03x07 - Little Mother

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x07 - Little Mother

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs,
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Hold it! Where are you going?

I want you to meet ed
marshall and his daughter.

Well, dad, I was just
talking arnold to the park.

Yeah. I like to fight the
squirrels for their nuts.

You see, ed is one
of my oldest friends,

And kimberly went to grade
school with his daughter ellen.

Yeah. I'm so excited. I haven't
seen 'em since they moved to akron.

You'll like ed.

He's a big, friendly lug.

He and I played football
together in college.

I was right-end, and, uh,
he was the rest of the team.

He sounds like a mean machine.


He just doesn't know
his own strength.

One of those bear hugs of his,

And your ribs come
right through your coat.

He's not hugging me.

Me neither. If I wanna see ribs,

I'll go down to
barbecue delight.

That's probably them now.

Ed! Hi, phil!


I'm just so glad to see you!

I'm still getting
over your last hug.

It was 6 years ago.

Send a fella to the
hospital one time,

He never lets you forget it.

Hi, ellen. Gee, it's
great to see you again.

Ohh, you, too.

Ellen. What a lovely young
lady you've grown to be.

Thank you, mr. Drummond.

Hey, fellas, come here.

Ed, ellen, I want you
to meet my 2 sons.

This is willis,
and this is arnold.

Hi, fellas. Shake
willis' hand first.

If nothin' breaks,
you can shake mine.


Uh, ok.

I like to live dangerously.

Ohh! Oh, willis!
Oh, not so hard!

Ed, you're too much!
You haven't changed a bit.

Well, neither have you.

Kimberly, I bet there's a
great view from your balcony.

Oh, terrific. I'll show you.

You know, on a clear
day, you can see the taxis

Chasing pedestrians
up onto the sidewalks.

Well, your dad tells me that one
of you fellas is a terrific athlete.

I'm the other one.

This view is something else.

So, how does it feel
to be back in new york?

It's terrific.

Think you'd like
to live here again?


It's very...

It's really...

Well, hey, new
york isn't that bad.


Hey, what's the matter?

I've been waiting to see you.

Since mom died,

There's no one I can
really talk to, and...

Just don't dare tell my father.

Ellen, what is it?

I think I'm pregnant.


Well, how did that happen?!

Well, if you don't know,
you're worse off than I am.

You know what I mean.

Kim, I'm sorry to
unload on you like this.

It's just that there's
nobody I can confide in.

Hey, it's all right, really.

What about your boyfriend?

Well, I don't wanna tell
him till I know for sure,

And I was just too scared

To go to an
obstetrician back home.

Hey, don't worry. We'll
find you one here tomorrow.

Thanks, kim. I knew I
could count on you.

Feel better now?

Much better.

Hi, arnold.

Hi, willis. Anybody home?

What do I look
like, a footstool?

I meant besides you.

I got it.

Ok. Hello.

Uh, no, kimberly's not here.

Whose office is this?


Who is it?

It's the obsta-pician.

Give me that.

Hello. Can I help you?

Sure, I'll give her the message.

Ok. Bye.

Hey, that's weird.

Kimberly left her history
book in the obstetrician's office.

What's one of those?

A doctor who delivers babies.


Why would kimberly be
going to that kind of doctor?

You got me.

The only reason why
you go to an obstetrician

Is if she's...


If she's "uh-oh"?

If she's gonna have a baby.

What'chu talkin' about, willis?

Could that be true, arnold?

Nah. No way.

There's gotta be
some explanation.

If it's the one you told me
about the birds and bees,

I hope there's
another explanation.

We're not gonna
say anything to her

Except the doctor's
office called.

See, if it turns
out she's pregnant,

She might not know it yet.

Why wouldn't the
doctor tell her?

Is he waitin' until
she pays her bill?

Oh. Hi, guys.

Uh, kimberly, uh, there
was some call for you.

The nurse said you left your
history book at their office?


Uh... Yeah. Uh...

The dentist's office. I, um, uh,

Had my teeth cleaned.

Oh. Is that what it was?

Yeah. See?

Terrific. It looks like
they shined your gums, too.

You hear that, arnold?


Yeah, the dentist that
the tooth fairy goes to.

She lied to us.

Man, I can't believe it.

Kimberly having a baby?

Man, that's really heavy.

Yeah. And it's
gonna get heavier.

All right, willis,

I'm too young to be an uncle.

This is no joking matter.

Poor kimberly's
in a lot of trouble.

Uh, should we tell dad?

No. That's up to kimberly.

I guess so.

I'll get it.

Oh, hi, ellen. Hi, mr. Drummond.

Come on in.

Hi, kimberly. Hi.

Don't forget, now.

We're taking you and your
father out to dinner tonight.

We're looking forward to it.


I spoke to the doctor.

I'm pregnant for sure.

Oh, ellen.

I don't know what to say.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I wanna have children some day,

But I'm only 15.

I just don't know what to do.

Whether to have
it or to have a...

You know...


Well, at least you got a choice.

It's still legal.

Kim, I was so stupid!

I was even too dumb
to go to a doctor

And find out about protection.

Now, wait, you don't take
all the blame for yourself.

Your boyfriend has
some responsibilities, too.

Ellen, don't you think you
ought to tell your father?

I just can't.

He could never
handle a thing like this.

I mean, you should see the
way he carried on when I got a b-!

It's certainly worse than a b-.

Oh, ellen.

Ohh. Now I've got you doing it.

Look, I'll see you tonight, ok?


Oh, has ellen left so soon?

Uh, yes, yes.

Kimberly. What's the matter?

Oh, nothing, daddy.

Well, then why are you crying?

Well, ellen and I were crying

Just because we're so
happy to see each other.

Well, if you get any happier,

We'll need flood insurance.

Willis, do you think
kimberly told dad?

Well, if she didn't, he's
not gonna hear from us.

I hope he doesn't hear
it from the baby first.

Listen, arnold,

As far as we're concerned,

This is a secret,

Like between the
patient and the doctor.

Hi, guys.

Willis and arnold: oh, hi, dad.

Uh, listen,

Do either one of
you have any idea

What might be
bothering kimberly?

What makes you think
something's bothering her?

Well, she was crying just now,

And her eyes are all swollen.

Well, I wouldn't worry
about her eyes being swollen.

What is that supposed
to mean, arnold?

Oh, he was just saying the
swelling'll go down eventually.

Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, in 9 months.

Now, look, something
is going on around here,

And I wanna know what it is.

Now, that's an order.
What is it? And fast.

Your move, doctor.


I guess we better tell him.

Right. Tell me what?

We got no choice. Right.

Tell me what? What do
you know about kimberly?


Let me put it this way.

Hello, grandpa.

Poor dad.

Did you see the way he looked

After we told him about
kimberly yesterday?

Yeah. He turned even
whiter than he already is.

He just sat there.

He didn't say a word.

Is that what they mean
by "pregnant pause"?

How could you just sit
there and fool around

When we got this serious
problem in our family?

Who's fooling around?

I'm trying to make a diaper.

A diaper? Are you serious?

Kimberly's little
bundle from heaven

Might need a lot of wrapping.

This whole family
is falling apart,

And you're playing with dolls?

It's one of
kimberly's old dolls.

Uh, dolly wettums.

You lift her arm
up, and she wets.

I guess you can never
take her to a dance.

Arnold, when will
you act grown up?

I am acting grown up.

Uh, willis, could you
please take off her panties?

Do it yourself.

I can't. It's too embarrassing.

It's a girl doll.

Let's see.

Uh, this goes here,

And this goes here, and...

Uh, boys,

I, uh, I need to speak
to you for a minute.

Sure, dad.

This situation with kimberly
has got me a little upset.

I was hoping that she'd
come to me last night

And tell me about it herself,

But no luck.

Maybe she will.

Well, I just can't wait.

Here's what I have to know.

Are you positive

That what you told me is true?

I mean, could it
possibly have been

The dentist's
office that called?

I'm sorry, dad.

But I know what I heard.

Me, too.

All right. I guess

I just didn't want
to accept the truth.


I'd better go and talk to her.

Thanks, fellas.

Sure, dad.

Hi. I've been
trying to call you.

I had to go
somewhere with my dad.

I have something for you.

What? This book.

You're single and
you're pregnant.

It's probably on
the bestseller list.

Well, I thought it
might, you know, help.


Could I get you something?

I just made this for myself.

I'm really not
hungry, and besides,

It's pretty close to dinner.

Ok. Do you have any sardines
and graham crackers?

Sardines and graham
crackers. Sure.

Would you happen to have
any pistachio ice cream?

How about strawberry?

Fine. And then I've gotta
tell you something.

Ok. I'll be right back.

Hi, ellen.

Is your father with you?

Um, dad'll be
over a little later.

I just wanted to
visit with kimberly.

Uh, where is kimberly?

In the kitchen.
She's fixing a snack.

Well, isn't it a little
close to dinner?

Oh, hi, daddy. Oh, kimberly...

That is some snack.

Sardines, graham
crackers, and ice cream.

Oh, well, i, uh,

Just had a sudden craving.

Uh, ellen,

Uh, would you excuse us, please?

I have to speak
to kimberly alone.

Do you mind if I speak
to her alone first?

It's really important.

Well, ok.


On second thought, um,

What I have to say to kimberly
is extremely important.

Would you please excuse us?

Have you seen the
view from the balcony?

Yes, I have.

It's better a second time.

I won't be long, ellen.


What is it, dad? Sounds serious.

It is.

I am very disappointed

That you felt you
couldn't discuss it with me.

Discuss what?

Sardines, graham
crackers, ice cream,

And this book...

You're single, and
you're pregnant.

Oh, that. Well...

Why didn't you come to
me when it first happened?

I wasn't there when it happened.

You weren't there?

Have you kids invented
something new I don't know about?

What do you mean,
you weren't there?

Wait a minute.

Do you think that
book was for me?

Well, I certainly don't
think it's for arnold.

Daddy, I'm not pregnant.

Honey, don't lie to me.

You didn't fool your brothers

With that dentist routine.

You went to the obstetrician.

Yes, I did, with
a friend of mine.

She's the one that's pregnant.

Do you expect me
to believe that?

Yes, I do.

You always said you trusted me.

I wanna believe you, honey.

Oh, daddy, you can! I'm
not pregnant, honest,

Not even a little bit.

Oh, kimberly!

I can't tell you
what a relief that is.


But your poor friend's parents.

They must be terribly upset.

Well, she's afraid
to tell him. I mean...


You mean it's ellen?

I can't tell you, daddy.

Well, you don't have to.
I can see it in your face.

Come to think of it,
it's in her face, too.

Ohh, I didn't mean
to give it away.

I just can't believe it.

Quiet little ellen.

Daddy, you don't have to make
a lot of noise to get pregnant.

How do you know that?

Ooh, daddy.

Poor ellen. But she really
should tell her father.

Well, I told you,
she's afraid to.

He's not a very
understanding person.

Maybe you could get
her to change her mind.

Well, I'll give it a try.

Thanks, dad.

You better talk to her alone.

Kimberly: ellen.

Can I talk to you now?


Well, before you
talk to me alone,

My father wants
to talk to you alone.

Well, sure, mr. Drummond,

But I have to talk to
kimberly alone first.

I think you better
talk to me alone first.

Mr. Drummond, I really have
to talk to kimberly alone first.

All right.

I'll be in the den, alone.

Kimberly, I hope you
won't be upset with me...

Hey, kimberly! Kimberly!

Can we talk to you, alone?

No. I have to talk
to ellen alone.

Ok. Well, then after that,
can we talk to you alone?

No. After that, I have to wait
for dad to talk to ellen alone,

And then I have to
talk to dad alone,

And then I can
talk to you alone.

Willis, can I talk to you alone?

What about?

Nothing. I just don't
wanna be left out.


Remember when we
left the doctor's office,

The nurse gave me
one of his cards?


Well, my father found it.

Oh, no! What did he say when you
told him that you were pregnant?

I didn't.

I told him you were pregnant.

Oh, no!


Dad, you better talk
to ellen alone now.

Good. And then, boys,

I wanna talk to you alone.

We're waiting to talk
to kimberly alone.

But maybe we can work you in.

You do that.

Hey, guys, I know what
you must be thinking,

And there's been
a little mistake.

We know.

No, no, no. You guys
don't understand.

I'm not pregnant.

You're not?!

B-but I made 3 dozen diapers!

I'm sorry, mr. Drummond.

I didn't know what
else to tell dad,

Except that it was
kimberly who was pregnant.

I understand your panic, ellen,

But you really have to
tell your father the truth.

But he has an
uncontrollable temper.

He'll k*ll me.

I'll tell you what.

I'll talk to him first.

Then he'll k*ll you.

If he does, I'll never
speak to him again.

Mr. Drummond, you're very kind

And understanding...

And brave.

Hi, mr. Marshall. Hi,
kimberly. How are you, honey?

Are you feeling all right?

Oh, yes. I'm feeling fine. Good.

Now, where...
Where's your father?

He's out on the balcony.

Good, because I've
gotta talk to him,


Uh, hello. Oh, hi, ed.

Ellen, would you excuse
us for a moment, honey?

I have to talk to phil.

Sure, daddy.

As a matter of fact, ed,

There's something
that I have to say to you.

Well, can it wait, phil?

Now, this is really important,

And it isn't gonna
be easy to say,

But I have got
to get it out, so...

Please don't interrupt.


Now, phil,

Things change...

Uh, values change.

And... And people
have to change, too.

Yes, they do, ed. And, phil...

Parents are people, too.

I was aware of that.

And, phil...

Parents especially have
to move with the times.

You know, I try
very hard to keep up.

That's good. Did you know
that I was once knocked down

At an elton john concert?

Good for you.

Yeah. Well, the point is, phil,

That if you wanna understand
your kids you have to change.

Uh, you... You dig?

I dig.

I hear ya. I know where
you're coming from.


Oh. Oh, oh, yes.

Well, the point is, phil,

That kids make mistakes.

So, we have to
give 'em all the love

And understanding that we can.

I certainly agree with that.

Phil, I don't quite
know how to put this,

So... So let me put it this way.

Phil, your daughter's pregnant!


If you wanna yell
and scream, go ahead.

If this happened to ellen,

How would you react?

Just the way I'm asking you to.

I would give her all of
the love and sympathy

That I could muster.

I'm glad to hear that,

Because, ed...

Kimberly isn't the
one that's pregnant.

It's ellen.

Phil, you're so competitive.

It's the truth, ed.

Ellen is the one who's pregnant.

That's impossible!

I'm afraid it isn't.

I'll k*ll her!

Ed, where is all that
love and sympathy

You were just talking about?

Well, that's when it
was your daughter!

Now, you said it yourself,

Kids make mistakes, but it's
not the end of the world.

I mean, you are so right.

This is a changing world.

And people...

People make mistakes.

The kids need
understanding and help.

Now, your daughter

Needs you now more
than ever before.

This could change
her whole life.

You're father and
mother to her, ed.

How you handle this
is very important.

If there's anything I can do to
help you with your baby, ellen,

Just name it.

And I'll help,
too, if it's twins.



Come here.

Oh, daddy!

It's gonna be all
right, sweetheart.

Now, I love you very much,

And we're gonna work
this thing out, together.


If you don't mind, I think
I'd like to have dinner

With my daughter alone tonight.

Of course.

Ed, we understand.

Yeah. We understand.

I'll be in touch, phil.

And thanks.

Sure, ed.

Thanks, kim,

For everything.

You take care of yourself,

And everything's
gonna be all right,

Whatever you decide.

Bye, guys. Bye, ellen.

Bye. Good luck.


Aww, dad, you're super.

Did mr. Marshall make a big fuss

When you told him about ellen?

No. He made orange juice.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

♪ Mmm ♪
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