03x09 - First Love

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x09 - First Love

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs,
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

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Hi, charlene.

I just wanted to say good night.

Seems like forever
since I last saw you.

It's been three whole hours.

Oh, no.

Is it that charlene woman again?

You've been talking
to her like that

Every night this week.

Arnold, go to sleep.

How? Look at the
bags under my eyes.

They're going to
turn into suitcases.

Ok, I'll take it in here.

Now can you go to sleep?

No. Now I have to
go to the bathroom.

Come on, willis, I
gotta go! Come on.

Arnold, cut that out, man,

Or you're gonna be
in a lot of trouble.

If I don't get in that
bathroom right now,

I'm gonna be in bigger trouble.

Ok, go ahead.

I'll be back in a flush.

Sorry about that, charlene.

Little big ears is
bugging me again.

You know...

I dreamed about you last night.

I gave you such a big kiss,

It melted your retainers.

Listen, charlene...

Are you still jawin'
with that woman?

I gotta get some
sleep, charlene.

Oh, you gotta get
some sleep, too, huh?


Charlene, say good night
so we can all get some sleep.

Please excuse arnold, charlene.

You know, when he was born,

He was a 7-pound mouth.

I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I can't, charlene.

Not now.

Oh, ok.


Oh, charlene...

I miss you so much.

I can't stand it.

You're the most!

Cut that out.

Arnold, are we keeping you up?

Yeah, you've been
yawning like that all week.

Aren't you getting
enough sleep, honey?

I get about 14 hours.

14 Hours? That's a lot of sleep.

Not for a whole week.

What time have you
been getting to bed?

Has anybody heard anything new

About, um, billy carter?

Arnold, I asked you what
time you've been getting to bed.

Just a second, dad.

I think willis is trying
to change the subject.

Who, me? Heh heh.

I'm not trying to
change the subject.

Then you should,
'cause the subject

Is you keeping me up
late talking on the phone.

Willis, why are you talking
on the phone so late?

Heh heh heh.

That's an interesting question.

I hope you got an
interesting answer.

Oh, dad, I talk real quiet.

You may talk quiet,

But you sure got a loud pucker.


Ooh, willis,

Who have you been
kissing over the phone?

It wasn't the repairman.

Sounds like we've
got a little puppy love

In the air, mr. Drummond.

I think you're right.

Willis, who's the
puppy... I mean, the girl?

Dad, this isn't just any girl.

This is charlene duprey.

Oh. Charlene duprey.

Well, why didn't you say so?

Charlene duprey.

Who's charlene duprey?

Come on, daddy, don't joke.

I remember my first love.

His name was herky fishbein.

They used to call
him jerky herky.

Well, we were going
to get married, see?

But when he went down
to apply for the license,

They said we were too young,

So I asked if we could
get a learner's permit.

This isn't just puppy love!

This is the real thing.

Yeah, willis is in
love with a real dog.

All right, you two. Time.

Willis, I know how you feel.

I remember my first love...

Nanette. She was one of twins.

I never found out which one,

But I had a lot of fun trying.

Do you carry her
books to school, willis,

Or has she come
a long way, baby,

And she carries yours?

She doesn't go to
my school anymore.

Her family moved to the bronx,

But I see her every day.

You mean you take
the subway all the way

To the bronx and back
every day to see her?

That's right.

Willis, are you trying to
get mugged or hugged?

That's probably the reason why

Your grades are
slipping, willis.

Your mind's not on
your schoolwork.

No, dad. Charlene has
nothing to do with that.

Well, I still think you better
hit the books a little harder.

Besides, willis,
you're much too young

To take any girl this seriously.

You're only 14.

Well, romeo and
juliet were only 14.

Yeah, but they didn't
have phones back then

To slobber into all night.

Oh, isn't this
romantic, adelaide?

Daddy's trying to keep
willis and charlene apart

Just like romeo and
juliet's parents tried to.

My parents tried to keep
herky and me apart, too,

But we still met on the balcony.

You did?


And I scratched the
heck out of my knees

Climbing up there.

From now on, willis,

You're going to see a
lot less of charlene

And a lot more of
your schoolbooks.

You've got exams coming up.

Don't worry, dad. I'll study.

You sure will, starting tonight.

Tonight? But I can't.

I promised charlene
I'd see her tonight.

In the middle of the
week on a school night?

No way.

But, dad, I'm supposed to give
her something really special.

Such as?

This bracelet I bought her.

Ooh, that's lovely, willis.

And the man said
that it's real gold.

How come it's turning green?

Oh, it just needs polishing.

At least, that's what
the salesman said.

Where'd you buy it, willis?

Some guy on the street corner

Had a whole
suitcase full of them.

Dad, I mean, I promised charlene

That I was gonna give her
this bracelet as a surprise.

Willis, you shouldn't be that
serious about a girl at your age.

You don't give gifts like that
until after your voice has changed.

While you're waiting,

Get her something she can use,

Like clearasil.

I'm afraid I have to
douse your flame, willis.

Tonight, you stay
home and study.

Oh, but, dad... Now look...

I don't want to be the
bad guy, but that's it, son.


I've got to be going.

I'll see you all later, g*ng.

Have a nice day, dad. Thank you.

Have a nice day,
mr. Drummond. Bye.

Sorry about that, willis.

I know how you must feel.

Thanks a lot, arnold.

I didn't mean to get
you into trouble.

Then why did you have to
sh**t off your big mouth?

I didn't know it was loaded.

Yeah, I can't wait
to see you either.

I'll be there in a half an hour.


You'll be where
in a half an hour?

I don't care what dad says.

I gotta see charlene.

What'chu talkin' 'bout, willis?

Arnold, I gotta give
her that bracelet.

But dad said you had to study.

Arnold, I can't study
thinking about her.


I never felt this way
about anybody before.

Willis, that woman's
gonna ruin you.

You... You'll flunk
out of school,

You won't be able to get a job,

And you'll end up a
wino in the gutter,

Selling maps to tourists.

Well, at least charlene will be
right there in the gutter with me.

On second thought,

You won't flunk out of school.

Dad is gonna k*ll you

Before you get the chance.

Don't worry, arnold.

Dad won't find out.

Willis, what are you
doing with my pillow?

What... What is this? Just look.

Dad'll think that
this big lump is me.

He'll also have to
think you're pregnant.

You'll never fool
dad with that old trick.

Why not?

All he's gonna do is
stick his head in the door

And say good night to the lump.

You better get a lump
that answers back.

Say what?

Willis, if charlene
means that much to you,

You're gonna need some
help to save your butt.

Ah, I've got an idea.

Come over here,

And I'll record you
saying good night,

And play it back
when dad comes in.

And you better say good night

To kimberly and
adelaide, too, just in case.

No way, arnold. Why not?

Because it's silly to say that.

To say what?

Good night, dad.

Good night, kimberly.

Good night, adelaide.

Ok, ok. Then don't say it.

Listen, arnold. I'll
see you later, man.

Good luck, willis.

Willis, on tape recorder:
good night, dad.

Good night, kimberly.

Good night, adelaide.

Arnold, when it
comes to geniuses,

You're numero uno.


Hey, bathroom's free
if you want it, guys.

Lights out already?

Yeah. We were really tired.

Good night, kimberly.


Good night, arnold.
Good night, willis.

Willis, on tape recorder:
good night, dad.

Very funny, willis.

How did I goof up like that?


You boys in bed already?

Yeah. We studied so hard,

We couldn't keep our eyes open.

Especially willis.

Well, that's fine.

Good night, arnold.
Good night, dad.

Good night, willis.

Willis, on tape recorder:
good night, adelaide.


Willis, is that
supposed to be a joke?

Uh, yeah, dad.

A joke.

He... Whoo, ah...

Willis wants to show he's not
mad 'cause he couldn't go out.

Oh. Ok, joker. I've got one.

Good night, kimberly.

Good night, kimberly.

That's funny, dad.

Come on, willis. Don't
you think it's funny?

Good night, kimberly.

You can ask him in the morning.

Willis is trying not to laugh.

Good night, kimberly.

Let's see if he's ticklish.


What is that?

Hmm? Oh, that's willis' lump.

Where is your brother?


Maybe he's in the bathroom.

Arnold: oh, take
your time, willis.

He's just finishing up.

He went to see
charlene, didn't he?

Charlene who?

Don't try to cover
for him, arnold.

Ok, dad.

But go easy on him.

He's in love.

He's not in his right mind.

Good night, willis.

Good night, dad.


Yes. The same dad that told you

To stay home and study
tonight. You remember?

I'm sorry, dad.

What kind of parents
does charlene have

That permit this sort of thing?

Oh, they're terrific.

Not old-fashioned like
some parents I know.

I don't think it's old-fashioned

To want you to get decent grades

So that you can have
a good education.

Now, starting tomorrow, you're
gonna stay home and study every night,

Including weekends,
till after your exams.

Oh, but, dad, that's 2 weeks.

If I don't see charlene
till then, I'll die.

Well, at least you'll
die with good marks.

Oh, come on, dad.

Can I at least go over to
her house and study with her?

No and no more of those
late night phone calls, either.

Now go to bed.

Man, I might as well
be living in a prison.

Well, look on the bright side.

In 2 weeks, you'll
be up for parole.

Willis, you should be
studying instead of goofing off.

Dad'll be ticked.

I don't care.

Oh, willis, he's only doing
it for your own good.

What does he know
about my own good?

I mean, I'll pass the exams,

But I'll flunk out
with charlene.

Maybe she'll give
you a make-up test.

Listen, arnold, this
isn't just any girl.

I'll never find another
girl like charlene.

Ok, g*ng, I'm off to
my committee meeting.

Now, don't stay up too late.

We won't, dad.

Adelaide, if you want
that lift downtown,

I'm ready to go.

All set, mr. Drummond.

Mm-mmm. Don't you
look nice, adelaide.

Thank you, kimberly.

Got a hot date
tonight, foxy lady?

Sure have... With a
used car salesman.

But who cares if
he's a little used?

Is that that rudolf
fellow you've been seeing?


Remarkable that a man in his 80s

Is still chasing women.

Yeah, but only downhill.

What's the difference

As long as you
let him catch you?

Ha ha!

Good night, kids. Good night.

Kimberly: good night.
Arnold: good night, dad.

Dad, I've been staying
home and studying

For a week now.

It's only been 2 days.

You better do a little
more work on your math.

Daddy, he's really
been suffering.

Yeah. You should hear
him during the night.




It's like sleeping
with king kong.

Come on, dad. Give
me a break, huh?

I mean, can I at least call
her on the phone and say hi?

Now don't start that again.

I said 2 weeks...

Until your examinations
are finished...

And I meant it.

Aw, come on. No, willis.

I don't want to hear
any more about it.

Boy, some dad.

Willis, he's only trying
to be a good father.

Don't be mad at him.

Well, he's got no right
to treat me like that.

I'm not a kid anymore.

I got a couple of
hairs on my chest.

Yeah, but they
didn't grow there.

They fell off your comb.


Oh, hi, charlene.

I'm glad you called.

No. I didn't call you 'cause
my dad said I couldn't.

Yeah, I'd like to see you,
too, but I'm grounded.

Well... Hey, wait a minute.

Why don't you come over here?

Arnold, I think he's
gone off the deep end.

Great. I'll see
you tonight. Bye.

Willis, if dad finds out,

You won't see charlene
again until you're so old,

You won't remember
why you wanted to see her

In the first place.

Hi, willis.

Hi, charlene.

Come on in.

You're not wearing
your retainers.

I didn't want you to melt them.

I want you to meet
my sister kimberly

And my little brother arnold.

Hi. Nice to meet you, charlene.

Gee, you're even
prettier than willis said.

Well, thank you.

Hey, hey, hey.

No wonder he's willing to risk

The best years of his life.

You're pretty cute
yourself, too, arnold.

Some people say I
resemble billy dee williams.

Hey, where's your bracelet?

Oh, it's right here.

My dad flipped when he saw it.

He said I was too young
to be going steady.

He sort of forbid me
to see you anymore.

What'd he say?

"I forbid you to
see him anymore."

He's not much on hinting, is he?

Then how'd you get out tonight?

Well, I told him

I was gonna go
study at the library.

So let's go study.

Nice meeting you.

You, too, big mama.

Oh, gee, charlene sure has guts

Taking a chance like
this to see her man.

It's just like in casablanca

When ingrid bergman
lied to her husband

So she could go to
bogie's apartment.

Then they got turned
over to the nazis.

Who's that?

I hope it's not the gestapo.

Hi, kids.

It is.

Well, hi, daddy.

What are you doing home?

I broke up my meeting early.

I want to talk to willis
before he goes to bed.

I'm afraid I didn't
make myself clear.

He probably thinks I'm
being too rough on him.

Oh, no, daddy, you're not
being too rough on him,

Is he, arnold?

No way. As a matter of fact,

You weren't rough enough.

Kids love discipline.

No, I think I really
was too strict on him.

Oh, no. I just love it

When you're strict
with me, daddy.

Me, too. Say something strict.

Don't overdo it, kids.

I'll feel a lot better

When I get straight with willis.


Go... Go upstairs.

Uh, daddy, um,

Well, maybe you
shouldn't make up too soon.

I mean, it can really
make kids neurotic

When their parents
are inconsistent.

Well, thanks, but I'll handle
this my way, dr. Brothers.

But, daddy.

You know, I just
wanted to say...

You're a great guy.

Thank you.

Sorry about this,
but I'm not looking.

Arnold, all we're
doing is studying.


I expected you to be doing
something worth interrupting.

Willis, dad's home.


And he's coming up here.

Um, take charlene, um,
through kimberly's room

Down the back stairs.

Come on, girl! Get up!

Uh, daddy, hey,
say, I've got an idea.

Well, you know, willis
hardly ate anything tonight

'Cause he was feeling
really heartbroken.

And you know, it
would be a nice gesture

If you took him a sandwich.

A sandwich?

Good. You make him
one and take it up.

The coast is clear. Come on.

Hurry up. Hurry up.

Oh, no.

Uh... Do something.

Do something.

Answer the door.

Hello. I'm mr. Duprey,

Charlene's father.

Charlene's father?

Nice to meet you.

What are we gonna do?

Uh... Uh... Eh...

Quick. Into the den.

Arnold, why aren't you
answering the door?

Hmm? The door? Oh, I
didn't hear no doorbell.

Well, I did.

Maybe it was the phone.


What is the matter
with you, arnold?

It's the doorbell.

Are you drummond? Yes.

Where's my daughter?

How would I know? Who are you?

I'm alex duprey.
Charlene's father,

And I don't like having the
door slammed in my face!

Well, you keep yelling at me,

And that's just
exactly what I'll do.

I have no idea where your
daughter is, mr. Duprey.

Well, she said she was going

To the library to study.

She's not there.

Now, she's always
with that son of yours,

So she must be here.

No way. I have forbidden
my son to see your daughter

Until he's finished
with his exams.

Wait a minute, dad.

I can clear this up, mr. Duprey.

Well, please come in.

Ok, come on out.

That's not my daughter.

Well, I'm glad we
cleared that up.

Good night, mr. Duprey.

It's ok, charlene.

You can come out now.

I'm sorry, mr. Duprey.
I had no idea.

Daddy, what are you doing here?

Willis, what is she doing here?

Yeah, charlene, just
what are you doing here?

I'll tell you what
I'm doing here.

I'm gettin' outta here.

Stay right here.

Willis, I am very
disappointed in you.

I'm sorry, dad,

But you didn't say charlene
couldn't come over here.

You knew what I meant.

I'm disappointed in
you, too, charlene.

You lied to me.

I'm sorry, daddy.

Wait a minute.

It's all my fault, mr. Duprey.

I'm sorry, dad,

But it's just that
me and charlene

Wanted to see
each other so much.

We were just in
my room studying.

We weren't doing anything.

Right, and he taught
me the facts of life.

Dad, couldn't you and mr. Duprey

Try and be a little
more understanding?

I mean, they really like
being with each other.

Is there anything
wrong with that?

I'm sorry I disobeyed you, dad.

But me and charlene
really like each other.

Willis, I came
home early tonight

To help make you understand

Why I have to be
strict with you.

It's for your own good.

Now, maybe I
overreacted to this.

Look, I'll make a deal with you.

If your promise to
keep your grades up...

A "b" average or better...

And not to disobey me anymore,

Then if you and charlene
want to see each other,

It's all right, but
not on a school night.

Oh, thanks, dad.

Uh, your turn, mr. Duprey.

Well, uh, I don't want
to be the heavy in all this.

All right, charlene.
Just don't overdo it.

But under the same conditions

Mr. Drummond laid
down for willis.

Ok. Thanks, daddy.

Well, I am really glad to see

That the great love
affair has a happy ending.

Charlene, if you ever
break up with willis,

Just remember he
has a little brother

Who may be small,
but he's a big spender.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

♪ Mmm ♪
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