostages in
the bank is calling for you.

Take their order.

Ok. What do you want to eat?

Hot dogs. Hamburgers. Pizza.

One at a time.

How many people in there?

Ten. Make those 20 pizzas.

And 20 hot dogs.

Me and my partner will have
a couple of hamburgers...

And make those pizzas with cheese,
sausage, pepperoni, and mushrooms.

And plenty of chili and
onions on those hot dogs.

Now, you remember me,

The guy with the g*n?

Huh? Huh?

Me and my partner will
have a couple of hamburgers,

Medium rare, with
everything on them...

Lettuce, tomatoes,
full on the garden.

And I'm talking medium
rare, not medium.

Everybody else will
have the same thing.

Right, boys?

Right, sir.

Love medium rare.

I never really liked pizza.

That's ten hamburgers,
and make it fast.

Fifteen years on the
force, and I'm a waiter.

Yes. Well, that's it, captain.

And please, no
tricks. I gave my word.

People's lives
are at stake here.

Good. The sooner
the better. Thanks.

Well, they agreed to the plan,

And they're gonna call
us when things are all set.

Oh, great!

Everything will be all
right. We'll all be all right.

Thank you, mr. Drummond,
for what you're doing.

We'll pray for your safety.

Thanks. I've already started.

Woody: all right. Lock it.

We're all set, woody.

Drummond made the deal
for his limo and his plane.

What deal, dad?

Look, boys, I want
to talk to you.

He says you made a deal?

Well, actually, boys,
this is very good news.

We're all gonna get
out of here very soon.

Oh, boy! Really?!

Our company plane is going
to take woody and thomas

Down to cuba.

Oh, terrific, dad! Great!

Hey. You'll love it there.
They got great cigars.

Say hi to fidel for us.

And just to be sure
they get there ok,

I'm gonna go with them.

With them? Do you have to?

Well, look, it's our
company plane. It's our pilot.

I gotta be sure we get 'em back.

Don't jive us, dad.

You're gonna be their hostage.


No, not really...

Yes, you are, dad! You can't go!

Don't go, dad!

You know something, drummond?

The kids are right.

You don't have to be
our hostage after all.

All right! I beg your pardon?

I'll take the kids instead.

Kids?! What kids?!

You don't touch my boys!

Look, we made a deal.

You want to discuss it
with the dealbreaker?

Here are the hamburgers
you ordered, officer.

Oh, thanks.

That's all, kid.

How about paying for them?

You don't think the city of
new york is good for 12 bucks?

Pay the kid.

Officer, how much longer
are they gonna be in there?

They'll be out
before you know it.

Now, you just try
and relax, young lady.

Well, who can relax
at a time like this?

My family's in there.

It's gonna be ok.

Hey. That must be the food.

Let 'em in.

Hold it! Hold it!
Hold it! Hold it!

That door's not gonna open again

Until we're ready to leave.

Put the keys down
there and get over there.

How are we gonna get the food?

Tell them to put it in
the night depository.

Oh, right.

Put it in the night depository.

The night depository!

All right. You kids go get it.

Where is the night suppository?

What's so funny?

Nothing, arnold.

The night depository is right
over on that side of that door.

Oh, boy!

Food at last.
Here, hold that one.

Let me get this open here.

There! Take that. All right!


It's a...

It's the cops.

The plane's ready.

All right. Go on.

Woody: yeah.

30 Minutes?


There's no way to do it faster?

Hey! That's arnold's hand!

What's he doing?!

Hey, kid, what are you doing?

He's just seeing if there's
any more hamburgers,

Right, arnold?

Yeah, right. I'm having
a big mac attack.

Yeah. Yeah, that ought to do it.

We'll be right out, and there
better not be any slip-ups.


All right. Let's get the
briefcases with the loot.


Uh, I'll double-check
the teller's drawers.

Whoo! All right!

Boy, we came down on the subway,

And we're leaving in a limo!

That's what I call
stepping up in class. Ha ha!

Here, kid, buy yourself
a mess of hamburgers.


A hundred dollars!

Arnold, give that back.

Dad, don't argue
with a guy with a g*n.

Never argue with your father.

Give it back.

Here's those keys, captain.

Oh, thank you.

That was really brave
of my little brother

To drop those
keys out, wasn't it?

He's a gutsy kid.

He's my date.

Let's just hope one of these
is the key to the back door.

Uh-huh. That's it.


Get the kids, thomas!

Oh. Right.

We're not going!

No way!

Woody, for god's sake!

Leave innocent children alone!

One hostage is as good
as another. Take me.

I said I want the kids.

Well, then take me, too.

Nah, nah. I don't want
any heroes along.

Look, I promise...

Shut up and say
good-bye to your kids!

Hey, dad, arnold
dropped the keys outside.


Maybe the cops will
come in and save us.

Look, let's try and stall

And give the police time
to work something out.

Drummond, come
here. Is this your limo?

Dad, don't let 'em take us!

Dad! Dad!

Boys! Boys!

I'm too young to go to cuba!

All I can say in spanish
is "eric estrada."

Now, look, boys, it's
going to be all right.

No, dad! No, dad! Boys! Boys!

Let go. Now look, as
soon as they get to cuba,

They'll send you
right back, won't you?

Of course we will.
Look, I promise you kids.

You see?

Now, dad, who you gonna believe,

A bank robber or your own kid?

Now, arnold, that is not fair.

Just because you see
2 men robbing a bank

Does not mean that
deep down inside

They are not
decent human beings.

Are you running for office?

These men are
victims of society.

They were born on the
wrong side of the tracks.

I was born on the tracks.

Drummond, come here
and look at this limo!

No, dad! Don't let 'em take us!


Now, boys...

Arnold: dad! Put
me down! Willis: dad!

Dad! Arnold: put me down! No!

Put me down! Willis: put
me down, you criminal!

I'll just check that limousine
to make sure it's mine.

Yeah, that's my
limousine, all right.

But wait a minute.

That's not my chauffeur.

They pulled a
switch on you, woody.

Something strange
is going on out there.

Freeze! Police!

Let's go! Get 'em up!
Get 'em up! Come on!

Get 'em up! Stick
'em up! Come on!

Let's go! Come on! Over
here! Let's go! Move it!

Spread 'em out! Come on!

Hey, woody.

I was wrong.

That is my chauffer.

Any other ideas, woody?

Mr. Drummond, apparently that
trick you pulled about the chauffeur

Gave the police the time they
needed to get into the bank.

Well, sometimes
out of desperation,

A fella gets smart.

I can't tell you
how shocked I was

When willis whispered to me

And told me what arnold
had done with the bank keys.

I saw him do it

'Cause I was keeping
a close eye on arnold.

I've been doing that ever since the
first time he fell through the toilet seat.

Thanks, willis.

Only 8 million people
know about it now.

Well, I guess we
can say a tragedy

Was averted because
of you, arnold.

How does it feel to be a hero?

Oh, I don't deserve
all the credit,

Just most of it.

Are you... Are you all
glad to be out of this alive?

You keep asking the
dumbest questions.

Back to you, connie.

Tv newscaster: and
the big news locally

Was the attempted bank
robbery in midtown manhattan.

All: this is it! This is it!

Quiet, everybody. Quiet.

2 Armed gunmen
attempted to hold up

A midtown bank at
noon closing time.

Their attempt failed
due to the quick thinking

And the bravery of
the new york police.

And now for the weather.

Oh, man! The weather?!

You risk your life, and you
get beat out by hurricane bruce.

Now, hold it, kids.
Don't be upset.

These things happen.
What's the difference?

They didn't even mention how you
tricked the crooks about your chauffer.

Hey, that's right.

All right. We're not gonna watch
that crummy channel anymore.

All: yeah!

Well, we really had
some day, didn't we, g*ng?

I'll tell you what.

Tomorrow, I'll take you
to the amusement park,

And I'll make it all up to you.

Thanks, dad.

Arnold, if you want,
I'll still be your date.

Oh, no! If I didn't
have a crush on you,

I wouldn't have
gone to the bank,

And if I didn't go to the bank,

I wouldn't have got held up.

So I'm quitting
women while I'm ahead.

I'll get it.

Mr. Gibson. Evening,
mr. Drummond.

Come in. Come in.

What brings you by?

I'd like to speak to
arnold for a moment.

Arnold, in appreciation
for what you did today,

I want you to accept this
reward on behalf of the bank.

Oh! Thanks!

Let me see what it is. Sure.


Hey! A toaster!

Willis: just what
you wanted. See?

Thanks a lot.

What's wrong, arnold?

I was just hoping it
was a box of money.

Try popping it up, arnold.

All right.

Oh! There's something in there.

Willis: whoa! I can
see that from here.



Now, this is my kind of bread!

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪
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